
    Petrohunter nach dem Turnaround! Restart eines Tenbaggers? - 500 Beiträge pro Seite (Seite 8)

    eröffnet am 19.08.07 11:33:23 von
    neuester Beitrag 29.12.18 14:00:41 von
    Beiträge: 4.967
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 20.07.11 00:06:39
      Beitrag Nr. 3.501 ()
      msg on july 15 on the farmer’s board by tensleep
      Petro Hawk being bought and all shale stocks in US up so far today.PetroHawk up another 14 dollars.Lets find some.Paul from Phun did call back said they own 25% ,no upfront costs to develope,but that they have 1 mil. in assests and owe in excess of 68 mil. Don't quite understand their position in OZ.It is complicated,so if Falcon sells 65% I don't know how that effects Phun,cause it is thru equity positions.So I sold and bought FO.

      Hier hat tensleep insofern recht, als diese Zusammenhänge im accounting echt ziemlich kompliziert erscheinen auf den ersten Blick.
      Note 4 — Equity Investment (seite 10 )(Q 2 2011 PHUN)

      As of March 31, 2011 and September 30, 2010, we held approximately 50,000,000 shares in Falcon Oil & Gas Australia Limited (“Falcon Australia”), a related party. We have accounted for this investment under the equity method. As of March 31, 2011 and September 30, 2010, our basis in this investment had been reduced to $nil as the result of historical losses of $164,506 recorded during the fiscal year ended September 30, 2010.

      Note 2 — Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

      As shown in the accompanying financial statements, we have an accumulated deficit of $288,655,790 and our current assets exceeded our current liabilities by $12,461,108 as of March 31, 2011.

      Die equity method verfälscht also in gewisser Weise die wirklichen Verhältnisse. Die Schulden sind in der Tat sauhoch, und wer wüsste das besser als Paul von PHUN...auf der anderen Seite sind aber die faktischen assets doch höher als die liabilities, was aber im equity accounting nicht erscheint...

      Hiermit wird man sich noch beschäftigen müssen. Tensleeps Probleme mit dem mögliche farm in von Hess sind allerdings weniger nachvollziehbar. Petro behält seine, von mir aus 23 oder 24 oder 25 % an Falcon Australia, es sei denn weitere Investoren steigen in Falcon Australia zu, dann verschieben sich die Verhältnisse entsprechend. Was das working interest von PHUN von 10 % betrifft, heißt das dann vor allen Dingen, dass PUN in der weiteren Entwicklung erst mal weniger berappen müsste. -- Aber wir haben noch unsere 50% in den neuen permits in Beetaloo usw...

      Ich wollte nichts weiter als diese Problematik einmal kurz anreißen, die auch tensleep hier zurecht aufwirft...

      Man kann aber meiner Meinug nach sagen alles halb so wild, auch die Schulden von PHUN, die fast ausschließlich related parties betreffen, wenn, ja wenn die Sache operativ funzt... das ist das Entscheidende, der entscheidende Punkt, und wie könnte es auch anders sein?...Phun lässt dann seine Schulden locker hinter sich im Laufe von Jahren... die einzusetzenden Beträge bei einem funktionierenden Beetaloo werden die aktuellen Schulden von PHUN bei weitem in den Schatten stellen...

      Eine ausgesprochen spannende und einstweilen komplizierte Entwicklung, da muss ich tensleep rechtgeben...wenn Beetaloo funktioniert reisst Bruner mit Paltar und JV-Patrnern PHUN mitraus ist meine Prognose.........wie auch immer...was ist mit Sinovus? dauert Jahre und es muss operativ klappen.........und genau das steht in den Sternen
      9 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 20.07.11 10:52:30
      Beitrag Nr. 3.502 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.813.185 von auriga am 20.07.11 00:06:39Der Handel in D ist jetzt komplett eingestellt.
      8 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 20.07.11 14:36:51
      Beitrag Nr. 3.503 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.814.645 von xsusi am 20.07.11 10:52:30Hi do you do?...also, bin gerade nach hause gekommen und sehe in D drei Kursstellungen, in S 0,013 EUR, allerdings zur Zeit im bid und ask tote Hose, in FFM EUR 0,012, nach wie vor mit diesem etwas eigenartigen zu niedrigen 3.000.000-bid, dafür aber mit ask 0,023 EUR ausgeglichen mit 125 000 und in Xetra eine Kursstellung mit 0,012 EUR, ebenfalls bid und ask 0, wie in S...,i,303964.…...verhielt sich das vor ein paar Stunden anders?...zur Zeit wird eben auch wenig getradet in PHUN, ich finde das ganz verständlich, aber jeder hat hier seinen eigenen halt ein wenig schade, dass wir so lange warten müssen, bis sich dann entsprechend etwas tut, wie auch immer, aber was solls, ansonsten geht es ja immer weiter USA sehe ich an sich ein normales BILd, dazugesagt, die OTC M G-Seite wird zur Zeit überabeitet und hängt deshalb etwas...see you, A
      7 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 20.07.11 15:01:47
      Beitrag Nr. 3.504 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.816.469 von auriga am 20.07.11 14:36:51Ich wollte heute ne Vk Order eingeben dann kam dass das Wertpapier an keinem zulaessigen Handelplatz handelbar ist.
      6 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 20.07.11 18:33:05
      Beitrag Nr. 3.505 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.816.676 von xsusi am 20.07.11 15:01:47Bin gerade erneut reingekommen. Achtung, Aktie hat derzeit keinen neuen Preis oder kann nicht gehandelt werden! erscheint bei mir bei mir für FFM und Xetra. -- Stuttgart hat ja auch in der Anzeige keinen neuen Preis zur Zeit. -- In USA läufts normal. -- Müssen wir mal schauen...
      5 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.

      Trading Spotlight

      Grounded People Apparel
      0,6200EUR +66,67 %
      Ad-hoc! Komplette Neubewertung angelaufen, 6.500% Wachstum mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 20.07.11 19:38:28
      Beitrag Nr. 3.506 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.818.587 von auriga am 20.07.11 18:33:05Das ist schon uebel
      4 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 20.07.11 19:51:05
      Beitrag Nr. 3.507 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.818.995 von xsusi am 20.07.11 19:38:28Ich habe gerade eine mail an die Handelsüberwachungsstelle in FFM geschickt. Weiß aber nicht, ob die Kollegen heute noch antworten, oder jetzt schon mehr Richtung Feierabend unterwegs sind.
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 20.07.11 20:19:35
      Beitrag Nr. 3.508 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.819.079 von auriga am 20.07.11 19:51:05Die werden den Handel eingestellt haben weil kaum Handel stattfindet.
      Mal sehen was du für ne Antwort bekommst.
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 21.07.11 13:50:16
      Beitrag Nr. 3.509 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.819.276 von xsusi am 20.07.11 20:19:35Also, ich denke mal in Stuttgart läuft die Sache wieder wie FFM-Xetra-Parkett als auch in Xetra ist der Handel von PHUN in D zur Zeit eingestellt...die Frage ist warum... man konnte leider in FFM mit der neuen Xetra-Taxung nicht zufrieden sein, man kann fast sagen, sie hat nicht gut funktioniert...eine Dauertiefstellung im bid ist nicht angängig, allenfalls vorübergehend...dies wundert mich schon für FFM...
      Betreff:Re: Petrohunter Energy ISIN: US71649T1043 (Call ID:........)
      Datum:21.07.2011, 12:11

      Sehr geehrter Herr ...............,

      bei dem von Ihnen genannten Wertpapier Petrohunter Energy, ISIN
      US71649T1043, Börsenkürzel D7E, war auf der elektronischen
      Handelsplattform Xetra der letzte Handelstag der 27.05.2011. An der
      Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse war der letzte Handelstag der 01.07.2011. Die
      Daten vom Börsenplatz Stuttgart müssen Sie bitte dort erfragen, da wir zu
      anderen Börsenplätze außer Frankfurt und Xetra keine Aussagen treffen

      Bei weiteren Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an die innerhalb Deutschlands
      gebührenfreie Rufnummer 0800-2302023.
      Aus dem Ausland erreichen Sie uns unter +49 69 / 211-11310.

      Mit freundlichen Grüßen
      Uschi Vormbaum
      Handelsüberwachungsstelle der
      Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse


      Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse
      Management Board/Geschäftsführer:
      Frank Gerstenschläger (Chairman/Vorsitzender),
      Rainer Riess (Deputy Chairman/stellv. Vorsitzender),
      Roger Müller.

      Diese E-Mail enthaelt vertrauliche oder rechtlich ....

      The information contained in this message is confidential .....

      Legally required information for business correspondence/
      Gesetzliche Pflichtangaben fuer Geschaeftskorrespondenz:
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 21.07.11 13:58:51
      Beitrag Nr. 3.510 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.823.574 von auriga am 21.07.11 13:50:16,i,304589.h…
      schrieb am 21.07.11 14:47:06
      Beitrag Nr. 3.511 ()
      Zitat von xsusi: Die werden den Handel eingestellt haben weil kaum Handel stattfindet...

      Ich würde sagen, bei dem aktuellen spärlichen trading-Aufkommen in Petrohunter reicht die Stuttgarter Liquität allemal aus...falls irgendwann in PHUN mal wieder die Post abgehen sollte, werden sich andere Börsen auch wieder anschließen, inclusive L und S, da bin ich sicher...falls das was wird mit PHUN......
      schrieb am 21.07.11 21:25:33
      Beitrag Nr. 3.512 ()
      schrieb am 22.07.11 15:13:35
      Beitrag Nr. 3.513 ()
      Testtrading in Stuttgart:keks:, I quess...:laugh:...die Liquidität unserer schwäbischen fReunde hält gnadenlos stand...;):cool:


      Times & Sales

      Zeit	        Kurs    Volumen

      13:27:42	0,010	950
      12:54:55 0,010 1250
      11:55:53 0,010 250
      10:19:50 0,010 3000
      08:18:07 0,012 0,i,…,i,304589.h…
      schrieb am 22.07.11 23:45:27
      Beitrag Nr. 3.514 ()
      Zu der Handelseinstellung in Frankfurt am Main bezüglich XETRA und FFM-XETRA fällt mir zusätzlich in der Tat ein, dass wir auch an der OTC BB eine Ablöschung von PHUN miterleben durften....dieses hatte in New York damit zu tun, dass zu wenig bids und asks reinkamen in die OTC BB, die damit ihre festen Vorgaben hatte, sobald ein gewisser Bereich geentert wird, ist automatisch Schluss...dies war in New York dadurch zustande gekommen, dass die broker-dealer keinen Bock mehr auf die OTC BB hatten und zur OTC MM G gewechselt sind wie beschrieben...ich denke in FFM verhält es sich ähnlich, Susi’s quite right... in New York kann die OTC BB jederzeit reaktiviert werden -- ja, ich weiß, auch das habe ich schon gebracht -- und ähnlich verhält es sich auch mit FRankfurt, als auch mit M und B...etc...wann haben die Schwaben:keks: die Schnauze auch voll?:laugh:
      schrieb am 22.07.11 23:57:31
      Beitrag Nr. 3.515 ()
      Nicht dass die sich zunehmend verarscht fühlen...0,010...250.........0,010...950............und so, und dann sagen...das warsch freunde...adele
      schrieb am 27.07.11 19:13:21
      Beitrag Nr. 3.516 ()

      Second Quarter Highlights:

      • Net income was $607 million, up from $375 million in the second quarter of 2010
      • Net cash provided by operating activities was $1,689 million, up from $981 million in
      the second quarter of 2010
      • Oil and gas production was 372,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day, compared with
      415,000 in the second quarter of 2010
      • Capital and exploratory expenditures were $1,490 million, up from $963 million in the
      second quarter of 2010

      NEW YORK, July 27, 2011 -- Hess Corporation (NYSE: HES) reported net income of
      $607 million for the second quarter of 2011 up from $375 million for the second quarter of
      2010. The after-tax income (loss) by major operating activity was as follows:……
      schrieb am 28.07.11 09:54:40
      Beitrag Nr. 3.517 ()
      hallo auriga

      Sollten nicht heuer (da letztes Jahr wegen Wetter verschoben) endlich die S 1 Bohrungen durchgeführt werden. Ist da was im Gange ?
      schrieb am 28.07.11 14:27:50
      Beitrag Nr. 3.518 ()
      hallo corona...die aktuellste info aus erster hand ist sicherlich die von rob selbst ende juni...jamesL hat über einen private investors call berichtet...

      This is what Rob reported: There is still about 8 inches of water covering the Shenandoah-1 well. He expects the rig will be on the well by the end of July. After they finish drilling to the target depth, the crew will then come in to test 5 levels with flow rates for each level. After the flow rates are completed and fully documents (I believe with some planned fracturing) they will then re-cap the well. Rob stated that the purpose of the Shenandoah-1 well is to obtain additional intelligence that will tell them where to drill next. This information will be shared with Hess.

      A press release is coming that will announce the completion of the participation agreement and joint operating agreement arrangements with Hess. Hess will then commence with their US$40 million 2D seismic work program, which will go well (no pun intented) into next year (2012). The full details of the agreement can be found in the Letter of Intent.…

      bei dir alles klar?...see you...auriga
      schrieb am 31.07.11 02:43:54
      Beitrag Nr. 3.519 ()
      weekend really got me i here’s one for w : o....:cool:....
      ...lets have a good one...cheers
      schrieb am 31.07.11 04:36:51
      Beitrag Nr. 3.520 ()
      ...not only the weekend at last, but also w : o got me a little bit higher, as well as of course falcon and phunny, proceeding in time far...but just staying on w : o...being critical all the time, I now have to confess, well done w : o, views are working exactly now, and now it’s just us to get higher reading frequencies, not you any more...but which surely will appear in time if only we will succeed operationally in due course, but of course this is written in the stars...isn’t it...for now what is being to be said is congrats...well done w : o, very very well done it...:laugh:...
      schrieb am 31.07.11 07:21:04
      Beitrag Nr. 3.521 ()
      what’s that...muss flippen holen gehen...für alle frühaufsteher bitte ich um entschuldigung...lasst euch den kaffee schmecken...montag um 5 bin ich wieder bei euch...sollte ich weniger posten?...see you on facebook....:laugh:.....
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 01.08.11 23:34:27
      Beitrag Nr. 3.522 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.869.669 von auriga am 31.07.11 07:21:04guess i pressed the wrong button here on sunday.........being like watching paint dry, in these days, how tensleep expressed it, especially also if one takes a look at the headings on the farmer’s board.........some fracks to be prepared and undertaken not far from daly water in the australian outback...that will take time and a long long phase of shooting seismic by hess will take time as well.........but stock market and economics is a broad field and one also can follow FO and PHUN quasi en passant........btw...there’s no more xetra-trading of falcon now just the same as PHUN


      schrieb am 03.08.11 00:27:44
      Beitrag Nr. 3.523 ()
      fundsache in den colorado energy news unter oil and gas headlines

      Company Accused of Walking
      The Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission is investigating an oil and gas company accused of walking away from wells in Rio Blanco County. West Hawk Energy is accused of leaving behind eight wells needing attention and pads that must be cleaned up and reclaimed.…

      Ja, also, das wäre Petro nicht passiert...was wird aus den buckskin assets...ich kann mir nicht vorstellen dass es das in piceance gewesen sein soll...wie war das... patience...patience my ass.........i’m going to kill something.........…...…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 03.08.11 15:43:24
      Beitrag Nr. 3.524 ()
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. to Present at EnerCom's The Oil & Gas Conference 16

      DENVER, COLORADO--(Marketwire - Aug. 2, 2011) - Falcon Oil Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO) announced today that the Company will be presenting at EnerCom's The Oil and Gas Conference 16 in Denver, Colorado. Falcon's presentation is scheduled to begin at 4:50 p.m. MDT (6:50 p.m. EDT) on Wednesday, Aug. 17.

      The slide presentation and a link to the live webcast will be available through the Company's website at on the day of the presentation.

      About Falcon Oil Gas Ltd.

      Falcon Oil Gas Ltd. is an international oil and gas exploration and production company, headquartered in Denver, Colorado, incorporated in British Columbia, Canada, and trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "FO." The company specializes in the business of unconventional and conventional oil and gas exploration and production and holds interests in prospective properties in Australia, Hungary, and South Africa.

      For additional information about Falcon Oil Gas, please visit our website at

      Certain information in this press release may constitute forward-looking information. This information is based on current expectations that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statements. Falcon assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward looking-statements unless and until required by securities laws applicable to Falcon. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties is contained in Falcon's filings with the Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available at .

      Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.…
      schrieb am 04.08.11 17:30:34
      Beitrag Nr. 3.525 ()
      Form 10-Q - Quarterly report [Sections 13 or 15(d)] SEC Accession No. 0001144204-11-043650 ---- Filing Date 2011-08-03 ---- Accepted 2011-08-03 15:26:37 ----Documents 9---- Period of Report 2011-06-30 ----Filing Date Changed 2011-08-03 ---- Interactive Data
      Interactive Data…


      SEC filings…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 05.08.11 23:23:38
      Beitrag Nr. 3.526 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.893.809 von auriga am 04.08.11 17:30:34After reading the narrowly mixed new Quarterly Report of PHUN in terms of Q 3 FY 2011 , one could easily imagine that PHUN is quite 2000 light years from home ...thus far in HD... as to lower digital subscriber line, just turn down HD to avoid interruptions ...otherwise with obligate interruptions it’s actually getting bloody fucking
      schrieb am 06.08.11 17:01:00
      Beitrag Nr. 3.527 ()
      schrieb am 08.08.11 00:30:18
      Beitrag Nr. 3.528 ()
      Ich dachte mir, ich bringe die aktuelle Übersicht noch kurz auf den Stand. Bei den beiden größeren charts hatte ich eine Möglichkeit angetestet, die den chart am Einstellungstag arretiert, das ist aber in diesem Zusammenhang hier weniger zu beabsichtigen letzendlich, deshalb jetzt die Korrektur mit den weiterlaufenden Jahrescharts bei PHUN und FO. Man hat diese zwar sowieso parat, eine Übersicht in der Zusammenstellung bietet aber einen zusätzlichen Zugriff gleich im thread, falls man ab und an einmal hier reinschaut...jedenfalls dieser Tage...

      Bei Falcon und Petrohunter scheint mir alles OK zu sein so weit, so weit man das eben im aktuellen Ablauf erwarten darf, der Q 3 von PHUN ist auf dem Stand, nur operative Erfolge können PHUN letztendlich aus den SChulden herausbringen, und das geht ohne Frage schon los mit dem aktuellen Testen. Das aktuelle testing ist ein erster weiterer WEgweiser und Hess hat dann 50 % Möglichkeiten den Weg mit seismic weiter zu gestalten bis zur Entscheidung des operativen Fortschreitens etc...

      Ein leichtes Abfallen bisher der Kurse von Petrohunter und Falcon hat natürlich auch mit den großen Marktlagen zu tun, deren weitere Entwicklung schon offen ist, klar, ich erwarte aber für mich eine Konsolidierung im Laufe dieser Woche der Weltmärkte, na ja, schauen wir halt mal...

      Was soll S&P anderes machen, als etwa die USA nach vorgegebenen und nachvollziehbaren Kritien einzuschätzen? Das erwarten wir generell von allen zu begutachtendnen Werten. In Europa ist nun Italien dran und darüber hinaus hielten gesamteuropäisch Barrosos Nerven den aktuellen Anforderungen nicht stand, was ist mit uns Börsianern, wir müssen unseren mentalen Ansatz an der Börse auch stetig immer wieder ein bisschen stärken und verbessern.

      Also, es ist jetzt nicht der Zeitpunkt eine Seminararbeit zu schreiben über FO und PHUN und die Weltmarktlage bezüglich USA, China, Europa usw...ich muss morgen wieder früh raus...lach...lach

      Wünsche einen guten Wochenstart und bis die Tage
      schrieb am 08.08.11 01:10:10
      Beitrag Nr. 3.529 ()
      PS ►Die OTC markets group Seiten hängen penetrant und die real time quotes werden zur Zeit nur eingeschränkt angezeigt, wenn überhaupt, auch die Übersicht nur mit Verzögerung...dies hängt mit dem Umbau der Seite übrigen wird ein sponsoring von den companies gefordert, an die wir uns als Investoren wenden sollen, falls sie es selbst nicht merken oder wahrnehmen, dass dies jetzt nötig übrigen haben auch die broker-dealer Möglichkeiten die quotes ausführlicher kann abwarten wie sich das in der Anzeige entwickelt oder aber auch jetzt schon an PHUN und FO schreiben, dass sie sich kümmern sollen bezüglich OTC MM G...interessant dieser Tage, was man auch in der finanztreff-anzeige erkennen kann, dass der FO-Handel in USA pinkmäßig höher ist als in Toronto...die Briten handeln ja z B auch ganz gerne über die Pink sheets FO und PHUN über OTC MM G dann jetzt sowieso, vorher OTCBB
      schrieb am 16.08.11 20:12:06
      Beitrag Nr. 3.530 ()
      Bezüglich des Webcasts morgen ( inthiscase hat ja auch nochmal drauf hingewiesen) erscheint auf der Falcon-Seite eine neue Präsentation von Rod Wallis, ganz nett zu blättern, enthält einige neue Bildchen ( z B zeigt eines die weitere Ausdehnung des Wassers um den S#1 herum im outback nach dem Jahrhundertregen) und en paar Zusatzinfos...06 50 PM Eastern Daylight Time, das dürfte ja bei uns 00 50 am Donnerstag(Morgen) sein, wenn ich das jetzt richtig ist doch immer mal ganz nett, so ne Präsentation, und ich denke mal, auch wichtig, immer wieder neue Werbung zu machen und so( obwohl ja Marco jetzt endlich Taten sehen will :-) ). Also wenn das so spät ist, weiß ich jetzt noch gar nicht ob ich mir das direkt anhö DO um 05 00 ja...mal schauen, oder eben dann die Aufzeichnung

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. to Present at EnerCom's The Oil & Gas Conference 16

      DENVER, COLORADO--(Marketwire - Aug. 2, 2011) - Falcon Oil Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO) announced today that the Company will be presenting at EnerCom's The Oil and Gas Conference 16 in Denver, Colorado. Falcon's presentation is scheduled to begin at 4:50 p.m. MDT (6:50 p.m. EDT) on Wednesday, Aug. 17.

      The slide presentation and a link to the live webcast will be available through the Company's website at on the day of the presentation.
      schrieb am 16.08.11 20:33:14
      Beitrag Nr. 3.531 ()
      ps : habe mir das luftbild nach dem regen gerade nochmal angeschaut und es bestätigt sich, was texas mal an corona geschrieben hat, »wanns im outback emoal richtig schifft, kommst nur mid em hubschrauber zur site«;)
      schrieb am 16.08.11 22:18:30
      Beitrag Nr. 3.532 ()
      in terms of the beetaloo basin

      Australia – We’re not in Kansas


      ●Service areas can be thousands of miles away

      ●Existing Rail, Road and even a small gas pipeline

      ●In 7 million acres in Australia there are 14 land owners- “kitchen tables” not “town halls” Ranches and Traditional Owners

      Australia – What’s next

      ●Deal encompasses EP76, EP98 and EP117, excluding (yellow) approx. 100,000 acres of EP98 around Shendandoah-1 and EP99

      ●Hess to acquire between 3000 and 4000km 2D seismic starting in 2011

      ●Elects to go forward to earn 62.5%

      ●Hess drills and evaluates five wells

      Australia – Unique Challenges

      ●Falcon drilled the Shenandoah#1 in 2009 in the “dry season”,

      ●....but lack of equipment in Australia due to flooding in Eastern Australia prevented testing in 2010

      ●It’s dry for 6 months and wet for 6 months....usually....

      ●Wettest year in the Northern Territries for almost 100 years

      Australia – One step at a time

      ●Getestet sollen werden Lower Kyalla Unconventional Wet Shale Gas, Moroak Sandstone Wet Gas und Velkerri Unconventional Dry Shale Gas.

      ●Moroak sandstone befindet sich dabei zwischen Kyalla und Velkerri.

      ●In 2009 wurde der Shenandoah#1 auf eine Tiefe von 2714 Metern gebracht.

      ●Offset water wells will be sampled and monitored by independent 3rd party before, during and after testing

      PS: die pdf von Rod (früher Petrohunter) wurde erstellt am 03 08 2011 16:23:58...come and get it Rod:cool:...…
      may you do well[/url]
      schrieb am 17.08.11 20:32:51
      Beitrag Nr. 3.533 ()
      Hier also nochmal der link zu der pdf von Falcon zur Präsentation heute in Denver August 17, 2011 Falcon Presentation from EnerCom's The Oil & Gas Conference 16....der webcast-zugang ist wohl noch in Arbeit...EnerCom Live Webcast, August 17, 2011 at 6:50 EST(die wallis-präsentation von gestern erscheint nun korrekt unter Platts Oil & Gas Shale Developer - June 2011, war gestern noch unter enercom eingeordnet...macht ja erst mal bayern -- zürich ja jetzt fast die komplette nationalelf unter heynckes(lach)...neuer...botang badstuber lahm, hinten fehlt nur noch ein rechter außenverteidiger und wir haben die komplette national-abwehr( ja, ich weiß mertesacker, friedrich, hummels und andere sind auch noch da))
      schrieb am 18.08.11 00:05:38
      Beitrag Nr. 3.534 ()
      schrieb am 18.08.11 01:35:27
      Beitrag Nr. 3.535 ()
      falls ich es jetzt richtig verstanden habe, soll das shenandoh-testing dann im vierten quartal 2011 im august 2011 -- wie man ja auch auf den bildern sieht -- noch ne ganze menge wasser, also eine leichte verzögerung, aber man ist am ball.........kurz und trocken durchpräsentiert von rob -- auch ahlbrandt im saal unter den anwesenden -- fand ich ganz gut gemacht( obwohl ich schon ziemlich müde bin) liest sich
      schrieb am 22.08.11 22:32:43
      Beitrag Nr. 3.536 ()
      Gerade jetzt wo operativ die SAche in Gang kommt in Australien notiert PHUN auf neuen Tiefständen, auch geschuldet der Gesamtmarktentwicklung, die sich noch nicht wieder eingependelt hat, die großen Märkte nach wie vor verunsichert, Rezession antizipiert, so auch bezüglich DAX, die Banken könnten sich wieder misstrauen, die Kreditvergabe erneut hängen, etc

      Bei PHUN ist wichtig zu wissen, dass die drei neuen permits von Sweetpea PHUN enorm voranbringen können in Verbindung mit dem 50 % farm-in von Paltar in Australien. In 2012 könnten die ersten beiden Genehmigungen kommen parallel zu einem floating von Paltar durch Bruner an der ASX.

      Wie immer schon bei Petrohunter gab es weitere options für Directors im Bereich USD 0,15 doch schon basal zumindest ganz ambitioniert. Hält PHUN durch bis zu den Sweetpea-permits ergibt sich eine ganz neue Situation, gelingt es Bruner Partner in die Exploration in die outskirts von Beetaloo zu holen.

      Was wäre wenn Sweetpea gar ein listing an der ASX gelänge? Wie ist der Zusammenhang zusätzlich mit Sinova? Schulden sind fun hat Schäfer mal geschrieben, na ja, er hat jetzt ne neue Firma, Partner für finanzielle Freiheit, und auch schon so manche Schuldensituation überstanden, genauso wie Kosto, kleine Randbemerkung, nur so, ich denke dabei auch an meine eigene Situation, in der ebenfalls so einige Punkte auch zur Zeit wieder noch zu den ungelösten Problemen gehören.

      Es gibt in Petrohunter 187 Anteilseigner of record, bei denen an sich die Musik spielt. PHUN muss 1 2 3 Jahre durchhalten, und die Situation kann ganz anders aussehen.

      Man kann an sich nur hoffen dass sich PHUN mit dem testing von Falcon Australia etwas stabilisieren kann und erneut erst mal über den Winter kommt.

      Wäre ja schade, wenn jetzt wo das core asset zu laufen beginnt PHUN schwächeln würde. Gerade jetzt brauchte es das nicht. Aber so ist Börse.


      Wo ist eigentlich River:cool:

      Überhaupt muss man sagen, dass die Diskussion in Falcon und Petrohunter zur Zeit etwas eingeschlafen ist. Schade eigentlich. Wo gibt’s schon zwei pennystocks, die zusammen fast ne Milliarde USD verbraten und schwere assets erfolgreich verkauft haben und trotzdem mit Exxon, Hess und vielleicht bald Shell kommunizieren, und zwar geschäftlich, am Rande der Existenz, was ganz besonders für PHUN gilt, und sich gleichzeitig anheischig machen, mit Gorgon zu konkurrieren? Wo gibt’s denn so was. Was macht Oring? Verkauft der gerade wieder FO shares? Unglaublich eigentlich
      schrieb am 23.08.11 23:09:06
      Beitrag Nr. 3.537 ()
      Paltar scheint die erste Company in der neu gegründeten Wotan Group zu sein, der sich Bruner näher annimmt, und wie könnte es auch anders sein, denn das Kern-Asset von Petrohunter als auch von Sub Sweetpea ist auch das erste Kernasset der Wotan Group über Paltar, nämlich das Beetaloo Basin.

      Paltar Petroleum is focused on the acquisition of, and exploration for, ‘unconventional’ oil and gas projects around the world. The company’s management, led by Chief Executive Officer, Marc A. Bruner, has a track record of identifying large unconventional projects worldwide. Such projects have included the Mako Through (40 TCF) in Hungary, the Karoo Basin (30 TCF) in South Africa, the Uinta Basin (6.2 TCF) in Utah and the Pinedale Anticline (23.5 TCF) in the Green River Basin, Wyoming and the Pennaco Energy project (2 TCF) in the Powder River Basin, all located in North America, and the Beetaloo Basin (estimated recoverable potential reserves of 64 TCF and 17 billion barrels of oil) located in the Northern Territory, 600 km south of Darwin, Australia. Paltar, through its joint venture agreement with 50% partner, Sweetpea Petroleum Pty Ltd, has applied for 3 licences in the Beetaloo Basin (EPA 136, EPA 143 and EPA 197).

      Paltar’s tenement applications are located around 4 other exploration permits held by Falcon Oil & Gas Australia Limited. Paltar believes that Falcon has discovered one of the world’s largest in place oil and gas deposits. Independent engineering firm Ryder Scott report states an estimated potential resource of approximately 500 billion barrels of oil, and 500 trillion cubic feet of gas in place. There are two world class shales over 800 metres thick. The sweet spots are remarkably consistent in thickness and are regionally pervasive. Paltar believes these shales and sweet spots extend into its adjacent property of over 2 million acres.

      Paltar’s objective will involve entering strategic joint ventures with major oil and gas companies, including up-front payments and significant work programs to progress projects towards production.

      The Beetaloo Basin, located around 600km south of Darwin in Australia’s Northern Territory, is one of the few remaining virtually unexplored, onshore sedimentary basins. The basin is a Pre-Cambrian Basin that has more than 3000 metres of sediment column in which the identification of source rocks has been confirmed on the two unconventional oil and gas generating geological formations of the Kyalla and Velkerri Shale. Each source rock is widespread, with thickness of up to 800 metres. There are also indications that high quality conventional reservoirs exist.

      Beetaloo’s Exploration History

      In the 1980’s a subsidiary of Rio Tinto drilled 12 wells across the Beetaloo Basin accumulating over 27,000 feet of core data, and these cores, which were subsequently stored in Northern Territory warehouses, represented the basis of independent information for Ryder Scott’s filed Report with Toronto Stock Exchange ( in May 2010, which estimated a potential resource of the Beetaloo Basin of 17 billion barrels of recoverable oil and 64 TCF of natural gas.

      The technology to develop these types of unconventional oil and gas deposits throughout the world were not developed until the late 1990’s in the United States, principally in the formations of the Barnett Shale in Texas, and the Pinedale Anticline in Wyoming.

      Falcon Oil & Gas Australia Limited, a subsidiary of Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd, owns 4 exploration permits EP 98, EP 117, EP 76 and EP 99 in the Beetaloo Basin, and have recently drilled a well called Shenandoah-1 on EP 98.

      Paltar believes that Falcon has discovered one of the world’s largest in place oil and gas deposits. The prospectivity of the Beetaloo Basin was confirmed in April 2011 when Hess Corporation (Hess) entered into an agreement to acquire a 62.5% working interest in the Falcon Australia's exploration permits in the Beetaloo Basin with Hess set to undertake a USD $40.0 Million seismic surveying program this year. Hess can then elect to continue to the next phase of work which includes conducting a five well program to further explore the area, beginning in 2012.


      The Ministry of Mines and Energy in the Northern Territory is responsible for managing oil and gas operations in the Northern Territory. Paltar, through its Joint Development Agreement with its 50% partner, Sweetpea Petroleum Pty Ltd, has applied for three licences in the Beetaloo Basin (EPA 136, EPA 143 and EPA 197). These tenement applications are located around 4 other exploration permits held by Falcon Oil & Gas Australia Limited.

      Regional Infrastructure and Markets

      A pipeline corridor, railroad and Stuart Highway run through EPA 143 and near EPA 197 to Darwin. Trucking and rail appear to be the first option to transport products. The current pipeline is too small to be of any significant use for the transport of gas.

      However, once commercial operations have demonstrated the viability of gas reserves, it is anticipated a large pipeline will be laid to Darwin to access the existing LNG facilities and planned projects. Access to market for oil production would be much quicker because road train and railroad to Darwin can transport it. Darwin has a deep-water port capable of handling oil production. Oil could be transported to Singapore refineries for processing. Currently, Conoco Phillips’s LNG plant in Darwin Harbor is the only exporter of LNG in Darwin. Sufficient supply exists from Bayu-Udan field in the Timor Sea. Index and its partner Total, also plan to export LNG. Phase one is estimated at 8 million metric tons of LNG per year. It is estimated the plant will be operational by 2015. This also requires building an 850 Km sub-sea pipeline.

      What is Unconventional Oil and Gas?

      Unconventional oil and gas can be broadly defined as oil and natural gas that cannot be economically exploited using conventional vertical wells. Unconventional reservoirs hold continuous oil and gas accumulations over large areas but, due to their low permeability, have low oil and gas flow rates (in comparison to conventional reservoirs). Due to these low flow rates, unconventional reservoirs were commonly overlooked as commercial sources of natural gas.

      New Technologies Paving the Way

      Until the early 1990s, the low flow rates of the vast majority of unconventional reservoirs made the oil and gas contained within un-economic to extract. But with the introduction of new technologies, such as horizontal drilling and fracture stimulation, these previously-overlooked sources of gas became more and more economically feasible. These new methods were pioneered in the United States, notably on the Barnett Shale, which is now one of the largest unconventional gas-producing basins in the United States.

      Horizontal Drilling and Fracture Stimulation

      Horizontal wells drill laterally through the oil and gas reservoir increasing the exposure of the well to the gas accumulation. Generally, horizontal wells can produce up to four times as much as vertical wells, but only cost around three times as much. Fracture stimulation, however, increases gas flow rates by fracturing the source rock through the high pressure injection of a fluid. This fluid contains a ‘proppant’, such as sand, to keep the fractures open when the fluid is extracted, allowing the oil and/or natural gas to flow.

      Source: Schlumberger

      Board & Management

      Marc Alan Bruner - Chairman

      Marc A Bruner is a leader in the development of unconventional oil and gas projects worldwide. His track record of identifying large unconventional projects includes the Mako Through (40 TCF) in Hungary, the Karoo Basin (30 TCF) in South Africa, the Uinta Basin (6.2 TCF) in Utah and the Pinedale Anticline (23.5 TCF) in the Green River Basin, Wyoming and the Pennaco Energy project (2 TCF) in the Powder River Basin, all located in North America, and the Beetaloo Basin (estimated recoverable potential reserves of 64 TCF and 17 billion barrels of oil) located in the Northern Territory, 600 km south of Darwin, Australia.

      With more than 30 years experience in the industry, Mr Bruner has worked with world renowned geologists, Ben Law and Tom Albrandt to identify unconventional oil and gas opportunities in the United States of America and internationally. Mr Bruner’s major successes have included the development of the Pinedale Anticline in the Green River Basin of western Wyoming, now recognised as the fourth largest unconventional natural gas field in the United States, and the exploration and development of successful coal bed methane properties in the Powder River Basin.

      Mr Bruner has founded a number of successful international oil and gas companies including Ultra Petroleum Corporation in 1996, a US$7 billion NYSE company focused on the development of the Pinedale Anticline unconventional oil and gas project, Pennaco Energy in 1997, focused on the exploration and development of unconventional oil and gas leases of coal bed methane properties located in the Powder River Basin, subsequently sold to Marathon Oil for US$500 million, and Falcon Oil and Gas in 2005, a Toronto Stock Exchange listed company which acquires, explores and develops large acreage positions of unconventional oil and gas resources.

      With these companies Mr Bruner has negotiated major commercial transactions with global oil and gas companies, Halliburton, Marathon Oil, Exxon Mobil and Hess Corporation.

      Most recently, Mr Bruner founded Paltar Petroleum to develop an extensive unconventional oil and gas play in Australia’s Beetaloo Basin, potentially one of the world’s largest untapped shale deposits.

      Ben Law – Chief Geologist

      Mr Law’s 35 years of research on unconventional gas systems has led to US and international recognition as an expert in basin-centred gas (Tight Gas) and coalbed methane systems. He is renowned for recognising and documenting the occurrence of numerous basin-centred gas systems worldwide, including the Powder River Basin of Wyoming, Greater Green River Basin of Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah, Colombia River Basin in Washington, Timan-Pechora Basin in Russia, Dnieper-Donets Basin in Ukraine, Taranaki Basin in New Zealand and the Beetaloo Basin in Australia.

      From 2004-2011 Mr Law worked with Falcon Oil and Gas Ltd where he was responsible for the global search for unconventional hydrocarbon accumulations. During his tenure with Falcon he was instrumental in the identification and acquisition of conventional and unconventional oil and gas properties in Hungary, Romania, Australia, and South Africa.

      Mr Law has published more than 195 papers, books and abstracts on petroleum and coal geology and was Founder and Co-Chairman of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists and Co-Chairman from 1997 – 2003. He has received numerous industry accolades including Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists Outstanding Scientist Award, 1997, Robert H.Dott, Sr. Memorial Award for best AAPG Special Publication 2000, honorary editor for the Chinese Oil and Gas Journal from 2004 until present, and in 2010, was an invited speaker at the 376th Xiangshan Science Conference in Beijing, China.

      Carmen J (Tony) Lotito – Executive Vice President

      Mr. Lotito served during the period 2007 - 2010 as the Executive Vice President - Business Development of Falcon Oil and Gas Ltd, the TSX Venture Exchange-listed Canadian parent and the following Falcon wholly-owned subsidiaries: TXM Oil and Gas Exploration Kft and TXM Marketing Trading & Service, LLC (Hungary); Mako Energy Corporation and Falcon Oil & Gas USA, Inc (USA); and Falcon Oil & Gas Australia Limited (Australia). As part of his tenure with Falcon Oil and Gas Ltd, Mr Lotito also served as a Director for each of these subsidiary companies.

      Mr. Lotito was a financial consultant for over 34 years to domestic and international clients which also includes working as an Audit Manager for nine years for a national public accounting firm after graduating in 1967 with a B.S. degree in accounting from the University of Southern California.

      David Henty Sutton - Director

      David has many years experience in stock broking and investment banking. He was Executive Chairman from 2002 to 2010 of Martin Place Securities Pty Limited, a boutique investment firm holding an AFS Licence, where his responsibilities included management of corporate finance, advisory, and stockbroking activities with the firm. David currently owns and manages Dayton Way Financial Pty Limited, a boutique financial services company focusing on the global resources sector.

      Prior to his current role he was a partner and Director of several stock exchange member firms including Clarke & Co and Macnab Clarke and more recently, a Director of TA Securities, Hudson Securities and Terrain Securities.

      He became a member of the Stock Exchange of Melbourne and subsequently, Australian Stock Exchange Limited.

      Darrel John Causbrook - Director

      Darrel Causbrook is a Chartered Accountant with over 30 years experience in the accountancy profession, having worked for both large and mid-sized accounting firms. Over 10 years ago, Darrel established his own accounting practice, providing business and strategic advice to a variety of industries. Darrel’s professional interest includes financial reporting and corporate governance.

      He holds a Bachelor of Commerce Degree, is a Fellow of Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, CPA Australia and Taxation Institute of Australia and is a member of Australian Institute of Company Directors.

      Hamish Leslie McIntosh - Director

      Hamish McIntosh is a licensed financial planner. He has worked for a number of large and small private banking firms. For the last 10 years he has been the majority shareholder and managing director of KWM Financial Consultants Pty Limited. Hamish specialises in providing financial advice to high net wealth individuals and private organisations.

      He holds a Bachelor of Commerce Degree, is a Chartered Financial Planner and Member of the Financial Planning Association.

      Soweit zur ersten ausführlicheren Vorstellung eines weiteren Joint Venture Partners von Petrohunter, so Sweetpea, im Beetaloo Basin, nämlich Paltar Petroleum Limited L10, 32 Martin Place Sydney NSW 2000 Australia. Gebraucht werden unsere drei weiteren permits, die über Sweetpea laufen, ein listing von Bruner, erste operative Ansätze, strategic partners und die Zusammenarbeit mit Sinovus. Erstes Zeitfenster: 1 - 3 Jahre;)

      Paltar Petroleum
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 24.08.11 13:59:28
      Beitrag Nr. 3.538 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.993.310 von auriga am 23.08.11 23:09:06Ich seh mein Geld wohl nicht mehr...
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 24.08.11 17:59:19
      Beitrag Nr. 3.539 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.995.609 von xsusi am 24.08.11 13:59:28Hi Susi...ja, ein allzu tiefer Kurs macht natürlich auch keinen Spaß...die große Krise trifft nun mal auch die kleinsten Companies mit und deshalb ist PHUN jetzt noch D will zur Zeit d7e kaum jemand handeln, deshalb ist die Kursstellung in Stuttgart jetzt auch schon wieder überfällig...was uns bleibt ist was Paul am Telefon gesagt hat, PHUN hält seinen Anteil in Beetaloo, und keiner kennt die Schulden von PHUN besser als Paul Maniscalco, denn er macht das accounting bei PHUN...von der Company kommt zur Zeit der Hauptsatz, wir warten ab, was bei Shenandoah rauskommt, zahlen muss PHUN zur Zeit nichts dafür, danach wartet man auf Hess’ seismic und auf die drei neuen permits und einige Aktionen von Marc in den outskirts von Beetaloo...wie gesagt, die Frage ist ob der SP von PHUN durchhält...tut er das, könnte sich eine riesige Chance ergeben...fällt er ganz ab wars das und wir können diesen thread einstellen...solange der SP in USA hält ist es OK...die Interessen der größeren Anteilseigner in PHUN sind wohl kaum ein Auflösen der Firma...see you...A
      schrieb am 26.08.11 21:43:29
      Beitrag Nr. 3.540 ()
      kann man sich eigentlich etwas noch langweiligeres vorstellen als das farmer’s board?...paint dry?...this is like watching paint dry:rolleyes::keks:
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 27.08.11 18:59:44
      Beitrag Nr. 3.541 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.009.493 von auriga am 26.08.11 21:43:29Ja momentan ist es wirklich langweilig. Glaubst du dass sich der Kurs noch mal nachhaltig erholt?
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 27.08.11 20:03:38
      Beitrag Nr. 3.542 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.011.370 von xsusi am 27.08.11 18:59:44hallo Susi...ja, gute Frage.........ich kann mir das durchaus vorstellen, denn die Beteiligungen des Asset-Lieferanten Sweetpea wiegen recht schwer...die Randgebiete von Beetaloo sind an sich genauso vielversprechend wie das Landesinnere der Region, denn da wo die seismic nach außen hin variiert wird ein sogenannter Überschiebungsgürtel ( thrust belt) vermutet, in dem die Möglichkeit von großen konventionellen als auch unkonventionellen Zielobjekten ( also hydrocarbons, sprich ÖL und Gas ) durchaus vorliegt...dies ist in der seismic jetzt schon zu diese westliche Zone von Beetaloo dockt Bruner gerade an mit Sweetpea und Paltar...hierbei ist allerdings das erste von mir angedeutete Zeitfenster von 1 - 3 Jahren durchaus zu beachten...mir wäre es allerdings schon lieber PHUN würde sich bis Ende des Jahres wieder etwas stabilisieren, im Bereich USD 0,2 -- 0,4, auf dieser Basis lässt sich besser nach vorne schauen...meiner Meinung nach hätte PHUN das fundamental als auch finanziell bezogen allemal verdient, aber niemand steckt ja darin, wie du ja selbst weißt, es ist eben offen wie sich das Papier entwickelt.........btw......... M D and A et Interim financial statements von Falcon sind raus (Associated Documents)...........wünsche dir noch ein schönes Wochenende und bis die Tage...A
      schrieb am 27.08.11 22:48:24
      Beitrag Nr. 3.543 ()
      ja ja, das wäre schon schön USD 0,2 -- 0,4, klar........gemeint habe ich allerdings in der Tat 0,02 -- 0,04 USD......gut Ding will Weile haben und diese Verwechslung passiert mir glaube ich nicht das erste mal......wenn man tagtäglich mit Kursen von D Postbank D Bank D Post Porsche VW et al arbeitet ist der Abfall natürlich drastisch...nun, dies macht den besonderen Charme von Sweetpea aus:cool:, glaube ich;)
      schrieb am 29.08.11 19:37:32
      Beitrag Nr. 3.544 ()
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. Announces the Filing of Its Interim Financial Statements and Accompanying MD&A and Letter to Shareholders

      DENVER, CO August 29, 2011 - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSXV: FO) announced that it has filed its interim financial statements for the six month period ended June 30, 2011 and the accompanying management's discussion and analysis. These filings are available at and on Falcon's website at

      Falcon CEO Robert Macaulay has issued a letter to shareholders with updates on Falcon's activities in Australia, Hungary and South Africa. The letter can be accessed from Falcon's website.

      Falcon further announces the granting of 150,000 stock options to an individual engaged in Investor Relations for the company. These options have an exercise price of CDN$0.145 and expire June 1, 2016.

      Robert Macaulay's Letter to Shareholders

      August 29, 2011

      Dear fellow shareholders;

      I would like to take the opportunity to update you on the activities of your company, in conjunction with the filing of our second quarter financial statements. While it may have seemed 'quiet' on the news front, it has been a very busy time behind the scenes in all of our areas of activity.


      Since the joint venture with Hess was finalized and announced in July, planning meetings have been held to coordinate activities on the three exploration blocks involved. Hess has completed their planning for the 2D seismic survey and has started operations.

      In the Shenandoah area, Falcon has mobilised the rig to the Shenandoah #1 wellsite where we will conduct vertical testing of five intervals. During the 2010/2011 wet season over 80cm (30 inches) more rain fell than usual. This surrounded the wellhead with a shallow lake and also flooded the roadway to the wellsite. It was therefore necessary to elevate the road and the wellsite with gravel which delayed operations by roughly one month. This work is now complete and the drilling rig has started moving onto location.

      The initial phase of the programme involves drilling out cement plugs and running and cementing casing in the wellbore. Once that is finished the completion and testing crews will take over. Five intervals are to be tested, three of them involving fracture stimulation of shale intervals. Given that this is a vertical well rather than a horizontal well, we are not expecting high flow rates from any individual shale interval. However, any flow of hydrocarbons to surface will be viewed positively and help steer our planning for further wells in the 100,000 acre Shenandoah area that is 100% owned and controlled by Falcon Australia.

      Technical work is ongoing to determine the optimum program for exploring EP99, the 650,000-acre Falcon Australia block in the south. A seismic survey program is being planned for 2012 there. We are excited about the potential in this area based on work completed this year and look forward to presenting more detailed information once the studies and plans are complete.


      Discussions with NIS are progressing and we are on track for concluding a Participation Agreement with them by the fourth quarter. Per the terms of the Letter of Intent announced last June, the aim is to drill the first Algyöaut; exploration well as soon as possible once the Agreement is signed. Given the need to set up related corporate structures and obtain approval for moving equipment from Serbia, a spud date before year-end may not be possible, but we will work towards this goal. Technical teams from both companies are already collaborating on selecting prospects in anticipation of moving forward. In the meantime Falcon is designing a deeper test in one of the existing wellbores in the Mining Plot, which is expected to be carried out in 2012.

      South Africa

      As reported in the South African press earlier this month, the Minister of Mineral Resources has announced that the granting of new exploration licenses in the Karoo will now be delayed until February 2012 to permit further study of the potential impact of fracture stimulation and shale development in that region. Falcon's exploration license application, completed and accepted by the Ministry earlier this year, lays out an initial program involving only seismic data acquisition and geological studies. Exploration drilling and testing (including potential fracture stimulation) would therefore take place beyond the initial exploration period of two- to three years once we have a better idea of the subsurface structures and regional geology. This approach is well understood and appreciated by the regulators and I expect to receive approval to proceed with our program in February, if not sooner.

      In the meantime I am supportive of the South African government's efforts to research an issue which is generating a lot of interest world-wide. While fracture stimulation has been conducted on over a million wells since the 1940's and it may be regarded as a mature technology in many ways, it is an industrial process that must be well-managed and regulated in order to ensure minimal impact and prevent damage to the environment. South Africa has the opportunity to adopt best-in-class regulations based on decades of experience in other jurisdictions. Falcon looks forward to working within a strong regulatory regime to explore and develop the Karoo's vast potential, helping to increase the use of natural gas in power generation in a region where over 90% is currently supplied by burning coal.

      Thank you for your continued interest in and support of Falcon. I am confident that the work we are conducting in 2011 is laying the foundations of some very exciting news to come. We are blessed with an unusually large inventory of exceptionally high-quality resource potential and are making good progress in proving up value in all our areas.

      Yours sincerely,

      Robert C. Macaulay

      President and Chief Executive Officer

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.
      schrieb am 30.08.11 07:36:58
      Beitrag Nr. 3.545 ()
      The initial phase of the programme involves drilling out cement plugs and running and cementing casing in the wellbore. Once that is finished the completion and testing crews will take over. Five intervals are to be tested, three of them involving fracture stimulation of shale intervals. Given that this is a vertical well rather than a horizontal well, we are not expecting high flow rates from any individual shale interval. However, any flow of hydrocarbons to surface will be viewed positively and help steer our planning for further wells in the 100,000 acre Shenandoah area that is 100% owned and controlled by Falcon Australia.

      Viel wird man sich nicht erwarten können von den ersten Testergebnissen - kommt natürlich auch darauf an was wirklich alles veröffentlicht wird.
      Man wird sich hier noch auf ein längeres Zeitfenster, als den meisten wahrscheinlich lieb ist - eingeschlossen mir - einstellen müssen. Vor allem bis Deine prognostizierten 0,2 -0,4 USD ;) erreicht werden.

      Wenns das Ganze wirklich so läuft wie sich das unser Marc vorgestellt hat, dann werden wir hier in den nächsten fünf Jahren noch viel Freude haben, aber dazu müssen jetzt mal erste Erfolge eingefahren werden.

      Persönlich schätze ich mal, dass wir bis Mitte Ende 2012 erahnen können, welches Potential vielleicht in PHUN schlummert, aber auf ein weiteres Jahr warten kommt es nun auch nicht mehr an.
      Bis dahin könnte kursmäßig bei einem positiven Verlauf auch dein kleiner Schreibfehler erreicht werden ;)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 01.09.11 03:50:21
      Beitrag Nr. 3.546 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.018.752 von riverstone am 30.08.11 07:36:58let’s go...summer holidays are over...let’s get down to work again...what else...
      schrieb am 01.09.11 23:52:44
      Beitrag Nr. 3.547 ()
      die links auf der falcon seite wurden nun in die chronologische reihenfolge gebracht und deshalb funktionieren die entsprechenden vom 29.08. nicht mehr

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. Announces the Filing of Its Interim Financial Statements and Accompanying MD&A and Letter to Shareholders

      Robert Macaulay's Letter to Shareholders

      diese sollten nun wieder funktionieren

      Bin nun doch schon ziemlich gespannt auf die Tests, wenn es auch noch ein Weilchen dauert, ein ganz schönes Weilchen sogar. Zuerst wird der S-1-Zement-Verschluss aufgebohrt, dann wird ein sogenanntes Futterrohr (Gestänge) (casing) eingebracht und ebenfalls dann neu zementiert. -- Dann kommen die Test-Crews und legen in fünf Intervallen los. -- Man fühlt sich an ein älteres Video erinnert, das ich vor einiger Zeit einmal eingestellt habe :-) Gerade das casing steel wird dort sehr anschaulich, wie es auf einem Lastwagen liegt, erinnere ich mich. Hier ist es nochmal, Natural Gas Drilling, mal sehen ob das stimmt mit dem Casing-Gestänge. Schaue es mir auch das erste mal jetzt wieder an.
      schrieb am 02.09.11 00:11:01
      Beitrag Nr. 3.548 ()
      working well at a time;)........stimmte:-)
      schrieb am 05.09.11 19:23:16
      Beitrag Nr. 3.549 ()
      labour day in usa und can. europa derweilen weiter auf talfahrt. mal sehen wie sich unsere kandidaten in diesen marktturbulenzen weiter halten :-) besonders phun wird man wohl im blick behalten ;-)

      Europa-Börsen brechen ein - EU-Schuldenkrise und Banken belasten
      05.09.2011 - 18:44

      FRANKFURT (Dow Jones)--Mit einem erneuten Ausverkauf sind die europäischen Börsen am Montag in die neue Handelswoche gestartet. Sorgen über die Euro-Schuldenkrise und dazu Rezessionsängste für die Weltwirtschaft schickten die Märkte auf Talfahrt. Teilnehmer sprachen von einer explosiven Gemengelage, die zudem mit Milliarden-Klagen der US-Regierung gegen viele große Banken garniert wurden. Der Euro-Stoxx-50 brach um 5,1% oder 113 auf 2.107 Punkte ein, der Stoxx-50 fiel um 4,3% oder 94 auf 2.108 Zähler. Sämtliche Branchen schlossen mit kräftigen Abgaben. Banken verloren im Schnitt 5,8%, selbst die Pharma-Werte gaben um 2,8% nach.

      eine der seiten, die immer mal einen ganz guten überblick liefern, so auch in diesen tagen
      schrieb am 08.09.11 03:48:46
      Beitrag Nr. 3.550 ()
      szabo(budapest) bleibt director und craven (london) wird chairman bei fo, news (denver)-- schön grün diesmal alles, die wallstreet mit deutlicher erholung, obama kündigt konjunkturpaket an(heute rede)-- großinvestoren sind noch zurückhaltend mit dem wiedereinstieg
      schrieb am 09.09.11 01:13:22
      Beitrag Nr. 3.551 ()
      Die USD 0,009 zum Schluss heute sind das Ergebnis eines Summenverkaufes von 90 000 shares limitiert auf USD 0,009 in zwei Gesamt-Etappen. Die zweite Abteilung wurde ausgeführt ab 21:50:14, dazwischen war kein 0,009 USD bid vorhanden. Ich habe mir das gerade mal in den ADVFN trades angesehen. Sie haben den Vorteil, dass in den times und sales bid und ask erkennbar sind, ansonsten ist das nur kostenpflichtig erreichbar zur Zeit auf anderen panels.

      Zur Zeit zahle ich auch nicht bei ADVFN, hatte längere Zeit auch hier die kostenpflichtigen real time quotes. Ich vermute mal ein MM hat sich diese PHUN shares kurz vor Handelsschluss noch gesichert.

      Es ist soweit ohne jede Diskussion IMHO klar, dass der Abfall von PHUN von USD circa 0,02 auf knapp USD 0,01 eine reine Gesamtmarkterscheinung ist, die in eine Phase fällt, in der es für PHUN besser aussieht als seit längerem. Wie schon erwähnt gehört das zu Börse dazu und war noch nie anders, denn die Gesamtmarkteinbindung und Nuancierung der einzelnen Werte hat natürlich Bestand, wie auch anders.

      Mit Kostolany wissen wir dass die Dichte von Idioten pro Quadratmeter nirgends auf der Welt höher war als auf dem Börsenparkett, und das hat sich bis heute dann im übertragenen Sinne auf die modernen Handelssysteme auch nicht geändert. Börse ist Psychologie und folgt demgemäß ihren eigenen mentalen Gesetzen. So, wenn das Verkaufen angefangen wird zieht man mit, um nicht selbst noch weiter in die Miesen zu kommen und dies summiert sich auf zu großen Reaktionsfolgen.

      Der Kurs hat immer recht. So einfach ist das. PHUN ist mit den Beetaloo-Tests und einer Debt-Aussetzung auf dem folgerichtigen Weg einer Bewahrung einer Firma mit USD knapp 70 Mio Schulden. Einzig die verheißungsvollen assets und Marc Bruners neuer Einsatz in Beetaloo gaben hierzu eine wirkliche Voraussetzung, abgesehen von der Verpflichtung für all jene, die in hohen Beträgen in PHUN investiert sind, auch in shares entschädigt einstweilen, alleine die Ethik gebietet hier einen Einsatz bis zum Schluss.

      Ich bin bei River, in einer weiten Zeitperspektive ist es hier noch nicht zu spät. Hält der Kurs ist alles drin, geht er auf nicht mehr akzeptable Talfahrt sollten wir diesen thread abschließen.

      Ich frage mich allen Ernstes ob das know how der MM, die in die OTC MM G einstellen ausreicht zu erkennen, dass hier eine echte Chance nach wie vor besteht. Gerade das moderierende Moment der MM ist in solchen Phasen von besonderer Bedeutung. Wie baut man USD 70 Mio Schulden ab? Dies geht nur, wenn die großen Gläubiger -- related parties -- durchhalten bis zur Einleitung von Produktion. Wo liegt ihre Alternative? In der Insolvenz von PHUN und der Abschreibung ihres Einsatzes. Denn wer kaufte die assets, wenn sie nichts wert wären, und in den assets liegt ja gerade etwa bei Golbal Finance eine Absicherung der Kredite.

      Also, das ist schon eine ziemlich einmalige Situation hier mit Petrohunter. Ich habe das Gefühl, Bruner und Russenberger ziehen weiter an einem Strang.

      Wir brauchen mindestens einen basalen Bereich von USD 0,02 -- 0,04. S 1 ist hier ein Silberstreif am Horizont. Tritt das ein, begleite ich diese Story weiter. Ein tieferes Abgleiten des Kurses wäre für mich ein eindeutiges Signal meine Beiträge hier einzustellen.

      Man hält sich doch bei PHUN allzu bedeckt. Dies ist das alte poor marketing von MAB Companies, dass mit Macaulay jetzt durchaus etwas aufgelockert erscheint bei FO. Ich kann es natürlich auch verstehen, man möchte mit postiven Fakten aufwarten und hält sich solange bedeckt, ist ja auch etwas peinlich mit solchen Q reports an die Öffentlichkeit zu treten.

      Aber wir brauchen an sich kein Miesmachen hier. Wie MCF mehrmals geschrieben hat, wir kennen alle diese crazy situation in der sich PHUN befindet und machen uns nichts vor. That is, in actual fact, a crazy situation in the light of how Beetaloo is having promise. Es ist interessant alleine unter dem Aspekt was gehen kann, was gehen könnte, wie geht es weiter in solch einer schwierigen Situation.

      River’s Zuversicht scheint mir da wegweisender und letzendlich ist es ja auch die meine, wie sagt man, as well :-)
      schrieb am 11.09.11 17:53:45
      Beitrag Nr. 3.552 ()
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. to Present at the Rodman & Renshaw Annual Global Investment Conference

      DENVER, COLORADO--(Marketwire - Sept. 8, 2011) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO) announced today that the Company will be presenting at the Rodman & Renshaw Annual Global Investment Conference in New York. Falcon's presentation is scheduled to begin at 4:30 p.m. EDT on Tuesday, September 13.

      The slide presentation and a link to the live webcast will be available on the Company's website at on the day of the presentation.……

      schrieb am 11.09.11 18:33:33
      Beitrag Nr. 3.553 ()
      die präsentation von falcon müsste dann bezüglich unserer zeit am di um 22 : 30 MESZ planmäßig stattfinden, also etwas früher als die letzte. 4 : 30 pm in new york EDT.…
      ist ja eine riesenkonferenz mit einer unmenge von firmen aus ganz verschiedenen bereichen, so zum beispiel auch healthcare. falcon läuft im energy track, wo auch sonst:-)
      schrieb am 12.09.11 14:51:29
      Beitrag Nr. 3.554 ()
      den halbjahreschart der deutschen bank kann man fast über den von phun legen in übereinstimmung. allerdings hat die deutsche bank doch noch etwas mehr reserven nach unten;-)
      schrieb am 12.09.11 14:58:50
      Beitrag Nr. 3.555 ()
      schrieb am 12.09.11 19:21:58
      Beitrag Nr. 3.556 ()
      Hi Auriga!

      Also ich würde es sehr schade finden, wenn du wegen etwas doch eingentlich unbedeutendem - wie das "weitere" Abrutschen des sp in diesen Zeiten und noch dazu ohne Volumen - hier deine postings einstellen würdest.

      Eigentlich kann es uns in der derzeitgen Situation ja völlig egal sein wo der sp steht. Natürlich macht sich eine 0,02 allemal besser als eine 0,008 - aber für den Gesamtausgang ist es irrelevant.

      Wir haben derzeit mit phun, trotz dem Schuldenberg, keinen Cashreserven und der katastrophalen allgemeinen Entwicklung der Schuldenkrise, die doch für mich sehr positive Situation, dass wir noch soweit kommen, um wirklich zu sehen was in Beetaloo steckt. Wenn die Reserven nur halbwegs nachgewiesen werden können, dann aber hola die Waldfee und wenn nicht, geht sowieso alles den Bach runter - egal ob wir jetzt bei 0,008, oder 0,02 oder 0,10 stehen.

      Da bin ich mir sicher, dass Bruner, Russenberger, ... alle an einen Strang ziehen, deshalb werden wir hier meiner Meinung nach auch diesbezüglich keine bösen Überraschungen erleben. Es ist halt die Frage ob hier der Glaube an Beetaloo oder die mangelnden Alternativen im Vordergrund stehen. Nichts desto trotz für uns Aktionäre ist es sicher die richtige Entscheidung.

      Zuversicht würde ich das nicht nennen - letzter Strohhalm trifft es eher. Obwohl unsere Chancen nach wie vor noch vorhanden sind. Wie es wirklich ausschaut werden wir nach den ersten horizontalen wells sehen. Solange wie wir das nicht haben, werde ich mich nicht durch diese "Kursspielereien" verunsichern lassen und du hoffentlich davon nicht abhalten, weiter ausgezeichnete postings zu verfassen - ohne die wir den Thread schliessen könnten!

      Also wie gehabt bitte weitermachen ;)

      und einen schönen Abend
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 13.09.11 21:59:44
      Beitrag Nr. 3.557 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.076.705 von riverstone am 12.09.11 19:21:58Hallo River,

      ja dann lass uns mal schauen. Lese dein posting bezüglich unseren Freunden in Colourful Colorado sehr gerne, so gerade eben erneut, nach zwölf Stunden malochen jetzt zuhause und ein Pils geöffnet. -- Inhaltlich ausgesprochen eingängig und du weißt natürlich, dass ich damit die Sache selbst meine...OK.....Soly hat mal wieder den richtigen link aufgemacht.....wens interessiert, so in 30 Minuten solls losgehen in NY.....einfach Vorname, Name eingeben, bei Firma, die eigene oder einen Platzhalter, etwa Kasulke.Associates:-), egal , und eine emailadresse der Wahl.....habe es gerade ausprobiert, works.....und schon kanns losgehen.....wird aber auch glaube ich 90 Tage gespeichert und kann dann nochmal gehört werden.....hier ist solys link, für die, die ihn nicht eh schon geöffnet haben;-)....

      schrieb am 14.09.11 00:16:48
      Beitrag Nr. 3.558 ()
      Kann nochmal hören, am Wochenende z B , IMHO.....diese Präsentation von Rob war noch besser als die letzte........Craven vorher in London, jetzt in Dublin, OK, why not, don't let the door hit you on the way out :-) ...... interessant wieder auch der Hinweis auf 54 % retail in Falcon....das wussten wir schon, aber ganz interessant erneut daran erinnert zu werden......sehr eindrucksvoll die Stelle, its not only a company maker, its a ..........muss ich erneut hören dann.....Hess started seismic die wichtigste INFO für Falcon und Petrohunter überhaupt........looking for partners in the Karoo, klar.........conclusion...i like falcon.........und wir werden daran erinnert, dass wir alle hart arbeiten müssen, damit wir das was wir uns erträumen auch umsetzen können
      schrieb am 16.09.11 16:32:43
      Beitrag Nr. 3.559 ()
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. Announces Start of Rig Operations at Shenandoah #1

      DENVER, COLORADO--(Marketwire - Sept. 16, 2011) - Falcon Oil Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO) announced today that its majority-owned subsidiary, Falcon Oil Gas Australia Limited (Falcon Australia) has commenced operations at the Shenandoah #1 wellsite in the Beetaloo Basin, Northern Territories, Australia.

      Operations had been delayed on account of unusually heavy rainfall in the area during the recently-ended wet season. The resultant flooding required the building up of the access road in to the area plus further construction at the wellsite. This allowed a drilling rig to move on to location last week. Rig-up operations and safety checks have been completed and the well was re-entered on 14 September and is currently drilling out the six cement plugs in the wellbore.

      The rig will run and cement a 4.5 inch casing string to total depth at 2,714 metres. It will then move away allowing the Halliburton stimulation equipment on-site for testing operations. A total of five intervals are planned to be tested; two in the Velkerri shales, two in the Moroak sandstones and one in the Lower Kyalla shales. The intervals are prospective for gas, and while high flowrates are not expected from this vertical well, hydrocarbons produced to surface will direct the future placement of horizontal wells for the purpose of testing commerciality. The full test sequence is expected to be concluded around the end of November, 2011.

      About Falcon Oil Gas Ltd.

      Falcon Oil Gas Ltd. is an international oil and gas exploration and production company, headquartered in Denver, Colorado, incorporated in British Columbia, Canada, and trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "FO." The company specializes in the business of unconventional and conventional oil and gas exploration and production and holds interests in prospective properties in Australia, Hungary, and South Africa.

      Certain information in this press release may constitute forward-looking information. This information is based on current expectations that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statements. Falcon assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward looking-statements unless and until required by securities laws applicable to Falcon. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties is contained in Falcon's filings with the Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available at .

      Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
      schrieb am 18.09.11 22:16:06
      Beitrag Nr. 3.560 ()
      Wenig kritische Stimmen aktuell zu (Petrohunter und) Falcon. In IV zur Zeit die einzige Kritik an der Namensgebung von Bruner bezüglich Wotan. Auch Rusty hat sich mal wieder zu Wort gemeldet, so wie wir ihn kennen. Bevor Rusty was Positives über Bruner schreibt wird Wowereit noch Bundeskanzler, aber das muss ja nun wirklich nicht sein....Steinbrück wär da schon eher ne Option....JMO

      Für die pipe (casing string) mit Ziel TD wird man in S 1 so einige joints mit couplings verbinden müssen und in die Tiefe schieben. Dann wird die pipe gegen das Bohrloch mit Zementbrühe abgedichtet. Halliburton übernimmt. Wie tensleep schreibt, Halliburton mit Hess in Zusammenarbeit.....lässt sich ganz gut an. Interessant, wenn man sich vorstellt, wie die Test-Crew durch die pipe und den Zement in den tiefen Erdboden schießt um nach hydrocarbons Ausschau zu halten. Und eben nach Stellen für horizontale wells. Bevor dieses testing in Richtung Wirtschaftlickeit beginnt wir ein weiteres Jahr vergehen, die rainy season einbezogen als auch die seismic von step at a time.....kann man nicht meckern, denke ich
      schrieb am 19.09.11 19:41:41
      Beitrag Nr. 3.561 ()
      Wir brauchen mindestens einen basalen Bereich von USD 0,02 -- 0,04 - den haben wir ja jetzt zum Glück wieder erreicht (zumindets im bid haben wir derzeit die 0,02)

      Beiträge gesichert ;)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 23.09.11 21:10:38
      Beitrag Nr. 3.562 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.107.375 von riverstone am 19.09.11 19:41:41Die Bewertung von Texas in terms of FO nötigt mir doch einigen Respekt ab, nüchterner und trockener gehts nimmer. Ich gebe unumwunden zu, dass ich diese seccen (sec et vigoureux) Einschätzungen doch auch sehr mag, erinnert auch etwas an Rusty, aber mental offener bei Texas für alle Ausgänge, ohne Voreingenommenheit, fließend gleichsam, gefällt mir. -- Bewertung von Explorern wie in allen Werten im Börsengesamtspektrum liegen in einem Intervall, welches zwei Grenzbereiche hat. Die eine Grenze ist die Firmenpräsentation, die andere liegt im Bereich Texas :-) Rusty liegt unter der noch gültigen Bewertung, weil seine Beiträge in letzter Zeit von vorneherein negativieren, früher war das nicht so. Gleichwohl liefert Rusty nach wie vor feine Beiträge, die Überschwang abdämpfen, und die man keinesfalls missen möchte, und die sich ja letztendlich wie bei uns allen ebenfalls in einem Fluss befinden.

      Der Beitrag von Texas über Falcon und Petrohunter ist der beste und konziseste den ich seit langem gelesen habe, und es gibt dem kaum etwas hinzufügen. Beach Energy zollte in AUS heute auch dem Gesamtmarkt Tribut, die Berg- und Talfahrt geht einstweilen weiter. Die Deutsche Bank heute mit Ausschlägen von minus 8 % bis dann plus 6 % :-) Überverkauf Richtung rebound, US-Börsen besser, Finanzminister und Notenbankgouverneure der 20 wichtigsten Industrieländer beschwichtigen ( Treffen am Wochenende).

      Falcon liegt schwer und ruhig im Gesamtmarkt, ruhiger Fluss, wie es seiner Situation entspricht. PHUN etwas unruhiger in Seitenarmen mit Stromschnellen :-)

      ruhiges und erholsames Wochenende @ all
      schrieb am 26.09.11 20:50:55
      Beitrag Nr. 3.563 ()
      Bei Beach geht ganz schön die Post ab. Beach hat eine MK von AUD 1,158 Mrd zur Zeit. Das Cooper Basin ist nicht gar so weit weg vom Beetaloo Basin, liegt südöstlich in South Australia and Queensland.

      So geht es dort hauptsächlich um ÖL zur Zeit, unconventional, etwa im Namur Sandstone, z B gerade erfolgreich getestet im Butlers-4. Crude Aussies-mäßig bei $ 104 zur Zeit.

      Wie das so üblich ist in der Branche schließt man Interest-Beteiligungen in alle Richtungen ab. Beach bohrt jetzt gerade eine neue well an mit Drillsearch. Beach Energy has kicked off drilling on Bauer-4.. Nach TD soll getestet werden.

      Das ist natürlich toll, erfolgreiches Bohren. Falcon und Petrohunter, Falcon Australia und Sweetpea (und Paltar und Sinovus) brauchen endlich endlich einen Treffer (ja, Texas lässt grüßen :-), und alleine bis zu dieser Möglichkeit dauerts und dauerts. Geht nicht anders. Von nichts kommt nichts.

      In diesem Zusammenhang fällt mir auch wieder die Story von Ultra P ein. Ich habe ja vor einiger Zeit mal eine ältere pdf eingestellt von Ultra Petroleum, wie langsam die Bilanzen nach oben gingen Jahr für Jahr, ganz gemächlich, bis mit dem Erfolg dann ein echter Durchbruch (ein turnaround) kam.
      Mal ganz interessant da so ein bisschen in der »Nachbarschaft« zu stöbern :-) ( die videos von beach sind auch ziemlich geil, höre und schaue bei gelegenheit immer mal rein)
      schrieb am 26.09.11 21:54:57
      Beitrag Nr. 3.564 ()
      MktCap $1,158m, ja, das ist etwas missverständlich ausgedrückt von mir oben....die amis als auch die aussies machen ja kommas vorne in den beträgen und hinten punkte....bei uns in D etwa ist es genau umgekehrt..AUD 1,158 Mrd meint also AUD 1,158m, the latter expressed in terms of OZ..wie auch anders..AUD 1 158 Mrd wären wohl auch für apple(einstweilen:-)) doch ein bisschen viel i quess
      schrieb am 28.09.11 19:09:46
      Beitrag Nr. 3.565 ()
      news from our partners in australia, paltar et sinovus, given later though

      Morgan Stanley handles Paltar float

      Journalist: Sarah Thompson, Khia Mercer
      Date: 8 August 2011
      Publication: Australian Financial Review - Street Talk
      Page: 18

      Morgan Stanley will today sign up as broker and underwriter for the initial public offering of Paltar Petroleum, which is all set to tap into the growing excitement around shale gas in Australia. The IPO is expected to raise $25 million for an indicative market capitalisation of about $130 million with a listing pencilled in for September.

      Morgan Stanley will also help to secure an oil and gas major as a farm-in partner on Paltar tenements in the Beetaloo Basin, Northern Territory. It's worth noting Hess Corporation is in the Beetaloo and has committed to spending up to $200 million on a drilling program over the next five years.

      But for all companies active in this area, the major catalyst will be drilling results from Falcon Oil & Gas's Shenandoah 1 well (next door to the Beetaloo) later this year.

      If the Shenandoah well flows as anticipated, sources reckon it will be a game changer for the Northern Territory oil and gas industry. Independent engineering firm Ryder Scott estimates a recoverable potential resource of 17 billion barrels of recoverable oil and 64 TCF of natural gas (for the region).…
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 29.09.11 22:05:44
      Beitrag Nr. 3.566 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.146.834 von auriga am 28.09.11 19:09:46heute +50% auf 0,015 :D
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 29.09.11 23:10:37
      Beitrag Nr. 3.567 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.152.962 von Charly_2 am 29.09.11 22:05:44die dicken positionen sind im hintergrund..über 400 Millionen shares, die irgendwann ins rennen geworfen werden können....einstweilen bestimmen kleinste positionen ausschlä my book winken PHUN 50 Mio paltar shares..der s i ist in wirklichkeit doch von größerer bedeutung als wir einstweilen angenommen haben...alle augen richten sich auf s sehr hess auch auffangen kann, wie immer es ausgeht........s i fracking ist absolutely exciting...... ready to play oil&gas lotto?;)...cheers
      schrieb am 29.09.11 23:48:14
      Beitrag Nr. 3.568 ()
      ps -- ich würde mich sehr wundern, wenn morgan stanley ( so marc bruner) nicht das s i testing abwarten würden vor einem listing von paltar an der asx..morgan stanley hat unterschrieben, das kann man jetzt so oder so verstehen....ich wäre nicht überrascht, wenn sie die $ 25 Mio auf ihre eigene rechnung genommen haben..dieses kann man aber aus den angaben nicht wirklich ersehen, außer dass diese recht gut klingen.....ob so oder so, ms(nyse)(15.09)(6.57% plus today) als auch marc werden vor dem testing nicht listen ist meine prognose....ich lasse mich aber gerne eines besseren belehren....
      schrieb am 02.10.11 20:47:22
      Beitrag Nr. 3.569 ()
      Paltar Petroleum Limited - GRI provided an Independent Geologist’s Report for Paltar Petroleum Limited for use in an IPO to raise funds to undertake a program of exploration in the Beetaloo Basin, Northern Territory, Australia. The work involved the technical evaluation of three petroleum tenements within the basin owned by Sweetpea Petroleum Pty Ltd, which Paltar had entered into joint venture arrangements to earn 50% equity interest in each tenement by paying 100% of all costs associated with each permit.
      Global Resources & Infrastructure Pty Ltd
      Lower Ground Floor
      395 Collins Street
      Melbourne Victoria 3000
      schrieb am 02.10.11 21:48:18
      Beitrag Nr. 3.570 ()
      Sweetpea wird ja hier richtig verwöhnt, von allen Seiten, habe ich das Gefühl:-)....das liegt daran, dass ihre assets so attraktiv sindIMHO;-)....auch paltartechnisch muss petro erst mal gar nichts berappen in den beetaloo outskirts, nicht nur an der westflanke, nein, auch östlich nicht....hoffentlich gibt’s auch noch en paar paltar shares dazu, aber das glaube ich schon...
      schrieb am 02.10.11 22:17:30
      Beitrag Nr. 3.571 ()
      man könnte zwar sagen, das ist sowieso bruner, aber sachte, nein, ich meine nicht russenberger jetzt ( der meiner meinung nach sich mit bruner weiter gut versteht), es geht hier um viele weitere teils beträchtlich involvierte (so auch $ 1)investoren(aber bei weitem nicht nur $ 1 investoren), die auch für ihre arbeit z b phun shares bekommen haben....nein, bronco drilling company werde ich jetzt natürlich nicht sind auch immer noch ältere pp-teilnehmer dabei und auch jüngere, ne ganze menge fonds...
      schrieb am 03.10.11 00:06:17
      Beitrag Nr. 3.572 ()
      Dies ist ein Artikel, den wir schon vor einiger Zeit zur Kenntnis genommen haben. Er erscheint jetzt erneut im Zusammenhang der 2011 South East Asia Australia Offshore Conference auf der SEAAC-Seite. Ich habe kurz überlegt, ob ich ihn noch mal bringen soll, auf der anderen Seite fasst er doch ganz gut zusammen und erinnert an die Zusammenhänge. Die Konferenz findet statt vom 5. - 7. Oktober 2011 im Darwin Convention Center.

      All eyes on US miner's $55m Beetaloo gas bid in NT

      THE little-known Beetaloo Basin, 600km south of Darwin, is about to have the spotlight descend on it as US oil company Hess finalises a $US60 million ($55.6m) deal to explore there, and a US oilman with a lengthy interest in the region gears up for an Australian float focused on surrounding permits.

      The onshore basin, which its explorers hope will yield either conventional oil or tight oil and gas, was first explored by CRA in the 1980s, but has more recently sat in the hands of small US companies associated with American Marc Bruner -- most recently PetroHunter Energy and Falcon Oil & Gas.

      It is believed the Denver-based Falcon, a $US90m company listed on Toronto's Venture Exchange, will this week announce it has finalised regulatory approvals for a deal where Hess will pay $US20m for a 62.5 per cent interest in three of four of Falcon's Beetaloo tenements and 10 million Falcon warrants.

      The Houston-based major will then spend $US40m on seismic studies of the permits that will start this year. If the ground still looks prospective enough, it will spend a whole lot more on a five-well drill program next year.

      While Hess is avoiding making much noise about its interest, and is only locked in to the initial seismic work, the fact the basin has been chosen by the $US26 billion Houston company as an entry into Australian onshore oil and gas will ensure there is a close eye on the results. Hess will also pay an extra $2m for data from Falcon's Shenandoah-1 well, in Falcon's remaining tenement. The well is set to be recased and tested this quarter.

      The angle to the story for local investors is that Mr Bruner, Falcon's former chief executive, is planning an ASX float by September of his company, Paltar Petroleum, which has acquired tenements on the outskirts of Falcon and Hess's ground.

      Mr Bruner is also the major shareholder of PetroHunter and its subsidiary Sweetpea, which has sold both Falcon and Paltar their Beetaloo ground.

      The initial public offering will seek to raise $25m to appraise the ground and, if all goes to plan, see Paltar list with a market value of $138m.

      Last year, Mr Bruner resigned from Falcon after five years at the helm. He has had previous success building unconventional oil and gas plays, such as Ultra Petroleum and Pennaco Energy, along with Falcon.

      His sudden departure from Falcon, where he was replaced by director Robert Macaulay, came after US giant Exxon walked away from a Hungarian oil venture Mr Bruner had negotiated.

      Mr Bruner said Beetaloo could be one of the world's largest untapped shale deposits, with the potential for both conventional oil flow and tight oil and gas.

      In a presentation to investors this month, Mr Bruner said previous studies by Ryder Scott estimated that the basin could have 17 billion barrels of unrisked recoverable oil and 64 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.

      Australian-listed Sinovus Mining, is also involved in the Paltar float.

      July 04, 2011
      The Australian…

      SEAAOC 2011 - South East Asia Australia Offshore Conference is Northern Australia's largest and longest established petroleum conference.

      SEAAOC is a significant international opportunity to discuss key gas and LNG developments located across the entire northern Australian band and SE Asia.

      Now in its 17th year and run in partnership with the Northern Territory Government, no other programme covers this area of the industry in such depth, enabling the event to attract the highest caliber of speaker and delegate attendance from across the entire oil and gas world.

      Meet over 800 of Australia and South East Asia's leading resource professionals including CEOs, Directors, Senior Consultants, Business Development Managers, Mining Managers, Heads of Sales & Marketing, Oil & Gas Managers, Analysts, Managing Directors & General Managers.

      Benefit from the best case studies, keynote presentations, panel sessions and interactive workshops led by the most highly respected speakers.

      Don't miss your unrivalled opportunity to network with all of your key clients in one place and develop your business for future success.
      Die Konferenz in Darwin, der Haupstadt der Northern Territories (mit gar nicht mal so vielen Einwohnern) an der Nordküste Australiens ist nur vom Namen her eine Offshore-Konferenz nach 17 Jahren, in denen sie stattfindet.

      SEAAOC 2011 at a Glance
      4.20pm Close of conference

      5.00pm NT Resources Week closing function: Cocktail party and harbour cruise

      Will Marc Bruner be in attendance ?

      This conference will be held at:
      Darwin Convention Centre
      Stokes Hill Road, Darwin NT 0800
      T: +61 (0) 8 8923 9000, F: +61 (0) 8 8923 9199
      schrieb am 09.10.11 05:33:16
      Beitrag Nr. 3.573 ()
      some comments from marco, gonoles and tensleep, always funny, but what`s up with soly?...never mind soly, just a little weekend joke, we really do like your daily on shenandoah 1 proceeding ?....should be....GLTA
      schrieb am 09.10.11 11:32:04
      Beitrag Nr. 3.574 ()
      ..das scheint ja aussichtsreich zu sein, wie eine Lizenz zum Geld drucken ;)

      << Note

      This latest application follows a successful application by Falcon Oil & Gas in October. (See: Falcon Oil & Gas secures permit to evaluate South African properties). Falcon announced that the Company has secured a Technical Cooperation Permit to evaluate the Karoo Basin in central South Africa. Falcon has up to one year to conduct a technical appraisal of the area covered by the Permit, which will include review of the South African Petroleum Data Base. The Permit does not require Falcon to drill any wells during the one-year appraisal period, and establishes Falcon in a priority position for exercising future exploration rights within the lands covered by the Permit.

      The principal focus of the 7.5 million acre Karoo Basin Technical Cooperation Permit, located about 120 miles northeast of Cape Town, South Africa, is gas from fractured shale and sandstone in Permian age rocks. Nine wells have been drilled in the area (late 60's and early 70's) and all have encountered gas shows. One of the wells, drilled in 1968, had an unstimulated flow rate of 1.84 million cubic feet of gas per day from fractures.>>

      Zeitlich wird das aber dauern ... ?
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 09.10.11 21:04:14
      Beitrag Nr. 3.575 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.188.672 von Charly_2 am 09.10.11 11:32:04…
      schrieb am 11.10.11 04:13:56
      Beitrag Nr. 3.576 ()
      rusty is ja echt zu about monday funnies?...…tja, man kann es eben so und so bleibt dabei, was texas meinte...>ready to play oil&gas lotto?;) ;) forgot the quoting last time, sorry
      schrieb am 11.10.11 23:01:55
      Beitrag Nr. 3.577 ()
      schrieb am 12.10.11 23:13:58
      Beitrag Nr. 3.578 ()
      schrieb am 16.10.11 14:56:59
      Beitrag Nr. 3.579 ()
      DENVER, CO October 14, 2011 – Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSXV: FO) (the “Company”) announces today that it has issued a total of 676,800 common shares in the capital of the Company (“Common Shares”) to employees as a bonus for services. Also today, the Company completed a private placement for a total of 660,900 Common Shares. Each Common Share was issued for a subscription price of $0.15 per Common Share. The full private placement was subscribed for by insiders of the Company.
      get file on sedar news release english oct 14 2011 associated documents
      schrieb am 18.10.11 18:27:16
      Beitrag Nr. 3.580 ()
      während die arbeiten auf dem shenandoah 1 fortschreiten sollten wie angeplant ist es sicher nicht völlig uninteressant die pdf von der agm von falcon australia 2011 eventuell einmal erneut anzublättern, petrohunter hält hier circa 24 % zur zeit mit sweetpea, oring ist director bei falcon australia....nicht ganz uninteressant sind so auch die seiten 8, 9 und 10, auf welchen sehr schön das aktuelle bohrprogramm abgebildet ist....auf seite 10 sehen wir den 4.5 casing string eingezeichnet auf total depth, das graue sollte für die abzementierung gegen das bohrloch stehen und die zu perforierenden stellen sind eingezeichnet....soly meint, dieses bohrstadium müsste nun erreicht dass es dann also zeit würde für halliburton....CIBP steht für Cast Iron Bridge Plug, >a drillable plug that can be quickly and reliable set to isolate a section of the well (spe e&p glossary), welches fein gesetzt werden muss für optimale drillergebnisse....halliburton lässt grüßen
      schrieb am 20.10.11 18:17:06
      Beitrag Nr. 3.581 ()
      bezüglich stuttgart...ich muss für mich persönlich dazusagen, dass ich es gut finde, wenn phun in diesen tiefen regionen auch in stuttgart nicht überlastet wird...JMO……
      bei https-seiten no hotlinking on wo
      schrieb am 20.10.11 19:20:21
      Beitrag Nr. 3.582 ()
      Hab mir von dieser Perle heute noch einmal 24k Anteile einverleibt!

      Hab da so ein Gefühl dass es in Australien nicht so viel Wasser gibt wie in Ungarn und es nach 6 Jahren rumgegurke mal nen Treffer gibt!

      8 Mio Marktkapitalisierung lässt zumindest etwas Luft nach oben! chchch
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 21.10.11 18:34:49
      Beitrag Nr. 3.583 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.238.809 von evens am 20.10.11 19:20:21…
      schrieb am 23.10.11 06:21:36
      Beitrag Nr. 3.584 ()
      Re: Milestones thus far

      Confirmation of milestone progress from Rob:

      1) Falcon has completed drilling and casing of Shenandoah-1 well

      2) Haliburton has begun testing the 5 zones with 3 of those zones fraced

      3) Results should be announced within the next 6 weeks or so.…
      schrieb am 24.10.11 21:17:08
      Beitrag Nr. 3.585 ()
      Kurs heute up :cool:
      schrieb am 25.10.11 21:57:35
      Beitrag Nr. 3.586 ()
      ... und schon wieder zugeschlagen !!! :cool:
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 25.10.11 22:04:12
      Beitrag Nr. 3.587 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.257.554 von evens am 25.10.11 21:57:35...weiss nicht ob sich hier ein Einstieg lohnt, etwa doch, Argumente?
      schrieb am 26.10.11 17:44:42
      Beitrag Nr. 3.588 ()
      Jetzt nicht als Argument für einen Einstieg gemeint, nein, einfach ein weiterer Artikel, der auf seine Art ein paar Aspekte zum Beetaloo liefert, durchaus auch einige, die wir so noch nicht expliziert haben bis jetzt.

      Marc A Bruner is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Paltar Petroleum, a company he founded to develop a large shale oil and gas project in Australia’s Beetaloo Basin.

      The Beetaloo Basin is 600 kilometres from Darwin, and Paltar’s tenements have some existing infrastructure running through them, including the Stuart Highway and an established gas pipeline to Darwin. Plenty of the big players are already committed to Darwin, given its close proximity to Asian markets, which could be a real plus for turning the Beetaloo Basin into an oil and gas province. It will be interesting to see if the Northern Territory can develop an oil and gas industry and learn from some of the mistakes related to coal bed methane projects being played out in Queensland. One of the biggest things in Paltar’s favour is the remoteness of the Basin. With no farms or towns for miles, this is a rare luxury for a company focused on the development of a large-scale unconventional oil and gas play. Also, to have that access to infrastructure is “remarkable,” as put by a Morgan Stanley report on Australia’s burgeoning shale oil and gas industry in June 2011.

      Mark Bruner has the pedigree to help develop Australia’s unconventional oil and gas deposits, having led the development of major unconventional oil and gas fields in the US, such as the Pinedale Anticline in Wyoming, while at the helm of Ultra Petroleum, a company that these days is worth billions. Marc Bruner also has experience exploiting coal bed methane properties in the Powder River Basin after co-founding Pennaco Energy in the late 1990s. His Chief Geologist, Ben Law, is internationally renowned as a world-leading expert in the recognition and discovery of unconventional petroleum systems. Mark Bruner and Ben Law worked together at Falcon Oil & Gas, where they were focused on the identification and acquisition of conventional and unconventional oil and gas properties in Hungary, Romania, Australia, and South Africa.
      schrieb am 26.10.11 19:32:04
      Beitrag Nr. 3.589 ()
      Hoffe wir können die 0,02 halten - wär schon mal ein Anfang.
      Szabo hat sich 220.000 weitere Falcon Shares ins Depot gelegt - ich hoffe es hat was mit Australien zu tun.

      Oct 19/11 Oct 14/11 Szabo, Gyorgy Direct Ownership Common Shares 16 - Acquisition under a prospectus exemption 220,300…

      Das werden ein paar spannende nächste Monate werden, obwohl man sich meiner Meinung nach bis Frühjahr 2012 nicht viel erwarten darf. Aber die ersten Ergebnisse von Shenandoah sollten noch im November kommen.

      Man muss ich halt immer die Möglichkeit vor Augen halten, die in dem totgeglaubten "Zwerg" früher hätte man "Giganten" gesagt, schlummern:

      Ryder Scott estimated that the basin could have 17 billion barrels of unrisked recoverable oil and 64 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.
      If the Shenandoah well flows as anticipated, sources reckon it will be a game changer for the Northern Territory oil and gas industry.

      Ich gebe die Hoffnung nicht uaf, dass wir hier noch vieeel Freude haben werden.

      Schönen Abend
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 26.10.11 20:00:41
      Beitrag Nr. 3.590 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.261.989 von riverstone am 26.10.11 19:32:04Eben!

      Was kann man bei 2 Cent schon falsch machen?!
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 26.10.11 20:13:36
      Beitrag Nr. 3.591 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.262.195 von evens am 26.10.11 20:00:41Naja, man kann die zwei cent verlieren ;)
      Das ist jetzt immerhin die letzte Chance für PHUN. Wenn Australien nichts wird, dann wars das für PHUN.
      Aber dem sind natürlich die enormen Chancen, die bei einem Erfolg in Australien kommen werden, entgegen zu setzen.

      In ein paar Monaten wissen wir mehr, ob die mutigen die bei diesen Kursen zugeschlagen haben belohnt werden.
      schrieb am 30.10.11 04:42:27
      Beitrag Nr. 3.592 ()
      Ihr habt aber schon mitbekommen, das es sich hierbei um Betrug handelt, oder?…
      schrieb am 30.10.11 11:20:22
      Beitrag Nr. 3.593 ()
      Wer seit 2006 Petrohunter-Aktien getradet hat, an dem konnte diese story kaum völlig vorbeigehen, ja Petrohunter ist in Wirklichkeit durch und durch mit ihr verwoben. Die Zeiten dass Tobias hier gepostet hat sind allerdings schon ein Weilchen vorbei und so einige andere wo-accounts wurden im Laufe der Zeit ebenfalls gelöscht.

      Ich bedauere manchmal ein wenig, dass wir den thread 2007 gesplittet haben, eine Gesamtübersicht wäre angenehmer, so muss man den digi thread immer extra aufrufen. Wen es interessiert, wir haben diese bosler et al story zeitnah durchgearbeitet, bitte zurückblättern.
      schrieb am 01.11.11 01:30:59
      Beitrag Nr. 3.594 ()
      Sinovus mit einem aktuellen Annual Report. Diese ASX-Company, die ähnlich tief durchhängt wie PHUN ist nicht ganz uninteressant. Sie ist auch personaltechnisch stark verflochten mit Bruners neuem Ansatz in Australien, von welchem letzteren Marco vor kurzem mal meinte Bruner hätte nun seinen Verstand völlig verloren :) Sinovus ist involviert in das Paltar floating von Marc an der ASX, für das er in Wirklichkeit Zeit hat bis Ende 2012 in this connection. Auch wenn Marc bis dahin nicht listet an der ASX gibt es ein Schlupfloch in der Vertragsvereinbarung. Marc Bruner wartet selbstverständlich S-1 ab. Marc hat mit Wotan über Öl und Gas hinausgedacht und auch Sinovus ist überhaupt nicht auf diese beschränkt, im Gegenteil. All eyes on S#1, what else. Remains to be read in a boring working break :)…
      schrieb am 01.11.11 01:50:09
      Beitrag Nr. 3.595 ()
      what’s up gema
      schrieb am 03.11.11 17:01:36
      Beitrag Nr. 3.596 ()
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. Announces Change in Directors

      DENVER, COLORADO--(Marketwire - Nov. 3, 2011) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO) (the "Company", "Falcon") announces today that Tom Harris has resigned from his position as a Director of the Company, owing to limited availability on account of his increasing responsibilities at eCorp International. Mr. Harris' position on the board has been filled by Andrew James Morris of London, U.K.

      Mr. Morris has extensive international business experience and sits on the Board of several companies, ranging from early stage resource companies to emerging technology companies. He was founder of Persistency Capital, a private investment company with presence in London and New York where he has acted as both investor in, and adviser to, companies across a broad range of sectors and geographies. His current directorships include serving as Chairman of Blake Oil and Gas Limited, which has operations in the country of Georgia, Chairman of Kriisa Research Inc, a venture stage alternative energy company, Director of Southwest Energy Ltd, an oil and gas exploration company in Ethiopia, and a Director of Madagascar Oil Ltd, a heavy oil company in Madagascar. Previously, Mr. Morris spent 15 years in the financial services industry, including being a Director of Ernst & Young in London where he advised a broad range of organizations on Enterprise Risk Management including advice on corporate governance, management reporting, financial control, operational risk and process improvement. Mr. Morris holds a BSc (Hons.) degree in Mathematics from Bristol University and is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.

      Company Chairman of the Board John Craven said, "on behalf of the Board of Directors of Falcon I would like to extend my thanks to Tom for his hard work and counsel over the past two years. The Company has benefited from his extensive knowledge of shale resource exploration and his work on several board committees. We wish Tom success in his ongoing career."

      "I also welcome Andrew Morris to our Board. His extensive experience on the boards of international exploration companies and in the field of finance will serve Falcon well as we advance the company's many opportunities on our extensive acreage position."

      About Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. is an international oil and gas exploration and production company, headquartered in Denver, Colorado, incorporated in British Columbia, Canada, and trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "FO." The company specializes in the business of unconventional and conventional oil and gas exploration and production and holds interests in prospective properties in Australia, Hungary, and South Africa.

      Certain information in this press release may constitute forward-looking information. This information is based on current expectations that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statements. Falcon assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward looking-statements unless and until required by securities laws applicable to Falcon. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties is contained in Falcon's filings with the Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available at

      Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 03.11.11 17:09:01
      Beitrag Nr. 3.597 ()
      schrieb am 09.11.11 09:02:10
      Beitrag Nr. 3.598 ()
      Ein bisschen müssen wir uns noch gedulden.

      “The full test sequence is expected to be concluded around the end of November, 2011.”…

      Obwohl man sich hiervon m.M. nach nicht alzu viel erwarten kann - spannend ist es trotzdem!
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 13.11.11 01:40:43
      Beitrag Nr. 3.599 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.322.961 von riverstone am 09.11.11 09:02:10Good news on the way again? ---- Something must be up ----0.125--minus0.025--4,799,174bei FO ---- sieht das gut aus? ---- dazu fehlt mir im Moment der Optimismus
      schrieb am 13.11.11 04:28:47
      Beitrag Nr. 3.600 ()
      fucking gema break....whats up gema....
      schrieb am 14.11.11 16:22:49
      Beitrag Nr. 3.601 ()
      So die ersten Ergebnisse sind da:…

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. announces completion of testing in Shenandoah -1
      14 Nov 2011 09:00 ET
      CNW Group
      Falcon Oil & Gas, Ltd. (TSXV: FO) (the "Company", "Falcon") announced today that the full testing program has been successfully carried out on the Shenandoah-1 well in the Beetaloo Basin, Australia, with gas being produced from each of the shale intervals tested. Both Velkerri intervals are now considered candidates for future testing, including horizontal drilling with multiple stimulation treatments to establish commerciality, with the other intervals subject to further evaluation.

      Shenandoah-1 is within the 100,000 acre area that is under the sole ownership of Falcon Oil & Gas Australia Ltd. and is not part of the acreage included in the joint venture with Hess Australia (Beetaloo) Pty. Ltd. ("Hess"), as described in the July 13, 2011 press release. Under the terms of that arrangement however, Hess will be provided copies of data obtained from the testing and completion, for which the Company will receive $2 million.

      Testing Results

      Shenandoah-1 is a vertical well situated in the deepest part of the basin and natural gas was the expected hydrocarbon at the depths being tested. The well is the first to be tested in these unconventional targets, consequently the objectives of the tests were to determine whether the shale intervals could be fracture-stimulated and whether they could produce hydrocarbons, and to confirm rock, pressure and fluid properties. The operation has succeeded in these objectives and the well will now be plugged and abandoned to the highest environmental standards.

      The Shenandoah-1 tests were not designed for long-term testing with full clean-up of fluids, but rather to test for hydrocarbon production to surface over a period of four to six days and to gather the maximum information possible before moving on to the next interval according to program. For this reason and because these are shale zones in a vertical well with single stimulation treatments, high flowrates were not expected as mentioned in the press release dated September 16, 2011.

      Five intervals were tested in accordance with the program. The gathered information is still to be fully interpreted for planning future appraisal and exploration operations, however the following preliminary comments can be made at this time:

      -- Three of the five intervals flowed gas while still recovering
      significant amounts of frac fluid.
      -- The most positive results came from the Middle Velkerri shales
      where there was no indication of formation water being
      produced. The sustained gas rates ranged between 50 and 100
      mscfpd (thousand standard cubic feet per day), gas gravities
      ranged from 0.64 to 0.70 and the lower interval also yielded
      condensate with an API gravity of 43 degrees. Importantly this
      showed that that these rocks can be stimulated and are over
      pressured. Both Velkerri intervals will now be considered
      candidates for future testing, including horizontal drilling
      with multiple stimulation treatments to establish
      -- The Lower Kyalla shale also produced gas to surface and will
      now be considered for further exploratory investigation.
      -- Two separate intervals were perforated in the Moroak
      sandstones. They were not stimulated but rather were
      conventional perforation tests, intended to find out if the
      rocks were gas-bearing and to provide technical information.
      Little to no commercial hydrocarbons were present. The test did
      however provide valuable rock property information as the
      Moroak is target of interest elsewhere in the Beetaloo Basin as
      a conventional play.
      -- The Upper Kyalla shale is oil-bearing in Shenandoah-1 but was
      not tested due to wellbore configuration.

      Further evaluation of the extensive information gathered in this wellbore is now required before considering follow-up vertical and horizontal exploration wells. In order to locate future wells optimally it is likely that some additional seismic lines will need to be acquired in the Shenandoah area.

      Falcon CEO Robert Macaulay commented, "I am very pleased with the results of the Shenandoah-1 well test. The Velkerri results support our belief in recoverable hydrocarbons in the deepest part of the Beetaloo Basin. They also prove that these particular shales can be fracture stimulated which is a crucial first step in the exploration and appraisal process. The Moroak sandstones continue to be a target of interest and the information gained from testing will help with prospecting for these targets elsewhere in the Basin. The Lower Kyalla result is likewise encouraging, we will be working through the data to understand it better before committing our plans to paper on the next steps. Finally, a very extensive sequence of operations was carried out safely and successfully - I am very happy with the performance of our staff and contractors in this regard."

      Images from the operations can be found on the company's website at or

      About Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 14.11.11 18:34:42
      Beitrag Nr. 3.602 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.347.900 von riverstone am 14.11.11 16:22:49sieht doch ganz gut aus;-) also wer sagts denn…
      schrieb am 14.11.11 19:11:34
      Beitrag Nr. 3.603 ()
      schrieb am 14.11.11 21:33:36
      Beitrag Nr. 3.604 ()
      Bei 2 MMcft/d wäre der Kurs wahrscheinlich angestiegen.
      Die 50-100 Mcft/d haben den Kursrutsch verursacht, denke ich. Zwar: Nachweis erbracht, dass Gas gefördert werden kann. Deshalb war dieses E&P unconventional Öl&Gas Rubbellos aus meiner Sicht auch keine komplette Niete.Sehe schon eine Chance, aber Hess wird da noch einiges an Arbeit reinstecken müssen, damit die sweet spots identifiziert werden können bzw. um auszuknobeln wie man dieses unconventional play am besten knackt um eine wirtschaftliche Produktion zu bekommen. Risiko: Hess gibt auf wie Exxon in Ungarn und wir gehen wie beim "Mensch ärgere dich nicht Spiel" wieder an den Start zurück. Denke die weitere Entwicklung in Australien und damit das Schicksal als Fo shareholder wird jetzt von Hess geprägt.

      Auf jeden Fall ist Australien im Vergleich zum ungarischen Földeak Test mit 20 Mcft/d schon einmal ein bisschen besser und beim Bohren wahrscheinlich billiger. Aber die australischen 100 Mcft/d machen noch lange nicht glücklich und offensichtlich hat jemand verkauft, bevor die offizielle Meldung raus ging…

      Million standard cubic feet per day is a unit of measurement for liquids and gases that is predominantly used in the United States. It is frequently abbreviated MMSCFD, where "MM" means million.[1] MMSCFD is commonly used as a measure of natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), compressed natural gas (CNG) and other gases that extracted, processed or transported in high quantities.
      A related measure is million standard cubic metres per day (MSm3/d), which is used in many countries outside the United States.[2] One MMSCFD equals 1180 Sm3/h.
      When converting to mass flowrate, the density of the gas should be used at Standard temperature and pressure.…
      schrieb am 14.11.11 22:30:53
      Beitrag Nr. 3.605 ()
      was meint denn Rusty so? :-)

      Re: Up another Cent! --- no "rub it in" intended
      Hi Bill,
      Yes indeed, a very perceptive call by you re FO's Aussie adventure.
      Oh well, there's always South Africa. Although I should give FO its due re the NR they crafted. This NR sets a new performance bar for painting lipstick on a pig.
      I'd guess it won't be long before HESS says Adios, it's been interesting, but
      no thanks.
      And poor Investor is once again going to find out the pain of emotional investing based on nothing but hope. Looks like a tougher than usual XMAS coming around.…
      schrieb am 15.11.11 17:33:46
      Beitrag Nr. 3.606 ()
      Zwei weitere recht interessante Beiträge von tensleep und soly. Auf diese Art und Weise haben wir mal wieder die vier besten Beiträge aus den anderen boards in einer gut lesbaren Zusammenstellung zusammengefasst und das ist glaube ich ganz hilfreich um sich langsam eine eigene Meinung bezüglich dieser Ergebnisse weiter herauszubilden, zumindest geht es mir so.

      Glad it is good news,my potfolio couldn't take bad!I knew that this test was just the beginning and posted that,but I didn't think it would drop.It is like I said earlier at least a year or more before the first horizonal well.I should buy 100,000 shares and average down but I think it is going to be a long cold winter.Or wet damp spring in Oz.The only thing that could move this stock now is if Hess thought the results were excellent and made a bid for FO.GLTUA…

      Falcon found the proverbial ‘pay dirt’ in the Velkerri shale formation. So, Falcon’s next step is to formulate a plan for multi directional horizontal drilling. The average length of the horizontal well bores in the Marcellus and Eagle Ford shales is between 3000 to 4000 feet, occasionally may be as long as 8000 feet and it may have as many as 50 to 100 ‘fracs’ per horizontal bore. Applying today’s third generation technology, it is conceivable that the Velkerri formation could produce 5 to 10 mmscfpd gas per well.…
      schrieb am 23.11.11 18:58:18
      Beitrag Nr. 3.607 ()
      gas today australia

      Company news: a wrap of take-overs, drilling programmes, recruitment and project progress.

      Wed, 23 November 2011

      American company Falcon Oil and Gas are hot on the heels of Beach Energy’s shale success, having successfully carried out the full testing program on the Shenandoah-1 well in the Beetaloo Basin in the Northern Territory, with gas being produced from each of the shale intervals tested.

      Shenandoah-1 is a vertical well situated in the deepest part of the basin and natural gas was the expected hydrocarbon at the depths being tested. The well is the first to be tested in these unconventional targets, consequently the objectives of the tests were to determine whether the shale intervals could be fracture-stimulated and produce hydrocarbons, and to confirm rock, pressure and fluid properties.

      As the operation has succeeded in these objectives, Falcon has said that the well will be plugged and abandoned.

      Falcon CEO Robert Macaulay commented, “I am very pleased with the results of the Shenandoah-1 well test. We will be working through the data to understand it better before committing our plans to paper on the next steps.”
      Article continues below……
      who wants to live in FL on the beach ?
      schrieb am 25.11.11 23:05:42
      Beitrag Nr. 3.608 ()
      For those of you who are unaware there is a webcast of a presentation presented by Robert on Monday November 21st in Calgary. It can be accessed through the Falcon website in past events.
      THX Marco
      schrieb am 29.11.11 19:26:47
      Beitrag Nr. 3.609 ()
      WO Information technology delights all over again? Who would have thought...

      DENVER, COLORADO--(Marketwire - Nov. 29, 2011) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO) announced that it has filed its interim financial statements for the nine month period ended September 30, 2011 and the accompanying management's discussion and analysis. These filings are available at and on Falcon's website at……
      schrieb am 30.11.11 10:39:10
      Beitrag Nr. 3.610 ()
      So damit wäre die Frage von wem die 10 Mio. Aktien kommen, dank Soly, auch geklärt:

      A leopard can't change its spots…therefore a ‘tool’ always continues to be a ‘tool’.

      Judging be the trading volumes you didn’t fool anyone.

      But just in case, let’s clear up what the language says in this MD&A.



      The following Management’s Discussion and Analysis (the “MD&A”) was prepared as at November 28, 2011 and is management’s assessment of Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd’s (“Falcon”) financial and operating results and provides a summary of the financial information of the Company for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2011. This MD&A should be read in conjunction with the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2011 and 2010, and the audited consolidated financial statements and MD&A for the year ended December 31, 2010. The September 30, 2011 and 2010 unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”).

      The information provided herein in respect of Falcon includes information in respect of its wholly-owned operating subsidiaries Mako Energy Corporation (“Mako”), a Delaware company, TXM Oil and Gas Exploration Kft., a Hungarian limited liability company doing business as TXM Energy, LLC (“TXM”), TXM Marketing Trading & Service, LLC (“TXM Marketing”), a Hungarian limited liability company, and its majority owned subsidiary, Falcon Oil & Gas Australia Limited (“Falcon Australia”) (collectively, the “Company”).

      So when it says ‘Falcon’… it means Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.

      Hess Participation Agreement

      On June 28, 2011, all conditions precedent to closing of the Evaluation and Participation Agreement (the “E&P Agreement”) entered into on April 28, 2011 between Falcon Australia and Hess Australia (Beetaloo) Pty Ltd. (“Hess”) were satisfied. By the terms of the E&P Agreement, in July 2011 Hess paid $20.0 million to the Company (i) as a participation fee for the exclusive right to conduct operations for the exploration, drilling, development and production of hydrocarbons from three of the four Permits, and excluding an area comprising 100,000 acres surrounding the Shenandoah-1 well (the “Area of Interest”) and (ii) as consideration for warrants to acquire 10,000,000 common shares in the capital of Falcon at an exercise price of CDN$0.19 per share. The warrants are exercisable commencing on November 14, 2011, and expire on January 13, 2015.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 30.11.11 19:12:19
      Beitrag Nr. 3.611 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.417.778 von riverstone am 30.11.11 10:39:10Ja, das ist ja immer ganz lustig, wie Soly auf Notes 6 (et al) reagiert :-) USD 17,5 Mio gingen an Falcon AUS, die USD 2 Mio für die S1Daten gehen auch an Falcon AUS und die USD 2,5 Mio für die warrants gehen an Falcon, und Hess kann FO-Warrants in Aktien wechseln bis 2015. Nein, Notes 6 hat in Wirklichkeit völlig recht, die Sache mit den Warrants ist in MD and A von Falcon so missverständlich ausgedrückt, dass der Zweifel von Notes 6 zurecht aufkam. Man konnte aus MD und A heraus meinen, dass auch die warrants an Falcon AUS gehen, was aber in Wirklichkeit nicht der Fall ist, sie gehen an FO, nochmal gesagt. Es entsteht also in den Anteilen an FO AUS einstweilen keine Verwässerung, und auch die 62,5 % von Notes sind einstweilen Zukunftsmusik und beziehen sich -- ebenfalls wiederholt gesagt -- auf working interests in bestimmten Beetaloo-Arealen und nicht auf Falcon AUS Anteile, die sind FO Sweetpea und eine kleine PP-Gruppe.
      schrieb am 30.11.11 19:44:04
      Beitrag Nr. 3.612 ()
      Mit Company insgesamt ist Falcon gemeint, und Company schließt alle subsidiaries mit ein, so auch Falcon Australia. Die balance sheet läuft allerdings sowohl getrennt in Falcon Australia und Falcon (inclusive Hungry et SA), als auch in einer abschliessenden Summierung insgesamt für Company = Falcon. Ist eh gehupft wie gesprungen: Wir haben bei Petrohunter Sweetpea auch immer mitgeführt. Es ist schließlich eine Frage der Entwicklung der Tochtergesellschaften als auch des Hauptunternehmens wie bilanziert wird, was an Rechten von Investoren in den verschiedenen Ländern einfließt usw

      For the nine months ended September 20, 2011, additions to exploration and evaluation costs totaled $10,391,000. Of the total additions, $8,663,000 were associated with the Company’s Australian operations, and consisted of $8,815,000 Beetaloo project costs for the testing of the Shenandoah-1 well, and a decrease of $152,000 to the decommissioning provision. In addition, the Company increased the decommissioning provision for its Hungarian operations by $1,876,000 and had certain project cost recoveries of $148,000.
      (aus m d and a falcon, latest)
      schrieb am 07.12.11 18:30:46
      Beitrag Nr. 3.613 ()
      OTC Securities Held by Major Institutional Investors

      Today, OTC traded companies are held in portfolios managed by many of the largest institutional money managers, including Fidelity, Invesco, Oaktree, Vanguard, and over 2,000 other leading firms.

      Why? Over the last decade, OTC Markets Group has dedicated itself to building a more efficient marketplace for OTC securities. The result of this effort is that all investors can now easily gather the information needed to intelligently analyze some of the world’s most interesting investment opportunities, from undiscovered gems and turnarounds, to the strong global champions traded on OTCQX International, such as Lufthansa, Roche and Wal-Mart de Mexico, and trade these securities through the broker of their choice.

      As the quality and diversity of companies traded on the OTC marketplace continues to expand, we expect that more and more institutional firms will expand their holdings in OTC securities.

      For an alphabetical list of some of the major buy-side firms that currently hold OTC securities, please click here:
      = Top 100 Institutional Investors. For more information about this topic, please contact us anytime.

      OTC Market Regulation

      FINRA Proposes Changes for Rule 6433:
      FINRA filed a proposal to amend FINRA Rule 6433 (Minimum Quotation Size Requirements for OTC Equity Securities), published in the federal register on October 20, 2011. Under the proposed rule amendment, the minimum quotation size required for the display of an OTC Equity Security would fall into one of six tiers rather than the current nine tiers.

      For full details on this proposal, please view the filing here:……
      schrieb am 07.12.11 19:08:43
      Beitrag Nr. 3.614 ()
      Highlights from the Sinovus Mining Limited Quarterly Activities Report for the quarter ended 30 September 2011:

      • Successfully raised $1,184,313 through a fully-underwritten Rights Issue.
      Completed payment of A$1,000,000 for share subscription in Paltar Petroleum Ltd.
      • Completed issue of 69,720,936 shares to Gushi County Yangshan Coal Mine.
      • Appointment of Chief Executive Officer.
      • Qingfeng Granite Project.……
      schrieb am 09.12.11 22:55:46
      Beitrag Nr. 3.615 ()
      Sinovus hat 59,215,710 shares ausgegeben und die daraus resultierenden Einnahmen u a verwendet um an Bruner 1 Mio Aussies abzudrücken für die separate Paltar-Beteiligung von SNV:ASX....was macht Marc damit?:-)....wie wir ihn kennen würde ich sagen er wartet mit dem Paltar-Listing an der ASX bis Ende 2012, if ever he will be listing then....aber glaube ich an sich schon, die S1Ergebnisse sind ordentlich, natural gas ist da, die Kommerzialität ist nun zu erarbeiten zusammen mit Hess as to Falcon Australia, während Bruner insbesondere an der Westflanke, die von der seismic gut aussieht Partner sucht....FO AUS hat schon gefrackt in NT, aber die Probleme in WA und New South Wales die tensleep mit fracturing beschreibt sind natürlich australienmäßig zu beachten....für mich sieht das basal ganz ruhig und gut aus und Rustys O und G Analysten werden zu gegebener Zeit erneut FO AUS und Paltar-Ergebnisse zu bewerten haben denke ich mal....gut Ding will Weile haben gilt eh.... 20 000 reads wie bei genta schaffen wir einstweilen nichtLOLwaren aber mit Falcon früher öfters schon mal an 1 bei WO, keine Frage:-)....bis wir das wieder schaffen wird wohl dauern....and off we go into the
      weekend once again, don’t weBCNU
      schrieb am 14.12.11 19:13:28
      Beitrag Nr. 3.616 ()
      Investor Relations Presentation > December, 2011

      Naja, ist wohl genaudieselbe wie vom November (bei SEPAC Investor Showcase > Calgary, Nov 21, 2011 steht vorne I P November 2011)

      Entweder es wird für Dec korrigiert in der Einstellung oder es bleibt so :-)

      Da wir das Teil bis jetzt eh nur implicite drin haben beim Calgary webcast passt es ganz gut.…
      schrieb am 21.12.11 06:12:17
      Beitrag Nr. 3.617 ()
      New all time low of 9 cents bei Falcon am Montag. Soly hat dazu eine mail von Helen Mitchell in seinem Postfach gefunden ;-)

      Good Afternoon,

      I have received several calls from Falcon Oil & Gas shareholders regarding today’s trading. Below, you will find a summary made by CEO Rob Macaulay this morning.

      ** There is no company related news that would explain this trading. We can only speculate that the selling orders are year end and tax related. Based on our research, the selling is in small amounts.

      ** The seismic work with Hess on our Australian property (Beetaloo Basin) continues as planned. We have our next meeting with Hess in February but even then it may be premature to get a report.

      **We continue to work on finalizing the NIS deal in Hungary. We remain extremely excited about both the shallow and the deep potential for natural gas in Hungary.

      **No share issuance is planned at this time. We continue to look for joint ventures to maximize the value of the company and to the best interest of shareholders.

      Wishing you a Happy Holiday season and a prosperous New Year,

      Helen M. Mitchell

      Manager of Corporate Communications

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.

      Dated: Mon, 19 Dec 2011 14:13:59…
      schrieb am 31.12.11 00:46:15
      Beitrag Nr. 3.618 ()
      Annual report [Section 13 and 15(d), not S-K Item 405]
      Acc-no: 0000949353-11-000387 (34 Act) Size: 3 MB

      FORM 10-K 9-30-11 PETROHUNTER


      The following discussion of our financial condition and results of operations should be read in conjunction with our consolidated financial statements and notes appearing elsewhere in this Form 10-K.


      Results of Operations - Year Ended September 30, 2011 versus Year Ended September 30, 2010

      Oil and Gas Revenues – Oil and gas revenues were $nil and $nil for the fiscal years ended September 30, 2011 and 2010, respectively. We sold our only revenue producing assets as of December 1, 2008.

      Operating Expenses

      General and Administrative – During 2011, general and administrative expenses were $1,439,460 as compared to $2,073,513 in fiscal 2010, representing a decrease of $634,053 or 31%. The following table highlights significant general and administrative expenses for the respective periods:

      Period Ending September 30,	 
      2011 2010 Change
      Payroll $ 498,835 $ 529,752 $ (30,917 ) (6 )%
      Consulting fees 46,705 116,688 (69,983 ) (60 )%
      Stock - based compensation expense 211,888 318,508 (106,620 ) (33 )%
      Legal 82,985 30,622 52,363 171 %
      Investor relations 289 1,122 (833 ) (74 )%
      Insurance office and other 598,759 1,076,821 (478,062 ) (44 )%
      Total $ 1,439,461 $ 2,073,513 $ (634,052 ) (31 )%

      Payroll Expense – As of September 30, 2011, the rightsizing of our labor force was complete as we had reduced the workforce from 30 full time equivalents as of March 31, 2009 to one full time equivalent and one full time consultant.

      Consulting Fees – Declined $69,983 or 60% due to the Company’s cost reduction efforts and lower activity levels.

      Stock-Based Compensation– Decreased to $211,888 in 2011 from $318,508 in 2010, a decrease of $106,620. This 33% decrease results from grants of options during the period being valued at a lower intrinsic value caused by significant declines in the value of our common stock.

      Legal Fees – Increased to $82,985 in 2011 from $30,622 in 2010, an increase of $52,363. This 171% increase is primarily attributable to increased utilization of outside legal counsel related to our efforts to find alternative uses for our Colorado property interests as well as our applications for permit applications in Australia.

      Investor Relations – Decreased to $289 in 2011 from $1,122 in 2010. This 74% decrease is due primarily to our focus on expense management and the status of our business.

      Insurance, Office, and Other – Decreased to $598,759 in 2011 from $1,076,821 in 2010, a decrease of $478,062. This 44% decrease is primarily due to the termination of office and office equipment leases, decreases in office supplies expense and significant decreases in premium expense related to our various insurance policies.

      Depreciation, Depletion, Amortization and Accretion – Depreciation, depletion, amortization and accretion expense was $1,472 in 2011 and $90,086 in 2010, respectively. This decrease is primarily attributable to the fact that our asset retirement obligations were fully accreted as of September 30, 2010.

      Other Costs and Expenses

      Interest Expense – During 2011, interest expense was $5,501,282 in comparison to $5,718,754 incurred in 2010. The $217,472 decrease in interest expense, or 3.8% during the 2011 period, results from a reduction of interest rates on our largest debt instruments, which were reduced in connection with amendments to existing debt instruments in March 2010 and non-cash charges incurred in connection with this debt restructure in the 2010 period, offset by non-cash interest charges incurred in the current period related to our settlement related to amounts included in other accrued liabilities and as described more fully herein.


      Net Loss – Our net loss of $7,013,787 in 2011 compared to the loss of $6,755,118 in 2010 represents an increase of $258,669 or 3.8%, as a result of the decreases in expenses as delineated above offset by non cash other income and gains incurred in the prior period.

      Going Concern

      The report of our independent registered public accounting firm on the financial statements for the years ended September 30, 2011 and 2010 includes explanatory paragraphs relating to substantial doubt and uncertainty of our ability to continue as a going concern. We have generated a cumulative net loss of $292,987,591 and our current liabilities exceeded our current assets by $14,561,719 as of September 30, 2011. For our 2012 fiscal year, we expect that we will be able to fund, on a very limited basis, overhead expenses from the proceeds of sales of our Falcon shares. We do not believe we will be investing cash in our properties in the foreseeable future. Our ability to establish ourselves as a going concern is dependent upon our ability to obtain additional funding in order to finance our planned operations. Management continues to negotiate with the Company’s various creditors. However, our ability to establish ourselves as a going concern is dependent upon our ability to either refinance our currently outstanding obligations or obtain additional funding and there are no assurances either of these can occur in the foreseeable future.

      Plan of Operation


      In fiscal year 2012, we will continue to focus on exploring alternative financing and/or working interest partners to further explore opportunities related to our ten wellbores in the Buckskin Mesa.


      During fiscal 2012, we plan to focus on executing and implementing a strategy for our participation in exploration and development efforts in the Beetaloo Basin project area located in Australia, through Falcon Australia, and on pursuing our three exploration permit applications.

      Liquidity and Capital Resources

      Our most recent year ended September 30, 2011 continued to be a year of significant transition for us. Our cash flows from operations continued to be insufficient for us to meet our operating commitments. Given these circumstances, our primary goal during 2011 was to ensure liquidity to continue in existence, and further our exploration activities, on a limited basis, on our remaining properties. We continued to seek financing transactions, and to seek development partners for our Buckskin Mesa Project in Colorado and our Beetaloo Basin Project in Australia through our equity investment in Falcon Australia. As of September 30, 2011, we are dependent upon proceeds from the sale of our Falcon shares, which we obtained in 2008, to cover our operating expenses.

      Working Capital

      Working capital is the amount by which current assets exceed current liabilities, and our working capital deficit is the result of having current liabilities in excess of our current assets. Our working capital is impacted by changes in our ongoing operating costs, along with the timing of operating cash receipts and disbursements, borrowings of and payments toward debt, expenditures for and sales of oil and gas properties, and increases and decreases in other assets involving cash. We are in default of the underlying debt instruments included in current liabilities, and penalty interest is accruing on this debt.

      As of September 30, 2011, our current liabilities exceed our current assets by $14,561,719 and we had an unrestricted cash balance of $65,759. As of September 30, 2010 our current liabilities exceed our current assets by $11,333,436 and we had an unrestricted cash balance of $75,624; accordingly our working capital deficit increased by $3,228,283 during 2011 primarily as a result of the decreases in the value of our remaining current assets coupled with increases in current liabilities, specifically accrued interest recorded in connection with the settlement of contingent liabilities.


      Cash Flow – Year Ended September 30, 2011 versus Year Ended September 30, 2010

      Net cash used in or provided by operating, investing and financing activities for the years ended September 30, 2011 and 2010 were as follows:

      	$ 	Year Ended
      September 30,
      2011 2010
      Net cash (used) in operating activities $ (945,286 ) $ (2,096,999 )
      Net cash provided by investing activities $ 935,421 $ 1,954,557
      Net cash (used) in financing activities $ - (17,402 )

      Net Cash (Used in) Operating Activities. Net cash used in operating activities of $945,286 and $2,096,999 for the years ended September 30, 2011 and 2010, respectively, are attributable to our net income adjusted for non-cash charges as presented in the consolidated statements of cash flows and changes in working capital as discussed above.

      Net Cash Provided in Investing Activities. Net cash provided by investing activities decreased by $1,019,136 in 2011 as compared to 2010. The decrease in cash provided is primarily attributed to a decrease in the number of shares of our marketable securities sold to fund our operations during the 2011 period.

      Net Cash (Used in) Financing Activities. Net cash used in financing activities decreased $17,402 in 2011 as compared to 2010 due to the fact that we did not enter into any financing transactions during the 2011 period.

      2011 Financing Transactions

      We did not enter into any financing transactions during the fiscal year ended September 30, 2011.

      2010 Financing Transactions

      During 2010, we completed financing transactions as follows:

      (1) In March and April 2010 we entered into waiver and amendment agreements with our largest creditors whereby we extended the maturity date of debt to December 31, 2014 and paid accrued interest with shares of our common stock. Interest will accrue but not be payable until December 31, 2014.

      (2) In June 2010, we borrowed a total of $150,000 from officers and directors of the Company to fund our operations. The 15% per annum notes were repaid with all accrued interest in September 2010.

      Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements

      We do not have any off-balance sheet arrangements.

      Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates

      We believe the following critical accounting policies affect our more significant judgments and estimates used in the preparation of our Financial Statements.

      Oil and Gas Properties

      The Company utilizes the full cost method of accounting for its oil and gas properties. Under this method, subject to a limitation based on estimated value, all costs associated with property acquisition, exploration and development, including costs of unsuccessful exploration, are capitalized within a cost center on a by country basis. No gain or loss is recognized upon the sale or abandonment of undeveloped or producing oil and gas properties unless the sale


      represents a significant portion of oil and gas properties and the gain significantly alters the relationship between capitalized costs and proved oil and gas reserves of the cost center. Depreciation, depletion and amortization of oil and gas properties are computed on the units-of-production method based on proved reserves. Amortizable costs include estimates of future development costs of proved undeveloped reserves.

      Capitalized costs of oil and gas properties may not exceed an amount equal to the present value, discounted at 10%, of the estimated future net cash flows from proved oil and gas reserves plus the cost, or estimated fair market value, if lower, of unproved properties. Should capitalized costs exceed this ceiling, an impairment is recognized. The present value of estimated future net cash flows is computed by applying the average of first-day-of-the-month oil and gas prices during the 12-month period ended September 30, 2011 to estimated future production of proved oil and gas reserves as of year-end, less estimated future expenditures to be incurred in developing and producing the proved reserves and assuming continuation of existing economic conditions.

      Asset Retirement Obligation

      Asset retirement obligations associated with tangible long-lived assets are accounted for in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) 410, “Accounting for Asset Retirement Obligations.” The estimated fair value of the future costs associated with dismantlement, abandonment and restoration of oil and gas properties is recorded generally upon acquisition or completion of a well. The net estimated costs are discounted to present values using a risk adjusted rate over the estimated economic life of the oil and gas properties. Such costs are capitalized as part of the related asset. The asset is depleted on the units-of-production method on a field-by-field basis. The liability is periodically adjusted to reflect (1) new liabilities incurred, (2) liabilities settled during the period, (3) accretion expense, and (4) revisions to estimated future cash flow requirements. The accretion expense is recorded as a component of depreciation, depletion, amortization and accretion expense in the accompanying consolidated statements of operations.

      Share - Based Compensation

      We use the Black-Scholes option-pricing model and the straight-line attribution approach to determine the fair-value of stock-based awards in accordance with FASB ASC 718,“Compensation.” The option-pricing model requires the input of highly subjective assumptions, including the option’s expected life and the price volatility of the underlying stock. The Company’s expected term represents the period that stock-based awards are expected to be outstanding and is determined based on historical experience of similar awards, giving consideration to the contractual terms of the stock-based awards, vesting schedules and expectations of future employee behavior as influenced by changes to the terms of its stock-based awards. The expected stock price volatility is based on the Company’s historical stock prices.


      We apply the provisions of FASB ASC 360, “Property Plant and Equipment,” which addresses financial accounting and reporting for the impairment or disposal of long-lived assets. FASB ASC 360 requires a long-lived asset to be sold to be classified as “held for sale” in the period in which certain criteria are met, including that the sale of the asset within one year is probable. FASB ASC 360 also requires that the results of operations of a component of an entity that either has been disposed of or is classified as held for sale be reported in discontinued operations if the operations and cash flows of the component have been or will be eliminated from the Company’s ongoing operations.

      The Company periodically reviews the carrying value of its long-term assets in relation to historical results, current business conditions and trends to identify potential situations in which the carrying value of assets may not be recoverable. If such reviews indicate that the carrying value of such assets may not be recoverable, the Company would estimate the undiscounted sum of the expected cash flows of such assets to determine if such sum is less than the carrying value of such assets to ascertain if an impairment exists. If an impairment exists, the Company would determine the fair value by using quoted market prices, if available for such assets, or if quoted market prices are not available, the Company would discount the expected future cash flows of such assets.


      Marketable Securities

      We received marketable equity securities as consideration from the sale of certain of our oil and gas properties, and account for them in accordance with FASB ASC 320, “Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities.” We account for marketable securities by marking to market with unrealized gains and losses reflected as a component of Other Comprehensive Income, until such gains or losses become realized, at which time they are then recognized in our statement of operations. In addition, in circumstances where significant price declines are experienced subsequent to the balance sheet date, we consider whether such declines are other than temporary, after considering our expected holding period, we may record a provision for impairment in the event we do not expect the value of the securities to recover from such a decline in market value. We consider our accounting for marketable securities to involve significant management judgment that is subject to estimation.

      Recently Issued Accounting Pronouncements

      In June 2011, the FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2011-05, Presentation of Comprehensive Income. This update provides the option to present the total of comprehensive income, the components of net income and the components of other comprehensive income either in a single continuous statement of comprehensive income or in two separate but consecutive statements. The Company does not believe that this will materially impact the presentation of its financial statements.

      In May 2011, the FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2011-04, Amendments to Achieve Common Fair Value Measurement and Disclosure Requirements in U.S. GAAP and IFRS . This update does not require additional fair value measurements and is not intended to establish valuation standards or affect valuation practices outside of financial reporting. This update may require certain additional disclosures related to fair value measurements. We do not expect the adoption of this update will materially impact our financial statement disclosures.

      Other accounting standards that have been issued or proposed by the FASB, or other standards-setting bodies, that do not require adoption until a future date are not expected to have a material impact on the financial statements upon adoption.

      Other recent accounting pronouncements issued by the FASB (including its Emerging Issues Task Force), the AICPA, and the SEC did not, or are not believed by management to, have a material impact on our present or future consolidated financial statements.


      Not required by Form 10-K for Smaller Reporting Companies.

      schrieb am 31.12.11 02:27:11
      Beitrag Nr. 3.619 ()
      bring it on again 2012.... Happy New Year
      schrieb am 01.01.12 21:22:15
      Beitrag Nr. 3.620 ()
      Danke fürs Reinstellen, habs grad gelesen.
      Dein letzter Satz trifft es perfekt - 2012 wird die ganze Digital Ecosystems Story (oder auch my biggest baby ever ;)), hoffentlich wieder zum Leben erweckt!

      Schönes neues Jahr!
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 02.01.12 20:34:10
      Beitrag Nr. 3.621 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.537.495 von riverstone am 01.01.12 21:22:15View Filing Data
      schrieb am 02.01.12 21:23:16
      Beitrag Nr. 3.622 ()
      >a few interesting excerpts from the very filing as of late

      Entity Common Stock, Shares Outstanding 439,078,759
      Entity Public Float $ 13,172,362(Mar. 2011)
      Cash and cash equivalents $ 65,759(2011) $ 75,624(2010)
      Restricted marketable securities 650,000(Falcon)
      TOTAL LIABILITIES 70,011,172
      Common stock, $0.001 par value; authorized 1,000,000,000 shares
      Accumulated deficit (292,987,591)
      Interest expense (5,501,282)
      Gain (loss) on sale of securities (27,647)
      Net Loss $ (7,013,787)
      Proceeds from sale of marketable securities 935,421

      Note 1 — Organization and Basis of Presentation

      We are an oil and gas exploration company, and we currently own oil and gas leasehold interests located in Western Colorado (Piceance Basin) and in Australia (Beetaloo Basin) through an equity investment in another entity. We are incorporated in the State of Maryland.

      Our predecessor, Digital Ecosystems Corp. (“Digital”), was incorporated on February 21, 2002 under the laws of the state of Nevada. On February 10, 2006, Digital entered into a Share Exchange Agreement (the “Exchange Agreement”) with GSL Energy Corporation (“GSL”) and certain shareholders of GSL pursuant to which Digital acquired more than 85% of the issued and outstanding shares of common stock of GSL in exchange for shares of Digital’s common stock. The Exchange Agreement was completed on May 12, 2006. At that time, GSL’s business, which was formed in 2005 for the purpose of acquiring, exploring, developing and operating oil and gas properties, became Digital’s business and GSL became a subsidiary of Digital. Since this transaction resulted in the former shareholders of GSL acquiring control of Digital, for financial reporting purposes, the business combination was accounted for as an additional capitalization of Digital (a reverse acquisition with GSL as the accounting acquirer).

      Subsequent to the closing of the Exchange Agreement, Digital acquired all the remaining outstanding stock of GSL, and effective August 14, 2006, Digital changed its name to PetroHunter Energy Corporation (“PetroHunter”) and reincorporated under the laws of the state of Maryland. Likewise, in October 2006, GSL changed its name to PetroHunter Operating Company.

      Effective January 1, 2007, we acquired all of the common shares of Sweetpea Petroleum Pty Ltd. (“Sweetpea”).

      Unless otherwise noted in this report, any description of “us” or “we” refers to PetroHunter Energy Corporation and its subsidiaries.

      Financial information in this report is presented in U.S. dollars.

      As of September 30, 2011, long term restricted cash consists of $85,000 in certificates of deposit and letters of credit for exploration permits and state and local bonds.

      As of September 30, 2011, we have recorded $650,000 in marketable securities on our Consolidated Balance Sheet, representing the 5,000,000 shares of Falcon common stock that we held on this date. As of September 30, 2011, 5,000,000 shares were restricted through various agreements wherein they had been pledged as collateral. As described in Note 2, we have accounted for these securities in accordance with FASB ASC 320, “Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities.”

      Note 5 - Equity Investment

      In April 2010, we and Sweetpea, as bound by an agreement executed in December 2009, and Falcon and its wholly owned subsidiary, Falcon Oil & Gas Australia Pty Ltd (“Falcon Australia”), closed a transaction wherein Sweetpea received an initial 25% equity interest in Falcon Australia in exchange for its remaining undivided 25% interest in four exploration permits in the Beetaloo Basin, in the Northern Territory, Australia. The result of this transaction is the re-consolidation of the interests in the exploration permits into one entity and the creation of a vehicle for fundraising and exploration and development activities in the Beetaloo Basin. The ownership of Falcon Australia immediately following the closing of the transaction was 75% by Falcon and 25% by Sweetpea.

      We have accounted for our investment in Falcon Australia in accordance with FASB ASC Topic 323, “Investments- Equity Method & Joint Ventures.” Our basis in the 50,000,000 shares of Falcon Australia we received has been recorded at the historical cost of the identifiable assets given in consideration valued at $1,987,244 related to costs incurred in connection with the Shenandoah#1A well in the Beetaloo Basin Australia, net of related liabilities relieved and net of related accrued GST taxes of $1,838,091, resulting in the recording of a net equity investment of $149,153 as of the date of the transaction.

      In June 2010, Falcon Australia raised $4,900,000 in accordance with the terms of a private placement memorandum. As a result of this financing transaction, our ownership interest was diluted to 24%.

      As of September 30, 2011, our equity method investment in Falcon Australia consisted of 50,000,000 shares of common stock in the investee. We have recorded losses on the equity investment of $149,153 for the year ended September 30, 2010. As of a result of the losses incurred in connection with the investment we have reduced our basis in the investment to $nil as of September 30, 2011 and 2010, respectively.

      Note 6 — Oil and Gas Properties

      Summary – We have recorded no value related to oil and gas properties at September 30, 2011 and 2010.


      During fiscal 2007 we drilled the Shenandoah #1 well located in the Beetaloo Basin in the Northern Territory of Australia. At this time we owned 100% of the working interest in this well and related leasehold interest. This well is located on oil and gas leasehold interest we held through four exploration permits that included 7,000,000 acres. In periods subsequent, we sold 75% of our 100% working interest in this well and the related acreage to Falcon Australia, who now operates the project. During fiscal 2009, we participated in the deepening of this well, the Shenandoah #1A, which is shut-in awaiting additional expenditure. In fiscal 2010, we conveyed our remaining 25% interest in the prospect to Falcon Australia, in exchange for 50,000,000 shares in that entity (Note 5).

      We have also applied for three additional exploration permits in the Northern Territory in Australia covering an additional 1.8 million acres that are adjacent to our Beetaloo Basin Project acreage. Subsequent to September 30, 2011 we have substantially advanced the negotiations on two of the three permits. We have granted an option acquire a 50% interest in two of these three exploration permits to a related party. As partial consideration for this option we received $150,000 in cash. This amount has been included in accounts payable and accrued liabilities on our consolidated balance sheet as of September 30, 2011. (Note 14)

      US Projects – Piceance Basin

      Buckskin Mesa Project – The Buckskin Mesa Project area was purchased on September 17, 2005 from MAB Resources, subject to certain agreements with Daniels Petroleum Company ("DPC"). The property is located in the northern part of the Piceance Basin in Rio Blanco County, Colorado. The acquisition included 20,000 net acres and five previously drilled that were shut-in. We drilled five wells on this acreage and attempted to complete three of these wells in the first quarter of 2009. All ten wells are currently shut-in.

      Per the agreement with DPC we were required to drill 5 additional wells by July 31, 2009, or pay DPC $2,000,000 or return these leases to DPC. We did not drill these additional five wells.

      In June 2010, we executed a letter of intent to transfer a significant portion of our interests in our Piceance properties into the Buckskin Mesa, LLC, a vehicle formed to fund exploration of these interests. We were unsuccessful in finding partners for this project and returned the leases to DPC during fiscal 2011.

      During the year ended September 30, 2009, we impaired the remaining value of our U.S. full cost pool as we did not have the financial capacity to continue exploring for oil and gas on this acreage.

      Note 8 — Other Accrued Liabilities

      Other accrued liabilities as of September 30, 2011 and 2010 are summarized and described below:

      2011	  	  	2010
      Other accrued liabilities $ 8,605,147 $ 7,273,331

      On April 11, 2008, we closed the sale of certain natural gas gathering assets in our Buckskin Mesa project for $700,000 in cash consideration, and simultaneously entered into a gas gathering agreement with Clear Creek Energy Services (“CCES”) relating to the initial phase of a gas gathering system at Buckskin Mesa. These agreements formalized and expanded upon a letter of understanding between the parties which contemplated a dedicated relationship with CCES in the development of a gas gathering system and the provision of gas gathering services within our Buckskin Mesa Project area (the “CCES Agreements”). In addition to customary terms and conditions, the CCES Agreements included a guarantee (the “Guarantee”) from us to CCES regarding its increasing financial commitments as they were incurred in relation to the development of the gas gathering system, including our contingent repurchase of the gas gathering assets we sold to CCES. The triggering event for the Guarantee was contingent upon our mutual failure to execute a formal agreement for long-term gas gathering services in the future. The resolution of this contingency was dependent upon, among other things, gas production levels from the initial phase gas gathering system for our Buckskin Mesa Project. Per the agreement if we failed to execute a mutually agreeable long-term contract, CCES had the right to invoice us for its incurred costs and demand repayment within 20 days of our receipt of the demand invoice. To secure our Guarantee, we executed a promissory note for an amount up to $11,500,000, secured by second deeds of trust on our Colorado properties. The amount of the Guarantee was variable, based upon the underlying incurred costs by CCES as defined in the CCES Agreements.

      During the year ended September 30, 2009, we deemed that the completion of this gathering system was economically unfeasible for us and we ceased pursuing its completion. As per our initial agreement with CCES, all amounts payable came due within 20 days of demand. In May 2009, we received a demand notice from CCES. We held discussions with CCES management between September 2009 and November 2011 to develop a mutually agreeable settlement. In November 2011 we reached an agreement with CCES related to additional costs incurred by CCES to remediate the gathering system and additional charges incurred by CCES in connection therewith. In connection with this agreement we have recorded an additional $1,331,816 in accrued liabilities. We have recorded finance charges in the same amount in our consolidated statement of operations for the period and this amount has been included as a component of interest expense. CCES has a lien on the Buckskin Mesa acreage and well bores.

      Note 11 — Stockholders’ Equity

      Common Stock –We have authorized 1 billion shares of common stock and 100 million shares of preferred stock. As of September 30, 2011 and 2010, 439,078,759 and 439,078,759 shares of our common stock were issued and outstanding, respectively, and no shares of preferred stock were outstanding for either period.

      Fiscal 2011 Transactions – During the year ended September 30, 2011, we did not issue any shares of our common stock.

      Note 14 — Related Party Transactions

      Our policy is to enter into transactions with related parties on terms that, on the whole, are more favorable, or no less favorable than those available from unaffiliated third parties. Based on our experience in oil and gas exploration and development and considering the terms of our transactions with unaffiliated third parties, we believe that all of the transactions described below met this policy standard at the time they occurred.

      Accounts Payable– As of September 30, 2011,included in accounts payable is $171,680 due to Falcon related to our share of GST taxes associated with costs incurred in drilling the Shenandoah #1A well in the Beetaloo Basin prior to our relief of these costs in connection with our equity method investment in Falcon Australia.

      Bruner Family Trust– As of September 30, 2011, we owe $2,828,060 in principal and $423,877 in accrued interest to the Bruner Family Trust related to seven outstanding notes payable. We have recorded interest expense in the amount of $97,860 during the year ended September 30, 2011. As of September 30, 2011, we have received a waiver of default on all seven notes related to failure to make principal and interest payments, as well various debt covenant violations.

      Equity Method Investment – In April 2010, we were issued 50,000,000 shares of common stock in Falcon Australia in consideration for our contribution of our 25% interest in four exploration permits related to 7 million acres in the Beetaloo Basin, Australia. As of September 30, 2011 our interest in the investment was 24% and we have recorded no value related to the investment as a result of the dilutive impact of losses incurred during the year ended September 30, 2011(Note 5).

      Global Finance – As of September 30, 2011, we owe $40,650,000 in principal and $6,147,551 in accrued interest and fees payable to Global Finance AG. These amounts relate to an outstanding credit facilities, notes payable, and advance fees due. During the years ended September 30, 2011 and 2010, we recorded interest expense exclusive of restructuring charges as discussed in Note 10 above of $3,453,587 and $3,714,696, respectively, related to the various instruments. Global was paid $10,000 for consulting services provided to the Company during the year ended September 30, 2011.

      Officer Notes – In June 2010, we borrowed a total of $150,000 from officers and directors of the Company to fund our operations. The notes bore interest at 15% per annum. These notes were repaid with all accrued interest in September 2010. We recorded a charge of $6,000 related to cash paid for interest to the officers.

      Marketable Securities – As of September 30, 2011, we have recorded restricted marketable securities totaling $650,000 in aggregate. These securities were received from a related party, Falcon, pursuant to the sale of a 50% interest in four exploration permits in Australia during fiscal year ended September 30, 2008.

      Palter Petroleum Ltd – In August 2011, we received $150,000 in cash from Paltar Petroleum LTD (“Paltar”) as partial consideration of an option to purchase a 50% interest in our permit applications in the Beetaloo Basin in Australia. Paltar is controlled by Marc Bruner.

      Note 16 —Subsequent Events

      In November 2011, we arrived at an agreement with CCES related to outstanding liabilities related to a gas gathering system that CCES had constructed for us as described more fully in Note 8 above. In connection with this agreement we have recorded additional accrued liabilities in the amount of $1,331,816 as of and for the year ended September 30, 2011. We remain in conversation with CCES related to the settlement of the full liability.

      In October 2011, we transferred 800,000 shares of our Falcon stock to Global Project Finance in satisfaction of amounts previously accrued as advance fees payable.
      schrieb am 02.01.12 22:32:12
      Beitrag Nr. 3.623 ()
      We have also applied for three additional exploration permits in the Northern Territory in Australia covering an additional 1.8 million acres that are adjacent to our Beetaloo Basin Project acreage. Subsequent to September 30, 2011 we have substantially advanced the negotiations on two of the three permits. We have granted an option acquire a 50% interest in two of these three exploration permits to a related party. As partial consideration for this option we received $150,000 in cash. This amount has been included in accounts payable and accrued liabilities on our consolidated balance sheet as of September 30, 2011. (Note 14)

      Ganz eindrucksvoll: für Paltar’s Einstieg in Beetaloo’s Außenbezirke hat Marc lediglich 150 000 Yankee Dollars abgedrückt. Aber er übernimmt die gesamte Entwicklung in diesen Bereichen für Sweetpea erst mal mit. Und das wird kosten. Dafür hat Bruner eine Million Australische Dollars von Sinovus an 1 schon mal abkassiert. Die wirklich große Summe für Beetaloo will er einnehmen mit einem IPO an der ASX, wohl bis Ende 2012. Ich denke das führt Bruner auch durch, wenn es denn geht. Hess wird hier entschieden bestimmen ob die Aussies bereit sind zu investieren. Wenn Hess weitermacht kann ich mir das vorstellen.

      US Projects – Piceance Basin

      Buckskin Mesa Project – The Buckskin Mesa Project area was purchased on September 17, 2005 from MAB Resources, subject to certain agreements with Daniels Petroleum Company ("DPC"). The property is located in the northern part of the Piceance Basin in Rio Blanco County, Colorado. The acquisition included 20,000 net acres and five previously drilled that were shut-in. We drilled five wells on this acreage and attempted to complete three of these wells in the first quarter of 2009. All ten wells are currently shut-in.

      Per the agreement with DPC we were required to drill 5 additional wells by July 31, 2009, or pay DPC $2,000,000 or return these leases to DPC. We did not drill these additional five wells.

      In June 2010, we executed a letter of intent to transfer a significant portion of our interests in our Piceance properties into the Buckskin Mesa, LLC, a vehicle formed to fund exploration of these interests. We were unsuccessful in finding partners for this project and returned the leases to DPC during fiscal 2011.

      During the year ended September 30, 2009, we impaired the remaining value of our U.S. full cost pool as we did not have the financial capacity to continue exploring for oil and gas on this acreage.

      Piceance hängt brutal durch, aber besteht weiter.

      In November 2011 we reached an agreement with CCES related to additional costs incurred by CCES to remediate the gathering system and additional charges incurred by CCES in connection therewith. In connection with this agreement we have recorded an additional $1,331,816 in accrued liabilities. We have recorded finance charges in the same amount in our consolidated statement of operations for the period and this amount has been included as a component of interest expense. CCES has a lien on the Buckskin Mesa acreage and well bores.

      Mit den gathering systems ist auch schiefgelaufen und CCES hat nun Pfandrecht auf Buckskin Mesa.

      Note 14 ist auch äußerst aussagekräftig. 171,680 Dollars sind noch an Falcon zu zahlen as to S1. Der Family Trust hat PHUN entlastet aber die Zinsen laufen heftig auf genauso wie bei Global(Russenberger), der PHUN auch entlastet hat. Er hält zur Zeit den größten Anteil an PHUN noch vor Marc. Durch das private placement in Australien wurde der Anteil von Sweetpea an Falcon AUS verwässert und es entstand ein loss von 149,153 US Dollars, was in der equity accounting Methode dazu führt, das dass Beetaloo asset von PHUN in der balance sheet auf 0 reduziert wird, was sich im accounting natürlich dramatisch negativ auswirkt, ist aber mehr Negativ-Kosmetik und für die Entwicklung actually, falls Hess Erfolg hat, ohne wirkliche Bedeutung. Der Kredit von den Direktoren von PHUN wurde vollständig zurückgezahlt;) 5 Mio Falcon shares hat man noch zum Überleben. Wird also Zeit dass Marc mit Paltar Beetaloo-mäßig zu Potte kommt. Die Verhandlungen mit CCES(gathering ss) sind weiter erfolgreich fortgeführt worden im November letzten Jahres--Note(s) 1 (6).
      schrieb am 02.01.12 23:04:38
      Beitrag Nr. 3.624 ()
      kleine allfällige Korrektur of course: der erste Abschnitt of late (kursiv) bezieht sich auf notes 6 :keks: und nicht auf note 14, sorry
      schrieb am 02.01.12 23:09:18
      Beitrag Nr. 3.625 ()
      ja, note 14 ist in den text note 6 includiert, aber missverständlich ist es trotzdem:)
      schrieb am 02.01.12 23:41:44
      Beitrag Nr. 3.626 ()
      Accumulated deficit (292,987,591)>looks like Bruner: welcher Basalexplorer liefert schon solche Zahlen: aber: ich denke die Erfolge überwiegen letztendlich bei Marc absolutely und die story ist nicht zu Ende und geht weiter. Dass Bruner bisher erfolgreich war in summa hat allerdings hier eher wenig zu sagen, denn die Musik spielt bei Hess, bei Paltar, bei der Expertise der Kollegen und bei der Geologie, und diese steht eben in den Sternen.
      And poor Investor is once again going to find out the pain of emotional investing based on nothing but hope. Looks like a tougher than usual XMAS coming around.(2012?)
      schrieb am 03.01.12 11:57:17
      Beitrag Nr. 3.627 ()
      Accounts Payable– As of September 30, 2011,included in accounts payable is $171,680 due to Falcon related to our share of GST taxes associated with costs incurred in drilling the Shenandoah #1A well in the Beetaloo Basin prior to our relief of these costs in connection with our equity method investment in Falcon Australia(aus Note 14)

      Hier ist mir weiter oben ein Fehler unterlaufen in der Beschreibung. Die USD 171 680 an Falcon wurden erlassen in Verbindung mit dem Equity Investment von PHUN in Beetaloo. Es stehen also zur Zeit keine Rückstände als auch keine Kosten an für PHUN in Beetaloo bezüglich Falcon Australia
      schrieb am 03.01.12 12:41:52
      Beitrag Nr. 3.628 ()
      Change of Corporate Address (January 1, 2012)
      schrieb am 03.01.12 12:45:06
      Beitrag Nr. 3.629 ()
      schrieb am 03.01.12 13:03:30
      Beitrag Nr. 3.630 ()
      SPE/EAGE Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition > Vienna
      Mar 20 - 22, 2012
      Dr. György Szabó, Dr. Gábor Bada
      schrieb am 03.01.12 13:20:29
      Beitrag Nr. 3.631 ()
      schrieb am 03.01.12 19:41:51
      Beitrag Nr. 3.632 ()
      Hi Auriga!

      Auch im neuen Jahr gleich mal ein riesen großes Dankeschön für deine unermüdliche Arbeit und deine tollen Beiträge und Interpretationen hier!

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 03.01.12 22:04:24
      Beitrag Nr. 3.633 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.545.551 von riverstone am 03.01.12 19:41:51Wo Schatten ist da ist auch Licht. We stay tuned.
      schrieb am 04.01.12 02:04:36
      Beitrag Nr. 3.634 ()
      oh well, auch ganz interessant mal wieder anzuschauen…
      schrieb am 04.01.12 02:50:43
      Beitrag Nr. 3.635 ()
      For Your Eyes Only:Dkinda private message from really like it:D...who would like to delete?...relaxing?
      schrieb am 04.01.12 03:56:19
      Beitrag Nr. 3.636 ()
      is this one off topic?....courtesy of my friend kokoLOLNew Year's resolutions?…
      schrieb am 04.01.12 21:27:39
      Beitrag Nr. 3.637 ()
      Falcon sucht einen HSE Engineer mit Russischkenntnissen und Computer literate on Microsoft doch völlig OK...warum muss man so was auf agora löschen...sie sollten mehr Zeit mit ihrer Seite verbringen, die fiel gerade tagelang aus...skandalösLOL
      Mal sehen wie lange die drüben schon gelöschten messages so noch abrufbar sind(funny)

      pease delete
      schrieb am 04.01.12 21:47:11
      Beitrag Nr. 3.638 ()
      nicht erbsen löschen, schon gar nicht sweetpease, please
      schrieb am 05.01.12 09:10:34
      Beitrag Nr. 3.639 ()

      Hat ein paar Insider Käufe gegeben bei FO:

      Dec 30/11 Dec 30/11 Macaulay, Robert Cameron Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 100,000 $0.100
      Dec 6/11 Nov 3/11 Morris, Andrew James Indirect Ownership Warrants 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report
      Dec 6/11 Nov 3/11 Morris, Andrew James Direct Ownership Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report
      Oct 19/11 Oct 14/11 Szabo, Gyorgy Direct Ownership Common Shares 16 - Acquisition under a prospectus exemption 220,300 $0.150
      Oct 17/11 Oct 14/11 Wallis, John Direct Ownership Common Shares 16 - Acquisition under a prospectus exemption 220,300 $0.150
      Oct 17/11 Oct 14/11 Wasoff, Evan Direct Ownership Common Shares 16 - Acquisition under a prospectus exemption 220,300 $0.150

      Und da es auch bei FO als nächstes hauptsächlich um Australien geht, können wir uns immer noch an dem letzten Strohhalm festhalten, der für mich doch ein wenig stabiler geworden ist!
      schrieb am 06.01.12 10:37:05
      Beitrag Nr. 3.640 ()
      Hallo auriga,
      auch von meiner seite ein Gutes Neues 2012 und herzlichen Dank für Deine riesen Leistung hier im Board!!

      Mache gerade in Süd Frankreich Urlaub und stelle mir immer wieder vor wie wir uns alle fühlen würden, wenn das ganze phun/Falcon Projekt mal wieder eine positive Richtung einschlägt.

      Es ist auch wichtig zu sehen dass die Insider am Ball bleiben und sich noch mit Anteilen eindecken.

      Es ist unglaublich welche chancen sich bei dem Kursniveau ergeben - sofern die dann kommen.
      Verbilligen funktioniert dann am ende doch nur wenn die Perspektieve aufgezeigt werden - und es ist dank Deiner Beiträgen möglich die Komplexität dieser Projektes für außenstehende halbwegs zu begreifen.

      Die Entscheidung weitere Investments zu tätigen werden hoffentlich wieder kommen und es wird dann auch die ersehnte Belohnung für diesen Aufwand geben. An dem Beispiel phun kann man recht gut lernen wie die Börse eigentlich funktioniert und was es heißt Lehrgeld zu zahlen und dann ... zu vieleicht auch zu ernten.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 06.01.12 15:33:28
      Beitrag Nr. 3.641 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.558.342 von shore am 06.01.12 10:37:05Schön. Um diese Zeit war ich noch nicht in SF bis jetzt, das früheste war mal Ostern, da wars schon angenehm warm in Var. Wär schon sich mal wieder den Mistral da unten etwas um die Ohren fegen zu lassen, beneide dich etwas, genieß deinen Urlaub.

      In terms of PHUN and Falcon: Einer der ganz wichtigen nächsten Schritte für Petrohunter Sweetpea Sinovus als auch Paltar ist die Genehmigung von zwei weiteren exploration permits im Bee.taloo.Basin. Wenn das hopefully geschieht besteht grünes Licht für alle anstehenden Aktivitäten, Partner, ASX, Exploration...

      Paltar's Farm-in Arrangement
      Paltar has a 50% farm-in arrangement with Sweetpea Petroleum Pty Limited over 3 exploration permit applications in the Beetaloo Basin in the NT: EPA 136, EPA 143 and EPA 197. It is expected that EPA 136 and EPA 143 will be approved in Q1 2012, subject to finalisation of agreements with the Northern Land Council and native title owners.…

      Also schönen Urlaub noch @shore?...Grüße, A
      schrieb am 06.01.12 17:05:57
      Beitrag Nr. 3.642 ()
      Also der Text des ASX Announcement von Sinovus passt genau als hervorragende Beschreibung der aktuellen Situation PHUN SweetP SNV Paltar. Ich denke die auf der SNV-Seite anzuklickende pdf ( die auch bei der ASX unter SNV abrufbar ist)(die ASX-Seiten gefallen mir überhaupt ganz gutBTW) ist völlig zitierbar.

      Sinovus Mining Limited
      ABN 46 121 081 105
      Level 10, 32 Martin Place
      Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
      T: +61 2 8222 6161
      F: +61 2 9222 1880

      6 June 2011

      Share Subscription - Paltar Petroleum Ltd

      Sinovus Mining Limited (ASX: SNV) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a Share Subscription Agreement with Paltar Petroleum Limited (the Paltar Agreement) to purchase not less than 10% interest in Paltar Petroleum Limited (‘Paltar’).
      Paltar has a 50% farm-in arrangement with Sweetpea Petroleum Pty Limited (‘Sweetpea’) (an associate of Petro Hunter Energy Corporation) in respect to three (3) exploration permits in the Beetaloo Basin in the Northern Territory of Australia. The exploration permits are currently under application and it is expected that EPA 136 and EPA 143 will be approved, subject to finalisation of agreements with the Northern Land Council and native title owners, in about March 2012. EPA 197 is expected to be approved, subject to finalisation of agreements with the Northern Land Council and native title owners, in 2013 or later.

      Paltar Agreement

      The essential terms of the Paltar Agreement provide as follows;

      ►SNV will subscribe for 6,666,667 fully paid ordinary shares in Paltar for a subscription price of $1,000,000 (“subscription price”).

      ► Within 7 days after the listing of Paltar on ASX (“listing”), SNV will issue 23,686,285 fully paid ordinary shares (“shares”) and 23,686,285 free attaching options (“options”) to Wotan Group Limited in return for 5,291,005 shares in Paltar. The SNV shares are issued subject to an escrow period of 18 months from listing.

      ► The SNV attaching options are exercisable at $0.10 per share, and expire on 30 June 2013.
      Page 2 of 3

      ► SNV shall hold not less than 10% of the total issued shares in Paltar immediately after listing.

      If the listing does not occur before 31 December 2012, SNV may rescind the agreement; except that Paltar shall not be required to repay SNV the subscription price, and SNV continue to hold the 6,666,667 shares.

      About Beetaloo Basin

      The Beetaloo Basin has an area of more than 25,000 square kilometres and is located approximately 600 km south of Darwin. The Basin has been the subject of significant oil and gas exploration since 1984. The Beetaloo Basin is of Pre-Cambrian age having more than 3,000 metres of sediment column in which the oil and gas generating Kyalla Shale and the gas generating Velkerri Shales have been identified.

      The main hydrocarbon focus is in reservoirs discovered in the shale and adjoining sandstone which have thicknesses of up to 800m. The 11 wells drilled in the Basin in the 1990’s exhibited good oil and gas shows and some recovered gas and oil on test. In 2007 Sweetpea spudded and drilled the Shenandoah-1 well to a depth of 1,550m reaching the Kyalla Shale. Multiple hydrocarbon shows were encountered and high gas readings recorded over the entire Kyalla interval. The well was later re-entered and drilled to 2,714m to the Velkerri Shale indicating thickness of up to 800m with recordings of total organic carbon (TOC) between 4% to 7% and as high as 12%.

      Exploration to date confirms substantial hydrocarbon quantities in sediments without trap and reservoir structures similar to the unconventional gas and oil projects North America.
      The bulk of exploration activity has occurred in the centre of the Beetaloo Basin in Exploration Permits 76, 98, 99 and 117. Falcon Oil & Gas Limited (TSXV: FO) (‘Falcon’) 73% subsidiary Falcon Oil & Gas Australia Ltd (‘Falcon Australia’) and Sweetpea hold the permits.

      On 2nd May 2011 Falcon announced it had entered an agreement to sell to Hess Corporation subsidiary Hess Australia (Beetaloo) Pty Ltd (‘Hess’) a working interest of up to 62.5% of EPA 76, 98 and 117 for cash payments of US$17.5m, purchase of Falcon options for US$2.5m Page 3 of 3

      (exercisable at the greater closing share price between 18 and 22 February 2011) and with first phase seismic investigation expenditure of US$40m. Hess may then elect to proceed to the next phase of exploration involving drilling five wells and further appraisal beginning in 2012.

      Exploration Permit applications

      EP(A) 143 and EP(A) 197 are located along the western margin of the Beetaloo Basin.
      The Paltar primary exploration strategy is to target the oil potential of the Lower and Upper Kyalla Formation and the oil and gas/condensate potential of the Velkerri Formation in unconventional plays.

      The geology of these permits is thought to be similar to that encountered in Shenandoah-1 - where 1000 m of Kyalla had oil shows - but, some 200 m - 300 m shallower with the Upper Kyalla expected to be around 800 m deep. The main target zones in these tenements will be the presence of oil in the sandier sections of the Kyalla and Velkerri formations where these formations are contained within structural highs.

      The secondary exploration strategy for these permits is to target conventional oil and gas plays associated with generation and expulsion of hydrocarbons out of the Velkerri and Kyalla formations and either short range migration into sandstones or along fairways from the deeper sections of the basin into sandstones within four-way dip closed structures along the Daly Waters Arch. Seismic interpretation has identified four large thrust sheets in the western section of the basin and Paltar will be looking for Jamison, Moroak and possibly Bessie Creek sandstone targets contained within these thrust sheets. The Jamison Sandstone is interpreted to be approximately 800m deep on the west side of the basin but it may be found even shallower i.e., 200-300 m. At Shenandoah-1, the Moroak Sandstone was observed to have good permeability but low porosities and contained gas. In these permits the sands should have better primary porosities.

      Permit EP(A) 136 is located along the eastern margin of the basin.
      The primary exploration strategy in this permit is targeted at unconventional oil and gas plays associated with the deeper basin section in the northern area of the permit.
      The secondary exploration strategy is likely to be a combination of stratigraphic and structural in which the major sands pinch out onto the flanks of remnant highs or thinly draped over highs.

      Please direct any enquiries to Mr. Nick Tropea (Company Secretary) on +61 2 8222 6161…
      schrieb am 09.01.12 19:31:20
      Beitrag Nr. 3.643 ()
      schrieb am 10.01.12 19:04:36
      Beitrag Nr. 3.644 ()
      Dieser Bloomberg Snapshot auf Paltar -- eine Art ZOOM -- liefert eine Unmenge von >links in das nähere oder weitere Umfeld, sei es Gasco, SNV, Halliburton Australia, die ASX, aber dem AuszOOmen in dann auch die gesamte Ökonomie und so sind natürlich keine Grenzen gesetztLganz witzig sind auch die Quervernetzungen in terms of people.
      schrieb am 10.01.12 19:12:53
      Beitrag Nr. 3.645 ()
      schrieb am 11.01.12 11:43:53
      Beitrag Nr. 3.646 ()

      Conoco Phillips Video über Natural Gas
      Animation based on a typical Eagle Ford shale well in Texas
      schrieb am 11.01.12 12:19:45
      Beitrag Nr. 3.647 ()

      hochgeladen von Chesapeake Energy
      >Natural gas has enormous potential as a versatile energy source. While it's had a history of powering electric generators and heating stove tops, natural gas is growing in use as an efficient fuel that also powers cars and trucks. But what exactly is natural gas? Watch this video to learn more about the history of this clean, affordable, abundant, American fuel and the high-tech process used to retrieve it.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 14.01.12 21:06:40
      Beitrag Nr. 3.648 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.578.218 von auriga am 11.01.12 12:19:45…
      schrieb am 16.01.12 07:06:06
      Beitrag Nr. 3.649 ()
      Key developments for PETROHUNTER ENERGY CORP (PHUN)

      PetroHunter Energy Corporation expected to report Fiscal Year 2012 results on December 23, 2012. This event was calculated by Capital IQ (Created on December 30, 2011).
      PetroHunter Energy Corporation expected to report Fiscal Year 2012 results on December 23, 2012. This event was calculated by Capital IQ (Created on December 30, 2011).
      PetroHunter Energy Corporation expected to report Q1 2012 results on February 13, 2012. This event was calculated by Capital IQ (Created on December 30, 2011).
      PetroHunter Energy Corporation expected to report Q1 2012 results on February 13, 2012. This event was calculated by Capital IQ (Created on December 30, 2011).
      PetroHunter Energy Corporation Auditor Raises 'Going Concern' Doubt
      PetroHunter Energy Corporation filed its 10-K on Dec 29, 2011 for the period ending Sep 30, 2011. In this report its auditor, Eide Bailly, LLP, gave an unqualified opinion expressing doubt that the company can continue as a going concern.
      schrieb am 16.01.12 17:29:44
      Beitrag Nr. 3.650 ()
      Creamer landet bei mir immer wieder im spam.

      EXPLORATION Court blocks exploration on Aboriginal heritage land By: Esmarie Swanepoel 16th January 2012 Updated 6 hours agoThe share prices of explorers Argonaut Resources and Straits Resources took a tumble on Monday, after the Supreme Court of South Australia overturned a decision by the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation to allow for access to the Torrens tenement for exploration. Argonaut and Straits have been seeking access to the site following the lodgement of an Aboriginal heritage site card over an area of over 6 300 km2.…
      schrieb am 18.01.12 22:54:14
      Beitrag Nr. 3.651 ()
      Creamer erneut im 02 05 heute morgen.......ich hatte mir diesen Artikel schon vorgemerkt, dazwischen aber etwas in Arbeit ertrunken.....najagut....Soly, der Creamer wohl abon(n)iert hat, hat ihn schon gebracht jetzt -- zusammen mit einem etwas sonderbaren Saurier-Artikel über das Karoo BasinLOL -- gleichwohl hier ist das Teil nochmal, ganz interessantIMHO.........The US has offered to share with South Africa lessons arising from a recent study into ways of reducing the environmental impact and improving the safety of America’s fast-growing shale gas industry, which has expanded from almost nothing at the start of the century to supplying nearly 30% of that country’s natural gas production. The offer was made by US Deputy Energy Secretary Daniel Poneman during the second US-South Africa Energy Dialogue, held in South Africa during early January...…
      schrieb am 19.01.12 11:34:59
      Beitrag Nr. 3.652 ()
      Second Take: Shale gas in the Karoo Basin…
      schrieb am 20.01.12 18:35:35
      Beitrag Nr. 3.653 ()
      Geht voran bei agora
      Last week, we successfully transferred our website to a new hosting website, however there are a few details our staff are still combing out. If you find any errors on our site, please send an email with a brief description of the problem to
      Thank you all for your continued participation within the AGORACOM Community!
      AGORACOM Server Update
      AGORACOM WIRE - JANUARY 20, 2012
      schrieb am 23.01.12 19:00:19
      Beitrag Nr. 3.654 ()
      OIL & GAS China’s Sinopec ups stake in Australian LNG project
      By: Esmarie Swanepoel
      23rd January 2012
      Updated 7 hours ago

      Picture by: Bloomberg
      PERTH ( – The joint venture (JV) partners in the Australia Pacific liquefied natural gas (APLNG) project would rake in some $1.1-billion as China Petrochemical Corporation (Sinopec) upped its stake in the project.

      ASX-listed Origin Energy and its JV partner ConocoPhillips on Monday made good on its December heads of agreement with Sinopec to sell a further 10% interest in the APLNG project, and to supply an additional 3.3-million tons a year of LNG through to 2035.

      The three parties have now signed a binding agreement, which would increase Sinopec’s total shareholding in APLNG to 25%, while reducing Origin and ConocoPhillips' shareholding to 37.5% each.

      The agreement also increased Sinopec’s existing purchase commitment from the APLNG project from 4.3-million tons a year to 7.6-million tons a year of LNG, representing the largest LNG supply agreement in Australian history.

      Sinopec chairperson Fu Chengyu said in a statement that the sale and purchase agreement with the APLNG was an important part of the company’s energy portfolio, and would help Sinopec ensure long-term gas supply for the growing Chinese market.

      The subscription agreement was subject to Chinese and Australian government approvals, as well as approval from the Foreign Investment Review Board. It was also conditional upon the APLNG JV partners reaching a final investment decision on the second train.

      The first LNG train was sanctioned in July last year, followed by the signing of a heads of agreement with the Kansai Electric Power Company, in November, for the sale and purchase of around one-million tons a year of LNG, for a 20-year period starting in 2016.

      The two-train project, which would have a nine-million-ton-a-year capacity, would be built at a capital cost of $20-billion.

      Edited by: Mariaan Webb
      (bei Beetaloo gehts irgendwie auch um LNG, und irgendwie auch Richtung China)(andere Projekte sind schon fortgeschrittener wie man sieht:-)…
      schrieb am 24.01.12 02:56:31
      Beitrag Nr. 3.655 ()
      Ob bis Ende 2012 bei Eingabe von Platar ein Treffer erscheint? Origin Energy ist das der Fall seit 1961. Ganz interessante website ist eine etwas größere Company, MK 16 Milliarden AUD, in den ASX 20, gleichwohl begann das Australia Pacific Projekt auch ganz klein mit ersten Schritten in 1997Origin acquired its first CSG interests in the Peat field in 1997, and now holds CSG permits covering over 36,000 km2 in the Bowen, Surat and Galilee basins in QueenslandBei CSG handelt es sich um Coalbed methane, Kohlegas, das glaube ich Creamer auch im Zusammenhang mit Schiefergas in dem Interview weiter oben erwähnt, da insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit SA.
      Die Präsentation zum Australia Pacific Projekt von Origin(ORG) ConocoPhillips und Sinopec ist ausgesprochen interessant Richtung Australien, man gewinnt auch weiter Einsicht in die Größe des Projekts und in wie doch kurzer Zeit seit den Anfängen in 1997 es gewachsen ist. Wenn denn die Resourcen im Beetaloo Basin wirklich wirtschaftlich förderbar sind ist mit Hess ein hervorragender Basalpartner jetzt schon gefunden. Ja, man darf echt auf die seismic von Hess gespannt sein und auf die weitere Auswertung von S-1.
      In 2008, Origin commenced a process of looking for the best global partner to assist in monetising the company's large CSG reserves and resource. This process culminated in a transaction with ConocoPhillips, which joined Origin in the foundation of the Australia Pacific LNG joint venture…
      schrieb am 24.01.12 04:06:40
      Beitrag Nr. 3.656 ()
      Bei CSG handelt es sich um Coalbed methane, Kohlegas, das glaube ich Creamer auch im Zusammenhang mit Schiefergas in dem Interview weiter oben erwähnt, da insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit SA.
      hat mich geärgert, dass ich da die Fettschrift vergessen muss ja hier bei WO in der Eingabe immer nachformatieren.....aber sonst kann man nicht ganz gut vorangegangen bei WO
      schrieb am 27.01.12 21:06:33
      Beitrag Nr. 3.657 ()
      schrieb am 27.01.12 21:18:34
      Beitrag Nr. 3.658 ()
      in USA lässt sich ein Volumenanstieg und ein Anstieg im Preis erkennen bei FO, wie auch der Volumenanstieg bei Petrohunter auffällig ist.....something’s up?.........…
      schrieb am 29.01.12 01:49:58
      Beitrag Nr. 3.659 ()
      schrieb am 29.01.12 21:34:57
      Beitrag Nr. 3.660 ()
      Man kann sich fragen wie diese Zahlen FO@reuters;)eigentlich zustande kommen, so gut sie auch gemeint sein mögen( follow reuters on facebook:rolleyes: )
      Falcon Oil and Gas @ Reuters: in den letzten drei Monaten stieg die Zahl der von Institutional Holders gehaltenen Aktien in Falcon um eine Position über 317 000 FO shares auf insgesamt 134,403,239 FO-Shares oder 19.32 % der Gesamt-FO-Shares.…
      wenn wir die präsentation von rob im november nehmen sehen wir wie es sich mit institutional holders wirklich verhält
      Management and Directors: 5.8%
      Major Institutional Shareholders: 37.4%
      Persistency: 7.1%
      Soliter: 12.3%
      Burlingame: 18.0%
      Retail and Other: 56.8%…
      schrieb am 29.01.12 21:51:06
      Beitrag Nr. 3.661 ()
      Ein Schelm wer meinte Bruner (und Lotito) hätten irgendwas mit Burlingame zu tun. Das kam ja hier in den boards mal auf. Ne ernsthaft jetzt....keine Rede davon:cool:
      schrieb am 29.01.12 22:14:59
      Beitrag Nr. 3.662 ()
      just to remenber
      UPDATE 1-Shell to invest $200 mln in S.Africa shale exploration…
      Thu Sep 1, 2011 9:03am EDT

      * Moratorium currently on fracking, exploration

      * Karoo exploration concerns greens (Adds details, quotes)

      By Wendell Roelf

      CAPE TOWN, Sept 1 (Reuters) - Royal Dutch Shell (RDSa.L) said on Thursday it hoped to invest $200 million to explore for shale gas in South Africa's semi-arid Karoo region, plans facing tough opposition from farmers and greens worried about the environmental impact.

      Ecological concerns led Africa's largest economy in April to place a moratorium on oil and gas exploration licences in the semi-arid region, where the controversial shale extraction technique of "fracking" might be deployed.

      "If exploration efforts prove that shale contains commercially producible gas volumes, then South Africa could see production from this source within a decade," Jan Willem Eggink, general manager upstream ventures for Shell's South African unit, told a news conference.

      Petrochemical group Sasol , Anglo American and Falcon Oil and Gas are among those eyeing shale gas in the region, with Shell leading the pack with exploration rights pending to 90,000 sq km (34,750 sq miles).

      Farmers and conservationists are worried about the possible impact of hydraulic fracturing or "fracking", in which drillers blast millions of litres of water, sand and chemicals at high pressure into underground rock to create cracks for the gas and oil to escape.

      The sparsely-populated Karoo region is renowned for its rugged scenery and is home to rare species such as the mountain zebra and riverine rabbit, putting it high on the radar screen of conservationists.

      Those in favour of fracking in the Karoo say the discovery of gas would help South Africa plug a chronic power shortage and reduce dependence on harmful coal-fired power stations. About 90 percent of the nation's electricity is supplied by coal.

      "By drawing on potential abundant domestic gas supplies, you can meet rising energy demand while maintaining energy security," Eggink said.

      He said he believed South Africa could well have at least half of an estimated 485 trillion cubic feet of trapped shale gas, enough to be commercially viable and allow the country to become energy self-sufficient for decades to come.

      Eggink said the company would not compete with farmers for scarce water resources and would likely truck in water initially before trying to pipe it by using the brackish water found deep underground.

      Eggink said Shell would also consider paying landowners for access to their land although no compensation policy was finalised yet. (Editing by Ed Stoddard and James Jukwey)
      schrieb am 30.01.12 02:17:27
      Beitrag Nr. 3.663 ()
      the dream of riches now truly is over?....I dont think so....have a good start into the new week.....
      schrieb am 30.01.12 06:32:37
      Beitrag Nr. 3.664 ()
      Persistency: 7.1%?.....ja allen Ernstes Persistency.......gibts denn das?......ja Persistency:cool:
      schrieb am 30.01.12 21:05:02
      Beitrag Nr. 3.665 ()
      Xetra Newsboard
      2011/05/27 00:02:01 - Xetra Trading *
      FFM: Deletion of Instruments from XETRA - 27.05.2011-114

      The following instruments on XETRA do have their last trading day on
      Die folgenden Instrumente in XETRA haben ihren letzten Handelstag am
      schrieb am 01.02.12 02:18:57
      Beitrag Nr. 3.666 ()
      Marc Bruner about unconventional oil and gas accumulations

      What are unconventional oil and gas accumulations?

      The question—What are unconventional oil and gas (hydrocarbon) accumulations is a very good question and poorly understood, even within the petroleum industry. Some people would respond with an economic definition such as “it has to be commercially productive”. However, the definition has nothing to do with economics or commerciality and instead is defined by the nature of the accumulation. Unconventional hydrocarbon accumulations may not be commercial, regardless of the more recently developed technologies.

      Perhaps unconventional hydrocarbon accumulations may best be understood by a comparison with conventional hydrocarbon accumulations. Conventional hydrocarbon accumulations require a structural, stratigraphic, or combination trap, occur in relatively good quality reservoirs, have an effective seal, and have a down-dip water contact.

      Conventional hydrocarbon accumulations are also discrete, generally encompassing areas of a few 10’s to a few 1,000 acres.

      In contrast, unconventional hydrocarbon accumulations can best be identified by the scale of their existence; they are regionally pervasive accumulations, commonly extending over hundreds or thousands of square miles. In addition, unconventional accumulations are commonly associated with poor reservoir quality (very low porosity and permeability), and an absence of a down-dip water contact. They do not require the presence of a structural or stratigraphic trap, and may not require the presence of an effective seal. Unconventional accumulations may also be of a thermogenic or biogenic origin, containing thermally generated hydrocarbons or biologically generated hydrocarbons.

      Category: Uncategorized
      Tag: Ben Law, Marc Bruner, Oil & Gas, shale, unconventional oil and gas

      January 18th, 2012 Marc Bruner…
      schrieb am 01.02.12 05:41:54
      Beitrag Nr. 3.667 ()
      schrieb am 05.02.12 02:48:38
      Beitrag Nr. 3.668 ()
      Zitat von auriga: Ja also Central Petroleum macht echt Spaß. Der SP hat sauber angezogen, und in der Tat, so einen Treffer wünscht man sich endlich einmal auch für Petrohunter und FO AUS.

      Beach hat ja zuletzt auch recht erfolgreich gedrillt, nein nicht gegrillt, oder doch auch. Die initiale Phase bei Paltar wird sich erst einmal über das gesamte weitere Jahr 2012 erstrecken, as to be aber auch jetzt schon ziemlich interessant.......ja, was war das denn für ein Treffer bei Central Petroleum?.......
      schrieb am 07.02.12 23:32:54
      Beitrag Nr. 3.669 ()
      Cant stand paint dry schrieb tensleep vor Kurzem, selling, und hat es dann doch nicht gemacht. Yes, its super-quiet in these days as to Petrohunter or Falcon. It's the nature of the beast, seismic from Hess proceeding quietly, an update in February may be coming, but not a so very detailed one can be expected, I’d guess. So what, Marc Bruner and Ben Law started a new blog on the Paltar Webside, as mentioned before. The first one from Ben Law is called Where are you most likely to find unconventional oil and gas structures? – United how about another input on al lazy Tuesday Evening?

      Names such as deep basin gas, tight gas, basin-centred gas accumulations, continuous accumulations, shale gas, and shale oil have all been used to describe unconventional hydrocarbon accumulations.

      Many of the unconventional accumulations are organic-rich rocks such as coal or organic-rich shale that in many cases are also the prime source rocks for conventional accumulations.

      In the U.S. there are several shale oil and shale gas unconventional accumulations. Some of the more notable producing shale formations are the Bakken Formation in North Dakota, Barnett Shale in Texas, the Marcellus Shale in New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia and the Eagle Ford Shale in Texas.

      Examples of unconventional coal accumulations include the Cretaceous coal beds in the San Juan Basin of New Mexico and Colorado and the Paleocene coal beds in the Powder River Basin of Wyoming and Montana.

      Examples of very tight (low-permeability) sandstone reservoirs include Cretaceous sandstone reservoirs in the Piceance Basin of Colorado and the Silurian Clinton Sandstone in the Appalachian Basin of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and the province of Ontario, Canada.

      January 20th, 2012
      Ben Law
      schrieb am 14.02.12 18:35:01
      Beitrag Nr. 3.670 ()
      As of February 6, 2012, the registrant had 439,078,759 shares of common stock outstanding.

      Plan of Operation

      For the remainder of fiscal 2012, we will focus on pursuing our applications for exploration permits in Australia, as well as pursuing opportunities related to these permits in the Beetaloo Basin. We will continue to pursue opportunities to realize some type of return in our Buckskin Mesa wellbores. We will continue to reduce operating costs and attempt to reduce/renegotiate our debt, accounts payable and other liabilities.

      Quarterly report [Sections 13 or 15(d)]
      Acc-no: 0000949353-12-000044 (34 Act) Size: 1 MB

      interactive data……
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 14.02.12 22:39:26
      Beitrag Nr. 3.671 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.749.785 von auriga am 14.02.12 18:35:01Term of the Day

      equity method
      Method of accounting used by a parent firm for monies invested in the subsidiaries. The parent firm records the investment in its balance sheet at a valuation that takes into account the profits and losses of the subsidiaries since their acquisition. Also called equity accounting. See also cost method.…

      cost method

      Definitions (2)
      1. Financial recording and reporting method in which a parent firm's investment in a subsidiary is shown at cost, without indicating the effect of the subsidiary's profit or loss on the investment. See also equity method.
      2. Inventory valuation method based on the acquisition cost (invoice price of the purchases less discounts plus transportation).…
      schrieb am 18.02.12 00:48:33
      Beitrag Nr. 3.672 ()
      bye Christian.........what a pity

      mail from Helen @Gonoles

      >Just got this in from Helen Mitchell, Falcon's Manager of Corporate Communication. (yes they have one now). I had sent them a message about the new web site and they put me on their mailing lists.

      Falcon now communicates with individual investors

      Please see the attached article in this month’s Gas Today regarding Falcon’s activity in the Beetaloo Basin. In October 2011, Falcon Oil & Gas Australia Limited tested and flowed gas and condensate from multiple horizons in the Shenandoah#1 well in Falcon’s 100% interest in the 100,000 acre Shenandoah Area. These tests represent a potential world class discovery in one of the world’s oldest hydrocarbons systems. (sorry I couldn't upload it to the forum).

      Members of Falcon’s Exploration and Investor Relations teams will participate at the NAPE International Pavilion and Expo in Houston to promote Falcon’s global portfolio of exploration and appraisal opportunities. Falcon will present the Shenandoah Area opportunity at the International Pavilion Global Briefing Session on Tuesday, February 21 at 2:00 CDT. Falcon’s Chief Geoscientist Dan Hughes and Investor Relations manager Helen Mitchell will be available for discussion at the Moyes & Co. booth #1233 in the exhibit hall. The presentation will be available on the Falcon website…
      schrieb am 18.02.12 02:16:00
      Beitrag Nr. 3.673 ()
      The only really relevant current article to be found in this connection for now on the Gas Today website is this one, which we really do know already. Nevertheless here it is once again. Maybe quite interesting also in association with some other companies not so far away Down Under.

      Company news: Falcon, Woodside, Adelaide, APLNG, John Holland, Santos

      Wed, 23 November 2011

      International company Falcon Oil and Gas are hot on the heels of Beach Energy’s shale success, having successfully produced gas at each shale interval during its testing program of the Shenandoah-1 well, located in the Beetaloo Basin, Northern Territory.

      Shenandoah-1 is a vertical well situated in the deepest part of the basin and natural gas was the expected hydrocarbon at the depths being tested. The well is the first to be tested in these unconventional targets, consequently the objectives of the tests were to determine whether the shale intervals could be fracture-stimulated and produce hydrocarbons, and to confirm rock, pressure and fluid properties.

      As the operation has succeeded in these objectives, Falcon has said that the well will be plugged and abandoned.

      Woodside has released the draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for the upstream component of the Browse LNG Development for public review.

      The draft upstream EIS concerns the construction, operation and de-commissioning of all the offshore aspects of the Browse LNG Development in Commonwealth waters, including offshore processing platforms and wells, and subsea pipelines and infrastructure.
      Article continues below…

      Woodside will respond to submissions received during the public comment period, and these responses will be published in a supplement to the draft upstream EIS.

      Adelaide Energy directors have unanimously recommended Beach Energy’s unconditional on-market takeover offer for the company.

      Since gaining majority control of Adelaide Energy, Beach has increased its relevant interest in the company to 79.91 per cent.

      Australia Pacific LNG (APLNG) has signed a binding Heads of Agreement with Kansai Electric Power Company for the sale and purchase of approximately 1 MMt/a of LNG for 20 years.

      Under the terms of the agreement, APLNG will supply the Japanese electric utility company with LNG from its LNG facility on Curtis Island, with deliveries anticipated to commence in mid-2016.

      John Holland has also been awarded a marine subcontract worth in excess of $A100 million for the APLNG Project.

      Under the marine subcontract, John Holland will design and construct a new product loading facility comprising a 168 m jetty and loading platform.

      Included in the contract scope is the procurement, fabrication, construction and commissioning of the structural, mechanical and electrical components of the combined marine facilities.

      In additon, Santos has completed its previously announced acquisition of Eastern Star Gas Ltd giving the company the largest natural gas reserves position in New South Wales.

      Santos now operates and owns 80 per cent of CSG permits formerly held by Eastern Star, increasing its total NSW reserves position to 1,216 PJ of 2P reserves and 2,238 PJ of 3P reserves. TRUenergy will own the remaining 20 per cent of the permits under a separate transaction to be completed in conjunction with the acquisition.

      Image caption: A map of Falcon Oil and Gas' Shenandoah tenement.

      Share this article on the web:

      Categories: Asset owner - transmission, Construction - offshore , Coal seam gas, Drilling - onshore , Exploration and production, Gas producer , Jetty equipment , LNG, Offshore, Projects
      Related companies

      • Arrow Energy
      • Beach Energy
      • Eastern Star Gas
      • John Holland Group Pty Ltd
      • Santos
      • Woodside Energy…
      schrieb am 18.02.12 09:14:14
      Beitrag Nr. 3.674 ()
      Now we got the very latest;)

      Swooping in on shale: Falcon Australia

      At the end of 2011, Falcon Australia tested and flowed gas and condensate from multiple
      horizons in the Shenandoah-1 well in the Northern Territory’s Beetaloo Basin. These tests
      represent a potential world-class discovery in one of the oldest hydrocarbons systems on the planet.

      The Beetaloo Basin is a Precambrian basin that is part of the larger McArthur Basin, approximately 600 km south of Darwin. Falcon owns 7 million acres in the form of exploration permits EP 99, 98, 117 and 76, which cover almost the entire basin, including
      its centre.

      “This area equates to over half of the entire area of the North Dakota Bakken shale play in the United States that has attracted over 30 operators, created thousands of jobs, and produces
      more than 500,000 barrels of oil per day,” says Helen Mitchell, Corporate Communications Manager for Falcon Oil & Gas, Falcon Australia’s publicallytraded parent company.

      Hess Corporation, one of the most experienced and active operators in the Bakken shale play, is farming-in to earn a 62.5 per cent interest in 89 per cent of Falcon’s Beetaloo acreage with an $A18.5 million cash payment, and by acquiring over $A37 million of seismic followed by drilling and testing of five wells.

      Early exploration efforts proved that hydrocarbons are pervasive across the basin, and identified multiple independent petroleum systems. Historic exploration wells encountered 3,000 m of sediment and 800 m columns of highly organic-rich shales. This lead oil and gas certifiers, Ryder Scott, to estimate shale oil and gas resources and conventional potential
      in excess of 18 billion barrels of oil and 64 trillion cubic feet of gas. Since the report was published in 2009, Falcon has identified two additional petroleum systems that are potential targets in the periphery of the basin in EP 99.

      From old petroleum systems comes new gas

      The Shenandoah-1 well is a vertical well in the deepest part of the Beetaloo Basin with a total depth of 2,714 m. In September 2011, Falcon tested five intervals in that well bore – two in the Middle Velkerri shales, two conventional perforations in the Moroak Sandstones, and a single test of the Lower Kyalla Shale.

      The three tests in the shale intervalsall flowed gas with some condensate, with the most positive results coming from the Middle Velkerri shales. According to Falcon Chief Executive
      Officer Robert Macaulay, “Both Velkerri intervals will now be the focus for future testing. The 40° API condensate provides significant upside to the economics of any development.”

      The Lower Kyalla Shale also produced gas to surface, and together with the Moroak
      Sandstone will also be considered for further exploratory investigation in the basin.

      To prove the full extent of its commerciality, Falcon would need to drill a horizontal well and conduct a multi-stage stimulation. Falcon will seek an additional joint venture partner to
      accelerate its drilling program to appraise and further explore the Shenandoah area and EP 99, in which Falcon has retained a 100 per cent interest after the Hess agreement.

      “Currently the best method of stimulation is hydraulic fracturing. However, the science of stimulating horizontal wells in shales is rapidly evolving” says Mr Macaulay. “Falcon will be employing the most effective and environmentallyfriendly methodologies available when the
      time comes.”

      Keeping a bird’s eye on shale

      Falcon is currently focused on its Beetaloo Basin tenements, but the company will maintain an ongoing effort to review and evaluate similar plays in Australia. “Australia contains vast resources of natural gas and shale oil. Should a suitable opportunity be identified, we would consider expanding to other exploration areas,” says Mr Macaulay. “Our strength is in identifying new basins that are highly prospective for shale and conventional resources.”

      52 GAS Today / February 2012
      schrieb am 18.02.12 09:27:07
      Beitrag Nr. 3.675 ()
      schrieb am 21.02.12 12:47:58
      Beitrag Nr. 3.676 ()
      Members of Falcon’s Exploration and Investor Relations teams will participate at the NAPE International Pavilion and Expo in Houston to promote Falcon’s global portfolio of exploration and appraisal opportunities. Falcon will present the Shenandoah Area opportunity at the International Pavilion Global Briefing Session on Tuesday, February 21 at 2:00 CDT. Falcon’s Chief Geoscientist Dan Hughes and Investor Relations manager Helen Mitchell will be available for discussion at the Moyes & Co. booth #1233 in the exhibit hall. The presentation will be available on the Falcon website
      schrieb am 21.02.12 13:26:27
      Beitrag Nr. 3.677 ()
      02:00 PM, Tuesday 21, February 2012 CST

      mal schauen(hören) ob da was kommt
      schrieb am 21.02.12 21:09:17
      Beitrag Nr. 3.678 ()
      Nee, war wohl doch nur ein kleiner Scherz von H..will be available by the end of the year or so..(man kann ja in sone Präsentation auch immer mal wieder den einen oder anderen neuen Aspekt einfließen lassen, ohne dass es langweilig wird in der Präsentation)(es sieht da in Houston insgesamt bei diesem Treffen wenig nach webcast aus?, obwohl neben den Ständen (aber an einem anderen Ort) eben auch die Präsentationen laufen....IP THEATRE View high-level presentations on worldwide E&P activities and opportunities from the International Pavilion exhibitors Tuesday and Wednesday.
      schrieb am 22.02.12 21:20:10
      Beitrag Nr. 3.679 ()
      nice pic from Soly while watching paint dry:cool:

      Karoo - The Contenders…
      THX Soly
      schrieb am 23.02.12 18:31:06
      Beitrag Nr. 3.680 ()
      Canadian oil and gas explorer Talisman Energy has signed a $280-million deal with Japan’s Mitsubishi Corporation, giving it access to nine of Talisman’s natural gas licences in Papua New Guinea (PNG). The two companies have agreed to work together to aggregate natural gas in the western province of PNG, with a view of potentially exporting three-million tons a year of liquefied natural gas (LNG). Full Article
      OIL & GAS
      Talisman Energy inks $280m PNG deal with Mitsubishi
      By: Esmarie Swanepoel
      23rd February 2012
      Updated 6 hours ago…
      schrieb am 29.02.12 18:37:09
      Beitrag Nr. 3.681 ()
      Nothing new.…

      Gas Today — February 2012

      At the end of 2011, Falcon Australia tested and flowed gas and condensate from multiple horizons in the Shenandoah-1 well in the Northern Territory’s Beetaloo Basin. These tests represent a potential world-class discovery in one of the oldest hydrocarbons systems on the planet.

      The Beetaloo Basin is a Precambrian basin that is part of the larger McArthur Basin, approximately 600 km south of Darwin. Falcon owns 7 million acres in the form of exploration permits EP 99, 98, 117 and 76, which cover almost the entire basin, including its centre.

      “This area equates to over half of the entire area of the North Dakota Bakken shale play in the United States that has attracted over 30 operators, created thousands of jobs, and produces more than 500,000 barrels of oil per day,” says Helen Mitchell, Corporate Communications Manager for Falcon Oil & Gas, Falcon Australia’s publically-traded parent company.

      Hess Corporation, one of the most experienced and active operators in the Bakken shale play, is farming-in to earn a 62.5 per cent interest in 89 per cent of Falcon’s Beetaloo acreage with a $18.5 million cash payment, and by acquiring over $37 million of seismic followed by drilling and testing of five wells.

      Early exploration efforts proved that hydrocarbons are pervasive across the basin, and identified multiple independent petroleum systems. Historic exploration wells encountered 3,000 m of sediment and 800 m columns of highly organic-rich shales. This lead oil and gas certifiers, Ryder Scott, to estimate shale oil and gas resources and conventional potential in excess of 18 billion barrels of oil and 64 trillion cubic feet of gas. Since the report was published in 2009, Falcon has identified two additional petroleum systems that are potential targets in the periphery of the basin in EP 99.

      From old petroleum systems comes new gas

      The Shenandoah-1 well is a vertical well in the deepest part of the Beetaloo Basin with a total depth of 2,714 m.

      In September 2011, Falcon tested five intervals in that well bore – two in the Middle Velkerri shales, two conventional perforations in the Moroak Sandstones, and a single test of the Lower Kyalla Shale.

      The three tests in the shale intervals all flowed gas with some condensate, with the most positive results coming from the Middle Velkerri shales. According to Falcon Chief Executive Officer Robert Macaulay, “Both Velkerri intervals will now be the focus for future testing. The 40° API condensate provides significant upside to the economics of any development.”

      The Lower Kyalla Shale also produced gas to surface, and together with the Moroak Sandstone will also be considered for further exploratory investigation in the basin.

      To prove the full extent of its commerciality, Falcon would need to drill a horizontal well and conduct a multi-stage stimulation. Falcon will seek an additional joint venture partner to accelerate its drilling program to appraise and further explore the Shenandoah area and EP 99, in which Falcon has retained a 100 per cent interest after the Hess agreement.

      “Currently the best method of stimulation is hydraulic fracturing. However, the science of stimulating horizontal wells in shales is rapidly evolving” says Mr Macaulay. “Falcon will be employing the most effective and environmentally friendly methodologies available when the time comes.”

      Keeping a bird’s eye on shale

      Falcon is currently focused on its Beetaloo Basin tenements, but the company will maintain an ongoing effort to review and evaluate similar plays in Australia.

      “Australia contains vast resources of natural gas and shale oil. Should a suitable opportunity be identified, we would consider expanding to other exploration areas,” says Mr Macaulay. “Our strength is in identifying new basins that are highly prospective for shale and conventional resources.”

      Image caption: The road to the Shenandoah-1 well.

      Appeared in issue: Gas Today — February 2012
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 29.02.12 19:06:28
      Beitrag Nr. 3.682 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.828.154 von riverstone am 29.02.12 18:37:09Hallo River....ja, da ist er nochmal, und in der Tat jetzt auch im Magazin auffindbar. Das war Mitte des Monats noch nicht der Fall, sodass man auf die Falcon-Seite dann aber zurückgreifen konnte. -- Gibt man nun in das »Gas Today Australia« Suchfenster oben den Titel des Artikels ein erscheint er auch online. Es könnte sein, dass das gedruckte Magazin erst Ende des Monats weithin online gestellt wird, weiß ich aber nicht. -- Wenn wir den Artikel nun auch online im Magazin haben, können wir das Bildchen auch nochmal dazu einstellen denke ich, ist so einfacher als aus der pdf hochzuladen....Grüße, A....PS: bin gespannt wie sich die Nationalmannschaft heute zeigt so 100 Tage vor EM-Start
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 29.02.12 20:07:00
      Beitrag Nr. 3.683 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.828.379 von auriga am 29.02.12 19:06:28Hi Auriga!

      Sind zwar keine wirklichen Neuigkeiten, aber trotzdem schön, wieder mal an das mögliche Potential welches nach wie vor in unserer kleinen phun mit 0,01 schlummert!

      Gegen wen gehts denn?
      Wir spielen gegen Finnland, die sind in der Rangliste sogar hinter uns (Österreich) - ja sowas solls auch geben ;)
      Na dann viel Spass bei dem Match!
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 29.02.12 21:51:18
      Beitrag Nr. 3.684 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.828.908 von riverstone am 29.02.12 20:07:00Echt Österreich? -- Ich dachte immer du kommst aus Baden-Württemberg! -- OK, gegen Frankreich. -- Im Tagesspiegel steht auch nicht gegen wen Österreich spielt! Unglaublich! :hier ist es dann zu finden. Start 20 30 gegen Finnland. In Klagenfurt (Wörthersee-Stadion). Wo wohnst du, in Wien?,666068
      Nein doch wohl nicht in Wien?
      Wir sind zur Zeit an zwei in der Weltrangliste....naja
      Müller jetzt im Spiel, da Schürrle sich leider verletzt hat...aber Müller muss schon sein bei unseren Ausfällen...Löw testet ja gerne in solchen Spielen...mal schauen wen er noch bringt...
      schrieb am 01.03.12 07:16:53
      Beitrag Nr. 3.685 ()
      Nein komme aus Krems (gute Weissweingegend - Niederösterreich), arbeite aber in Wien.
      Na da hat sich aber die Klasse gestern durchgesetzt - 3:1 ;)
      Aber leider immer nur, wenn es um nichts geht!
      Schade, dass Ihr gegen Frankreich verloren habt (bein kein wirklicher Fan der Franzosen)
      Für den zweiten Platz werden wir wohl noch ein paar Jährchen brauchen ;)

      schönen Tag
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 01.03.12 16:37:17
      Beitrag Nr. 3.686 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.830.617 von riverstone am 01.03.12 07:16:53Sieht schön aus, an der Donau, habe mir gerade paar Bilder angeschaut, einige Weinberge ziehen sich hoch unweit vom Donauufer(Stein). Ja, da könntest du Wien ja auch auf der Donau erreichen, mit einem Bootchen. Wird aber wohl zu lange dauern zur Arbeit.

      Bezüglich haben sie das Bildchen gelöscht weil es überschrieben war. Mal sehen wie lange dieses bleibt. Die Magazin-Seite wiederum ist nun leer, weil schon die neue Gas TodayAUS erschienen ist, die März-Ausgabe.

      At the end of 2011, Falcon Australia tested and flowed gas and condensate from multiple horizons in the Shenandoah-1 well in the Northern Territory’s Beetaloo Basin. These tests represent a potential world-class discovery in one of the oldest hydrocarbons systems on the planet.…
      schrieb am 02.03.12 21:41:10
      Beitrag Nr. 3.687 ()
      Oops! This link appears to be broken.…
      Resources Roadshow Investor Presentation > Denver, Feb 29, 2012
      Wer verwaltet doch noch mal gleich die Homepage? Na ja, wird wohl bald richtiggestellt. Das müsste beim Einstellen eines Links in eine website doch zu vermeiden sein. Ein Kontrollklick genügt. Mal schauen wie lange es dauert.
      schrieb am 02.03.12 22:58:14
      Beitrag Nr. 3.688 ()
      Thomas Müller hat sich in seiner 14-tägigen Kolumne letzte Woche einmal wieder mit Warren Buffet beschäftigt:
      Warren Buffett über Warnhinweise, Aktien und das Streicheln von Gold
      auf wie immer unnachahmliche Art und Weise, hat sich Warren Buffett in der „Fortune“ zu seiner Kapitalanlagephilosophie gemeldet, was ich Ihnen nicht vorenthalten möchte. Sie wissen vielleicht:

      Buffett bestimmt das Risiko einer Anlage nicht über finanzmathematische Kennzahlen wie z.B. Beta, sondern über die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines Kaufkraftverlustes innerhalb der geplanten Haltedauer. Deshalb können auch Investments, die starken Schwankungen unterliegen, sicher sein, sofern eine Kaufkrafterhöhung absehbar ist.

      Dementsprechend sieht Buffett Anleihen nach Steuern und Inflation als Geldvernichtung und meint, dass Anleihen derzeit mit einem Warnhinweis versehen sein müssten. Der einzige Weg zu Wohlstand seien produktive Anlagen, also Unternehmen und Aktien. Dazu ein Vergleich:

      Bekanntlich beträgt der weltweite Goldvorrat etwa 170.000 Tonnen, was einen Würfel mit der Kantenlänge von 20,7 Metern ergeben würde. Multipliziert mit einem Unzenpreis von 1750 Dollar, hätte der Würfel – Buffett nennt ihn Haufen A – einen Wert von ungefähr 9,6 Billionen Dollar.

      Für diese Summe könnte im Haufen B das gesamte Ackerland der USA erworben werden (162 Millionen Hektar mit einem Ertrag von etwa 200 Milliarden Dollar pro Jahr) plus 16 Mal Exxon Mobil (die rentabelste Firma der Welt, die pro Jahr etwas mehr als 40 Milliarden Dollar Gewinn erzielt). – Und nach all diesen Käufen wäre noch immer eine Billion übrig für allerlei Ausgaben (falls wir nach diesem Kaufrausch noch das Bedürfnis danach hätten). Buffett fragt:

      „Können Sie sich einen Anleger vorstellen, der 9,6 Billionen Dollar hat – und dann Haufen A vorziehen würde?“ Und weiter: „Von heute aus in einem Jahrhundert werden die 162 Millionen Hektar Farmland atemberaubende Mengen an Mais, Weizen, Baumwolle und anderen Gütern hervorgebracht haben, und sie werden dann noch weiterhin diese wertvollen Erträge produzieren, ganz gleich in welcher Währung. Und Exxon Mobil wird bis dahin wahrscheinlich Billionen an Dividenden ausgeschüttet haben, und es wird Anlagen besitzen, die viele weitere Billionen wert sind (und vergessen Sie nicht, dass Sie 16 Exxons kriegen). Die 170.000 Tonnen Gold indes werden unverändert sein – und weiterhin nicht in der Lage, irgendwas zu produzieren. Sie können den Würfel streicheln, aber er wird nicht reagieren.“

      Natürlich entsteht Reichtum nur durch Unternehmen, die einen dauerhaften Mehrwert erzeugen (Lottogewinne und Drogenhandel einmal ausgeklammert), weshalb Investments in den langfristig erfolgreichsten und sichersten Aktien die Basis eines jeden Depots sein sollten. Doch Edelmetalle gehören genauso dazu. – Nicht als Konkurrenz zu den Exxon Mobils, Nestlés oder Reckitt Benckisers dieser Welt, sondern als Ergänzung und vor allem als Ersatz für das hemmungslos vermehrte Papiergeld. Meiden Sie also Geldanlagen, wo immer es geht, und setzen Sie massiv auf Sachwerte.
      schrieb am 03.03.12 01:43:45
      Beitrag Nr. 3.689 ()
      schrieb am 03.03.12 03:50:00
      Beitrag Nr. 3.690 ()
      Etwas weiter ausgeholt vielleicht, aber nicht völlig off topic, natürlich. Finanzmarkt ist allemal eine übergreifende ökonomische Verbindung, Ökonomie überhaupt, wie baut man Vermögen auf, was für eine Ethik braucht Ökonomie etc....rückgeführt auf Australien und Kohlenwasserstoffe in der Erde lässt sich feststellen, dass in Australien zuletzt recht erfolgreich gebohrt wurde, und z B nach Central Petroleum (…) hat nun auch Beach erneut einen weiteren feinen Erfolg vorzuweisen. Wenn bei Falcon und Petrohunter und Hess sowas in der nächsten Zeit auch mal passieren würde hätten wir endlich auch mal SP-mäßig wieder einmal ein wenig Freude mit diesen Kandidaten, aber das bleibt eben abzuwarten( ich bin zurzeit auch mit diversen anderen völlig spekulativen Werten etwas beschäftigt hier bei WO und wenn man sieht wie da wild emotional spekuliert wird, dann muss man sagen, das hier in unseren underdogs doch weitgehend eine ziemliche Sachlichkeit eingezogen ist im Laufe der Zeit, was gut ist....die Chancen bestehen nach wie vor wie man einigermaßen objektiv sagen kannIMHO).

      Beach has discovered gas, flowing at 4.5 MMscfd, and gas liquids, in its Coolawang-1 exploration well in PEL 106B on the Western Flank of the Cooper Basin

      Beach Energy Limited (ASX: BPT, “Beach”) has successfully discovered gas and gas liquids in its Coolawang-1 exploration well in PEL 106B (Beach 50% and operator, Drillsearch 50%).
      The Coolawang-1 exploration well was spudded on 9 February 2012 and reached a target depth of 2,864 metres. A drill stem test (“DST”) was conducted to evaluate an interval between 2,656 to 2,661 metres which had gas shows during drilling and wireline evidence of productivity. The DST flowed gas at a stabilised rate of 4.5 MMscfd (1/2” choke) with subsequent pressure data indicating no evidence of depletion.
      Furthermore, pressures indicate the potential for a 20 metre column of gas, confirming that the sand is a stratigraphic trap analogous to the currently producing Middleton and Brownlow Fields, which are 13 kilometres to the south. The flow also delivered a significant but as yet unquantified rate of high-value 50° API gas liquids. No water was evident.
      Wireline data indicates the presence of other Patchawarra sands that are highly prospective for gas. These will be tested as part of an extended production test that is expected to confirm the volumetric and commercial potential of the well/field.
      The Coolawang-1 well is located 2.3 kilometres north of the liquids rich Canunda-1 gas field. Subject to commerciality, the two fields may be developed together. Coolawang-1 is the third in a four well exploration drilling program in PEL 106B, targeting stratigraphic traps in the Patchawarra formation in close proximity to existing gas discoveries.…

      Oil and natural gas

      The Cooper Basin is the location of the most important on-shore petroleum and natural gas deposits in Australia The oil and gas window is located 1,250 m below the surface[1] and was originally discovered in the 1960s (although there are larger oil and gas deposits off-shore). The first commercial discovery of gas occurred in 1963.[1] It includes Australia's largest onshore oil field, the Jackson oil field.[2] This field was discovered in 1981. Pipelines transport gas to the major markets of Brisbane, Adelaide and Sydney. Overall about 1,800 petroleum wells have been drilled.[1]

      The largest producer in the basin is Santos Limited with its main production facility at Moomba, South Australia. The oil and gas deposits in the Cooper Basin tend to be fairly small and fragmentary. Overall there are 160 gas fields and 75 oil fields in production containing about 630 producing gas wells and more than 340 producing oil wells.[3] There are many small listed companies exploring for additional deposits in the region. Some of these companies are AKK‎ - Austin Exploration Limited, Cooper Energy, Beach Petroleum Limited, Senex Energy, Innamincka Petroleum, Magellan, Impress Energy and many others.
      schrieb am 04.03.12 02:56:06
      Beitrag Nr. 3.691 ()
      Unconventional oil & gas
      Industry insights from Marc Bruner and Ben Law

      The history of unconventional drilling – Part 1

      As long ago as 1950, geoscientists were aware of the resource contained in poor quality (ugly) reservoirs. Beginning in about 1975, petroleum explorationists became increasingly aware of the resource potential. Significant papers by leading petroleum geologists Masters (1979, 1984) Law, et al, (1979, 1980), McPeek (1981), and Spencer (1985, 1989), identified potentially very large resources in very tight (low-permeability and porosity) sandstone reservoirs. But it wasn’t until the early 1990’s that technology became available to exploit those ugly (unconventional) reservoirs.

      1990’s – First commercial production: BCGAs (basin-centred gas accumulations)

      Initially, the new technology only addressed the exploitation of very tight (porosity <14% and permeability < 0.1 md) sandstones (BCGAs) by the recognition of vertically stacked, very thick, gas-bearing sandstone sequences (>3,000 ft) such as those occurring in the Pinedale and Jonah fields in Wyoming or the Piceance basin in Colorado. In those fields the sandstones are fluvial dominated and hence were individually lenticular and volume restricted.

      Consequently, commercial production was first achieved from that type of sandstone sequence in about 1990-1992 through the use of staged fractures and the co-mingling of gas in a vertically drilled hole where the net thickness of tight sandstone is greater than 400-500 feet. In some cases as many as 20 fracture stages are conducted.

      Drilling a horizontal well into lenticular, volume restricted sandstones would result in a very limited flow and risk drilling out of the objective reservoir into a non-producing lithology. Well spacing in this type of unconventional hydrocarbon accumulation is close, ranging from 5 to 80 acres. Eberhard and Mullen (2004) and Jennings and Ault (2004) provide detailed information concerning drilling and completion technologies in these types of unconventional reservoirs.

      January 24th, 2012
      Ben Law

      schrieb am 05.03.12 17:37:54
      Beitrag Nr. 3.692 ()
      Keine Ahnung ob das stimmt, aber lt. Agoracom gibt es wieder konkrete Gespräche von FO in Ungarn:

      Gazprom sub, NIS & Falcon JV
      posted on Mar 05, 12 10:58AM (Log in to use the IP Check tool) [?]

      News out that Gazprom subsidary NIS is in talks with FO to develope Hungarian oil in JV based on parity for 2013.NIS wanting to expand into Hungary,Romania,Greece.

      Ist ja für uns auch gut, wenn FO und der Kurs wieder mal in die Höhe kommen.
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 05.03.12 18:04:46
      Beitrag Nr. 3.693 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.852.858 von riverstone am 05.03.12 17:37:54Hab da was gefunden:

      Gazprom Neft unit mulls expansion

      RBC, 05.03.2012, Moscow 17:52:26.Gazprom Neft's Serbian subsidiary Naftna Industrija Srbije (NIS) is pondering expansion into the oil and gas markets of Hungary, Romania, Croatia, as well as gaining a foothold in Greece and Angola, Alexey Ovechkin, CEO of Gazpromneft Orenburg, said in an interview with the corporate magazine. Until February 13, Ovechkin was director for upstream operations at NIS.

      NIS targets to boost annual output to 5m tons of oil equivalent by 2020 from the current 1.5m tons. It expects projects in neighboring countries to source at least 50% of its total output. To achieve this goal NIS needs to aggressively invest in explorations in Serbia and neighboring countries, which the company has been doing for some time, Ovechkin added.

      Specifically, NIS is in talks with international company Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd., which is licensed to explore a block in Hungary, to establish a joint venture on a parity basis. In 2013, NIS expects to start commercial production at Hungary's Kiskunhalas field, operated jointly with RAG Hungary Kft. Talks are also underway with several companies operating in Romania, including Canada's East West Petroleum, as well as with Greece's Hellenic Petroleum over offshore explorations in Greece.
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 05.03.12 20:00:27
      Beitrag Nr. 3.694 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.853.040 von riverstone am 05.03.12 18:04:46Noch was aus Agoracom:

      Re: Gazprom sub, NIS & Falcon JV
      in response to Gazprom sub, NIS & Falcon JV by TenSleep
      posted on Mar 05, 12 12:05PM (Log in to use the IP Check tool) [?]
      "Daughter" "Gazprom oil" starts working in Hungary
      17.06.2011 12:27

      Serbian oil company NIS, then "Gazprom oil", and the TXM Oil & Gas Exploration Kft. (TXM), a subsidiary of Canadian company Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd., signed an agreement of intent, whereby NIS acquires stake in development project located at a depth of 2.5-3.5 thousand thousand. metres of saturated hydrocarbons sandstone deposits of Al′d′ë (Algyo). This follows from a statement by "Gazprom oil". Licensed to deposit, which is 995 m2. km on the Iacs (Makó) in Hungary, owned by Falkon.

      According to the document, the first phase of the joint project of the NIS must compensate for the Falcon historical costs and up to December 31, 2012, at its own expense, carry out drilling and testing three wells in the field, and will be able to receive 50% of extracted oil. The NIS and the CTC will share costs for exploration and development of oil fields in proportion to the shares of participation in the project. The operator will make to CTC.

      "Implementing joint with TCM project will contribute to achieving the strategic goal of the company-an increase of up to 50 million tons of oil and gas production to 5 million oil equivalent by 2020," said the NIS Director General Kiril Kravchenko.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 08.03.12 01:35:03
      Beitrag Nr. 3.695 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.853.706 von riverstone am 05.03.12 20:00:27Die neue Präsentation aus Februar 2012 von Falcon erhält wenig Neues....Resources Roadshow Investor Presentation....Denver, Feb 29, 2012....Catalysts for 2012 in terms of Beetaloo -- revisited:

      Beetaloo – EP99 	Acquire seismic data; Potential JV 	................H2, 2012 	2.0 	........2.0 
      Beetaloo – JV Area Hess completes acquisition of seismic ................Q4, 2012 40.0 ........No cost
      Beetaloo – JV Area Hess elects to move forward on 2013 drilling program Q4, 2012 60 - 75 No cost…

      Die Abschluss-Verhandlungen mit Gazprom SAD) NIS sind vorgeplant seit Juni 2011 und sollen im März 2012 planmäßig zum Abschluss gebracht werden, ausgesprochen erfreulich für Falcon et al wenn das gelingt. Hier ziehen alle Beteiligten an einem Strang.

      Very pleasant inputs River I would say, yes indeed.....and weekend not so far away....who would always long for the weekend?.....shame on me;).....kind regards, A
      schrieb am 08.03.12 14:19:12
      Beitrag Nr. 3.696 ()
      Auch in Australien versucht man weiterzukommen. Hier hängt aber viel von der Entscheidung seitens Hess, betreffend des weiteren Explorationsprogramms, ab. Spätestens wenn es hier das OK gibt, von dem ich ausgehe, sollte sich das auch auf unserer Kurs auswirken.…

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (FO), an explorer planning to drill shale prospects in Australia with Hess Corp., said it is in negotiations to form a second partnership to develop about 10 percent of its acreage in the country.

      Falcon is seeking a shale specialist to fund exploration in two areas spanning about 700,000 acres of the Beetaloo Basin, Chief Executive Officer Robert Macaulay said today in a telephone interview from the company’s headquarters in Denver. The company owns permits covering 7 million acres in the basin in the Northern Territory, according to its website.

      The oil and gas explorer, which holds almost 15 million acres in three projects in Australia, Hungary and South Africa, agreed to a venture with New York-based Hess (HES) last year to develop three blocks in Beetaloo. Hess, ConocoPhillips (COP), BG Group Plc (BG/) and Mitsubishi Corp. (8058) have agreed to fund shale gas exploration campaigns through ventures in Australia.

      Before the Hess transaction, “we had every major in the world active in shale, all the serious players, come by to look at our data,” Macaulay said. “The opportunities in Australia are tremendous. It’s going to become more attractive.”

      Hess plans to make a decision by the year-end on whether to fund a five-well drilling program that’s expected to start in 2013, he said. Any partnership accord to develop Falcon’s additional holdings in the Beetaloo region, about 600 kilometers (373 miles) south of Darwin, would probably be reached after Hess commits to the drilling plans, he said.

      The five wells may cost about $50 million, Macaulay estimated, saying those expenses have yet to be determined. Hess has paid the company $20 million and agreed to fund $40 million of initial work that started last year, Falcon said in July.
      Shale Potential

      Falcon advanced 5.3 percent to 10 Canadian cents in Toronto trading yesterday. The shares have slumped 39 percent in the past 12 months.

      Santos (STO) Ltd., Beach Energy Ltd., Senex Energy Ltd. and AWE Ltd. are among explorers with shale-gas projects in Australia. Santos is planning to drill four unconventional wells in the second half in the Cooper Basin, the country’s main source of onshore gas.

      With almost 400 trillion cubic feet of estimated shale gas that may be recoverable, Australia has “major” potential in four regions, the U.S. Energy Information Administration said in April. The areas consist of the Cooper Basin straddling the South Australia and Queensland border, the Maryborough Basin in Queensland, and the Perth and Canning basins in Western Australia, according to the EIA.

      To contact the reporter on this story: James Paton in Sydney at

      To contact the editor responsible for this story: Amit Prakash at
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 08.03.12 18:49:14
      Beitrag Nr. 3.697 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.871.093 von riverstone am 08.03.12 14:19:12Ja, sehe ich auch so, und ein weiterer SP-Katalysator ist natürlich Paltar, einstweilen ein 50%-Partner(aber 100 % >Partner;)) von Petrohunter. Aus dem Gas Today Artikel of late, den ich nocheinmal eingestellt habe vor Kurzem können wir das Bildchen zu dieser News sehr gut verwenden. Es bildet die Gesamtaera Beetaloo(Kerngebiet)(7 000 000 acres) ab ohne die Petrohunter- und Paltaraußenbezirke(links unten und rechts oben), die sich zur Zeit im Genehmigungsverfahren Down Under befinden. Blau(Shenandoah) und braun(EP99) sind die insgesamt zehn Prozent eingezeichnet, um die es in diesem neuen Bloomberg-Artikel von heute geht in Beetaloo. Für diese 700 000 acres sucht Falcon Australia einen zweiten JV-Partner..

      >Falcon is seeking a shale specialist to fund exploration in two areas spanning about 700,000 acres of the Beetaloo Basin, Chief Executive Officer Robert Macaulay said today in a telephone interview from the company’s headquarters in Denver. The company owns permits covering 7 million acres in the basin in the Northern Territory, according to its website..

      Zitat von auriga: The only really relevant current article to be found in this connection for now on the Gas Today website is this one, which we really do know already. Nevertheless here it is once again. Maybe quite interesting also in association with some other companies not so far away Down Under.

      Company news: Falcon, Woodside, Adelaide, APLNG, John Holland, Santos

      Wed, 23 November 2011

      International company Falcon Oil and Gas are hot on the heels of Beach Energy’s shale success, having successfully produced gas at each shale interval during its testing program of the Shenandoah-1 well, located in the Beetaloo Basin, Northern Territory.

      Shenandoah-1 is a vertical well situated in the deepest part of the basin and natural gas was the expected hydrocarbon at the depths being tested. The well is the first to be tested in these unconventional targets, consequently the objectives of the tests were to determine whether the shale intervals could be fracture-stimulated and produce hydrocarbons, and to confirm rock, pressure and fluid properties.

      As the operation has succeeded in these objectives, Falcon has said that the well will be plugged and abandoned.

      Woodside has released the draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for the upstream component of the Browse LNG Development for public review.

      The draft upstream EIS concerns the construction, operation and de-commissioning of all the offshore aspects of the Browse LNG Development in Commonwealth waters, including offshore processing platforms and wells, and subsea pipelines and infrastructure.
      Article continues below…

      Woodside will respond to submissions received during the public comment period, and these responses will be published in a supplement to the draft upstream EIS.

      Adelaide Energy directors have unanimously recommended Beach Energy’s unconditional on-market takeover offer for the company.

      Since gaining majority control of Adelaide Energy, Beach has increased its relevant interest in the company to 79.91 per cent.

      Australia Pacific LNG (APLNG) has signed a binding Heads of Agreement with Kansai Electric Power Company for the sale and purchase of approximately 1 MMt/a of LNG for 20 years.

      Under the terms of the agreement, APLNG will supply the Japanese electric utility company with LNG from its LNG facility on Curtis Island, with deliveries anticipated to commence in mid-2016.

      John Holland has also been awarded a marine subcontract worth in excess of $A100 million for the APLNG Project.

      Under the marine subcontract, John Holland will design and construct a new product loading facility comprising a 168 m jetty and loading platform.

      Included in the contract scope is the procurement, fabrication, construction and commissioning of the structural, mechanical and electrical components of the combined marine facilities.

      In additon, Santos has completed its previously announced acquisition of Eastern Star Gas Ltd giving the company the largest natural gas reserves position in New South Wales.

      Santos now operates and owns 80 per cent of CSG permits formerly held by Eastern Star, increasing its total NSW reserves position to 1,216 PJ of 2P reserves and 2,238 PJ of 3P reserves. TRUenergy will own the remaining 20 per cent of the permits under a separate transaction to be completed in conjunction with the acquisition.

      Image caption: A map of Falcon Oil and Gas' Shenandoah tenement.

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      Categories: Asset owner - transmission, Construction - offshore , Coal seam gas, Drilling - onshore , Exploration and production, Gas producer , Jetty equipment , LNG, Offshore, Projects
      Related companies

      • Arrow Energy
      • Beach Energy
      • Eastern Star Gas
      • John Holland Group Pty Ltd
      • Santos
      • Woodside Energy…
      schrieb am 16.03.12 13:26:14
      Beitrag Nr. 3.698 ()
      Director of ground water studies at the University of the Free State, Dr Danie Vermeulen discusses the advantages and disadvantages of hydraulic fracturing for shale gas. Camera: Nicholas Boyd. Editing: Darlene Creamer…

      Shale gas could boost economy, but risks should be assessed

      By: Henry Lazenby
      13th March 2012

      South Africa potentially boasts the fifth-largest shale gas deposit in the world, making it hard to ignore the benefits that such a significant resource could provide the country’s economy, if it is implemented and managed well, director of ground water studies at the University of the Free State, Dr Danie Vermeulen, said on Tuesday.

      Speaking at a gathering of the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions at Gallager Estate, in Midrand, Vermeulen pointed out that a number of contradicting statements were being used in arguments for, and against hydraulic fracturing, or fracking.

      “Some environmentalists tend to distort or over emphasise certain facts, while leaving out other chunks of information that does not support their agendas. On the other hand, some companies interested in operating fracking activities have also been found to distort facts in ways to support their agendas of gaining access to the gas,” he told Engineering News Online.

      However, owing to the act of liberating natural gas from shale rock, entailing water, sand and chemicals being pumped deep into the earth’s crust, the risk of pollution and irreparable damage is ever present.

      “The risk of extracting the gas is comparable to that of underground mining operations. With such a substantial resource of natural gas being locally available, the benefits to South Africa’s economy could be substantial,” Vermeulen said.

      His comments echoed what the late Tony Twine said at the release of an economic study on fracking earlier this month. The Econometrix modelling estimated fracking could add between R80-billion and R200-billion to the country’s yearly gross domestic product if only a small portion of the speculated shale resource base was exploited. Twine, who passed away over the weekend, also estimated that between 300 000 and 700 000 upstream and downstream jobs could be generated.

      Vermeulen believed that fracking in the South African context would be harmless to local groundwater supplies, owing to the fact that the activity would take place at depths of between 4 km and 5 km below the surface.

      “While fracking is harmless to surface organisms and humans, we have coined a new term called ‘fracktivities’, which pose a greater threat to the wellbeing of the local environment than fracturing shale at depth,” he said.

      So-called Fracktivities referred to all the surface support activities, such as boring equipment, trucks and other infrastructure associated with sinking a borehole and establishing a working gas well. “If these surface activities are not managed well, the consequences could by far outweigh the risks of fracking,” he cautioned.

      While the Mineral Resources Department-imposed moratorium on the issuing of new shale gas exploration licences is due to be reviewed and possibly lifted by the end of the month, Vermeulen pointed out that commercial fracking in South Africa is still about nine years away, owing to significant exploration projects still to be undertaken, followed by detailed environmental and feasibility studies to be completed before licences would be issued to start fracking operations.

      “In light of the extended timeframe before fracking becomes a reality in South Africa, one could assume that technological advances in the period could further assist to reduce environmental risks,” he said.

      Further, Vermeulen pointed out that boreholes are generally sunk and the shale fractured in a relatively short timeframe, with the only visible evidence of a gas well being a pipeline leading from the well to a central storage facility. When a gas well is spent, the surface area could be fully rehabilitated, although the chemicals pumped into the earth’s crust can never be removed.

      Meanwhile, he said South Africa’s bid to host the Square Kilometre Array radio telescope would not be affected by fracking activities, as long as these remained 30 km away from the closest sensors.
      Edited by: Mariaan Webb
      schrieb am 16.03.12 22:44:50
      Beitrag Nr. 3.699 ()
      Das delisting von Petrohunter in FFM-Xetra scheint mir nun doch besondere Gründe zu haben, als auch die mangelnde Kursstellung in Stuttgart. Ich wurde auch des Öfteren schon inbox hierzu angeschrieben.

      Bisher war der consens dies erst einmal auf sich beruhen zu lassen um insbesondere in D PHUN eine Verschnaufpause zu geben, insbesondere in Xetra-FFM, elektronisch gehandelt, aber mit Spezialist. Ähnliches gilt für Stuttgart, wo aber durch den Skontro-Führer im traditionellen Parketthandel der Einfluss noch etwas stärker ist.

      Ich habe mich gerade einmal in wesentlich harmloseren Werten als PHUN umgeschaut und diese -- ich möchte sie jetzt nicht explizieren -- werden alle -- auch teilweise total tief-- lustig weitergehandelt, obwohl teilweise auch schon aus dem Verkehr gezogen gewesen, als ein Beispiel Central Kimberley ( alles abgespeichert und belegbar)(langweilt aber jetzt nur).

      In der first quotation im Freiverkehr in FFM wurden die Maßstäbe angehoben, etwa mindestens 10 cent nominal und Eigenkapital mindestens 500.000 EUR. First Quotation erfährt auch weiter Änderungen mit delisting ab Q3 2012 wie im Februar-Rundschreiben Open Market (THX conplus) von FFM mitgeteilt.

      Gleichwohl trifft das nicht für PHUN zu. PHUN ist second quotation, da in erster Listung an der OTCBB respektive OTC Markets Group(die jetzt gerade FINRA Anerkennung vorbereitet)(kann ich dann auch nochmal bringen) gehandelt. Bei PHUN (und ich glaube auch bei Genta z B) wurde ein delete durchgeführt an der OTCBB, da die broker dealer zur OTC Market Group gewechselt sind. Daran kann das delisting in FFM nicht liegen, da Genta entsprechend mit EUR 0,001 respektive EUR 0,002 ( und dann auch höher) weiter gehandelt wird in FFM-Xetra.

      Man darf sich also fragen wieso PHUN zur Zeit in D nicht gehandelt wird, wirklich fragen nun langsam. Das scheint mir nicht ganz in Ordnung zu sein. Hat hier jemand der Teilnehmer gekündigt?

      Falls bei euch Interesse besteht dass PHUN auch wieder in D gehandelt wird, könnten wir dann doch einmal intensiveren Kontakt mit den deutschen Börsen aufnehemen. Wer PHUN in D noch hält hat sonst erst mal Schwierigkeiten.

      Wäre gespannt wie ihr das sehen würdet?

      PS: Die second quotation Voraussetzungen für PHUN sind an der OTCBB(immer noch nominal geführt genau wie Genta) und an der OTC Market Group (average volume 83,625 3m) gegeben.
      schrieb am 16.03.12 23:03:59
      Beitrag Nr. 3.700 ()
      Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

      zentrale Rolle der Börse ist die Kapitalbeschaffung für Unternehmen der Realwirtschaft.
      Durch neue Regulierungen im Finanzsektor (Basel 3, EMIR, MiFID2)
      wird die Börse als Kapitalbeschaffungsplattform zur Sicherung von Wachstum,
      Wohlstand und Beschäftigung weiter an Bedeutung gewinnen. Die Deutsche Börse
      stellt mit ihren Primärmarktplattformen Prime Standard (PS), General Standard
      (GS) und Entry Standard (ES) die effiziente und effektive Kapitalaufnahme für
      deutsche und internationale Unternehmen sicher. Das wichtigste Gut hierbei ist das
      Vertrauen der Investoren in die hohe Transparenz der notierten Unternehmen und
      deren nachhaltige Handelbarkeit mit hoher Liquidität.

      Mit dem First Quotation Board (FQB) stand seit 2008 ein weiteres Finanzierungssegment
      zur Verfügung, in dem die antragstellenden Teilnehmer die Auswahl der
      Emittenten übernommen haben. Anfang 2011 wurden die Anforderungen verschärft,
      um zum Schutz des Kapitalmarktes und insbesondere der Anleger Marktmanipulation
      und Betrug entscheidend zu erschweren. Nach Erkenntnissen der
      Deutschen Börse, der Hessischen Börsenaufsicht sowie der Bundesanstalt für
      Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht ist es trotz straf- und aufsichtsrechtlicher Maßnahmen,
      der engen Einbindung der Antragsteller und der Verschärfungen der
      Einbeziehungsvoraussetzungen weiterhin zu massiven und häufigen Verdachtsfällen
      auf Marktmanipulation gekommen. Daher plant die Deutsche Börse das First
      Quotation Board (FQB) in seiner jetzigen Form zu schließen. Um den Anlegern
      jedoch die Möglichkeit zu geben, ihre Aktien noch über die Börse zu veräußern,
      wird die Einstellung des Segments voraussichtlich im dritten Quartal 2012

      Mit den Segmenten Prime Standard (PS) und General Standard (GS) im
      Regulierten Markt sowie dem Entry Standard (ES) im Freiverkehr stehen
      Unternehmen maßgeschneiderte Transparenzniveaus zur Kapitalaufnahme zur
      Verfügung. Unternehmen, die derzeit im First Quotation Board sind und die die
      jeweiligen Eingangsvoraussetzungen und Folgepflichten erfüllen, stehen diese
      drei Segmente grundsätzlich offen.

      Um die Einbindung der Emittenten nachhaltig zu verbessern, werden zudem die
      Regeln des Entry Standard (ES) verschärft. Der Zugang zum Entry Standard wird
      künftig immer ein öffentliches Angebot und damit einen Prospekt voraussetzen.
      Darüber hinaus werden auch die Folgepflichten verschärft und der Emittent direkt
      zu deren Erfüllung verpflichtet. Hinzu kommt, dass der begleitende Handelsteilnehmer
      bei der Einbeziehung von Aktien in den Entry Standard (ES) künftig auch
      entsprechend § 32 Abs. 2 BörsG den Status eines Kreditinstitutes bzw. eines
      Finanzdienstleistungsinstituts aufweisen muss.

      Zukünftig werden im übrigen Quotation Board (QB) neben Anleihen nur noch
      Aktien einbezogen (wie im bisherigen Second Quotation Board (SQB)), die ein
      Listing an einem anderen von der Deutschen Börse anerkannten in- oder ausländischen
      börsenmäßigen Handelsplatz haben. Der Spezialist stellt hier die Handelbarkeit
      des Wertes sicher, indem er Liquidität spendet und die Verpflichtung
      übernimmt, Kapitalmaßnahmen und andere relevante Informationen der Deutschen
      Börse unverzüglich mitzuteilen. Zukünftig wird hier der Spezialist die Rolle des
      Antragstellers übernehmen.

      Wir sind davon überzeugt, mit den geplanten Maßnahmen die Transparenz,
      Qualität und Effizienz des Gesamtmarktes zu wahren und weiter zu verbessern und
      damit die nachhaltige Kapitalaufnahme und die Handelbarkeit sicherzustellen. Die
      genaue Ausgestaltung der Regularien werden wir im Verlauf des ersten Quartals
      2012 erarbeiten und kommunizieren. Wir gehen nach derzeitiger Planung davon
      aus, dass eine finale Umsetzung der Marktneusegmentierung zum Ende des dritten
      Quartals 2012 in Kraft treten wird.

      Bei Fragen steht Ihnen das Listing-Team unter der Telefonnummer
      +49-(0) 69-2 11-1 35 55 gerne zur Verfügung.…
      schrieb am 16.03.12 23:17:05
      Beitrag Nr. 3.701 ()
      § 12 Einbeziehungsvoraussetzungen für zum Handel bereits zugelassene
      Aktien und Aktien vertretende Zertifikate (Second Quotation)

      (1) Aktien und Aktien vertretende Zertifikate, die zum Handel an einem von der DBAG
      anerkannten in- oder ausländischen börsenmäßigen Handelsplatz zugelassen sind
      (Second Quotation), können einbezogen werden, wenn die Voraussetzungen
      gemäß § 11 Abs. 1 Satz 1 lit. a) bis d) erfüllt sind. Aktien vertretende Zertifikate
      können gemäß Satz 1 auch einbezogen werden, wenn die vertretenen Aktien an
      einem von der DBAG anerkannten in- oder ausländischen börsenmäßigen
      Handelsplatz zugelassen sind. Die DBAG legt die anerkannten Handelsplätze
      gemäß Satz 1 und 2 fest und veröffentlicht diese auf ihrer Internetseite, abrufbar

      (2) Die DBAG ist berechtigt, im Einzelfall weitere Einbeziehungsvoraussetzungen

      § 11 Einbeziehungsvoraussetzungen für Nichtaktien

      (1) Wertpapiere, die keine Aktien oder Aktien vertretende Zertifikate sind (Nichtaktien),
      können einbezogen werden, wenn

      a) sie über eine International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) verfügen

      b) sie frei handelbar sind und

      c) eine ordnungsgemäße Erfüllung der Geschäfte gewährleistet ist und

      d) dem Börsenhandel keine behördlichen Verbote oder Untersagungen
      schrieb am 16.03.12 23:35:04
      Beitrag Nr. 3.702 ()
      Ein Delisting aufgrund der Skandalvorgänge um small cap scout et al wäre meiner Meinung nach nicht angängig, da Petrohunter selbst damit erkennbar nichts zu tun hätte. Dies würde auf dem Rücken der Aktionäre ausgetragen, die in D noch PHUN-Aktien halten. Das kann ja wohl nicht sein !-- Kaum, denn es gibt ähnliche Skandal-Aktien, die weiter gehandelt werden ....das schiene mir rechtlich ein echter Pfostenschuss zu sein....kann ich mir nicht vorstellen, dass die Deutsche Börse sich auf einen derartigen UNfug einlassen würde....kaum....nur: irgendeinen Grund muss das delisting haben, das steht fest....
      schrieb am 17.03.12 00:30:09
      Beitrag Nr. 3.703 ()
      OTC Link LLC Gains FINRA Membership
      Mar 08, 2012
      OTC Markets News Service

      OTC Link LLC Gains FINRA Membership

      NEW YORK – March 8, 2012- OTC Markets Group Inc. (the “Company”), announced today that its wholly owned subsidiary, OTC Link LLC (“OTC Link”), has been approved as a broker-dealer member of FINRA™. OTC Link next plans to register with the SEC as an Alternative Trading System (“ATS”). As a broker-dealer and an ATS, OTC Link will operate the Company’s OTC Link interdealer quotation and messaging system. The Company anticipates that OTC Link will begin operating as an ATS late in the second quarter of 2012.

      “We worked diligently with FINRA to ensure that FINRA membership, and OTC Link’s anticipated future status as an ATS, will not require us to make any fundamental changes to the current OTC Link network model or the trading process for our broker-dealer subscribers,” said Michael Modeski, President of OTC Link. “We are pleased to report that the OTC Link trading system will continue to provide fully attributable quote and message services to our network of subscribers. The current trade reporting process will not change, and we will not automatically execute orders or act as a matching engine.”

      “OTC Markets Group’s mission is to operate open, transparent and connected marketplaces that link broker-dealers and provide investors with the information they need to intelligently trade any OTC security at the best possible price,” said R. Cromwell Coulson, President and Chief Executive Officer of OTC Markets Group. “OTC Link’s FINRA membership will allow our interdealer quotation and messaging system to continue that mission, serving our broker-dealer subscribers as a regulated entity without altering their user experience.”

      OTC Markets Group will announce its status as an ATS upon completion of the SEC’s formal ATS registration process.

      About OTC Markets Group Inc.
      OTC Markets Group Inc. OTCM) operates the world’s largest Open, Transparent and Connected marketplace platform, delivering price transparency in over 10,000 OTC securities. Our OTC Link trading system directly links broker-dealers that provide liquidity and execution services. We organize the wide spectrum of OTC-traded securities into three marketplaces to inform investors of opportunities and risks – OTCQX® - The Intelligent Marketplace for the Best OTC Companies; OTCQB® - The Venture Marketplace; and OTC Pink® - The Open Marketplace. Our information-driven platform provides the information to intelligently trade through any broker at the best possible price, and empowers companies to build the best markets for their investors. To learn more about our Open, Transparent and Connected marketplaces, visit
      schrieb am 17.03.12 00:33:49
      Beitrag Nr. 3.704 ()
      Das delisting an der OTCBB von PHUN -- was in Wirklichkeit nur ein Abschied von der überholten OTCBB-Telefon-Plattform der broker dealer ist -- könnte ich mir als einen Grund des delistings von PHUN in FFM und der nicht mehr erfolgten Wertstellung in S vorstellen. Dies wäre in Wirklichkeit ein arger fake und nicht mehr zeitgemäß. -- Aufgehoben würde dies z B durch eine FINRA-Anerkennung der OTC Markets Group.

      Ja was soll man sagen, wer weiß wofür es gut ist, aber ein Hammer ist dieser Unfug letzendlich Vergleich zu pinksheets die in D weiterlaufen....JMO
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 17.03.12 00:42:03
      Beitrag Nr. 3.705 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.917.072 von auriga am 17.03.12 00:33:49OTC Link next plans to register with the SEC as an Alternative Trading System (“ATS”)

      Dies ist eher der Punkt. Die FINRA-Anerkennug liegt ja schon vor.
      schrieb am 17.03.12 18:26:07
      Beitrag Nr. 3.706 ()
      Eine einfache Ableitung....second quotation bleibt in FFM erhalten, wird aber umbenannt im Laufe des Jahres 2012 in quotation board, da die first quotation aufgelöst wird....Aktien die auf einem von der Deutschen Börse anerkannten in- oder ausländischen Handelsplatz gelistet sind, können einbezogen werden in den Freiverkehr, wenn die Voraussetzungen gemäß § 11 Abs. 1 Satz 1 lit. a) bis d) erfüllt sind....und die Deutsche Börse kann im Einzelfall weitere Einbeziehungsvoraussetzungen festlegen....PHUN aber ist nominal gelistet bei der NASDAQ, nämlich der OTCBB....die NASDAQ wiederum(und zwar inclusive OTCBB, wie sonst) aber gehört zu den anerkannten Handelsplätzen der Deutschen Börse(wie denn auch sonst)....insofern leite ich hieraus mit allen vorgenannten Einschränkungen ab, dass PHUN an sich weiter in FFM-Xetra zu handeln sein sollte, insbesondere im Vergleich mit ähnlichen Aktien(Beispiel GNTA) die weiterhin gehandelt werden....die Frage ist nun warum PHUN im aktuellen second quotation board FFM nicht meht erscheint........soweit FFM....wie ich es in Stuttgart sehe, ist PHUN nicht verschwunden aus dem Freiverkehr, aber es findet zur Zeit keine Wertstellung statt....hiermit müsste man sich dann als nächstes beschäftigen........ein Handel in Stuttgart mit Skontroführer sollte ja an sich genügen....die Frage ist auch nach wie vor ob es so eilig ist, und nicht besser wäre wenn der Handel in D erst dann wieder aktiviert würde, falls PHUN sich etwas höher konsolidiert, was ja offen ist.......OTC market group gehört zur Zeit nicht zu den anerkannten Börsenplätzen in FFM.....also ist ganz interessant(laugh)....bei der Beschäftigung mit PHUN lernt man eben nach und nach für die Börse insgesamt sind wir an sich etwa auch in den ÖL- und Gassektor insgesamt oder shale gas in Australien ein ganzes Stück weit eingetaucht, naja....
      dies sind nocheinmal die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der Deutschen Börse AG für den Freiverkehr Stand: 23.05.2011 an der Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse…
      hier erscheint bei der von der Deutschen Börse zugelassenen Handelsplätzen NASDAQ OMX - New York und hierzu gehört die OTCBB
      Übersicht über die NASDAQ in New York inclusive OTCBB
      PHUN eingeben....bei Erscheinen bitte unten rechts auf Exchange OTCBB drü erscheint dann ein kleines Fenster mit ►Exchange InformationListed On OTC Bulletin Board ►Consolidated (OTCBB)....was zu beweisen war....also nominal weiter an der OTCBB geführt und auch jederzeit reaktivierbar, wie weiter oben(schon etwas her) beschrieben
      schrieb am 28.03.12 23:58:16
      Beitrag Nr. 3.707 ()
      schrieb am 01.04.12 19:56:05
      Beitrag Nr. 3.708 ()
      danke für die charteinstellung
      aber mich treibt die frage um was du für die zukunft siehst
      ich erwarte keine handlungsempfehlung,aber derart sprünge gab es in der vergangenheit des öfteren
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 04.04.12 22:14:26
      Beitrag Nr. 3.709 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.986.467 von oitzukisun am 01.04.12 19:56:05Who can look into the future? Beach und Central Petroleum bohren nebenan total erfolgreich, Central Petroleum mit dem größten Offshore-Hammer in OZ seit den 60ern. Wir brauchen einen ersten Treffer in Australien für PHUN FO und Partner , dies kann Einiges in Gang setzen auch finanztechnisch. Den Ansatz von Paltar finde ich ausgesprochen erfreulich und richtungsweisend. Unsere Geologen sind nach wie vor die besten. -- Im Übrigen hat Beach nach einer Erfolgsbohrung nach der anderen jetzt erneut ein financing von 345 Mio AU-Dollars auf den Weg gebracht. Man will finanziell unabhängig sein in der weiteren Entwicklung im Cooper Basin hieß es in der mail von vor ein einigen Tagen. Klingt ganz gut.

      Angenehm wieder von dir zu hören. -- Ich finde die seismic von Hess total beruhigend bezüglich Beetaloo. Viel besser gehts nicht. Ansonsten rank wildcat. Strikes needed. Bitte das Zeitfenster beachten. Wir haben Zeit. GLTYA

      Schöne Ostertage und LG, A

      PS: FO schön tief zur Zeit. Gleichwohl keine Eile zum Kauf. Aber interessantIMO
      schrieb am 04.04.12 22:52:26
      Beitrag Nr. 3.710 ()
      Hess Schedules Earnings Release Conference Call

      NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Apr. 4, 2012-- Hess Corporation (NYSE: HES) announced today that it will hold a conference call on Wednesday, April 25, at 10 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time to discuss its first quarter 2012 earnings release.

      To phone into the conference call, parties in the United States should dial 1-866-314-5050 and enter the pass code 78737415 after 9:45 a.m. Outside the United States, parties should dial 1-617-213-8051 and enter the pass code 787374515. This conference call will also be accessible by webcast at (audio only).

      A replay of the conference call will be available from April 25 through May 9, 2012 by dialing 1-888-286-8010 and entering the pass code 54004461. Outside the United States, parties should dial 1-617-801-6888 and enter the pass code 54004461.

      Hess Corporation, with headquarters in New York, is a global integrated energy company engaged in the exploration, production, purchase, transportation and sale of crude oil and natural gas, as well as the production and sale of refined petroleum products. More information on Hess Corporation is available at…
      schrieb am 05.04.12 09:17:57
      Beitrag Nr. 3.711 ()
      Zitat von auriga: Who can look into the future? Beach und Central Petroleum bohren nebenan total erfolgreich, Central Petroleum mit dem größten Offshore-Hammer in OZ seit den 60ern. Wir brauchen einen ersten Treffer in Australien für PHUN FO und Partner , dies kann Einiges in Gang setzen auch finanztechnisch....

      Um Missverständnisse zu vermeiden(laugh).....trotz allem Jahrhundert-Flooding in AUS (NT Queensland ...), das ist natürlich auch onshore in der Nachbarschaft....sorry, dies war ein echter Freud ....richtiggehend nicht gemerkt, erst jetzt beim Wiederlesen ....die Offshore-Projekte in AUS haben es allerdings auch in sich -- gerade auch -- und PHUN hat auch mal in der Umgebung von Barrow Island(WA) beantragt.....……
      schrieb am 10.04.12 02:00:27
      Beitrag Nr. 3.712 ()
      schrieb am 10.04.12 22:29:57
      Beitrag Nr. 3.713 ()
      Fracking Front …
      March 23rd, 2012


      The U.S. public favors greater regulation of hydraulic fracturing, a natural gas drilling technique that has reduced prices for consumers while raising environmental concerns.

      photo: Chesapeake Energy
      More than three times as many Americans say there should be more regulation of fracturing, known as fracking, than less, according to a Bloomberg News National Poll conducted March 8-11. The findings coincide with recent surveys in Ohio and New York where people who believe fracking will cause environmental damage outnumber those who say the process is safe.

      “That actually doesn’t surprise me,” Mark Boling, executive vice president for Houston-based Southwestern Energy Co. (SWN), said of the poll results in an interview. “We have been so focused as an industry on figuring out how to crack the code and get these huge volumes of gas trapped in shale formations. We haven’t focused on the things we have to do differently above ground.” MORE……


      Despite rhetoric to the contrary, the Obama administration is poised to deal a major blow to U.S. oil and natural gas, a leading industry group charged Thursday.

      Domestic production of both fuels could plummet if proposed Environmental Protection Agency regulations, designed to limit emissions from well sites, go into effect later this year, according to an extensive new study commissioned by the American Petroleum Institute.

      The natural gas extraction technique known as “fracking” would be hardest hit, and fuel extracted via the popular process would drop by about 52 percent, according to a new study commissioned by API. Total gas production would decrease by about 11 percent, while domestic oil production could fall by as much as 37 percent, the report says. MORE……


      Chances are you’ve never heard of Pavillion, Wyo.

      Little more than a blip on a map of the Great Plains, the town of 242 residents in Wyoming’s Fremont County stands on the front line in the national debate over the gas-drilling method known as hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking.”

      Much is at stake for the U.S. oil and natural gas industries as they await the outcome of a regulatory battle between the federal Environmental Protection Agency and fracking proponents.
      In December, the EPA released a draft study that tentatively linked groundwater contamination in Pavillion with fracking, a drilling technique that blasts apart underground rock formations with millions of gallons of water, chemicals and sand to dislodge pockets of natural gas.

      The study, which has proven controversial due to disputes between supporters and critics, was the first time a science-backed connection was made. Critics had already been vehement in alleging that the drilling industry tainted underground water in Pennsylvania and elsewhere through well-fracking. MORE……

      Colorado Energy News
      schrieb am 10.04.12 22:37:39
      Beitrag Nr. 3.714 ()
      schrieb am 11.04.12 18:47:23
      Beitrag Nr. 3.715 ()
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. Announces Appointment of Chief Executive Officer

      DENVER, COLORADO--(Marketwire - April 11, 2012) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. ("Falcon" or "Company") (TSX VENTURE:FO) announced today the hiring of Mr. Philip O'Quigley to assume the role of Chief Executive Officer.

      Mr. O'Quigley has over 20 years' experience working in the oil and gas industry. His career, which spans a number of London and Dublin listed E & P companies, includes experience working in countries such as Argentina, the United States, Algeria, the UK and Ireland. Mr. O'Quigley is currently Finance Director of Providence Resources plc, an Irish oil and gas exploration and production company. He qualified as a Chartered Accountant with Ernst & Young, Dublin and is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ireland.

      Mr. Robert Macaulay, a Director of the company who stepped in as interim CEO in November 2010, will remain on the Board while assisting with the transition of CEO responsibilities to Mr. O'Quigley.

      Mr. John Craven, Chairman of the Board of Falcon, thanked Mr. Macaulay for his accomplishments and his continuing service to the Company. "Falcon has experienced a great deal of change over the last 18 months under Rob's leadership with an emphasis on corporate stewardship and delivering results, putting Falcon on a solid footing for the future.

      The arrival of Philip marks a new era in the company, adding complementary finance, marketing and organisational skills to our management team with a renewed focus on the investing public. The company has an excellent high impact asset base on which to grow and I look forward to announcing accomplishments on all our properties through the year."

      About Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. is an international oil and gas exploration and production company, headquartered in Denver, Colorado, incorporated in British Columbia, Canada, and trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "FO". The company specializes in the business of unconventional and conventional oil and gas exploration and production and holds interests in prospective properties in Australia, Hungary and South Africa.

      For additional information about Falcon Oil & Gas, please visit our website at

      Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.…
      schrieb am 11.04.12 19:14:03
      Beitrag Nr. 3.716 ()
      Providence shares slip as finance director to step down

      10:11, Post Reporter

      Providence Resources finance director Philip O’Quigley is stepping down from the position to become chief executive of Falcon Oil and Gas.

      O’Quigley will continue to serve as a non-executive director of Providence when he takes up his new position at the Canadian listed oil and gas exploration business.

      Providence’s share price was down 4.2 per cent a short time ago. It has risen steadily over recent weeks since the company announced very positive test results from its Barryroe oil well. Yesterday it broke the €7 mark for the first time but has now slipped back to €6.95.

      “Philip has been an integral part of the Providence team since 2008 and has been a key player as the company has developed over the past 4 years,” said Tony O'Reilly, chief executive of Providence. “Whilst we are obviously very sad that Philip is stepping down from his executive post, we are pleased that he has agreed to stay on as a non-executive director.”
      **Contact desk: [](**…
      schrieb am 11.04.12 19:47:12
      Beitrag Nr. 3.717 ()
      Philip O'Quigley, B. Comm. FCA

      - Finance Director

      Philip O’Quigley is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland. Having trained with Ernst & Young, Dublin, he moved into finance positions within the oil and gas industry in the early 1990’s. He joined Glencar Mining plc, the IEX and AIM quoted gold mining company in 1997 as Finance Director. In 2002 he left Glencar Mining plc as an Executive Director and since that time has been involved in a number of private and public companies in the oil and gas industry, including Petroceltic International plc where he was Finance Director.
      schrieb am 12.04.12 00:12:17
      Beitrag Nr. 3.718 ()
      Das war ne gute Zeit für Falcon mit Rob. Obwohl ursprünglich nur interim eingesetzt kommt der Wechsel überraschend finde ich. Man hatte auf dieser Strecke seit November 2010 nicht mehr den Eindruck als handele es sich hier nur um eine Übergangslösung.

      The arrival of Philip marks a new era in the company, adding complementary finance, marketing and organisational skills to our management team with a renewed focus on the investing public.

      Betonung auf Finanzen und marketing, hmmm, investor relations, Organisation, na ja, also Betonung auf Finanzen ist immer gut, ansonsten ist wichtig ein überschauendes Gesamtmanagement der Firma und da wird sich der neue Mann erst mal einarbeiten müssen.

      Die Hintergründe für diesen Wechsel liegen MM nach im Dunkeln.
      schrieb am 15.04.12 18:57:28
      Beitrag Nr. 3.719 ()…

      Auszug daraus über Falcon und Hess:
      Private company Falcon Oil & Gas is also poised to embark on a major drilling campaign in the Beetaloo Basin, where it holds more than 28,300 square kilometres in four licences it acquired in 2008.

      While its exploration work has identified six active petroleum systems with shale oil and gas in addition to conventional potential, it is the entry of Hess under a US$60 million (A$57.7 million) farm-in to a 25,200 square kilometre area that is set to stoke the exploration fire.

      Hess, which has shale gas experience in the U.S. and the offshore WA-390-P permit off Western Australia where it has made a number of gas discoveries, is paying Falcon US$17.5 million for a 62.5% stake in the acreage and will also pay the cost of a US$40 million seismic acquisition program.

      It can then elect to continue to the next phase of the work program that includes drilling five wells to explore and appraise the agreement area.

      Hess is arguably the largest player to commit to exploration in the onshore Northern Territory and its presence could draw the attention of other major independents and supermajors into the area.

      Das Inetresse rund um Australian wird anscheinend immer größer.
      Bin schon auf die nächsten Testergebnisse gespannt.

      Schönen Sonntag
      schrieb am 23.04.12 18:27:10
      Beitrag Nr. 3.720 ()
      Ölpreise geben nach

      Abnehmende Furcht vor einer Verknappung des globalen Angebots sowie die zuletzt wieder gestiegenen weltweiten Konjunktursorgen belasteten jüngst erneut die Ölpreise. Spekulanten scheinen sich daher mehr und mehr zurückzuziehen.

      Durch die lockere Geldpolitik der Notenbanken stand reichlich billiges Spekulationsgeld zur Verfügung, das angelegt werden wollte. Dies und die Sorgen vor einer Eskalation im Atomstreit mit dem Iran trugen zum kräftigen Anstieg der Ölpreise seit Jahresbeginn bei. Hinzu gesellten sich Hoffnungen auf eine vergleichsweise robuste Konjunktur. Seit den Zwischenhochs im März sind die Ölpreise jedoch unter Druck. Der Risikoappetit scheint nachzulassen, was sich beispielsweise in seit einigen Wochen rückläufigen Long-Positionen der großen Spekulanten bei den offenen Terminkontrakten auf das US-Öl WTI widerspiegelt. Nach den kräftigen Zuwächsen seit Jahresbeginn sind die Ölpreise daher nun im Korrekturmodus. Der Preis für die Nordsee-Ölsorte Brent zeigte dabei zuletzt mehr Schwäche als WTI. So auch in der vergangenen Woche. Daher verringerte sich der Aufschlag gegenüber WTI weiter, rutschte auf etwa 13 US-Dollar oder um rund 11% und damit auf das niedrigste Niveau seit Ende Januar 2012 ab. Anfang April waren es noch mehr als 21 US-Dollar respektive mehr als 17%.

      Bei Brent dürfte die Aussicht auf eine Entspannung im Atomstreit mit dem Iran und damit sinkende Angebotssorgen stärker belastet haben, wurde hier doch zuvor ein diesbezüglich größerer Risikoaufschlag eingepreist. Dieser wird nun offenbar wieder abgebaut. Darüber hinaus könnten die zunehmenden Konjunktursorgen in Europa wegen der wieder stärker im Fokus stehenden Schuldenkrise drücken. Aus charttechnischer Sicht rutschte der Brent-Preis (Juni-Kontrakt) jüngst erneut aus der in den vergangenen Wochen gebildeten Flagge nach unten heraus. Im Gegensatz zur Vorwoche gab es jedoch keine Erholung ausgehend von der Unterstützung 118,75 US-Dollar. Sie wurde stattdessen verletzt. Zwar gab es vom Wochentief eine Erholung, sollte sich der Bruch jedoch als nachhaltig erweisen, drohen weitere Abgaben.

      Brent – Juni-Future (ICE)

      schrieb am 27.04.12 18:25:22
      Beitrag Nr. 3.721 ()
      Term of the Day
      working capital

      Current assets minus current liabilities. Working capital measures how much in liquid assets a company has available to build its business. The number can be positive or negative, depending on how much debt the company is carrying. In general, companies that have a lot of working capital will be more successful since they can expand and improve their operations. Companies with negative working capital may lack the funds necessary for growth. also called net current assets or current capital.
      schrieb am 27.04.12 19:13:05
      Beitrag Nr. 3.722 ()
      Stuttgart hat jetzt auch Vollpause bezüglich Petrohunter. Wie gesagt, ich finde das an sich gar nicht so schlecht in der jetzigen Situation. Einziger Handelsplatz zur Zeit die OTC Markets Group und nach wie vor gelistet an der OTCBB wenn auch »temporarily« deleted. -- Man kann natürlich beim listing team in FFM anrufen und den Grund erfahren warum PHUN in D zur Zeit runtergefahren ist. Solange PHUN in Stuttgart noch geführt wurde fand ich es an sich besser es so laufen zu lassen und keine schlafenden Hunde zu wecken. Langsam würde mich der Grund aber schon mal interessieren. Immerhin erscheint PHUN in S noch. In FFM erscheinen delistete Firmen gar nicht mehr.
      the https adress of Stuttgart is actually not being supported in hotlinking from our friends of WO..
      schrieb am 27.04.12 19:33:22
      Beitrag Nr. 3.723 ()
      schrieb am 28.04.12 20:00:36
      Beitrag Nr. 3.724 ()
      Will Martin Oring be in attendance? O’Quigley will probably be engaged otherwise, being Chairman FO AUS since April 26 to become effective on 1 May 2012. The AGM of FO AUS will be held on 30 May 2012 in Sydney.…
      There is a letter to shareholders from Rob

      27 April 2012

      Dear Shareholders

      It is with pleasure that I invite you to attend the forthcoming Annual General Meeting.
      Enclosed is your Notice of Meeting for the Annual General Meeting of Falcon Oil & Gas Australia Limited.

      The Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 30 May 2012 commencing at 10.00am (AEST) at Gadens Lawyers, Level 16, 77 Castlereagh Street, Sydney, New South Wales 2000.

      The items of ordinary business for this year’s Annual General Meeting include motions to receive and consider the Financial Report for 2011 and the re-election of Directors.
      One change of note is that I am stepping down as Chairman of Falcon Australia, effective 1 May 2012. Mr Philip O’Quigley is taking over as CEO of Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd., the majority owner of the Shares of Falcon Australia. In a meeting of the Board held on 26 April 2012, Mr O’Quigley was confirmed as my replacement as Chairman of the Board of Falcon Australia effective on and from 1 May 2012.

      Mr O’Quigley brings to our Company a great deal of international oil and gas experience as well as a strong background in marketing and corporate finance. On behalf of the rest of the Board, I welcome him and look forward with complete confidence in his leadership in taking our Company forward and realising its vast potential.

      For my part, I would like to say what a pleasure it has been serving Falcon Australia over the past 18 months. I will continue to be involved as a director and shareholder of Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd., and will continue to be proud of my connections with this world-class asset and Company.

      It has been my practice in the past to make an informal presentation following the formal business of the annual general meeting. Unfortunately, Mr O’Quigley will not be able to attend the upcoming Annual General Meeting in person but will be visiting Sydney at the end of June this year. Therefore, the plan is to limit the agenda at the Annual General Meeting to only the legal business required under the regulations. An informal meeting will be organised when Mr O’Quigley’s travel dates are firmed up to give Shareholders an opportunity to meet him.

      You are encouraged to attend the Annual General Meeting in person. However, if you are unable to do so, then kindly complete the enclosed proxy form and return it to the Company according to the instructions in the Notice of Meeting.
      If Mr O’Quigley or any of the other Directors are appointed as a proxy they will, of course, vote in accordance with any instructions given. If given discretion as to how to vote, they will vote in favour of each of the items of business to be considered.

      Yours sincerely

      Robert Macaulay…
      schrieb am 02.05.12 07:47:51
      Beitrag Nr. 3.725 ()
      SEDAR Audited Annual Financial Statements FO
      SEDAR MD & A FO
      SEDAR Annual Information Form FO…
      schrieb am 02.05.12 07:53:59
      Beitrag Nr. 3.726 ()
      DUG 2012: Falcon Chases Shales In Hungary, South Africa, Australia

      By Scott Weeden, Senior Editor

      From the Mako Trough in Hungary to the Karoo Basin in South Africa to the Beetaloo Basin in Australia, Falcon Oil & Gas is tying up very attractive acreage as a first mover in these plays.

      When it comes to exploring a new area, Falcon Oil & Gas starts with structural maps. The company starts with finding out where conventional fields are and then go looking for the source rock.

      That’s how Rod Wallis, Falcon’s chief operating officer, described the company’s operations in the Mako Trough in Hungary where the company has about 250,000, in the Beetaloo Basin in Australia (7.0 million acres) and the Karoo Basin in South Africa (7.5 million acres).

      Wallis presented information on his company’s operations to the Hart Energy DUG 2012 Conference in Ft. Worth, TX, on April 24 as part of a panel on “International Unconventionals -- Taking The World By Storm.”

      In Hungary, the company is exploring the southern part of the Greater Hungarian Plains under a 35-year production license. Billions of barrels of oil and trillions of cubic feet of gas have been produced from the region, which means infrastructure is in place to get production to markets.

      The plain is between the Algyo High and the Battonya High, where the conventional fields are located.

      “We’ve drilled seven wells and found about a 3,000-m (10,000-ft) column of hydrocarbon saturated rock. We done some tests on five of those wells in each of the formations. These are small vertical tests. Each of the tests has flowed hydrocarbons.

      “We’re looking at drilling a few more wells later this year, including testing the deepest well in Hungary,” he stated.

      “What I’d like to point out is that you have OMV, Aspect, Assent, MOL and Delcaudro. There are all companies pursuing unconventional plays and doing fracs in this area. These are all small to mid-size companies. These are leading the charge here,” Wallis emphasized.

      The Beetaloo Basin in Australia’s Northern Territory is equivalent to the net acreage in the Bakken play in North Dakota. The basin is about 600 km (360 miles) south of Darwin. The company feels blessed since a railway, highway and natural gas pipeline run through the basin.

      The company got into the basin after another company -- Rio Tinto -- drilled 11 wells while searching for sulphite. Rio Tinto formed Pacific Oil & Gas to search for conventional structures.

      “Some people discovered these basins before we got there but didn’t necessarily know what they had, and the technology had not been developed to take advantage of it. They took a lot of core, much more than oil companies seem to be able to manage, probably because it is a mining company.

      “What they found was a lot of shale with oil bleeding readily out of the core. In the words of one of the mudloggers, gas was bubbling madly,” he laughed.

      Falcon’s four licenses cover the majority of the basin. As he pointed out, Falcon was one of the first companies in the basin. Now, if you wanted to lease acreage, it would be “a bit late,” he noted.

      The company drilled the Shenandoah-1, which was estimated to have 18 billion barrels of oil and 64 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of recoverable resources.

      “We tested a good vertical well and got good fracs in each of our three tests (Upper Kyala, Lower Kyala and Mid-Velkerri). We flowed hydrocarbons from each of the tests. Our targets were overpressured, which we though was going to happen, and that was very good news for the economics,” he explained.

      “We also have a joint venture with Hess over the majority of the acreage (except an area around the Shenandoah well). Hess started a seismic program last year and will be running a seismic program through the rest of this year. The company has the option to drill five wells in 2013,” Wallis noted.

      He pointed out that, just like Hungary, the small to medium-sized companies lead the charge in Australia where shale is very active.

      The Karoo Basin in South Africa bolted out of nowhere into fifth position worldwide based on the 2011 Energy Information Administration study on shale gas. The estimated recoverable reserves for the basin are 485 Tcf, he said.

      The company has a technical cooperation permit for the block, which is in southern South Africa. “That’s a country with a lot of energy demand, a lot of shortages and a desire to clean things up environmentally,” he emphasized.

      In applying for the permit, Wallis stated, “We thought nobody else was looking when we got our application in. Two weeks later, Shell put in their application for the same acreage and more. Then, a month or two after that, Sasol, Statoil and Chesapeake also applied for the acreage.”

      Falcon likes the acreage because it is in the valley. Shell’s acreage is to the north on the escarpment. “We’re also in the core of the basin. A well drilled in 1968, the Cranemere #1, flowed 2.0 million cubic feet per day from shales unstimulated,” he emphasized.

      However, with all of this activity, the government called a moratorium to study shale operations in North America and devise needed regulations to deal with unconventional plays. The company understands that the report was delivered to the government in March. It is now waiting to hear what the government says and what is going to happen, he continued.

      Contact the author, Scott Weeden, at…
      THX JamesL
      schrieb am 03.05.12 22:52:21
      Beitrag Nr. 3.727 ()
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. Announces the Filing of Its Financial Statements, MD&A, AIF and Reserves Data

      DENVER, COLORADO--(Marketwire - May 2, 2012) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO) announces that it has filed its audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2011, the accompanying management's discussion and analysis, the annual information form for the year ended December 31, 2011 dated April 30, 2012 and Falcon's Statement of Reserves Data and Other Oil and Gas Information (National Instrument 51-101 Forms 51-101F1, 51-101F2 and 51-101F3) with the relevant provincial securities regulators.

      These filings are available for review at and on Falcon's website at

      On May 1, 2012, as previously announced in our press release of April 11, 2012, Mr. Philip O'Quigley assumed the role of Chief Executive Officer of the Company.

      Mr. John Craven, Chairman of the Board of Falcon, in announcing the hiring of Mr. O'Quigley, stated that: "The arrival of Philip marks a new era in the Company, adding complementary finance, marketing and organisational skills to our management team with a renewed focus on the investing public. The Company has an excellent high impact asset base on which to grow and I look forward to announcing accomplishments on all our properties through the year."

      About Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. is an international oil and gas exploration and production company, headquartered in Denver, Colorado, incorporated in British Columbia, Canada, and trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "FO." The company specializes in the business of unconventional and conventional oil and gas exploration and production and holds interests in prospective properties in Australia, Hungary, and South Africa.

      Certain information in this press release may constitute forward-looking information. This information is based on current expectations that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statements. Falcon assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward looking-statements unless and until required by securities laws applicable to Falcon. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties is contained in Falcon's filings with the Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available at .

      schrieb am 10.05.12 16:56:03
      Beitrag Nr. 3.728 ()
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. Announces the Granting of Stock Options

      TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - May 10, 2012) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO) announces that, under its stock option plan approved at the annual and special shareholders meeting held on June 28, 2011, it has granted incentive stock options to purchase an aggregate of 6,000,000 common shares of Falcon. The stock option grants are all subject to regulatory approval.

      Terms of the options include an exercise price of $0.10 per share, a vesting schedule allowing for 1/3 of the options to vest on the first anniversary of the grant with an additional 1/3 vesting each subsequent year until the options are fully vested on May 1, 2015, and an expiry date of the options of May 1, 2017.

      A maximum of 10% of the issued and outstanding shares of Falcon are reserved for issuance pursuant to Falcon's stock option plan.

      About Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. is an international oil and gas exploration and production company, headquartered in Denver, Colorado, incorporated in British Columbia, Canada, and trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "FO." The company specializes in the business of unconventional and conventional oil and gas exploration and production and holds interests in prospective properties in Australia, Hungary, and South Africa.

      Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.…
      schrieb am 13.05.12 22:08:27
      Beitrag Nr. 3.729 ()
      Acquisition of further 9 136 205 ordinary shares in Paltar Petroleum Limited
      schrieb am 15.05.12 09:26:23
      Beitrag Nr. 3.730 ()

      Note 1 — Organization and Basis of Presentation

      The interim condensed consolidated financial statements of PetroHunter Energy Corporation (“we,” “us,” “our,” or the “Company”) are unaudited and contain all adjustments necessary for a fair statement of the results for the interim period presented. Results for interim period are not necessarily indicative of results to be expected for a full year or for previously reported periods due in part, but not limited to, interest rates and our ability to obtain additional capital to sustain operations. You should read these consolidated interim financial statements in conjunction with the audited consolidated financial statements and notes thereto included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended September 30, 2011.

      Note 2 — Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

      Basis of Accounting– The accompanying financial statements have been prepared on the basis of accounting principles applicable to a going concern, which contemplates the realization of assets and extinguishment of liabilities in the normal course of business. The report of our independent registered public accounting firm on our financial statements for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2011 includes an explanatory paragraph relating to substantial doubt or uncertainty of our ability to continue as a going concern. As shown in the accompanying statements of operations, we have an accumulated deficit of $296,292,404 and our current liabilities exceeded our current assets by $16,255,498 as of March 31, 2012. The Company’s ability to meet its contractual obligations and remit payment to its vendors depends on its ability to generate additional financing. PetroHunter's management continues to explore arrangements whereby it may raise additional capital through the sale of existing assets and or through joint ventures related to its pending permit applications as well as through potential debt or equity issuances. However there are no assurances the plans of the Company will result in its ability to raise funds. If the Company is unable to execute these plans it may have to further curtail or cease operations.

      Cash and Cash Equivalents – We consider investments in highly liquid financial instruments with an original stated maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents.

      Comprehensive Income (Loss) – Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) ASC 220, “Comprehensive Income,” establishes standards for reporting and display of comprehensive income and its components in financial statements. It requires that all items that are required to be recognized under accounting standards as components of comprehensive income be reported in the financial statement that is displayed with the same prominence as other financial statements. The Company’s comprehensive income (loss) consists of both net losses on foreign currency translation adjustments and unrecognized losses in connection with mark to market adjustments on its marketable securities.

      Concentration of Credit Risk – Financial instruments which potentially subject us to concentrations of credit risk consist of cash and marketable securities. We periodically evaluate the credit worthiness of financial institutions, and maintain cash accounts only with major financial institutions, thereby minimizing exposure for deposits in excess of federally insured amounts. On occasion, the Company may have cash in banks in excess of federally insured amounts. We believe that credit risk associated with cash is remote. Marketable securities credit risk is discussed later in Note 3 – Restricted Cash and Marketable Securities.

      Fair Value – We apply the provisions of FASB ASC 820, “Fair Value Measurements.” The carrying amounts reported in the consolidated balance sheets for cash, marketable securities, prepaid assets, accounts payable and accrued liabilities approximate fair value because of the immediate or short-term maturity of these financial instruments. Fair values of assets and liabilities measured on a recurring basis as of March 31, 2012 and September 30, 2011 included marketable securities, recorded at fair values of $57,938 and $650,000 respectively, which had quoted prices in active markets for identical assets (level 1) of $57,938 and $650,000, respectively.

      Income Taxes – We record income taxes under the asset and liability method prescribed by FASB ASC 740, “Income Taxes.” Under this method, deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for temporary differences


      between the financial statement amounts and the tax basis of certain assets and liabilities by applying statutory rates in effect when the temporary differences are expected to reverse.

      Loss Per Common Share – We do not report fully diluted loss per common share as the effect would be anti-dilutive.

      Marketable Securities – We account for marketable securities with FASB ASC 320, “Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities”. We account for marketable securities by marking to market with unrealized gains and losses reflected as a component of Other Comprehensive Income, until such gains or losses become realized, at which time they are then recognized in our statement of operations. In addition, in circumstances where significant price declines are experienced subsequent to the balance sheet date, we consider whether such declines are other than temporary. After considering our expected holding period, we may record a provision for impairment in the event we do not expect the value of the securities to recover from such a decline in market value. We consider our accounting for marketable securities to involve significant management judgment that is subject to estimation.

      Property and Equipment – Property and equipment are stated at cost and depreciated using the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the related assets approximating three to five years.

      Reclassifications – Certain prior period amounts have been reclassified in the condensed consolidated financial statements to conform with current period presentation. Such reclassifications have had no effect on the net loss.

      Restricted Cash – Restricted cash consists of certificates of deposit, underlying letters of credit for exploration permits, state and local bonds and guarantees to vendors.

      Share-Based Compensation – We use the Black-Scholes option-pricing model and the straight-line attribution approach to determine the fair-value of stock-based awards in accordance with FASB ASC 718, “Stock Compensation.” The option-pricing model requires the input of highly subjective assumptions, including the option’s expected life and the price volatility of the underlying stock. The Company’s expected term represents the period that stock-based awards are expected to be outstanding and is determined based on historical experience of similar awards, giving consideration to the contractual terms of the stock-based awards, vesting schedules and expectations of future employee behavior as influenced by changes to the terms of its stock-based awards. The expected stock price volatility is based on the Company’s historical stock prices.

      Use of Estimates – The preparation of our consolidated financial statements in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“GAAP”) requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and reported amounts of expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ materially from those estimates. Our significant estimates include the asset retirement obligation liabilities, other accrued liabilities and the market value of securities.

      Asset Retirement Obligation – Asset retirement obligations associated with tangible long-lived assets are accounted for in accordance with FASB ASC 410, “Accounting for Asset Retirement Obligations.” The estimated fair value of the future costs associated with dismantlement, abandonment and restoration of oil and gas properties is recorded generally upon acquisition or completion of a well. The net estimated costs are discounted to present values using a risk adjusted rate over the estimated economic life of the oil and gas properties. Such costs are capitalized as part of the related asset. The liability is periodically adjusted to reflect (1) new liabilities incurred, (2) liabilities settled during the period, (3) accretion expense, and (4) revisions to estimated future cash flow requirements. Accretion expense is recorded as a component of depreciation, depletion, amortization and accretion expense.


      Recently Issued Accounting Pronouncements

      The Company has evaluated recent accounting pronouncements issued by the FASB (including its Emerging Issues Task Force), the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (“AICPA”) and the SEC and we have not identified any that would have a material impact on the Company’s financial position, or statements.

      Note 3 —Restricted Cash and Marketable Securities

      As of March 31, 2012, long term restricted cash consists of $85,000 in certificates of deposit and letters of credit for exploration permits, state and local bonds.

      As of March 31, 2012, we have recorded $57,938 in marketable securities on our Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet, representing the 643,750 shares of Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (“Falcon”) common stock that we held on this date. As described in Note 2, we have accounted for these securities in accordance with FASB ASC 320, “Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities.”

      During the six months ended March 31, 2012, we recognized losses of $91,842, related to sales of these marketable securities. During the six months ended March 31, 2011 we recognized gains of $4,087, related to the sales of these securities. These gains and losses have been included in other income (expense) on our unaudited condensed consolidated statement of operations.

      Note 4— Equity Investment

      As of March 31, 2012 and September 30, 2011, we held approximately 50,000,000 shares in Falcon Oil & Gas Australia Limited (“Falcon Australia”) a related party. We have accounted for this investment under the equity method. As of March 31, 2012 and September 30, 2011, our basis in this investment had been reduced to $nil as the result of historical losses of $164,506 recorded during the fiscal year ended September 30, 2010.

      Note 5 — Share-Based Compensation

      Compensation Expense - Stock-based employee and non-employee compensation expense of $44,600 was charged to operations during the six months ended March 31, 2012. Stock-based compensation expense of $30,226 was charged to operations during the six months ended March 31, 2011. Stock-based compensation has been included in general and administrative expense in the consolidated statements of operations.

      Note 6 — Common Stock Warrants

      The following stock purchase warrants were outstanding at March 31, 2012 and September 30, 2011:

      March 31,
      2012 September 30,
      Number of warrants 70,094,223 72,094,223
      Exercise price $0.12-$2.10 $0.12 - $2.10
      Expiration date 2012-2014 2011 - 2014

      Note 7 — Related Party Transactions

      Our policy is to enter into transactions with related parties on terms that, on the whole, are more favorable, or no less favorable than those available from unaffiliated third parties. Based on our experience in oil and gas exploration and development and considering the terms of our transactions with unaffiliated third parties, we believe that all of the transactions described below met this policy standard at the time they occurred.

      Accounts Payable–During the six months ended March 31, 2012, $171,670 that had been previously included in accounts payable and had been due to Falcon related to our share of expenses and GST taxes associated with costs incurred in drilling the Shenandoah #1A well in the Beetaloo Basin were repaid. A refund we had applied for in April 2010 was received from the Australian tax authorities. The amount received was used to repay the outstanding


      balance due Falcon. In connection with this repayment we recognized a gain of $171,670 which has been recorded in other income (expense) in our condensed consolidated statements of operations.

      Bruner Family Trust– As of March 31, 2012, we owed $2,828,060 in principal and $475,615 in accrued interest to the Bruner Family Trust related to seven outstanding notes payable. We have recognized interest expense in the amount of $51,738 during the six months ended March 31, 2012 related to these notes.

      Equity Method Investment – In April 2010, we were issued 50,000,000 shares of common stock in Falcon Australia inconsideration for our contribution of our 25% interest in four exploration permits related to 7 million acres in the Beetaloo Basin, Australia. As of March 31, 2012, our interest in the investment was 24% and we have recorded no value related to the investment as a result of the dilutive impact of losses incurred during the periods prior to March 31, 2012 (Note 4).

      Global Finance – As of March 31, 2012, we owed $40,650,000 in principal and $7,868,070 in accrued interest and fees payable to Global Finance AG. These amounts relate to an outstanding line of credit, notes payable, and advance fees due. During the six months ended March 31, 2012, we recorded interest expense in the amount of
      $ 1,712,928 related to the various instruments.

      Marketable Securities - As of March 31, 2012, we have recorded restricted marketable securities totaling $57,938 on our consolidated condensed balance sheet. These securities were received from a related party, Falcon. In October 2011 we transferred 800,000 shares of our Falcon stock to Global Finance in consideration for the forgiveness of certain amounts previously accrued as interest. In connection therewith we have recorded a loss of $61,455.

      Palter Petroleum Ltd – In August 2011, we received $150,000 in cash from Paltar Petroleum LTD (“Paltar”) as partial consideration of an option to purchase a 50% interest in our permit applications in the Beetaloo Basin in Australia. Paltar is controlled by Marc Bruner, a significant shareholder of the Company.

      Note 8 — Other Accrued Liabilities

      During the six months ended March31, 2012, we continued to accrue interest related to amounts owed to Clear Creek Energy Services (“CCES”) as discussed in the audited annual consolidated financial statements for the year ended September 30, 2011.

      Note 9 — Subsequent Events

      The Company has evaluated subsequent events through the date the financial statements were issued. There were no items which would have materially impacted the Company’s condensed consolidated financial statements.


      schrieb am 15.05.12 18:35:43
      Beitrag Nr. 3.731 ()
      Wohl eine kleine Scherzeinlage von Martin auf Seite 9

      Loss Per Common Share – We do not report fully diluted loss per common share as the effect would be anti-dilutive.
      schrieb am 15.05.12 19:02:23
      Beitrag Nr. 3.732 ()

      The following discussion and analysis should be read in conjunction with the accompanying financial statements and related notes included elsewhere in this report. It contains forward-looking statements that reflect our future plans, estimates, beliefs and expected performance. The forward-looking statements are dependent upon events, risks and uncertainties that may be outside our control. Our actual results could differ materially from those discussed in these forward-looking statements.

      Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to, market prices for natural gas and oil, economic and competitive conditions, capital expenditures and other uncertainties, as well as those factors discussed below, all of which are difficult to predict and which expressly qualify all subsequent oral and written forward-looking statements attributable to us or persons acting on our behalf. In light of these risks, uncertainties and assumptions, the forward-looking events discussed may not occur. We do not have any intention or obligation to update forward-looking statements included in this report after the date of this report, except as required by law.

      Executive Summary

      We are an oil and gas exploration company, and we currently own oil and gas leasehold interests either directly or through an equity investment in Australia (Beetaloo Basin) and in Western Colorado (Piceance Basin). We are incorporated in the State of Maryland.

      Results of Operations

      The financial information with respect to the six months ended March 31, 2012 and 2011, respectively, that is discussed below is unaudited. In the opinion of management, such information contains all adjustments, consisting only of normal recurring accruals, necessary for a fair presentation of the results for such periods. The results of operations for interim periods are not necessarily indicative of the results of operations for the full fiscal years.

      Company Overview for the three and six months ended March 31, 2012

      Our net loss for the three and six months ended March 31, 2012 was $1,700,811 and $3,304,813, respectively. We had no revenues and continue to incur general and administrative and interest expense.

      Comparison of the results of operations for the three and six months ended March 31, 2012 and 2011

      Costs and Expenses

      General and Administrative. During the three and six months ended March 31, 2012, general and administrative expenses amounted to $324,247 and $708,005, respectively, as compared to $294,907 and $623,903, respectively, in the corresponding 2011 periods. The increase in general and administrative expenses in 2012 results primarily from legal, travel, and other administrative expenses related to Sweetpea Petroleum, our wholly owned subsidiary.

      Depreciation, Depletion, Amortization and Accretion. Depreciation, depletion, amortization and accretion expense (“DD&A”) was $549 and $1,097 respectively, for the three and six months ended 2012 as compared to $308 and $616 in the corresponding 2011 periods. Slight increases increased in DDA result from the depreciation of our property and equipment balances.

      Interest Expense. During the three and six months ended March 31, 2012, interest expense was $1,362,245 and $2,507,789, respectively, as compared to $1,012,448 and $2,061,043, respectively, in the corresponding 2011 periods. The increase in interest expense relates primarily to interest charges incurred in connection with our liability accrued to settle amounts owed to CCES.


      Other Operating Expense. During the three and six months ended March 31, 2012, we incurred $0 and $106,315, respectively, in other operating expenses related to accrued liabilities recorded in connection with three of our wellbores in the Buckskin Mesa having failed mechanical integrity tests. We do not consider this expense to be related to asset retirement obligation liabilities recorded elsewhere herein. We incurred no other operating expense during the corresponding 2011 periods.

      Net Loss. During the three and six months ended March 31, 2012, we incurred net losses of $1,700,811 and $3,304,813, respectively, as compared to a net loss of $1,284,218 and $2,681,455 during the three and six months ended March 31, 2011, respectively, as described above.

      Going Concern

      The report of our independent registered public accounting firm on the financial statements for the year ended September 30, 2011 includes an explanatory paragraph relating to the significant doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern. We have an accumulated deficit of $296,292,404 and our current liabilities exceeded our current assets by $16,255,498 as of March 31, 2012. We require significant additional funding to sustain our operations and satisfy our contractual obligations for our planned development operations. We are in default on certain other obligations. Our ability to establish the Company as a going concern is dependent upon our ability to obtain additional funding in order to finance our planned operations.

      Plan of Operation

      For the remainder of fiscal 2012, we will focus on pursuing our applications for exploration permits in Australia, as well as pursuing opportunities related to these permits in the Beetaloo Basin. We will continue to pursue opportunities to realize some type of return in our Buckskin Mesa wellbores. We will continue to reduce operating costs and attempt to reduce/renegotiate our debt, accounts payable and other liabilities.

      Liquidity and Capital Resources

      During our most recent quarter ended March 31, 2012, our cash flows from operations were not sufficient for us to meet our operating commitments. Our cash flows from operations continue to be, and are expected to continue to be, insufficient to meet our operating commitments throughout the remainder of the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012.

      Working Capital. As of March 31, 2012, we had a working capital deficit of $16,255,498 and unrestricted cash of $33,132, while at September 30, 2011 we had a working capital deficit of $14,561,719 and cash of $65,759. The decreases in working capital are primarily attributable to the fact that we have no revenues from operations and continue to incur expenses. We do not expect our working capital deficit to decrease or cash balance to increase in the near future.

      Cash Flow. Net cash used in or provided by operating, investing and financing activities for the six months ended March 31, 2012 and 2011were as follows:

      Six Months Ended
      March 31,
      2012 2011

      Net cash (used in) operating activities $(667,603) $(546,849)
      Net cash provided by investing activities $634,976 $528,973

      Net Cash Used in Operating Activities. The changes in net cash used in operating activities are attributable to our net income adjusted for non-cash charges as presented in the consolidated statements of cash flows and changes in working capital as discussed above.


      Net Cash Provided by Investing Activities. Net cash provided by investing activities for the six months ended March 31, 2012 was $634,976 as compared to $528,973 for the six months ended March 31, 2011. Increases relate to the sale of marketable securities and refunds received in connection with GST taxes received in connection with the sale of oil and gas properties in April 2010.

      Net Cash Provided by Financing Activities. We received no cash from financing activities for the six months ended March 31, 2012 and 2011.

      Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements

      We do not have off-balance sheet arrangements.

      Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates

      Our consolidated financial statements have been prepared by management in accordance with U.S. GAAP. We refer you to the corresponding section in Part II Item 7 and the notes to the consolidated financial statements of our Annual Report on Form 10K for the year ended September 30, 2011 for the description of critical accounting policies and estimates.

      Recently Issued Accounting Pronouncements

      The Company has evaluated recent accounting pronouncements issued by the FASB (including its Emerging Issues Task Force), the AICPA and the SEC and we have not identified any that would have a material impact on the Company’s financial position, or statements.

      schrieb am 17.05.12 18:07:21
      Beitrag Nr. 3.733 ()
      Term of the Day
      market maker

      A brokerage or bank that maintains a firm bid and ask price in a given security by standing ready, willing, and able to buy or sell at publicly quoted prices (called making a market). These firms display bid and offer prices for specific numbers of specific securities, and if these prices are met, they will immediately buy for or sell from their own accounts. Market makers are very important for maintaining liquidity and efficiency for the particular securities that they make markets in. At most firms, there is a strict separation of the market-making side and the brokerage side, since otherwise there might be an incentive for brokers to recommend securities simply because the firm makes a market in that security.

      schrieb am 17.05.12 18:38:22
      Beitrag Nr. 3.734 ()
      Shale could double Australia’s gas resources – Minister

      By: Esmarie Swanepoel
      17th May 2012

      Updated 1 hour 10 minutes ago

      PERTH ( – Australian shale gas resources could potentially be significant and could double the country’s overall gas resource, which is estimated to last for another 184 years, Resources and Energy Minister Martin Ferguson reported this week.

      The ‘Australian Gas Resources Assessment’ report, released by Geoscience Australia, found that the country had gas resources of around 390-trillion cubic feet, with gas ranked third behind coal and uranium as Australia’s largest energy source.

      The report also found that shale gas resources, predominately located in central Australia, could be significant. A recent estimate of Australia’s shale gas put the recoverable resource as high as 435 600 PJ, with future growth expected as exploration activity continued to increase.

      Ferguson said that the Geoscience Australia report reconfirmed Australia’s capacity to continue to be a major gas exporter, supplying the world’s growing demand for gas well into the future.

      The report also documented the growth over the past two years of gas resources and industry infrastructure developments, which underpinned the increasing role for gas in Australia and internationally.

      “Already, Australia is a respected player in the global energy trade, exporting 20-million tons of liquefied natural gas (LNG) valued at A$10.4-billion in 2010/11. This is forecast to grow by a further 19% in 2012/13 as production from the Pluto facility in Western Australia ramps up,” Ferguson said at the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association conference in Adelaide.

      Based on projects under construction, LNG production capacity was projected to quadruple by 2017 to make Australia one of the world’s largest exporters of LNG.

      The 'Australian Gas Resources Assessment' report also provided information on major offshore conventional gas projects that have recently started construction, including Prelude in the Browse basin, the world’s first floating LNG project.

      It was estimated that by 2035, LNG exports were expected to account for some 68% of Australia’s gas production, with exports projected to increase to 5 663 PJ, or 107-million tons, in 2034/35. Apart from the announced and potential LNG developments in north-west Australia, there would also be exports of coal seam gas from Queensland from the middle of this decade.

      Edited by: Mariaan Webb…
      schrieb am 21.05.12 15:52:52
      Beitrag Nr. 3.735 ()
      schrieb am 21.05.12 17:20:14
      Beitrag Nr. 3.736 ()
      Breaking the Silence: Unconventionals in Hungary

      According to Gabor Bada, Exploration Manager at Falcon/TMX Oil & Gas Hungary, news of unconventional activities in Hungary had been silent for a couple of years for a good reason. “I would like to shed some light on what has been going on in this part of the world,” he offered.

      Dr. Bada showed a risk profile for various gas resources in an area of Hungary, explaining “This shows you have small gas fields in the area - it’s the mature part of they hydrocarbon system. As you go higher in resources the risks increase,” he said, according to a graph that showed unconventionals to have a high level of risk.

      “You have to take high risks,” he opined. “We were the first company to search for unconventionals in the Pannonian basin, which was a painful and expensive learning curve that we were running through.”

      The Pannonian basin, he explained, offered probably one of the youngest unconventional systems in the world, formed some 20 million years ago. He noted, “It’s a highly irregular basin in terms of depth.”

      “Pioneers always pay a high price,” he said, noting Falcon’s trailblazing efforts in Hungary, where he said the unconventional resources were in the deep basins, buried 3-5 kilometers below the surface.

      “The source of the hydrocarbons that are accumulated on the structural highs that have been exploited for the last 50-60 years are coming from these deep basins,” explained Dr. Bada, who recalled operations in Hungary’s Mako Trough and how they started back in 2005. At that time, Falcon and TXM acquired exploration licenses.

      After providing the steps of the partners’ simple plan, he said that exploration had cost approximately $250 million.

      “We had a conceptual model, identifying the source rocks, and above that some sweet spots. There were tight rocks, abnormal pressures, and no traps but cells,” explained Bada.

      Falcon operations, he continued, had no horizontal wells. He added: “All of these drillings and tests showed hydrocarbons, but the presence of H2S prevented full testing and production with the casing used.”

      Then, in 2008-09 came the joint venture with Exxon-Mobil, out of which emerged the first full test with the correct casing design.

      “This produced high pressure gas and a lot of water. We went back trying to understand why this happened, and identified a number of fracture systems. In this case the fractures were enemies rather than our friends – this is what happened,” explained Dr. Bada.

      He stated: “All of the wells were encountering some serious overpressure which requires special attention.”

      Despite the past experiences, now Hungary’s Pannonian basin was seeing renewed activity, with players like Ascent Resources, Delquadra, and Aspect/HHE engaging in exploratory operations, reported Bada.

      “Looking at the bigger players, OMV and MOL have said they’ll start refocusing on unconventional resources in the area. MOL actually did so in the eastern Hungary,” he said.

      Serbia’s NIS was also running unconventional gas pilot projects, he said, in Serbia.

      Dr. Bada provided a summary of Falcon’s experiences and the lessons learned.

      “There are several unconventional play types in the Pannonian system,” he explained. “The future of these projects will heavily rely on new types of G&G methodologies and engineering technology to make these plays work. After ExxonMobil left everyone went silent.”

      Despite this, Dr. Bada said the countries sharing the Basin were now seeing increased signs of interest. “Slowly but surely the area is gathering momentum,” he added.

      “This is what we’ve learned in the course of the last six years: It starts with a slow gathering of data and you’ll have to invest very heavily at the beginning,” he said, but offering that old log data could be dug out from archives.

      “Analogues have certain limitations,” said Dr. Bada, whose final bit of advice was: “Think twice before choosing a partner, whether it be a giant or similar in size to your company. It will take longer and be more expensive than you anticipate.”…
      schrieb am 21.05.12 17:35:21
      Beitrag Nr. 3.737 ()
      schrieb am 01.06.12 00:05:23
      Beitrag Nr. 3.738 ()
      From M D and A of Falcon about a thing called the Beetaloo Basin.

      Beetaloo Basin, Northern Territory, Australia

      Falcon Australia is the registered owner of four exploration permits (“the Permits”), comprising 7,000,000 acres in the Beetaloo Basin, Northern Territory, Australia.
      The Permits are subject to a government royalty of 10% and non-government royalties of 13%-14%.

      Hess Participation Agreement

      In June 2011, Falcon Australia and Hess Australia (Beetaloo) Pty Ltd. (“Hess”) closed on an Evaluation and Participation Agreement (the “E&P Agreement”). Under the terms of the E&P Agreement, Hess has the exclusive right to conduct operations for the exploration, drilling, development and production of
      hydrocarbons from three of the four Permits, and excluding an area comprising 100,000 acres surrounding the Shenandoah-1 well (the “Area of Interest”). Initially, Hess shall acquire seismic data, at its sole cost of at least $40.0 million, over the Area of Interest within 18 months of the execution of the E&P Agreement. After acquiring the seismic data, Hess shall have the right to acquire a 62.5% working interest in the Area of Interest. If Hess acquires the working interest, they commit to drill and evaluate five exploration wells at their sole cost, one of which must be a horizontal well. All costs to plug and abandon the five exploration wells will also be borne solely by Hess. The drilling and evaluation of the five exploration wells must meet the minimum work requirements of the work program. Costs to drill wells after the five exploration wells will be borne 62.5% by Hess and 37.5% by Falcon Australia. Under a revised work program approved by the Northern Territory of Australia Government, Department of Resources on July 6, 2011, the Company is obligated to complete a minimum work program of $18,152,000 in 2012, of which $16,626,000 will be borne by Hess as part of the acquisition of seismic under the E&P Agreement.

      Operational Highlights

      In November 2011, the full testing program of the Shenandoah 1 well was successfully carried out, with gas being produced from each of the shale intervals tested. Shenandoah-1 is a vertical well situated in the deepest part of the basin and natural gas was the expected hydrocarbon at the depths being tested. The well is the first to be tested in these unconventional targets, consequently the objectives of the tests were to determine whether the shale intervals could be fracture-stimulated and whether they could produce hydrocarbons, and to confirm rock, pressure and fluid properties. The operation has succeeded in these objectives and the well has been plugged and abandoned. Further evaluation of the extensive information gathered in this wellbore is now required before considering follow-up vertical and horizontal exploration wells. In order to locate future wells optimally it is likely that some additional seismic lines will need to be acquired in the Shenandoah area.

      As of March 31, 2012, Hess had completed approximately $10 million of the seismic program under the E&P Agreement. In 2012, Hess will continue to acquire 2D seismic data over the Area of Interest in accordance with the work program. They are expected to acquire all the necessary seismic data to fulfill that commitment by year end.
      Falcon Australia is in the process of planning a seismic acquisition program in EP99 in 2012. This will consist of a minimum of 150km of 2D seismic data as required in the exploration permit minimum work requirements. This seismic data will provide the necessary information to plan a potential well program in the coming years.…


      Working Capital

      Cash and cash equivalents as at March 31, 2012 were $12,014,000, a decrease of $3,344,000 from $15,358,000 as at December 31, 2011. Working capital as at March 31, 2012 decreased to $11,321,000 from $13,983,000 as at December 31, 2011.

      The decrease to cash and cash equivalents of $3,344,000 was attributable to cash used in operating and investing activities of $1,113,000 and $2,342,000, respectively, offset by the effect of exchange rates on cash of $111,000, respectively.
      schrieb am 01.06.12 01:15:03
      Beitrag Nr. 3.739 ()
      Upcoming seismic in 2012 all the way and drilling hopefully in 2013....we know this already....confirmed once again....Australia here we come :-)

      As of March 31, 2012, Hess had completed approximately $10 million of the seismic program under the E&P Agreement. In 2012, Hess will continue to acquire 2D seismic data over the Area of Interest in accordance with the work program. They are expected to acquire all the necessary seismic data to fulfill that commitment by year end.

      Falcon Australia is in the process of planning a seismic acquisition program in EP99 in 2012. This will consist of a minimum of 150km of 2D seismic data as required in the exploration permit minimum work requirements. This seismic data will provide the necessary information to plan a potential well program in the coming years.

      See you 2013....until then....[/url]
      schrieb am 01.06.12 22:02:32
      Beitrag Nr. 3.740 ()
      OTC Link LLC Obtains ATS Status
      Jun 01, 2012

      OTC Markets News Service

      OTC Link LLC Obtains ATS Status

      New York, NY – June 1, 2012 – OTC Link LLC (OTC Link®), a wholly owned subsidiary of OTC Markets Group (OTCQX: OTCM), begins operation today as an Alternative Trading System (ATS), having previously filed its Form ATS with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC). OTC Link is taking over operation of the interdealer quotation and messaging system that serves the company’s FINRA member broker-dealer subscribers, formerly operated by OTC Markets Group.

      “We are pleased to begin operating the OTC Link trading system as a FINRA member firm and SEC regulated ATS,” said Michael Modeski, President of OTC Link. "We will continue to provide fully attributable quote and message services to our diverse network of broker-dealer subscribers providing liquidity and execution services."

      OTC Markets Group’s mission is to create smarter financial marketplaces. OTC Link’s ATS status will support that mission by better serving its broker-dealer subscribers as a directly-regulated marketplace platform.

      About OTC Markets Group Inc.

      OTC Markets Group Inc. (OTCQX: OTCM) operates the world’s largest Open, Transparent and Connected marketplace platform, delivering price transparency in almost 10,000 OTC securities. Our OTC Link™ trading system directly links broker-dealers that provide liquidity and execution services. We organize the wide spectrum of OTC-traded equity securities into three marketplaces to inform investors of opportunities and risks – OTCQX® - The Intelligent Marketplace for the Best OTC Companies; OTCQB® - The Venture Marketplace; and OTC Pink® - The Open Marketplace. Our information-driven marketplace platform enables smarter trading through any broker at the best possible price, and empowers companies to build the best markets for their investors. To learn more about our Open, Transparent and Connected financial marketplaces, visit

      Media Contact:

      Grace Keith, OTC Markets Group Inc., +1 (212) 896-4428,
      schrieb am 11.06.12 19:25:23
      Beitrag Nr. 3.741 ()
      Die Government Gazette des Northern Territory of Australia ist recht umfänglich in laufenden Veröffentlichungen und ein ziemliches Labyrinth... lässt sich in G14 vom 04. April 2012 -- für regelmäßige Leser :-) -- auch Folgendes ausmachen:

      . . .

      Petroleum Act (NT) Section 18 NOTICE OF PETROLEUM PERMIT APPLICATION OVER ABORIGINAL LAND Objections under Section 19 of the Petroleum Act: Pursuant to section 19 of the Petroleum Act, a person who has an estate or interest in relation to land compromised in, or land contiguous with land comprised in, an area covered by the proposed grant may, within two (2) months after the notification day, lodge in writing an objection to the proposed grant. Such objection may be lodged at the Office of the Minister for Primary Industry, Fisheries & Resources, c/- Department of Resources, Centrepoint Building, 48-50 Smith Street Mall, DARWIN NT 0800 or GPO Box 3000 DARWIN NT 0801.
      Exploration Permit 230 sought by PALTAR PETROLEUM LIMITED, ACN 149 987 459 over an area of 200 Blocks depicted below for a term of 6 years, within the DARWIN locality.

      Petroleum Act 1984 (NT) Section 18
      Native Title Act 1993 (CTH) Section 29

      The Honourable Kon Vatskalis MLA, the Northern Territory Minister for Primary Industry, Fisheries & Resources, c/- Department of Resources, GPO Box 3000 DARWIN NT 0801, hereby gives notice in accordance with section 18 of the Petroleum Act (Northern Territory) and section 29 of the Native Title Act 1993 (Commonwealth) that application/s has/have been made for, and the Minister intends to grant, Exploration Permit/s(Petroleum) (“Permit”) under Division 2 of Part ll of the Petroleum Act (NT) as follows.
      Application(s) to which this notice applies:
      Exploration Permit 219 sought by ARAFURA OIL PTY LTD, ACN 147 521 051 over an area of 112 Blocks depicted below for a term of 5 years, within the DARWIN locality.

      Dann ebenfalls Paltar Petroleum EP 231 232 234 237.

      Exploration Permit 231 sought by PALTAR
      PETROLEUM LIMITED, ACN 149 987 459 over
      an area of 22 Blocks depicted below for a term
      of 5 years, within the DARWIN locality.

      Exploration Permit 237 sought by PALTAR
      PETROLEUM LIMITED, ACN 149 987 459 over
      an area of 49 Blocks depicted below for a term
      of 5 years, within the HALLS CREEK locality.

      Exploration Permit 232 sought by PALTAR
      PETROLEUM LIMITED, ACN 149 987 459 over
      an area of 13 Blocks depicted below for a term
      of 5 years, within the DARWIN locality.
      NMIGMap Sheet No: SD52

      Exploration Permit 237 sought by PALTAR
      PETROLEUM LIMITED, ACN 149 987 459 over
      an area of 49 Blocks depicted below for a term
      of 5 years, within the HALLS CREEK locality.
      Sheet No: SD52

      Nature of act(s): The grant of a permit under the Petroleum Act, gives the person to whom it is granted the exclusive right, for a term of up to 5 years, to explore for petroleum and to carry on such operations and execute such works as are necessary for that purpose in the area covered by the permit including (but not limited to) use of machinery and equipment for carrying out works, removal of material for testing, use of water resources for domestic use and to seek renewals. A permit may be renewed no more than twice. If petroleum is discovered in a Permit area, production licences and/or retention licences may subsequently be granted. Further information about the act may be obtained from the Department of Resources GPO Box 3000 DARWIN NT 0801, or Centrepoint Building 48-50 Smith St Mall, DARWIN NT0800.

      Native Title Parties: Any person who is, or becomes a “native title party” within the meaning of the Native Title Act is entitled to the negotiation and/or procedural rights provided in Part 2, Division 3, Subdivision P of the Native Title Act. Under section 30 of the Native Title Act, persons have until 3 months after the notification day to take certain steps to become native title parties in relation to this notice. Enquiries concerning becoming a native title party should be directed to the National Native Title Tribunal GPO Box 9973
      ADELAIDE SA 5001, telephone (08) 8205 2000.

      . . .

      Also fünf neue permits in OZ von Marc in Arbeit. Ansonsten dürfte insbesondere die seismic von Hess in NT weiterlaufen. Bruner ist mit den Beetaloo permits von SweetP und Paltar an sich unabhängig von der seismic von Hess -- klar -- , ob er aber listet bevor Hess eine Entscheidung trifft bleibt abzuwarten. Fazit: Hess im Focus. JMO. Die potentiellen Partner von Paltar warten auch Hess ab? Ist an sich anzunehmen. Bruner hat allerdings ein separates Gutachten laufen über die Beetaloo Randbezirke. .
      Seiten 2 und 3
      schrieb am 11.06.12 21:35:22
      Beitrag Nr. 3.742 ()
      Ep 230 231 232 234 237....237 ist unten einmal fehlzitiert....OK......diese NT pdfs lassen sich nur schwer kopieren, was auch damit zusammenhängt, dass Abbildungen zwischengeschaltet sind

      230 liegt westlich von Katherine NT ....231 wird von 230 umfasst.....232 liegt südlich von 231 bei Bradshaw unweit des Victoria River NT

      234 bei den Victoria River Downs NT

      237 bei Inverway, Buchanan NT
      schrieb am 19.06.12 17:47:51
      Beitrag Nr. 3.743 ()
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. Announces Senior Management Changes and New Headquarters

      TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 18, 2012) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO), the Toronto listed company focussed on unconventional oil and gas exploration and producing assets in Hungary, Australia and South Africa, announces the following changes:

      Relocation of Corporate Headquarters

      Following the appointment of Philip O'Quigley as Chief Executive Officer of the company in May this year the company has decided to relocate its Corporate Headquarters to Dublin, Ireland.

      Consequently, the Denver office will be closing over the next few months. The finance and executive function will move to Dublin while the primary technical function will shift to the company's well established Hungarian office in Budapest where the company operates exploration and producing interests.

      Commenting on the relocation, Mr O'Quigley said that given the geographical international non US spread of the company's assets, Dublin is a good centrally located City to have its HQ. Dublin has played host to many successful oil and gas companies, most notably Tullow Oil and more recently Providence Resources and Cove Energy, run by Falcon's Chairman, John Craven.

      Appointment of new CFO

      As part of the relocation process, Falcon has appointed a new Dublin based CFO, Eoin Grindley. Eoin has worked in senior management positions in Sandvik Mining and GE Energy, both global leaders in their respective fields. Eoin is a member of the Association of Chartered Management Accountants since 1996 having graduated from Trinity College Dublin with B.Sc (Mgmt) in 1991. Eoin will be taking up his new role as CFO of Falcon, no later than the 30th July 2012.

      The current CFO, Evan Wasoff, will be stepping down to pursue other interests but will remain with the company for a specified period to ensure a smooth and efficient transition of the finance function to Dublin.

      Resignation of COO

      Following the transfer of the Company's technical function to Budapest, the company's COO Rod Wallis has elected to step down with effect from the 30th June 2012 to pursue other interests.

      Commenting on the appointment of Mr Grindley as CFO, Mr O'Quigley said that Eoin would be a great addition to Falcon's senior management team and will bring with him a wealth of good company practice and commercial experience.

      Commenting on the resignation of Evan Wasoff and Rod Wallis, John Craven, on behalf of the Board, acknowledged their enormous contribution to Falcon over the past number of years and wished them both well in their future pursuits.

      Appointment of FTI Consulting

      FTI Consulting, the global business advisory firm, has been retained by the company to provide ongoing strategic and business communications with shareholders.

      Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.…
      schrieb am 21.06.12 00:53:23
      Beitrag Nr. 3.744 ()
      >Great news - time to dust off the Falcon File Folder!…
      schrieb am 22.06.12 23:40:45
      Beitrag Nr. 3.745 ()
      England oder Italien....wie Jogi sagt...wir nehmen es wie es kommt.....England sehr gut organisiert diesmal und über Italien sage ich lieber nichts!!!!....beides gleich wäre allerdings zu schön endlich einmal die Spaghettis!! -- die ich liebe wenn sie nicht gegen uns spielen(ja, stimmt wirklich) -- in einem Pflichtspiel zu schlagen....schaun wir mal denkt sich wohl auch Franz(70 eine unvergessene Niederlage gegen I in Mexiko)(mitten in der Nacht bei uns)(gleichwohl 90 Weltmeister in Italien!)....England - Italien am Sonntag wird interessant...Rooney back in the team....die Engländer liegen uns alles in allem mehr -- trotz Wembley 1966 -- geht es gegen Italien stelle ich mir mindestens vier Bier kalt.....ich darf kaum an 1970 und 2006 denken...aber das ist eben Fußball....das macht den Reiz aus....und nicht den eigenen nächsten Trainingstermin vergessen A....`
      schrieb am 24.06.12 10:02:15
      Beitrag Nr. 3.746 ()
      Ich denke mal es ist egal wer kommt (E oder I), Deutschland wird ins Finale kommen. Nach allen bisherigen Partien für mich eindeutig die stärkste Mannschaft - muss natürlich auch nichts heissen, trotzdem werden die sehr schwer zu schlagen sein.
      Mein Traumfinale wäre Deutschland - Spanien (da stell ich mir dann auch mind. 4 Bier kalt ;)).
      Na dann wünsch ich Dir ein spannendes Match heute!!!
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 28.06.12 21:37:42
      Beitrag Nr. 3.747 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.314.551 von riverstone am 24.06.12 10:02:15Hallo River....das habe ich geahnt....ich würde Klose bringen......ja, was soll man sagen.....Italien voll zurück......schaun wir
      schrieb am 28.06.12 22:43:21
      Beitrag Nr. 3.748 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.314.551 von riverstone am 24.06.12 10:02:15Also das reicht noch nicht für uns....für Deutschland.....Italien ist besser....Spanien ist besser.....Özil gefiel mit sehr gut......Grüße nach Ö.....A
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 28.06.12 23:01:41
      Beitrag Nr. 3.749 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.333.282 von auriga am 28.06.12 22:43:21
      schrieb am 30.06.12 10:09:56
      Beitrag Nr. 3.750 ()
      Tja, meiner Meinung nach fast zu spät die Wechsel.
      Ist dann doch guter neuer Schwung ins Spiel gekommen. Aber eine super Chancenauswertung der Italiener in der Anfangsphase. Der "alte" Pirlo fasziniert mich doch immer wieder - geniales Spiel!
      Im Endeffekt halt doch verdient gewonnen!

      SUPER FOTO!!!!!

      schöne Grüße
      schrieb am 03.07.12 21:23:02
      Beitrag Nr. 3.751 ()
      Zitat von auriga: Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. Announces Senior Management Changes and New Headquarters

      TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 18, 2012) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO), the Toronto listed company focussed on unconventional oil and gas exploration and producing assets in Hungary, Australia and South Africa, announces the following changes:

      Relocation of Corporate Headquarters

      Following the appointment of Philip O'Quigley as Chief Executive Officer of the company in May this year the company has decided to relocate its Corporate Headquarters to Dublin, Ireland.

      Consequently, the Denver office will be closing over the next few months. The finance and executive function will move to Dublin while the primary technical function will shift to the company's well established Hungarian office in Budapest where the company operates exploration and producing interests.

      Commenting on the relocation, Mr O'Quigley said that given the geographical international non US spread of the company's assets, Dublin is a good centrally located City to have its HQ. Dublin has played host to many successful oil and gas companies, most notably Tullow Oil and more recently Providence Resources and Cove Energy, run by Falcon's Chairman, John Craven.

      Appointment of new CFO

      As part of the relocation process, Falcon has appointed a new Dublin based CFO, Eoin Grindley. Eoin has worked in senior management positions in Sandvik Mining and GE Energy, both global leaders in their respective fields. Eoin is a member of the Association of Chartered Management Accountants since 1996 having graduated from Trinity College Dublin with B.Sc (Mgmt) in 1991. Eoin will be taking up his new role as CFO of Falcon, no later than the 30th July 2012.

      The current CFO, Evan Wasoff, will be stepping down to pursue other interests but will remain with the company for a specified period to ensure a smooth and efficient transition of the finance function to Dublin.

      Resignation of COO

      Following the transfer of the Company's technical function to Budapest, the company's COO Rod Wallis has elected to step down with effect from the 30th June 2012 to pursue other interests.

      Commenting on the appointment of Mr Grindley as CFO, Mr O'Quigley said that Eoin would be a great addition to Falcon's senior management team and will bring with him a wealth of good company practice and commercial experience.

      Commenting on the resignation of Evan Wasoff and Rod Wallis, John Craven, on behalf of the Board, acknowledged their enormous contribution to Falcon over the past number of years and wished them both well in their future pursuits.

      Appointment of FTI Consulting

      ►FTI Consulting, the global business advisory firm, has been retained by the company to provide ongoing strategic and business communications with shareholders.

      Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.…

      News Release - English Jun 18 2012

      Contact details:

      Falcon Oil & Gas Philip O’Quigley, Chief Executive Officer +353 (1) 631 9177 or +353(87) 814 7042

      ►FTI Consulting, London and Toronto Billy Clegg/Edward Westropp +44 207 837 3113
      schrieb am 03.07.12 21:26:52
      Beitrag Nr. 3.752 ()
      Zitat von auriga: Big changes at FO HQ

      Personnel changes and a move to the center of the Universe in the oil industry. Although I suspect it is a move closer to family and Guiness Beer..

      Anyway, although the world economy is about ready to tank it seems that FO is making changes. Guess we'll see if a money guy can run an E&P and make smart choices. Frankly, I'm doubtful, but the bird is back on my watch list to see if they ever test anything other than the limits of patience of investors.…
      Rusty zurück mit neuem Watchlisteintrag >:cool:

      Falcon Oil & Gas retains FTI Consulting
      25 June 2012

      FTI Consulting, the global business advisory firm, has been retained by Falcon Oil & Gas to provide ongoing strategic and business communications with shareholders.

      The team leading the advice includes Billy Clegg, Ed Westropp and Georgia Mann.
      FTI is also supporting Falcon Oil & Gas from its Toronto office.

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. is a global energy company that is focused on acquiring, exploring and developing large acreage positions of unconventional and conventional oil and gas resources. It focuses on areas in politically and economically stable countries that are characterized by a high regional demand for energy with existing infrastructure allowing rapid delivery of oil and gas to market. Falcon holds almost 15 million acres in three major exploration projects in Hungary, Australia, and South Africa.

      Following the appointment of Philip O’Quigley as chief executive officer of the company in May this year the company has decided to relocate its Corporate Headquarters to Dublin, Ireland.

      One of management’s responsibilities I have long believed was lacking at Falcon was timely communications to the shareholders. By retaining FTI, hopefully this will remedy the situation as Falcon progresses in its staged development.…
      schrieb am 03.07.12 21:46:16
      Beitrag Nr. 3.753 ()
      schrieb am 03.07.12 21:57:22
      Beitrag Nr. 3.754 ()
      Shareholder briefing on 11 July 2012

      We refer to the Notice of Meeting dated 27 April 2012 (Notice) notifying Shareholders of Falcon Oil & Gas Australia Limited (Company) of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) which was held on 30 May 2012.

      In the Chairman’s letter to Shareholders contained within the Notice, Mr Robert Macaulay noted that he would be stepping down as Chairman of the Company on 1 May 2012. He also noted that the Company’s newly appointed Chairman, Mr Philip O’Quigley, was unable to personally attend the AGM. Accordingly, a Chairman’s address was not made at the AGM.

      You are invited to attend a Shareholders’ briefing on 11 July 2012 at which Mr Philip O’Quigley and Mr John Craven (Chairman of Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.) will be present. The briefing will be held at 10.00am at the offices of Gadens Lawyers, Level 16, 77 Castlereagh Street, Sydney.

      At the briefing, Mr O’Quigley will:

      (a) give an update on the Company’s current strategy; and
      (b) discuss the results of the Shenandoah-1 well work program which the Company completed in November 2011.

      The briefing will also comprise a question and answer session during which Mr O’Quigley will be available to answer any questions you may have.

      The Directors of the Company hope that you are available to attend the briefing.…
      schrieb am 03.07.12 22:02:58
      Beitrag Nr. 3.755 ()
      schrieb am 10.07.12 02:34:59
      Beitrag Nr. 3.756 ()
      interesting article? might say that, yes.…

      Remember Hungary? Déjà vu All Over Again...

      Gabor Bada, Exploration Manager of TMX Oil and Gas Exploration Kft., a wholly owned subsidiary of Falcon Oil and Gas, knows what it feels like,

      It was just over two years ago when ExxonMobil, after having invested millions of dollars in exploring Hungary’s unconventional gas potentials, but having only drilled four wells, decided to leave Hungary, leaving Falcon and others to their own devices.

      Dr. Bada offered his reaction to the recent decision by ExxonMobil to shutdown its unconventional gas exploration efforts in Poland.

      “My first reaction was a knowing smile on my face, because I thought ‘okay, we’ve been here before,’ because as you probably remember, Exxon, after just a handful of results decided to leave Hungary back in early 2010, more than two years ago, coinciding with Exxon deciding on going to Poland and redirecting their focus to Polish unconventionals.” he recalled.

      “Companies the size of Exxon – and I’m not picking on them, but we do have direct experience with them – they have the money to undertake projects like this, but for whatever reason they don’t have the patience to do this. This is the problem, because by definition unconventional needs a lot of investment, which Exxon did with Falcon, and Hungary’s MOL and Hungarian Horizon Energy (HHE), in more or less the same geographic location, but they didn’t give themselves enough time to look into the details, try out different recipes, and when they got their first disappointing results, they just left the country.”

      He said he felt that the same sort of thing may have taken place in Poland.

      “After some disappointing results, they may be doing the same thing there as well. It’s sad,” he said.

      According to Dr. Bada, there was a major difference, however, in what this meant for Poland in contrast to the situation that played out in Hungary.

      He explained: “In Hungary, Exxon was basically the only supermajor coming here for the exploration of unconventionals and when they left, there was a vacuum, which we all – MOL, HHE and ourselves - had to suffer through. When a company like Exxon leaves the country, there are a lot of question marks: ‘What comes next?’”

      For Poland, he said, the situation was not as dire.

      “Exxon is a supermajor globally, but even if they leave there are a number of big and medium-sized companies still chasing unconventional opportunities in Poland – so it doesn’t really change the market there. Of course, it gives out a bad signal, but companies like ConocoPhillips, Marathon, BNK Petroleum, San Leon, 3Legs Resources and others are going to stick around and are quite optimistic about the future of unconventionals in Poland,” he said. “So it doesn’t change the landscape – a much better situation than what happened in Hungary.”

      He said that for Poland he thought that things would smooth out in the press over time.

      “This is part of the natural dynamics of the market – companies are coming and going. The industry does have a tendency to look at what the supermajors are doing, but others are very committed, have ambitious drilling plans. With unconventionals, you have to do your G&G studies and exploration efforts such as seismic analysis, drill a couple of wells, try different recipes – and these things require time and patience.

      Bada added, “I’m very positive it will pay off in the case of Poland; it should have paid off in the case of Hungary, about which I’m still very optimistic.”

      Falcon’s announcement this week backs up that sentiment: the Canadian E&P has just closed its offices in Denver, Colorado, relocating its technical center to Budapest, Hungary, according to Dr. Bada, who reports, “We will be overseeing Falcon’s explorations globally.”

      He added that company’s corporate headquarters would be located in Dublin, Ireland. “Our new CEO, Philip O'Quigley and other top management will be located in Dublin. The technical side will be mostly done from the Budapest office.”

      “Falcon is very committed to pursuing our Hungary asset and I think strengthening the position of the Budapest office is a clear signal of that. What we need to do in the short and mid term is to unlock the potential of our Hungarian asset and that will blaze a trail to other exciting projects.”

      Falcon holds a production license in the south of Hungary, in a geological unit called the Makó trough, named after a local town in the vicinity.

      “Our license covers unconventional production and over the last few years we’ve drilled seven exploration wells, we’ve done seismic and other technical operations and are ready for the next phase of production. In that context, we are targeting several geologic formations in this basin, from bottom to top.”

      He explained, “It’s a shale play at the bottom of the basin, basically shale gas in the Endrőd Formation, and this is overlaid by tight gas, called the Szolnok and Algyő formations, which are also in our focus.”

      Dr. Bada reported that Falcon was still in negotiations with the Serbian oil company NIS to drill the top part of the unconventional cell.

      “Another focus in the Makó trough is to evaluate the results to date of the Mako-7 well, which is the deepest well in Hungary with TD at 6,085 meters. We are developing a strategy to test the deep shale play for forward planning in what we believe is a very prospective part of the basin.”

      He said that Falcon would return to the site where it had cooperated with Exxon in Hungary, but with a different plan.

      “We have a well, Földeák-1, on our production license that we drilled jointly with Exxon back in 2009, targeting the tight sand formation overlaying the shale sequences, which are the source of the gas. Exxon was only interested in testing the Szolnok formation – the tight gas – and our focus has changed, down to the Endrőd Formation – the origin of the hydrocarbons.

      “So instead of having a meal at the dining table, we go directly down to the kitchen, to make it simple to visualize the purpose of this well, Makó-7,” he quipped. “It’s already been drilled, in perfect condition for full-scale testing, including some stimulation.”

      “Just keep up the spirit, don’t look too much at what the giants are doing,” is his advice for shale gas explorers in Poland faced with the ups and downs of the news cycle.

      “Don’t become distracted; do your job properly, patiently. Of course it might cost more than you anticipated, take longer, but eventually those who are visionary enough will get there. I’m quite positive about that, particularly in the political landscape that Poland is offering to unconventional explorers, which is very pro shale gas.

      “There will be highs and lows, like this announcement from Exxon, but it will come back again, so I’m not worried about this too much, quite frankly,” concluded Bada.

      schrieb am 18.07.12 17:16:46
      Beitrag Nr. 3.757 ()
      This is how an early chart of a hopeful company -- with big instos within the IPO in recent days --may look.

      ..that doesn’t matter too much I would assume a trader you have of course to be careful..never lose money!...but other than that it’s quite normal...this is only at the very start of perhaps a great development. One never knows, does one?…
      schrieb am 18.07.12 20:15:23
      Beitrag Nr. 3.758 ()
      Edgar Online teams with OTC for data service

      By Danielle Douglas, Published: June 18

      Investors can now peer through financial data for hundreds of companies trading on the over-the-counter market with the use of OTC Fundamental Data Service, a platform developed by Rockville-based Edgar Online.

      Companies selling securities on the over-the-counter market, where broker-dealers place orders directly with peers rather than through a central exchange, are not required to issue public disclosures. Experts often warn this practice, a departure from the way the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq Stock Market operate, raises the risks for investors, who often have less information to work with.

      While OTC Markets Group organizes its stocks into three categories — OTCQX, OTCQB and OTC Pink — based on the level of financial disclosure and performance, the New York-based marketplace wants greater transparency, according to its managing director for market data and strategy, Matt Fuchs. OTC Markets Group turned to Edgar Online, known for building the Securities and Exchange Commission’s database of financial reports.

      They have a ton of experience in the space,” Fuchs said. “We have our own disclosure news service similar to the [SEC’s] old Edgar [financial reporting] system. But getting the data out in a more consumable fashion would help investors, so this was a natural progression.”

      OTC Fundamental Data Service provides three years of information, such as cash flow and income statements, voluntarily provided by more than 800 companies, including sporting apparel retailer Adidas. Investors, analysts and researchers can access the data through the OTC Markets Web site, Yahoo Finance or I-Metrix Pro, an Edgar Online database.

      “The biggest market we’re going to see for this will come from institutional investors who can now incorporate this information into their financial models to determine which OTC companies they should be investing in,” said David Frankel, chief marketing officer at Edgar Online.

      Companies listed on the over-the-counter market range from micro-cap start-ups to large cap multinational operations. The market is known as a refuge for companies de-listed by the more prestigious exchanges as well as a home for those that are too small for Nasdaq or NYSE. The over-the-counter market is filled with firms with a market capitalization below $100 million.

      Frankel expects the current group of companies included in the data service will expand in the coming months as more firms recognize the value of the transparency. Reporting, he said, lends credibility to their business and will make the OTC market more attractive.

      schrieb am 18.07.12 21:04:22
      Beitrag Nr. 3.759 ()
      Sehr interessanter Vortrag von Nicholas Mather auch in Verbindung mit PHUN und Falcon gesehen. Click here to view the latest video presentation.....laden lassen....der Rest geht von lässt sich dann später etwa auf die einzelnen thumbnails drücken um bestimmte Abschnitte des videos jeweils abzurufen......
      schrieb am 27.07.12 19:42:54
      Beitrag Nr. 3.760 ()
      Hess schießt derweilen ein Jahr seismic im B Basin und Falcon -- nun in Irland angesiedelt -- präsentiert ein weiteres neues Gesicht.....OK....ein wenig eigenartig sind diese ganzen Vorgänge um Craven in Dublin schon, ohne dass irgendein update über die operations irgendwie durchkommt.... O'Quigley arbeitet sich wohl noch ein....was uns wirklich interessiert ist zur Zeit wohl mehr die seismic von Hess und ob sie weitermachen......

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. Announces Appointment of New Head of Technical and Commercial Operations

      TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - July 27, 2012) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO), (the "Company") the Toronto listed and Dublin headquartered company focussed on unconventional oil and gas exploration and producing assets in Hungary, Australia and South Africa, announces the appointment of Ms Carol Law as Head of Technical and Commercial Operations to the Company with immediate effect.

      Carol, who is a Geologist by profession, has over 28 years' experience in the oil and gas industry and over the course of her career was a member of teams managing and working projects in Ghana (Jubilee), Brazil (multiple Campos Basin discoveries), Alaska (Nikaitchuq), China (Bohai Bay) plus Angola, GOM, and numerous other areas around the world.

      Most recently, Carol was East Africa Exploration Manager for Anadarko Petroleum with responsibility for the giant gas discovery in the Rovuma Basin, offshore Mozambique, in Area 1 block which has recoverable gas resources estimated at between 30 and 60 Tcf.

      Commenting on the announcement, Chief Executive Officer, Philip O'Quigley said:

      "I am delighted to welcome Carol to the Falcon team as Head of Technical and Commercial Operations. With her wealth of technical and commercial experience Carol will be a great addition to Falcon's senior management team."

      John Craven, Chairman said:

      "Carol and I worked well together as we explored and appraised Area 1 block offshore Mozambique over the last three years. I much look forward to working with her in the future."

      About Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. is an international oil and gas exploration and production company, Toronto listed under the symbol "FO." It is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, with offices in Budapest, Hungary.

      The Company is focussed on unconventional and conventional oil and gas exploration and production, and holds producing assets in three major underexplored basins in Australia, Hungary, and South Africa.

      Falcon Oil & Gas has a strong and experienced management team. John Craven, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Cove Energy, is a petroleum geologist with thirty-seven years in senior technical and executive positions in major and junior oil and gas companies. Philip O'Quigley, Chief Executive Officer, has over 20 years' experience in the oil and gas industry, which spans a number of London and Dublin listed E & P companies. Prior to joining Falcon Oil & Gas he was the Finance Director for Providence Resources, an Irish oil and gas exploration and production company.

      For further information on Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. please visit

      Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.…
      schrieb am 27.07.12 20:36:33
      Beitrag Nr. 3.761 ()
      Off we go into the weekend....:-)
      schrieb am 30.07.12 07:08:18
      Beitrag Nr. 3.762 ()
      schrieb am 31.07.12 17:03:43
      Beitrag Nr. 3.763 ()
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. Announces Preliminary Approval of A Multi-Well Drilling Exploration Program With Naftna Industrija Srbije JSC ("NIS")

      TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - July 31, 2012) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO), (the "Company") the Toronto listed and Dublin headquartered company focused on unconventional oil and gas exploration and producing assets in Hungary, Australia and South Africa, announces that further to its press release dated June 9, 2011, its Hungarian subsidiary, TXM Oil and Gas Exploration LLC has concluded negotiations on a significant exploration program with NIS, the Serbian oil and gas company which is owned 56% by JSC Gazprom Neft.

      Transaction Summary

      • NIS to drill three exploration wells on the shallow "Algyo Play"
      • Falcon to be fully carried on the drilling and testing costs of three exploration wells
      • Company hopeful first well to spud in Q4 2012 with the second and third wells in early 2013
      • NIS to earn 50% of the production revenues from shallow production if drilling is successful
      • Falcon to retain 100% in the Deep Mako Trough potential
      • Transaction subject to favourable ruling of the negotiated tax and accounting treatment by the Hungarian Ministry of Finance

      Under the terms of the Transaction, the tax and accounting consequences of which are still subject to favourable ruling to be requested from the Hungarian Ministry of Finance, NIS shall drill three exploration wells targeting the "Algyo Play" within the company's Mako Trough production licence in the Pannonian Basin, Hungary. NIS would earn, by conclusion of the drilling obligation, 50% of the production revenues from the wells drilled and an option to acquire a right of first negotiation for future drilling operations in the "Algyo Play".

      The Algyo is a relatively shallow play between 2,300m and 3,500m. A number of Falcon wells have been drilled through the Algyo in recent years but to date no well has ever tested the play concept as previous wells targeted deeper intervals of up to 6,000m. Falcon will still retain 100% interest in the "Deep Mako Trough" which based on a previous report prepared by RPS Scotia has a P50 estimation of potentially recoverable contingent resources of approximately 44 TCF and 100 MMBO (the full RPS Scotia report is available at

      Multiple Algyo prospects have subsequently been identified through extensive AVO analysis and the upcoming exploration drilling program with NIS will be targeting the three top ranked prospects.

      The transaction remains subject to favourable ruling of the negotiated tax and accounting treatment by the Hungarian Ministry of Finance. However, the Company is hopeful that the first of the three wells may spud in the fourth quarter of 2012 with the second and third wells immediately following in early 2013.

      Philip O'Quigley, CEO of Falcon commented:

      "NIS, being an established Central European oil and gas company, will bring significant experience and expertise to the development of the Algyo exploration prospects identified by Falcon and we very much look forward to working with them going forward. The 400 MMBOE Algyo Field is between 5 and 23 kilometres away and with its associated existing infrastructure and gas processing facility it would be very beneficial to the project economics as well as the timeline for monetisation of any exploration discovery in the Algyo Play. The full RPS Scotia report is available at

      Final approval of the deal with NIS is going to mark the start of the 'turning of the drill bit' on the Company's current portfolio of assets, and this is a trend we intend to continue over the coming months and years to drive shareholder value."

      About Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. is an international oil and gas exploration and production company, Toronto listed under the symbol "FO." It is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, with offices in Budapest, Hungary.

      The Company is focussed on unconventional and conventional oil and gas exploration and production, and holds producing assets in three major underexplored basins in Australia, Hungary, and South Africa.

      Falcon Oil & Gas has a strong and experienced management team. John Craven, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Cove Energy, is a petroleum geologist with thirty-seven years in senior technical and executive positions in major and junior oil and gas companies.

      Philip O'Quigley, Chief Executive Officer, has over 20 years' experience in the oil and gas industry, which spans a number of London and Dublin listed E & P companies. Prior to joining Falcon Oil & Gas he was the Finance Director for Providence Resources, an Irish oil and gas exploration and production company.

      For further information on Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. please visit


      NIS is one of the largest, vertically integrated oil and gas companies in Southeast Europe, focusing on exploration and production of hydrocarbons, refining of crude oil and sales of a broad range of petroleum products.

      The company's headquarters and main production assets are located in Serbia, with part of the oil production coming from offshore Angola, where NIS has been present since 1980. The company has two refineries and a network of more than 450 filling stations which comprise the backbone of its downstream operations.

      Since 2010 the NIS has increased its international activities by acquiring a number of exploration and production as well as retail assets in the region. At present the company operates in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria with offices in Banja Luka, Budapest, Bucharest, Timisoara, Sofia, Ashkhabad, Brussels, Zagreb and Moscow.

      For further information on NIS please visit

      Certain information in this press release may constitute forward-looking information. This information is based on current expectations that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statement. Falcon assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements unless and until required by securities laws applicable to Falcon. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties is contained in Falcon's filings with the Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available at


      TCF - Trillion Cubic Feet of Gas

      MMBO - Million Barrels of Oil

      MMBOE - barrel of oil equivalent


      (1) The resource estimate has been conducted using the definitions specified by the Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook. The Makó Trough resource falls under the "Discovered Resources" classification. The values refer to the probabilistically estimated recoverable fraction of "Contingent Resources" within that classification. Contingent resources are those quantities of oil and gas estimated on a given date to be potentially recoverable from known accumulations but are not currently economic. The economic nature of this resource has not yet been assessed due to the early stage of data gathering for the Makó Trough resource. The recoverable portion of this "Contingent Resource" is contingent upon the demonstration of productive capability of the various zones of interest through well testing and longer term production testing which has not occurred as of the effective date of the report and there is no certainty that it will be commercially viable to produce any portion of the resources.

      (2) Estimates are as of March 31st, 2008, the effective date of the RPS Scotia Report.

      Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      schrieb am 04.08.12 00:10:21
      Beitrag Nr. 3.764 ()
      schrieb am 06.08.12 22:15:09
      Beitrag Nr. 3.765 ()
      In terms of KCG, formerly (known as) NITE,

      Knight-Chef Thomas Joyce wollte dem „Wall Street Journal“ zufolge die Börsenaufsicht SEC zunächst überreden, die ganzen Order einfach rückgängig zu machen. Doch SEC-Chefin Mary Shapiro lehnte unter Hinweis auf geltende Regeln ab. Am Wochenende nannte sie den Vorfall „inakzeptabel“ und ordnete an, dass die Arbeit an einem Überwachungssystem für Handelsprogramme beschleunigt wird. In der US-Presse machte das Wortspiel „Knightmare on Wall Street“ die Runde.
      Nach Softwarefehler: Börsen-Pechvogel Knight Capital gerettet - weiter lesen auf FOCUS Online:……
      Die Wall-Street-Firma Knight Capital, die von einem Softwarefehler an den Rand des Ruins gebracht wurde, ist gerettet. Eine Gruppe von Investoren stelle 400 Millionen Dollar bereit, teilte der Aktienhändler am Montag mit.

      Die bisherigen Anteilseigner werden aber als Konsequenz die Kontrolle über das Unternehmen verlieren. Knight Capital hatte vergangene Woche in nur 45 Minuten einen Verlust von 440 Millionen Dollar angehäuft und stand deshalb vor dem Aus.

      Die rettenden Investoren bekommen für ihr Geld Schuldpapiere, die in rund 267 Millionen Aktien umgewandelt werden können. Danach dürften sie rund drei Viertel der Anteile halten.

      Die Knight-Aktie fiel zum Start des New Yorker Handels um über 25 Prozent auf rund drei Dollar. Ein Grund dürfte sein, dass die Investoren bei ihrer Rettungsaktion eine Aktie schon für etwas mehr als 1,50 Dollar bekommen dürften. Zudem entzog die New Yorker Börse NYSE der Firma als Vorsichtsmaßnahme vorläufig die Verantwortung für den Handel mit fast 700 Aktien. Sie wurde dem Konkurrenten Getco übertragen.

      Das Geld für Knight Capital komme unter anderem von Finanzinvestoren wie Blackstone und der Getco-Anteilseigner General Atlantic sowie dem Aktienhändler TD Ameritrade, berichteten die Finanznachrichtenagentur Bloomberg und der Sender CNBC unter Berufung auf informierte Personen. Knight Capital hatte sich am Freitag mit einer neuen Kreditlinie ins Wochenende gerettet. Am Markt wurde davon ausgegangen, dass die Firma einen dauerhaften Deal noch am Montag brauchte.

      Schuld an dem außergewöhnlichen Börsen-Malheur war eine Software-Panne: Ein neues Handelsprogramm von Knight Capital überflutete den Markt am Mittwochmorgen mit fehlerhaften Handelsaufträgen. Als Folge saß die Firma auf einem Berg zu teuer gekaufter Aktien. Nach Informationen des „Wall Street Journal“ hatte Knight ungewollt Papiere im Wert von mindestens 4,5 Milliarden Dollar erworben. Goldman Sachs kaufte die Aktien mit einem Abschlag im Paket ab.

      Knight-Chef Thomas Joyce wollte dem „Wall Street Journal“ zufolge die Börsenaufsicht SEC zunächst überreden, die ganzen Order einfach rückgängig zu machen. Doch SEC-Chefin Mary Shapiro lehnte unter Hinweis auf geltende Regeln ab. Am Wochenende nannte sie den Vorfall „inakzeptabel“ und ordnete an, dass die Arbeit an einem Überwachungssystem für Handelsprogramme beschleunigt wird. In der US-Presse machte das Wortspiel „Knightmare on Wall Street“ die Runde.

      Nach Softwarefehler: Börsen-Pechvogel Knight Capital gerettet - weiter lesen auf FOCUS Online:…
      schrieb am 08.08.12 01:26:09
      Beitrag Nr. 3.766 ()
      August 6, 2012, 2:52 PM GMT

      South Africa: To Frack or Not to Frack
      By Devon Maylie

      The time it takes South Africa’s government to decide on whether or not to frack won’t only make a difference to the country’s own energy shortage issues, but also to a handful of companies who are banking on a semi-arid region called the Karoo of being a significant gas producer.

      Already, the timeline for making a decision has been delayed: South Africa’s department of mineral resources was due last month to present to President Jacob Zuma’s cabinet a recommendation on whether the country should lift a moratorium placed last year on exploration for gas in the region. That date has now been shifted to sometime in August.

      With the country’s ruling African National Congress holding a key leadership and policy meeting in December little may get decided before then.

      That could be bad news for companies who are eagerly awaiting the outcome.

      Falcon Oil & Gas applied for an exploration license before the moratorium was placed last year and is waiting for the final word. The Karoo exploration is one of three projects it has listed on its website as prospective gas finds, with the Karoo listed as the biggest acreage of exploration.

      For bigger companies like Royal Dutch Shell, which has also applied for exploration in Karoo, the outcome is less pressing. But as the hunt for new reserves intensifies, any setbacks to more exploration throw up a potential problem.

      Work to determine if the Karoo is even a viable area to proceed with development is set to take several years, so South Africa’s attractiveness to the big gas explorers could diminish anyway.

      Jolyon Ford of Oxford Analytica pointed out that by 2015 there will be so much gas coming onto the global market that the extent to which South Africa is seen as a source of possible exported gas, as opposed to gas for local power generation, will likely be less than “the myriad of other new and existing exporters.”

      And even if exploration is allowed, South Africa is reassessing the role it wants the state to play in the mineral and energy sector so that could mean future changes to ownership and taxes.

      Anne Fruhauf at Eurasia Group said:

      “Regulatory issues also pose future risks. The government is playing catch-up with the broader regulatory framework for the gas sector.”…
      schrieb am 09.08.12 15:08:57
      Beitrag Nr. 3.767 ()
      The Irish Times - Wednesday, June 20, 2012

      Falcon Oil & Gas to relocate to Dublin

      ENERGY COMPANY Falcon Oil & Gas is to relocate to Dublin, the company said yesterday.

      The Canadian-listed company, which specialises in unconventional oil and gas exploration, is to move its corporate headquarters from Denver, Colorado, to Dublin in the coming months.

      The firm’s technical operations will move from Denver to Budapest, Hungary, where the company operates exploration and producing interests.

      Falcon will join Providence Resources, Tullow Oil and Cove Energy on the list of energy companies based in Dublin.

      The move will create new jobs in the capital over the next three to six months, according to Falcon chief executive Philip O’Quigley.

      “We currently have 11 people employed in Denver in the finance, administration and technical areas so that will be the approximate number of jobs we will create here.”

      As part of the process, the company has already appointed Eoin Grindley as the new chief financial officer. He has previously worked at Sandvik Mining and GE Energy.

      Mr O’Quigley said the fact that he and Falcon chairman John Craven were both based in Dublin heavily influenced the decision to move the company. He added that, given the geographical spread of the firm’s assets, “Dublin is a good centrally located city to have its HQ”.

      Mr O’Quigley resigned his executive role with Providence Resources earlier this year to take up the post with Falcon.

      Falcon holds almost 15 million acres in three major exploration projects in Hungary, Australia and South Africa.…
      schrieb am 10.08.12 17:15:47
      Beitrag Nr. 3.768 ()
      Sweet spots in unconventional basin-centered gas accumulations

      by Ben Law
      May 13th 2012

      In recent years the term sweet spot is casually mentioned in the industry as though everyone knows what that term means. However, the term is often not used correctly when discussing sweet spots in unconventional hydrocarbon accumulations. In general, sweet spots refer to areas within a hydrocarbon accumulation where production is enhanced as a function of improved reservoir quality such as depositional environments, diagenesis, natural fractures, relatively shallow drilling depths, or any number of other aspects. However, in the unconventional world, sweet spots are poorly understood. And, although all sweet spots, regardless of being conventional or unconventional, have some similar characteristics, there are a few fundamental differences that permit a distinction between a conventional sweet spot and a BCGA sweet spot.

      According to Law and Spencer (2012, AAPG, in press) other than having low or poor reservoir quality compared to a conventional sweet spot, BCGA sweet spots are in physical contact with and floored by regionally pervasive BCGAs and will likely have faults and /or fractures that have breached the BCGA, providing conduits for vertical migration of gas to stratigraphically higher reservoirs. Another way of distinguishing between a conventional sweet spot and an unconventional BCGA sweet spot is recognizing that BCGA sweet spots cannot be physically separated from the regionally pervasive BCGA; BCGA sweet spots are inseparable and contiguous with the regional BCGA. Examples of BCGA sweet spots in the United States include the Pinedale and Jonah fields in the Green River Basin of Wyoming. Both of these fields are large and appear to have many characteristics typical of a pure conventional structural accumulation, such as a mappable anticline over the Pinedale field. The Jonah field is not an anticline. However, they exhibit very low reservoir quality (Pinedale and Jonah fields rank within the 10 largest gas fields in the United States) and are contiguous with the underlying, regionally pervasive BCGA; they are inseparable from the regionally pervasive BCGA in the Green River Basin.…
      schrieb am 11.08.12 18:17:46
      Beitrag Nr. 3.769 ()
      Aus dem BAC-Magazin (erscheint jeden Freitag)

      Thomas Müller am 08 08 zur aktuelle Situation auf den Finanzmärkten

      Das Murmeltier ... und warum den Börsen der Deckel bald wegfliegen kann!

      . . .

      Super-Mario (Draghi) verkündete, dass die EZB alles Notwendige tun werde, um den Euro zu erhalten. Der Nachsatz – „Und glauben Sie mir - es wird ausreichen“ – ist ein weiteres Euro-Zitat für die Geschichtsbücher, die Generationen von Wirtschaftsstudenten wohl mit einigem Unverständnis durcharbeiten werden. Dabei ist es ganz einfach:

      Die permanenten Wiederholungen der Rettungsversuche erinnern an die Filmkomödie „Und täglich grüßt das Murmeltier“. So war dort Hauptdarsteller Bill Murray in einer Zeitschleife gefangen, die ihn dazu zwang, wieder und wieder denselben Tag zu durchleben. Da sich die täglichen Ereignisse exakt wiederholten, konnte der Protagonist Phil Conners sein Leben lange Zeit aus vollen Zügen genießen und dabei eine Menge Geld verdienen. Zum Vergleich:

      Auch wir wissen, dass Notenbanken und Regierungen – solange es noch irgendwie geht – weiter Geld drucken werden, um Zeit zu gewinnen. Dadurch verlieren Geldforderungen an Wert, während Sachwerte (primär Gold- und Top-Aktien) im gleichen Ausmaß an Wert gewinnen. Obwohl dieser Automatismus leicht zu verstehen ist, scheint die anlagensuchende Masse weiter paralysiert zu sein. Denn:

      Bei den Anleihen hat sich die größte Blase aller Zeiten herausgebildet (zuletzt gelang sogar eine Aktion unverzinster zweijähriger Bundesanleihen zu 100,106, also mit nominal negativen Zinsen!), während auf deutschen Tagesgeldkonten trotz realer Negativrenditen die Rekordsumme von 750 Milliarden Euro geparkt wird. Damit ist auch klar, dass Kapitallebensversicherungen vor einem Renditedesaster stehen, vor dem Einzahler anscheinend die Augen verschließen. Währenddessen basteln sich die Versicherer über Sterbetafeln gerade die Gewinne der nächsten Jahrzehnte. So wies kürzlich der Bund der Versicherten in einem Handelsblatt-Interview darauf hin, dass für heute geborene Mädchen eine Lebenserwartung von mehr als 100 Jahren unterstellt wird ...

      In diesem Umfeld sind die Aktienmärkte fundamental erstaunlich niedrig bewertet, im Vergleich zu Anleihen sogar so niedrig wie zuletzt in den 50er-Jahren. Das bedeutet tatsächlich eine „Generationen-Chance“ für autark denkende Aktionäre, die sich dem täglichen Schlagzeilen-“Rauschen“ entziehen können. Lesen Sie diesbezüglich nochmals mein Editorial vom 18. April, denn die Börsen halten sich ganz perfekt an den Prognosefahrplan, sodass jetzt bald der nächste Hausse-Abschnitt gestartet werden könnte. Deshalb:

      Bitte schauen Sie sich die Charts der großen Indizes an, die in den vergangenen Monaten durch die Bank ansteigende Tiefpunkte herausgebildet haben. Dabei hat der Dow Jones seit seinem Zwölf-Monats-Tief bereits 23% gewonnen, der Nasdaq 31%, im Dax waren es 35% und im MDax sogar 41%. – Vergleichen Sie diese Gewinne mit der aktuellen Stimmung am Markt und nehmen Sie einen größeren Blickwinkel ein, denn der US-Leitindex notiert nur noch 8% unter den 2007 markierten All-Time-Highs. Es fehlt also nicht mehr viel, bis den Börsen förmlich der Deckel wegfliegt. Ich sehe weiterhin (vgl. meine Jahresanfangsprognose) beste Chancen, dass dies im vierten Quartal passieren wird!

      . . .

      schrieb am 11.08.12 19:03:56
      Beitrag Nr. 3.770 ()
      schrieb am 21.08.12 20:52:22
      Beitrag Nr. 3.771 ()…
      • Hess increases its capital expenditure on the 2D seismic program from US$40m to an anticipated US$57.5m
      • 1,200km of the targeted 3,600km 2D seismic acquired to date
      • Two seismic crews acquiring 25km of 2D seismic per day should put Hess on target to complete seismic program by year end
      • Falcon remains fully carried on the entire 2D seismic program
      • Hess must exercise its option to elect to drill five exploration wells no later than 30th June 2013 to earn 62.5%
      • Falcon fully carried for its 37.5% of the five well exploration program
      • Additional carry - Falcon will be fully carried on the first US$10MM gross cost of the first development well
      • The additional carry and the later drilling election date are contingent on obtaining Northern Territory Department of Resources (DoR) approval for a 12 month extension of the Permits until 31 December 2013
      • Discussions with third parties are ongoing on the farm-out of EP99 and the Shenandoah well area…
      We have an accumulated deficit of $297,964,291 and our current liabilities exceeded our current assets by $16,874,603 as of June 30, 2012.

      For the remainder of fiscal 2012, we will focus on pursuing our applications for exploration permits in Australia, as well as pursuing opportunities related to these permits in the Beetaloo Basin. We will continue to pursue opportunities to realize some type of return in our Buckskin Mesa wellbores. We will continue to reduce operating costs and attempt to reduce/renegotiate our debt, accounts payable and other liabilities.
      Martin and Paul still wet season bound down-under-like. Memorizing Hess and Morgan Stanley activities keeping up accounting.
      schrieb am 30.08.12 22:27:54
      Beitrag Nr. 3.772 ()

      The purpose of this Amendment No. 1 to the Company’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended June 30, 2012, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on August 14, 2012 (the “Form 10-Q”), is solely to furnish Exhibit 101 to the Form 10-Q. Exhibit 101 provides the financial statements and related notes from the Form 10-Q formatted in XBRL (Extensible Business Reporting Language).

      No other changes have been made to the Form 10-Q. This Amendment No. 1 to the Form 10-Q continues to speak as of the original filing date of the Form 10-Q, does not reflect events that may have occurred subsequent to the original filing date, and does not modify or update in any way disclosures made in the original Form 10-Q.

      Pursuant to Rule 406T of Regulation S-T, the Interactive Data Files in Exhibit 101 hereto are deemed not filed or part of a registration statement or prospectus for purposes of Sections 11 or 12 of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, are deemed not filed for purposes of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and otherwise are not subject to liability under those sections.…

      View filing data…
      schrieb am 07.09.12 17:17:32
      Beitrag Nr. 3.773 ()
      South Africa lifts moratorium on shale gas exploration

      7 September 2012
      By Sofia Mitra-Thakur

      An aerial view of a shale oil drilling rig

      South Africa has lifted a moratorium on shale gas exploration, allowing the extracting technique of "fracking" in the semi-arid Karoo region.

      Collins Chabane, a minister in the President's office, said the cabinet had decided to lift a moratorium, imposed in April last year, after a study eased safety concerns related to the controversial method.

      "When (the results of the study) came back, they recommended that it was clearly safe for us to have that programme of exploration of shale gas," Chabane said.

      According to an initial study commissioned by the US energy information administration, South Africa has 485 trillion cubic feet of technically recoverable shale gas resources, most of which are located in the vast Karoo Basin.

      The reserves, which would rank as the fifth largest among 32 countries included in the study, could be a long-term solution for the energy problems of Africa's largest economy, which relies on coal to produce 85 per cent of its electricity.

      A revocation of the moratorium could benefit Royal Dutch Shell, Falcon Oil & Gas, Sunset Energy and Anglo American, the Eurasia political risk consultancy said earlier this year, adding the move could be "a game changer" for South Africa's economy.

      Oil major Shell said last year it hoped to invest $200m to explore for shale gas in the Karoo.

      Petrochemicals group Sasol put its shale gas exploration plans on hold in November, but said it would watch further developments.

      South Africa last year imposed a fracking moratorium on oil and gas exploration licences in the Karoo region, to give time to study the potential gains and examine the concerns of environmentalists who say the process would ruin the area.

      Ferrial Adam, a climate and energy campaigner at Greenpeace Africa, said the decision could start a process that could have a devastating impact for the region.

      "At the end of the day it is still fracking. They are going to use a lot of water with a enormous amounts of chemicals in them in an area that is water scarce," she said.

      Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, involves pressurised water, chemicals and sand being pumped underground to release gas trapped in rock formations.

      It has been opposed by landowners and environmentalists who say the process can pollute water supplies.

      However, it has been increasingly taken up in the US, releasing huge quantities of natural gas and setting an example that other countries with shale gas reserves are keen to follow.

      Jonathan Deal, chairman of anti-fracking Treasure the Karoo Action Group, said the decision was "hasty" and "ill-informed".

      "If any exploration licenses are issued in future, we will appeal and naturally resort to litigation should our appeals fail," he said.

      "The only way to defeat this technology permanently is to get a ruling in the country's highest court against fracking on environmental grounds."
      schrieb am 07.09.12 18:30:07
      Beitrag Nr. 3.774 ()
      Collins Chabane, a minister in the President's office, said the cabinet had decided to lift a moratorium, imposed in April last year, after a study eased safety concerns related to the controversial method.

      "When (the results of the study) came back, they recommended that it was clearly safe for us to have that programme of exploration of shale gas," Chabane said.

      Als hätte Jonathan Deal das gar nicht mitbekommen, wenn man seinen Kommentar liest. -- Wenn Explorationslizenzen in Zukunft ausgestellt werden, will er Berufung einlegen. -- Natürlich können Explorationslizenzen jetzt ausgestellt werden -- wann wenn nicht jetzt bei 485 TCF of recoverable gas! -- Falls seiner Berufung nicht stattgegeben wird -- wie sollte dieser denn nun stattgegeben werden??? -- will er vor Gericht ziehen und beim Obersten Gerichtshof in SA ein Urteil gegen fracking erreichen. -- Es darf gelacht werden.
      schrieb am 07.09.12 19:11:57
      Beitrag Nr. 3.775 ()
      CATALYSTS FOR 2012 TO 2013

      Area 	........Result 	.................................Expected Date 	Est GrCost$MM 	Cash Benefit to Falcon ($MM) 

      Karoo Basin Moratorium on Exploration Lifted Q3, 2012 No cost No cost
      Karoo Basin Exploration lice. awarded for7.4m acres.Q4, 2012 (0.8) ........(0.8)
      Karoo Basin Potential Farm-Out of exploration licen.Q4, 2012 N/A ........N/A
      Makó – Algyö Drill first Algyö well and test Q4, 2012 (7.0) ........1.5
      Makó – Algyö Drill second Algyö well and test Q1, 2013 (7.0) ........No cost
      Makó – Algyö Drill third Algyö well and test Q2, 2013 (7.0) ........2.75
      Makó > 3,500m Potential Farm-Out on Deep Mako Trough Q1, 2013 No cost No cost
      Makó > 3,500m Re-enter Makó 7 and Makó 4 and Frac Q2, 2013 N/A ........N/A
      Beetaloo–JVArea Hess completes acquisition of seismic Q4, 2012 (57.5) ........No cost
      Beetaloo Pot Farm-Out on EP99 and Shenandoah Q4, 2012 N/A ........N/A
      Beetaloo–JVArea Hess el. to move f on 13/14 drill pr Q2, 2013 (75.0) ........No cost

      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.09.12 20:03:45
      Beitrag Nr. 3.776 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.580.982 von auriga am 07.09.12 19:11:57Danke fürs Reinstellen.
      Leider nichts Neues, betreffend Australien.
      Zumindest Q4 sollten wir etwas erfahren .....
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 08.09.12 17:56:51
      Beitrag Nr. 3.777 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.581.185 von riverstone am 07.09.12 20:03:45SOUTH AFRICA LIFTS THE MORATORIUM ON SHALE GAS EXPLORATION

      TORONTO, September 7, 2012 /CNW/ -- Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSXV: FO), (“Falcon or the Company”) the Toronto listed and Dublin headquartered company focused on unconventional oil and gas exploration and producing assets in Hungary, Australia and South Africa, is pleased to note that the Government of South Africa announced the lifting of the moratorium on shale gas exploration today.

      Falcon holds a 100% interest in a 7.5 million acre Technical Cooperation Permit in the Southwest Karoo Basin which was granted in October 2009. In January 2011, Falcon submitted an application for an exploration right covering the same area. With the lifting of the moratorium, Falcon is now looking forward to feedback from the licensing authority regarding its application before the end of the year.

      The Karoo Basin, which measures 600,000 km2 is located in central and southern South Africa and contains thick, organic rich shales such as the Permian Whitehill Formation. The United States Energy Information Administration’s April 2011 report: “World Shale Gas Resources: An Initial Assessment” estimated that there is 485 trillion cubic feet of technically recoverable shale gas resources in South Africa’s Karoo Basin.

      Philip O’Quigley, CEO of Falcon commented:

      “Falcon welcomes the decision taken by the Government of South Africa today to lift the moratorium on shale gas exploration in the Karoo Basin and looks forward to the finalisation of its exploration right application and the subsequent commencement with the preparations of the exploration area for the exploration activities. .

      Contact details:

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd
      Philip O’Quigley, Chief Executive Officer
      +353(1) 6319177
      +353(87) 814 7042

      FTI Consulting, London and Toronto
      Billy Clegg/Edward Westropp
      +44 207 837 3113

      About Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. is an international oil and gas exploration and production company, listed on
      the TSX Venture Exchange in Toronto under the symbol “FO.” It is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland,
      and has an office in Budapest, Hungary.

      The Company is focussed on unconventional and conventional oil and gas exploration and
      production, and holds producing assets in three major underexplored basins in Australia, Hungary,
      and South Africa.

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. has a strong and experienced management team. John Craven, Chairman and
      Chief Executive Officer of Cove Energy, is a petroleum geologist with thirty-seven years in senior
      technical and executive positions in major and junior oil and gas companies.

      Philip O’Quigley, Chief Executive Officer, has over 20 years’ experience in the oil and gas industry,
      which spans a number of London and Dublin listed E & P companies. Prior to joining Falcon Oil & Gas
      Ltd. he was the Finance Director for Providence Resources, an Irish oil and gas exploration and
      production company.

      For further information on Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. please visit

      Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the
      policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this
      release. Certain information in this press release may constitute forward-looking information. This
      information is based on current expectations that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties
      that are difficult to predict. Actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any
      forward-looking statement. Falcon assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements
      or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking
      statements unless and until required by securities laws applicable to Falcon. Additional information
      identifying risks and uncertainties is contained in Falcon’s filings with the Canadian securities
      regulators, which filings are available at…
      schrieb am 11.09.12 21:21:42
      Beitrag Nr. 3.778 ()
      Item 8.01

      Other Events

      On August 28, 2012, PetroHunter Energy Corporation and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Sweetpea Petroleum Pty Ltd (collectively, the “Company”), received confirmation that Exploration Permits 136 and 143 (EPs 136 and 143) had been granted by and formally lodged with the Northern Territory of Australia. EPs 136 and 143 cover approximately 1.5 million acres in the Beetaloo Basin.

      The Company has entered into a joint venture and operating agreement with Paltar Petroleum Limited (“Paltar”), pursuant to which Paltar agreed to provide all of the necessary funding for the permits and the initial work program expenses required under EPs136 and 143 in exchange for a 50% ownership interest in the EPs. Paltar is controlled by Marc Bruner, a significant shareholder of the Company.

      EPs 136 and 143 are adjacent to EPs 76, 99, and 117, which are currently owned by Falcon Oil & Gas Australia Limited (“Falcon Australia”). The Company owns an approximate 24% ownership interest in Falcon Australia and Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (“Falcon”) owns approximately 73% of Falcon Australia. As announced earlier by Falcon, Hess Australia (Beetaloo) Pty Limited (“Hess”), which entered into a Beetaloo Basin Evaluation and Participation Agreement with Falcon Australia in April 2011 with respect to EPs 76, 98 and 117, commenced the 2D seismic program on the properties, thus far completing approximately 1,200km of the targeted 3,600km, and increased its capital expenditure on the 2D seismic program from $40 million to an anticipated $57 million. The seismic program is expected to be completed by the end of 2012. Falcon Australia is fully carried on the seismic program.

      Subject to Falcon Australia obtaining a 12-month extension of EPs 76, 98 and 117 until December 31, 2013, Hess has until June 20, 2013 to commit to the drilling of five exploration wells on EPs 76, 98 and 117 to earn 62.5% in the exploration permits. If Hess commits, Falcon Australia will be fully carried through the drilling of all five wells. Falcon Australia would also be carried on the first development well, up to a gross cost of $10 million, if Hess should elect to proceed to the development phase.


      Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.


      September 11, 2012

      By: /s/ Martin B. Oring
      Martin B. Oring
      Chief Executive Officer…
      schrieb am 11.09.12 21:39:49
      Beitrag Nr. 3.779 ()
      Warst wieder mal schneller ;)
      SIE LEBT :kiss:
      Na das könnt ja wirklich noch spannend werden!
      In USA gleich mal über 400.000 Stücke gehandelt - das hatten wir schon lange nicht mehr!
      Schönen Abend
      schrieb am 12.09.12 20:52:21
      Beitrag Nr. 3.780 ()
      Creamer im Postfach. Kommen fast jeden Tag ein paar mails von Creamer mit einer Unmenge von Infos. Diesmal Karoo explicit ganz vorne dran.

      South Africa’s Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) says it will move to consider the shale-gas licence applications for the Karoo basin, but indicated on Tuesday that only “normal” exploration “excluding actual hydraulic fracturing”, or fracking, will be allowed until the country’s mining regulations had been “augmented” to take account of the unique issues posed by the process. Mineral Resources Minister Susan Shabangu clarified normal exploration to include...

      Shale licensing to proceed, but exploratory fracking prohibited for now…
      schrieb am 14.09.12 15:10:03
      Beitrag Nr. 3.781 ()
      Creamer Media Videos of the Week

      14th September 2012
      Updated 2 hours 52 minutes ago

      Creamer Media's Mariaan Webb speaks to Engineering News editor Terence Creamer about shale gas exploration in South Africa.…
      schrieb am 14.09.12 20:34:43
      Beitrag Nr. 3.782 ()
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. Announces Extension of Australian Permits

      TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Sept. 14, 2012) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO), ("Falcon or the Company") the Toronto listed and Dublin headquartered company focused on unconventional oil and gas exploration and producing assets in Hungary, Australia and South Africa, is pleased to announce that, further to its press release issued on the 20th August, 2012, the Northern Territory Department of Mines and Energy ("DME") has granted a 12 month extension to Falcon for each of the Permits EP76, EP98 and EP117 which include the majority of the seven million acres (28,000 KM2) in the Beetaloo Basin, NT Australia, which are held 100% by Falcon Oil & Gas Australia Limited, a 73% owned subsidiary of Falcon.

      Separately, the DME has also granted a 12 month extension to Falcon for adjacent EP99 which is the Permit held 100% by Falcon Oil & Gas Australia Limited, and which is excluded from the Farm-Out arrangement with Hess.

      Significance of the Extensions of EP's 76, 98 and 117

      ●The extensions allow Hess Australia (Beetaloo) Pty Limited adequate time to complete the shooting and processing of 3,600km of 2D seismic.
      ●A date of no later than 30th June 2013 has now been agreed with Hess, whereby Hess must exercise its option to elect to drill, or not as the case may be, five exploration wells to earn 62.5% in EPs 76, 98 and 117.
      ●In the event that Hess elects to drill the five exploration wells, Falcon will be fully carried for its 37.5% of the five well exploration program.
      ●Falcon will also receive an additional 37.5% carry on the first development well up to a gross cost of US$10MM.

      Significance of the Extension of EP99

      ●The Company can now move forward with its plans to shoot 150km of 2D seismic in 2013.
      ●Discussions with third parties on the farm-out of EP99 and the Shenandoah well area are continuing.

      Philip O'Quigley, CEO of Falcon commented:

      "Today's announcement now brings certainty to an election drill date by Hess of no later than the 30th June 2013. In addition, in the event that Hess decides to move to the "Development Phase", they have agreed to carry Falcon on the first development well. The extension of EP99, whilst now allowing the Company to progress its plans to shoot 150km of 2D seismic in 2013, enhances the attractiveness of a farm-in deal to third parties."

      About Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. is an international oil and gas exploration and production company, listed on the TSX Venture Exchange in Toronto under the symbol "FO." It is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, and has an office in Budapest, Hungary.

      The Company is focussed on unconventional and conventional oil and gas exploration and production, and holds producing assets in three major underexplored basins in Australia, Hungary, and South Africa.

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. has a strong and experienced management team. John Craven, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Cove Energy, is a petroleum geologist with thirty-seven years in senior technical and executive positions in major and junior oil and gas companies.

      Philip O'Quigley, Chief Executive Officer, has over 20 years' experience in the oil and gas industry, which spans a number of London and Dublin listed E & P companies. Prior to joining Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. he was the Finance Director for Providence Resources, an Irish oil and gas exploration and production company.

      For further information on Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. please visit

      About the Beetaloo Basin and EP's 76, 98, 117 and 99

      The Beetaloo Basin is situated 600km south of Darwin within the Northern Territory of Australia and EP's 76, 98, 117 and 99 cover an area of 7m acres (the Permits"). Local infrastructure including a major highway, two gas pipelines and a railway offer transport options.

      The Permits are held 100% by Falcon Oil & Gas Australia Limited, a 73% owned subsidiary of Falcon. A number of wells (11) were drilled in the Beetaloo by Rio Tinto between 1988 and 1992. Oil and gas bleeds and data confirm all necessary elements of productive shale oil and gas play exist in multiple independent petroleum systems. A Ryder Scott report carried out in 2010 estimates recoverable resources of 18 MMBO and 64 TCF gas from three primary shale and two sandstones. (the full Ryder Scott report is available at (1)

      Certain information in this press release may constitute forward-looking information. This information is based on current expectations that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statement. Falcon assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements unless and until required by securities laws applicable to Falcon. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties is contained in Falcon's filings with the Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available at

      Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.…
      schrieb am 27.09.12 23:17:57
      Beitrag Nr. 3.783 ()
      newtofo at the AGM (09 25 2012)

      There were some good updates at the AGM, with the majority of information that was covered by the new CEO, Philip O'Quigley, being from the latest Presentations that are on the Falcon website.

      The key points that I got from the meeting were:

      1. All projects will be moving forward entirely on a JV basis with very little capital requirements from Falcon - until such a time as production decisions are made;

      2. The deal with NIS for exploring for the less deep gas in the Mako trough is just waiting for a tax ruling from Hungary - to the effect that the tax rates won't change with NIS as the operator versus Falcon's existing tax ruling. This ruling should come sometime in October and is expected to be positive, which will allow NIS to move forward with drilling starting hopefully in the first quarter of 2013;

      3. There have been a few recent enquiries about developing the Mako deep gas, with Mr. O'Quigley's thoughts that any new JV in that direction would include a possible fracking of the Mako 7 and Mako 4 wells, which have never been properly tested. There has been no major effort put forth in finding a new JV partner for that deep gas project as yet, but a more concentrated effort on that front is expected next year once all the data and core samples that are in Denver now - have been moved to Hungary. Hungary will become the new main Technical Center office for Falcon;

      4. Hess is moving forward on their seismic work and is fully expected to be complete before the beginning of November and before the rainy season cuts off any further work. Hess has two seismic crews working hard and is covering up to 35 kilometers a day. Hess will then have until next June to assess the seismic results and determine a 5 well drilling program - if they decide to go forward?? If they complete a 5 well drilling program, then a sixth well is called for - at Hess's sole expense - to somewhat offset the extension of time they were given;

      5. Philip O'Quigley, said that he expects Falcon to receive an exploration permit for the Karoo sometime in the fourth quarter of this year, since Falcon's application was in before the moratorium. Even though the government in S.A. will not be authorizing any fracking until an Oversite Committee has been put in place - with strict environmental guidelines, the CEO expects that Falcon will have allot of JV interest as soon as the exploration permit is issued! The recent news about the moratorium being lifted has generated a great deal of publicity and interest from a number of directions. Any development of the Karoo will require a JV partner to be in place - as the future plans for fracking in the Karoo will require a great deal of input from the JV partner - as it will be the JV Partner's expertise in fracking and their overall experience in deep drilling/fracking that the Oversite Committee will be relying upon. The CEO said that they will be looking for a JV partner with both the skill sets required along with hopefully a strong connection to S.A.

      Philip O'Quigley came across as a very down to earth, capable and positive new head of Falcon and seems to have the right focus for getting the best growth with the least dilution. The representative from Burlingame was also at the meeting and said a few words along the same lines. Burlingame's continued 18% equity position seems to be strong and is a very good endorsement for holding going forward until further developments.
      . . .…
      THX for reporting.
      schrieb am 28.09.12 21:41:09
      Beitrag Nr. 3.784 ()
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. Announces Changes to the Board of Directors

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Sept. 27, 2012) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO) ("Falcon") is pleased to announce that Philip O'Quigley and David Harris have been elected to Falcon's Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting ("AGM") of shareholders held in Vancouver on September 25th, 2012. The appointment of Mr. O'Quigley and Mr. Harris is subject to TSX Venture Exchange approval.

      Robert Macaulay and Andrew Morris stepped down from the board with effect from the AGM date.

      Mr. O'Quigley and Mr. Harris join the following six returning directors: Igor Akhmerov, JoAchim Conrad, John Craven, Daryl H. Gilbert, Gregory Smith and Dr. György Szabó.

      Mr. O'Quigley has been Chief Executive Officer of Falcon Oil & Gas since May 2012 and has over 20 years' experience in the oil and gas industry, spanning a number of London and Dublin listed E&P companies. Prior to joining Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. he was the Finance Director for Providence Resources, an Irish oil and gas exploration and production company.

      Mr. Harris is the proprietor of DGH International GeoConsulting and holds a B.Sc. Geology with Honours from University of Calgary.

      John Craven, Chairman of Falcon commented:

      "I am delighted to welcome Philip and David to Falcon's board. Their combination of commercial and technical experience brings a valuable perspective to Falcon as we seek to maximise value from our high potential assets and grow the business."

      "In addition, I would like to sincerely thank Robert Macaulay and Andrew Morris for their service to the company."

      About Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. is an international oil and gas exploration and production company, listed on the TSX Venture Exchange in Toronto under the symbol FO.V. It is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, and has an office in Budapest, Hungary.

      The Company is focussed on unconventional and conventional oil and gas exploration and production, and holds producing assets in three major underexplored basins in Australia, Hungary, and South Africa.

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. has a strong and experienced management team. John Craven is a petroleum geologist with thirty-seven years in senior technical and executive positions in major and junior oil and gas companies. Most recently he was Chairman & CEO of Cove Energy, which was sold to PTTEP for USD1.9 Billion in the summer of 2012.

      Philip O'Quigley, Chief Executive Officer, has over 20 years' experience in the oil and gas industry, spanning a number of London and Dublin listed E & P companies. Prior to joining Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. he was the Finance Director for Providence Resources Plc, an Irish oil and gas exploration and production company.

      For further information about Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd., please visit

      Certain information in this press release may constitute forward-looking information. This information is based on current expectations that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statement. Falcon assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements unless and until required by securities laws applicable to Falcon. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties is contained in Falcon's filings with the Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available at

      Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.…
      schrieb am 28.09.12 22:32:34
      Beitrag Nr. 3.785 ()
      Rob also jetzt doch ganz raus. OK. Das ist ein neues Falcon. Es macht mir nicht den schlechtesten Eindruck in der Weiterentwicklung, im Gegenteil. Wer weiß auch was Robert für Pläne hat. – Der Anstieg vom Tiefpunkt – sagen wir mal einstweilen eine echte Verdoppelung – in einer Aktie die man gut kennt – war ein wenig in der Wahrscheinlichkeit zu antizipieren. Dieses ist nicht so sehr daytrading, aber auch eher ein Kurzfristtrading – Zeitrahmen MOnate – was total Spaß macht wie ich finde. – Erinnert mich ein wenig an eine Deutsche Post-Schwankung vor Jahren in einem relativ geringen Intervall – welches ich aber auch ganz gut kannte(nur nebenbei).

      Ausgelöst ursprünglich von Petrohunter – Beetaloo Basin – und nun etwas im Fahrwasser von Falcon – the times they are a-changin’ – ist auch Perohunter ausgesprochen interessant auf diesen Tiefständen IMHO. Sowohl in Bezug auf Falcon AUS als auch in Bezug auf das JV mit Paltar Petroleum denkt Oring wohl nicht daran das Licht auszuschalten, im Gegenteil: Ich glaube kaum dass Gläubiger und Aktionäre Petrohunter wirklich abgeschrieben haben trotz einer Mega- Verschuldung. Kaum ein Schuldner dieser Größenordnung hat auch derart positive Entwicklungschancen anzubieten, die 70 Mio USD Schulden oder so leicht in den Schatten stellen KÖNNEN. That’s the nature of the game. And there is no way to know in advance what the Betaloo Basin contains for real.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 01.10.12 21:30:20
      Beitrag Nr. 3.786 ()
      Herzlichen Dank - Dein letzter Absatz trifft den Nagel auf den Kopf!
      Ich hoffe wir kommen in den Genuss, um wirklich noch zu erfahren, was das basin alles in sich trägt!!
      Die Chancen dafür waren auch schon weit schlechter als jetzt......
      schrieb am 03.10.12 10:44:19
      Beitrag Nr. 3.787 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.659.689 von auriga am 28.09.12 22:32:34phun nachbarn
      schrieb am 05.10.12 00:07:04
      Beitrag Nr. 3.788 ()
      @river et texas

      Bruner jetzt auch mit einem Antrag auf offshore exploration.

      Critics of Arnhem Land mining prepare for battle
      Melanie Arnost

      Posted Fri Sep 28, 2012 3:47pm AEST
      Map: Darwin 0800

      The daughter of a traditional owner in northern Arnhem Land says her community will fight an oil and gas mining company to block it from exploring in their country.

      The Northern Land Council met with people in Maningrida yesterday to discuss Paltar Petroleum's application for offshore exploration licences in the Arafura Sea.

      Heleana Gulwa attended the meeting and says the Maningrida community is considering gathering support from overseas.

      "We're going to fight as much as we can, " she said.

      "If it takes all powers, whatever powers we can find, even if we have to go to another country like Canada and First Nation people and ask them to help us fight this.

      "You know if we need to go overseas and fight this you know we'll do it."…

      PS: FFM hat die Einführung des neuen quotation board bis Dezember 2012 gestreckt. So einige companies sind einstweilen auf der Streichliste, haben aber noch die Möglichkeit sich zu qualifizieren. Demnächst kann man sich damit noch mal ausführlicher beschäftigen.

      @susi: schau dir die Liste bitte mal an.....wird wöchentlich aktualisiert………

      PS II: auf meinem aktuellen Stand ist Petrohunter für das quotation board in FFM qualifiziert. Die Löschung von Petrohunter in FFM hat MM nach andere Gründe. Ich finde es auf dem jetzigen Stand für PHUN eher günstig in FFM als auch in Stuttgart ausgesetzt zu sein.
      schrieb am 06.10.12 00:33:21
      Beitrag Nr. 3.789 ()
      Frankfurt hat einstweilen die OTCQB für den Freiverkehr im quotation board nicht anerkannt. PHUN erscheint bei der NASDAQ(welche die OTCBB enthält) nurmehr als bei der OTCQB gelistet, nicht mehr bei der NASDAQ. Dieses ist bei Weitem unzeitgemäß. Nicht die OTCQB aber FFM. PHUN hätte also zur Zeit, was die first quotation für Quotation FFM betrifft schlechte Karten. Ich denke so geht es vielen ähnlichen companies. Man kann sich fragen was mit Frankfurt los ist. Wer die OTCQB nicht der OTCBB zumindest äquivalent stellt hat die Entwicklung in USA absolut verschlafen. FFM wird das früher oder später korrigieren glaube ich.
      schrieb am 06.10.12 00:44:00
      Beitrag Nr. 3.790 ()
      schrieb am 06.10.12 00:47:56
      Beitrag Nr. 3.791 ()
      schrieb am 06.10.12 01:09:22
      Beitrag Nr. 3.792 ()
      Folgendes könnte man Frankfurt zugute halten: am Beispiel PHUN stellvertretend für viele andere: First Quotation Board ist die OTCBB als Teil der NASDAQ. Also ist die OTCQB nicht mehr first quotation sondern second quotation. – Und dann Anforderungen an einschlägige – sogenannte second quotation – companies stellen, welche Spezialisten eingeben müssen als erfüllt, die von Hause aus bei der Open Markets Group – hier allerdings OTCQB – schon längst erfüllt sind (OTCBB-äquivalent) und nicht mehr zusätzlich überprüft werden müssen. Hallo. Gehts noch? Aufwachen Frankfurt!
      schrieb am 06.10.12 01:31:57
      Beitrag Nr. 3.793 ()
      Wobei PHUN nur ein sehr bedingtes Beispiel ist, weil vorher schon in FFM gelöscht aufgrund von Kündigung von Marktteilnehmern quasi unabhängig von der aktuellen Entwicklung. Alle die sich in OTCQB halten sollten für FFM OK sein. – That’s good enough. – Have a nice weekend.
      schrieb am 08.10.12 22:25:47
      Beitrag Nr. 3.794 ()
      2012 Press Releases
      FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 8, 2012

      Halliburton Advances Perforating Technology with Opening of New Flow Laboratory

      HOUSTON – (Oct. 8, 2012) – Halliburton (NYSE: HAL) today announced the official opening of its state-of-the-art Advanced Perforating Flow Lab (APFL). The new facility expands Halliburton’s global perforating research, development and testing capabilities with leading-edge technologies that simulate the most extreme real-world reservoir conditions and provide customers with unique perforating solutions that help optimize reservoir performance.

      “Halliburton once again is stepping ahead and leading the industry in perforating technology,” said David Topping, Vice President of Halliburton’s Wireline and Perforating business line. “With our new facilities, we have the capability to reproduce the conditions we are going to find downhole, whether in deepwater, unconventional resources or mature fields, thereby providing our customers with access to information that will help with the right choice of perforation design to maximize their assets.”

      The facility includes four independent testing rooms, an integrated command and control center, a core preparation laboratory, and an extensive perforated core analysis laboratory for post-test evaluation.

      Among the lab’s game-changing technologies are: flow vessels with the ability to conduct tests that simulate downhole reservoir conditions, including pressures and temperatures with a maximum rating of 50,000 psi and 400°F; test vessels with the ability to rotate 180 degrees to perform gravity-related sanding studies; and a perforated core analysis laboratory that utilizes the latest computed tomography (CT) imaging technology to evaluate perforator performance and reservoir inflow.

      The APFL is located in Alvarado, Texas, at Halliburton’s Jet Research Center (JRC), an 800-acre campus, where, for half a century, Halliburton has provided energetic solutions to the global energy industry.

      About Halliburton

      Founded in 1919, Halliburton is one of the world’s largest providers of products and services to the energy industry. With more than 70,000 employees in approximately 80 countries, the company serves the upstream oil and gas industry throughout the life cycle of the reservoir – from locating hydrocarbons and managing geological data, to drilling and formation evaluation, well construction and completion, and optimizing production through the life of the field. Visit the company’s website at……
      schrieb am 10.10.12 21:45:50
      Beitrag Nr. 3.795 ()
      different thoughts about Bruner on facebook
      schrieb am 10.10.12 21:55:24
      Beitrag Nr. 3.796 ()
      Heute haben wir mal wieder seit längerem ein schönes Handelsvolumen in den USA.
      Ein druchbrechen der 0,02 und dann ein Halten wär mal schön - wird zwar schwierig werden ohne weitere news, aber wer weiss.
      Die Hess Entscheidung rückt ja auch immer näher (spätestens Ende Juni 2013) und weitere Verhandlungen mit eventuellen weiteren Partner laufen ja auch noch!
      Das wär was wenn es hier noch so richtig spannend wird!!!
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 18.10.12 22:00:09
      Beitrag Nr. 3.797 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.700.063 von riverstone am 10.10.12 21:55:24Shouldn’t upcoming autumn be the right time to reread Bruners first newsletter to investors in terms of Paltar – from late August 2012 – , looks at follows:


      ●Prospectus for IPO was prepared and ready to go in November 2011

      ●Licence applications executed for two core tenements – EP 143 & EP 136 in the Beetaloo Basin

      ●Seismic data reprocessing highlights prospectivity of the Beetaloo Basin

      ●Roper Group formations sets Paltar apart in terms of large conventional and unconventional oil structures

      ●The Beetaloo’s unique Roper Group formations continues to attract drilling investment from international E&P companies

      ●Independent Geologist Report completed 4th quarter 2011

      ●Equity raising to instigate core drilling program to significantly enhance EP’s value

      ●Discussions with major JV farm-in potential partners

      The Board of Paltar Petroleum Limited ("Paltar") has been working hard for shareholders to build a petroleum exploration business and add significant incremental value. This newsletter covers key developments made over the past 12 months.

      Throughout 2011 Paltar worked with Morgan Stanley, King and Wood Mallesons and Deloittes to prepare a prospectus to go to market in late November last year. After much deliberation, the advisors decided that it was not the best time to list given broader market conditions and global uncertainty, and we decided to postpone the float until the new year.

      Paltar's Board then met in January 2012 and an updated business plan was implemented that has focused on building the value proposition across Paltar’s 26 million acres in 8 Australian prospective oil & gas basins.

      The Oil Opportunity

      The logs from each well enable the identification of various Roper Group formations,
      which are geologically significant because all oil and gas shows from previous wells
      have occurred within this Roper Group.

      Paltar believes the entire Roper Group formations are identified above 1500 metres
      along both margins of the basin, and all drilling targets are in this relatively shallow
      oil window. These anticline type features on Paltar’s Beetaloo permits are the standout
      and unique geological structures that provides the opportunity for Paltar to drill
      for large trapped oil reservoirs, both conventional and unconventional.

      The other compelling feature of Paltar’s oil opportunity in the Roper Group, as
      opposed to gas, is the relative advantage of translating a discovery into production
      and the subsequent ability to efficiently get product quickly to market via road and

      EP 136 NT

      All of the Roper Group formations as well as the older and deeper Nathan and McCarthur Group formations are present. Two large anticlinal structures cover the entire Roper Group. Our geologists are pleased to see these formations on our maps.

      In summary EP 136 appears to have large potential for the existence of conventional and unconventional trapped oil and gas.

      EP 143 NT

      The seismic interpretation indicates the occurrence of five structurally compartmentalised zones with at least two anticlinal features identified. Along the eastern edge of the permit all Roper Nathan and McCarthur groups are present. Structural zone one at the eastern edge contains a prominent high magnitude anticline. On the west side of the permit there is a very large anticline present with the Moroak and Bessie Creek Sandstones present, at depths of less than 1500 metres. The seismic advocates a western verging thrust zone, with multiple structures that are prospective traps for both conventional oil and gas. EP 143
      is geologically very similar to the adjacent tenement EP 117 operated by Hess Corporation.

      We are also greatly encouraged that the Beetaloo continues to attract investment from oil and gas majors, with neighbouring company Falcon Oil and Gas announcing on 20 August 2012 that Hess is set to increase “its capital expenditure on the 2D seismic program from US$40m to an anticipated US$57.5m” and that “Hess has now deployed two seismic crews, Western Geco and Terrex, in the Beetaloo Basin.”

      Officer Basin, Western Australia

      EP 468 WA

      We are very pleased to report good progress with our permit in Western Australia in the Officer Basin near Kalgoorlie. We completed the acquisition of EP 468 from Phoenix Oil and Gas Limited on 30 September 2011. We have since visited the Yeo Lake Nature Reserve and met with the Traditional Owners, and now have entry permit to have contractors traverse the land to undertake flora and fauna surveys. We have commissioned a heritage survey and are in the process of obtaining drilling quotations, in order to core drill this tenement.

      New Permits

      The additional 19 million acres in 6 more basins completes Paltar’s portfolio of permits that we believe are excellent prospects for conventional and unconventional oil and gas accumulates.

      An Independent Geologist’s Report covering Paltar’s portfolio was conducted by Global Resources & Infrastructure in 4th quarter 2011. The Independent Geologist undertook a comparison of Paltar’s Beetaloo Basin exploration permit application geology with several North American unconventional oil and gas formations. One of the key findings was that Paltar’s Velkerri and Kyalla formations identified in the Beetaloo were potentially comparable to the Bakken and Niobrara North American formations, which have been the source for very large oil and gas discoveries in recent years.

      JV / Farm-in potential

      Paltar’s Board also made the decision to actively seek interest from major Australian, Asian and American oil and gas E&P companies regarding potential farm-in joint venture agreements. The trade-off in obtaining suitable farm-in partners lies in gaining immediate support to undertake a seismic, coring, vertical and horizontal drilling program, to move faster to a production phase. Whilst strict confidentiality agreements prohibit Paltar from disclosing potential partners, we can advise, substantial interest is already evident in our farm-in data room. We hope to provide an update on this aspect in due course.

      Apex Production Forecast and Reserve Predictors

      Paltar commissioned Apex Petroleum Engineering, a world class USA oil and gas engineering consulting company, headed by Mr John Harkrider, to prepare a report on a model of likely recoveries of oil in the Beetaloo Basins.

      Our website contains a full copy of this report. The estimated most likely recoveries for the Beetaloo Basin could be over 1 million barrels per well (Table 1 of Apex report dated 25 July 2012 as per column P50 Eur Velkerri 1 and 2 516 plus 642).

      . . .…
      schrieb am 18.10.12 22:16:26
      Beitrag Nr. 3.798 ()
      Paltar’s Board also made the decision to actively seek interest from major Australian, Asian and American oil and gas E&P companies regarding potential farm-in joint venture agreements. The trade-off in obtaining suitable farm-in partners lies in gaining immediate support to undertake a seismic, coring, vertical and horizontal drilling program, to move faster to a production phase. Whilst strict confidentiality agreements prohibit Paltar from disclosing potential partners, we can advise, substantial interest is already evident in our farm-in data room. We hope to provide an update on this aspect in due course.

      Bruner being highly optimistic once again I quess :cool: take it away ;)
      schrieb am 18.10.12 23:22:26
      Beitrag Nr. 3.799 ()
      Apex Petroleum Engineering

      Production Forecast and Reserve Estimates
      Bakken Formation
      Williston Basin, North Dakota U.S.A.

      The attached report provides a summary of the production response and predicted reserves for Bakken completions in the Williston Basin, North Dakota. The report compares recent APEX completions to adjacent offsets wells and illustrates the impact different completion techniques have on ultimate recovery predictions. Technology advancement and completion execution are important variables that influence the production responses in unconventional reservoirs. Though the conclusions within this report are limited to the dataset, general statements and trends observed could be extrapolated to the broader Williston Basin.

      Also, we provide findings relative to our finite difference simulation for Beetaloo exploration
      activity. The results are confined by the assumptions of key reservoir parameters.…
      schrieb am 21.10.12 19:33:52
      Beitrag Nr. 3.800 ()
      In diesen Zusammenhang passt, denke ich mal, auch ganz gut ein reread der letzten Petro news vor ein paar Wochen. So einigen Kollegen auf agora scheinen die Paltar-Zusammenhänge noch etwas neu, Es geht um die Außenbezirke im Beetaloo Basin. Für diese macht Paltar ein 50 50 JV mit Petrohunter. Petrohunter ist also sowohl in Falcon Australia – und somit das Kerngebiet im Beetaloo – als auch in die Randgebiete des Beetaloo Basins – mit Paltar investiert. – Für das 50 % JV zahlte Paltar USD 300 000 anteilsmäßig an PHUN, ansonsten übernimmt Paltar die ersten Explorationskosten und so für Petrohunter mit. – Die Falcon shares von Petrohunter sind alle raus, zuletzt von Oring mit leichtem Verlust ganz verkauft. – Die Falcon Australia shares – 50 million shares FO AUS – sind – of course – alle noch da und bedeuten einen 24-%-Anteil aktuell an FO AUS, und zählen im equity accounting von PHUN aktuell als USD 0.00.

      The petro news of late looked as follows:

      On August 28, 2012, PetroHunter Energy Corporation and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Sweetpea Petroleum Pty Ltd (collectively, the “Company”), received confirmation that Exploration Permits 136 and 143 (EPs 136 and 143) had been granted by and formally lodged with the Northern Territory of Australia. EPs 136 and 143 cover approximately 1.5 million acres in the Beetaloo Basin.

      The Company has entered into a joint venture and operating agreement with Paltar Petroleum Limited (“Paltar”), pursuant to which Paltar agreed to provide all of the necessary funding for the permits and the initial work program expenses required under EPs136 and 143 in exchange for a 50% ownership interest in the EPs. Paltar is controlled by Marc Bruner, a significant shareholder of the Company.

      EPs 136 and 143 are adjacent to EPs 76, 99, and 117, which are currently owned by Falcon Oil & Gas Australia Limited (“Falcon Australia”). The Company owns an approximate 24% ownership interest in Falcon Australia and Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (“Falcon”) owns approximately 73% of Falcon Australia. As announced earlier by Falcon, Hess Australia (Beetaloo) Pty Limited (“Hess”), which entered into a Beetaloo Basin Evaluation and Participation Agreement with Falcon Australia in April 2011 with respect to EPs 76, 98 and 117, commenced the 2D seismic program on the properties, thus far completing approximately 1,200km of the targeted 3,600km, and increased its capital expenditure on the 2D seismic program from $40 million to an anticipated $57 million. The seismic program is expected to be completed by the end of 2012. Falcon Australia is fully carried on the seismic program.

      Subject to Falcon Australia obtaining a 12-month extension of EPs 76, 98 and 117 until December 31, 2013, Hess has until June 20, 2013 to commit to the drilling of five exploration wells on EPs 76, 98 and 117 to earn 62.5% in the exploration permits. If Hess commits, Falcon Australia will be fully carried through the drilling of all five wells. Falcon Australia would also be carried on the first development well, up to a gross cost of $10 million, if Hess should elect to proceed to the development phase.
      schrieb am 21.10.12 19:44:06
      Beitrag Nr. 3.801 ()
      Ist hier noch kursmässig was zu erwarten, oder tote Hülle die vor sich hindümpelt?
      schrieb am 21.10.12 20:33:46
      Beitrag Nr. 3.802 ()
      Hi C....erneut gute Frage....PetroHunter has about 26 million shares of Falcon per their 2009 press releases and a 25% interest in Falcon Australia if I'm not mistaken. Solyomtwo can probably confirm this fact. For all intents and purposes PetroHunter is only existing due to its interests in Falcon. Otherwise it would probably go away. PetroHunter owns Sweetpea. They are heavy in debt and will only survive and pay off debts if Falcon produces in Australia. For the past year it has been trading for one cent and in the past week has jumped to 3 cents. They normally don't see a 100,000 in shares selling and now it has had a few days of millions of shares. If I see that kind of activity - I would think we are going to hear something about Falcon Australia....….I am very much in agreement on this with Mr has even to add the quite new JV of PHUN with Paltar Petroleum as described above....regards....A
      schrieb am 21.10.12 21:47:21
      Beitrag Nr. 3.803 ()
      Some pics from the Paltar HP may illustrate once again the near-complete coverage of the Beetaloo Basin by PHUN(Sweetpea) – Paltar(Sinovus) Hess and FO for now.

      Location of Beetaloo Basin

      2,000,000 acres. Two thermally mature, thick source rocks (each~800M). Large unconventional resource. Complex (oil & gas). Large untested structures for conventional resources

      Prospective based on gravity data

      Falcon's interpretation of seismic, geology and gravity.

      Cut out of seismic section

      The cut out of seismic section demonstrates multiple thrust sheets. Paltar believes that this is an over thrust belt that contains the possibility of giant conventional as well as unconventional targets.

      Gereralised Stratigraphic Column

      Recoverable Beetaloo Volumes
      Ryder Scott 2010
      high 28.4 billion barrels of oil
      high 91.4 TCF of natural gas

      for a change, mentioned high (laugh)
      schrieb am 25.10.12 21:08:53
      Beitrag Nr. 3.804 ()
      schrieb am 27.10.12 23:47:56
      Beitrag Nr. 3.805 ()
      Sinovus ist involviert in das über Morgan Stanley geplante Paltar floating an der ASX, ja, wo sonst. Paltar arbeitet relativ eng zusammen mit Sinovus. Sinovus soll beim Paltar floating mindestens 10 % an Paltar halten, was inzwischen schon vollzogen ist.

      So ist Darrel John Causbrook – a Chartered Accountant – sowohl Director im Paltar als auch im Sinovus-Board, als ein Beispiel für diese Interaktion.

      Sinovus hängt zur Zeit etwas chartmäßig durch, halte ich aber für nicht so tragisch, gerade in Australien, es gibt dort ne ganze Menge solcher charts, sozusagen an der Tagesordnung, man erinnere sich nur an Lakes Oil und unseren alten Freund Bob Annels.

      Gleichwohl hat Sinovus nun gerade in diesen Tagen seinen annual report veröffentlicht, der sich ganz gut blättert, auch in Blick auf Australien, die australische Börse, und der auch eine ganz interessante Passage über Paltar enthält.


      Paltar Petroleum Limited

      Paltar Petroleum Limited (“Paltar”) is an unconventional oil and gas company focused on the acquisition and exploration of large, unconventional oil and gas projects around the world, and particularly exploration permits in the Northern Territory of Australia.

      During the year, Sinovus has acquired more than 10% of Paltar’s ordinary shares.

      Paltar has a 50% farm-in arrangement with Sweetpea Petroleum Pty Limited over 3 exploration permit applications in the Beetaloo Basin in the Northern Territory: EPA 136, EPA 143 and EPA 197. Since the end of the financial year, EP 136 and EP 143 have now been granted.

      Paltar has also acquired EP 468 in the Officer Basin in Western Australia and has been granted or has under application a further 32 permits across six sedimentary basins in the Northern Territory.…

      Bruners neuer Australien-Ansatz gefällt mir an sich ganz gut. Konzentration auf die Northern Territories, zu denen auch schon ganz gute Beziehungen aufgebaut wurden. Nach den Treffern in der Umgebung in Australien mag man sich kaum ausdenken was ein erster Treffer im Bereich Paltar Sinovus Petrohunter Sweetpea Hess Falcon Australia auslösen könnte im Beetaloo Basin. Die Entwicklung ist allerdings zeit-intensiv, keine Frage.

      Sinovus Mining Ltd (ASX: SNV) is an Australian based junior resource company, primarily focused on developing its gold assets in the Heilongjiang region of north-eastern China.

      Sinovus also has an interest in a Chinese coal mine, and holds a strategic investment in an unconventional oil and gas project in the Northern Territory of Australia.…

      Schönen Sonntag
      schrieb am 29.10.12 22:34:24
      Beitrag Nr. 3.806 ()
      Hess Reschedules Earnings Release Conference Call

      NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 29, 2012-- Hess Corporation (NYSE: HES) announced today that in light of Hurricane Sandy, it has rescheduled its third quarter 2012 earnings conference call to Friday, November 2, at 10 a.m. EDT.…

      Helicopter and Rescue Goes on Sale Nov. 9

      NEW YORK (Oct. 29, 2012) – Hess Toy Truck fans worked together to reveal the newest addition to the celebrated line of toy trucks ahead of its scheduled Nov. 1 launch: The 2012 Hess Toy Truck is a Helicopter and Rescue. Last week, fans began to uncover hints and image pieces of the new Toy Truck model through 30,000 linked social actions such as posting a Hess Toy Truck collectors badge on Facebook, tweeting #hesstruck2012 and checking in at Hess Express locations.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 04.11.12 18:21:25
      Beitrag Nr. 3.807 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.764.504 von auriga am 29.10.12 22:34:24Ganz interessant zum Lesen:…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 04.11.12 23:11:57
      Beitrag Nr. 3.808 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.784.514 von riverstone am 04.11.12 18:21:25Ja, schon. Gerade nochmal etwas detaillierter durchgelesen. Eine erste neue coverage für Falcon, from Dublin. We currently value Falcon Oil & Gas in the 33.5c to 35c range on a risked basis and CAD 15.18 on an un-risked basis. Klingt natürlich nicht schlecht. Un-risked allerdings braucht Treffer in mindestens einem asset, was einstweilen noch zu den ungelösten Problemen zählt.

      Under new management, the company has streamlined operations to reduce annual SG&A cash burn to below $5m going forward; management is now based in Dublin rather than Colorado. With this move completed, Falcon believes it has enough cash for operations over the coming two years, by which time it hopes to have farmed down some of its assets and de-risked part of the portfolio following seismic and drilling programs.

      Bei USD 8.8 Mio cash im Juni für Falcon sind dann zwei Jahre mit unter 5 Mio USD im Jahr gerade so abkalkuliert, wenn Hess Mitte 13 für drillen entscheidet kosten die ersten fünf wells Falcon erst mal gar nichts. USD 10 Mio werden für den ersten development well von Falcon selbst dann von Hess zusätzlich übernommen. USD 10 Mio für einen ersten d well übernommen. Daran kann man schon erkennen, sobald die Sache ins Laufen kommt gehen wir in andere Kostendimensionen und die Finanzierung wird erneut das alles entscheidende Thema. Nice problems to have, wenn wir soweit kommen. Will we?

      Hess hat ein supi Quartal hingelegt, allerdings mit Einmaleffekten. Und spendet USD 5 Mio für Sandy. An Hess erkennt man erneut wo die Musik spielt, beim Geld, wenn denn die asstes laufen. Exxon in Hungary war exorbitant teuer.

      Falcon ist nicht Teil der 13 F securities und erscheint deshalb nicht im sec filing von Burlingame als auch nicht in der nasdaq Liste von Burlingame. Gleichwohl hält Burlingame 18 % an Falcon. Burlingame hält eventuell auch stellvertretend für Kunden als eine Art Deckadresse(dieses wäre allerdings ein Thema für sich und ist hier nur als eine spekulative These zu betrachten, die noch zu beweisen wäre, nachzuweisen wäre).…………
      Die Falcon shares von Burlingame erscheinen soweit nicht öffentlich – müssen auch nicht gefiled werden bei der SEC – , sind aber vorhanden.

      Hast du Zugang, River?

      Bitte berichten(laugh).

      Guten Wochenstart.
      schrieb am 06.11.12 17:38:37
      Beitrag Nr. 3.809 ()
      Will we?
      Of course - yes we can! :)
      Schauen wir mal, wie lange der Spruch noch aktuell ist!

      Die nächste grosse Runde der Finanzierung werden wir hoffentlich erleben.
      Ich glaube wenn wir soweit kommen, dass die ersten Ergebnisse von Hess von den 5 wells positiv ausfallen, dann sollte die Finanzierung eigenltich durchgehen - die Frage dabei wird allerdings sein, wieviel uns dass von den derzeit uns noch verbleibenden Anteilen wieder kosten wird????

      Aber das sehe ich dann schon als Luxus gegenüber den letzten Jahren an!

      Nein habe auch keinen Zugang!

      Danke, ebenfalls eine schöne Woche!
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 08.11.12 21:06:18
      Beitrag Nr. 3.810 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.792.390 von riverstone am 06.11.12 17:38:37Five fucking bucks getting PHUN down 30 per cent. How phunny is that? OK. One step at a time.

      Bruner moving forward in the Northern Territory of Australia in the meantime.

      31 October 2012


      Paltar Petroleum (‘Paltar’) today announced plans to undertake a strategic core drilling programme on two of its exploration licence areas in the Beetaloo Basin, Northern Territory. The Company is currently finalising all necessary permits to undertake the drilling programme.

      The results of Paltar’s drilling programme are expected to underpin an equity raising and IPO for the company in 2013.

      The coring programme is expected to commence in early 2013 and will involve up to 12 holes being drilled across EP 143 and EP 136. Two rigs will be utilised to carry out the programme, with each well to take up to 45 days to core.

      Paltar has done extensive reprocessing of all seismic data on EP 143 and EP 136. Analysis of log data from historic wells in the Beetaloo by Paltar’s Chief Geologist, Dr Ben Law, identified various Roper Group formations, which are geologically significant because all oil and gas shows from historical wells in the Beetaloo Basin have occurred within this Group. This analysis forms the basis for the coring programme which will target the shallow oil window that Paltar considers to be present at depths of less than 1500 metres.

      Anticlinal traps, which have also been identified on 136 and 143, will be targeted in the coring programme. Each well will be continuously cored to a depth of 1500m in order to penetrate the target objectives in the Roper Group formation, including both conventional and unconventional oil formations.

      EP 136 NT
      EP 136 appears to have large potential for the existence of conventional and unconventional trapped oil and gas. All of the Roper Group formations as well as the older and deeper Nathan and McCarthur Group formations are present. The northern portion of EP 136 lies close to the Arnold Arch, a prominent structure that has been present since early in the depositional history of the Beetaloo Basin. The Arch has a high probability of having received very large volumes of hydrocarbons to charge reservoirs that are present, including the Bessie Creek Sandstone, the Moroak Sandstone, and the Jamison Sandstone. Additional reservoirs in the Hayfield Mudstone may also be present.

      Oil and gas shows in the Antrim Volcanics, Jamison, Moroak, and Bessie Creek SS provide evidence for conventionally trapped gas and oil in non-shale rocks and oil and gas shows in the Kyalla and Valkerri shales are indicative of unconventional accumulations.

      EP 143 NT
      The seismic interpretation indicates the occurrence of five structurally compartmentalised zones with at least two anticlinal features identified. Along the eastern edge of the permit all Roper Nathan and McCarthur groups are present. Structural zone one at the eastern edge contains a prominent high magnitude anticline. On the west side of the permit there is a very large anticline present with the Moroak and Bessie Creek Sandstones present, at depths of less than 1500 metres. The seismic advocates a western verging thrust zone, with multiple structures that are prospective traps for both conventional oil and gas.

      Exploration Permits 136 and 143 are adjacent to where Hess Corporation is completing a major seismic programme.

      The Beetaloo Basin continues to attract interest from oil and gas majors, with both Hess Corporation and Falcon Oil & Gas actively involved in exploration and drilling in the area.



      Paltar is focused on the exploration for conventional and unconventional oil and gas in Australia. Paltar has interests in 26 million acres in 8 Australian prospective oil and gas basins across the Northern Territory and Western Australia.

      Northern Territory

      Paltar has interests in 2 million acres comprising EP 136, EP 143 and EPA 197 in the Beetaloo Basin, Northern Territory. In the Western Region three exploration permits EP 231, 234, 237 have been granted, with an additional six permits held under application. Paltar also holds exploration permit applications for 21 EPA’s, covering 19 million acres across 6 onshore and offshore basins.

      Western Australia

      Paltar acquired EP 468, covering 5 million acres in the Officer Basin, Western Australia, in 30 September 2011.…
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 08.11.12 21:20:29
      Beitrag Nr. 3.811 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.803.970 von auriga am 08.11.12 21:06:18<<Five fucking bucks getting PHUN down 30 per cent.

      NOT funny :D
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 08.11.12 23:00:06
      Beitrag Nr. 3.812 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.804.040 von Charly_2 am 08.11.12 21:20:29Got it, terms of Paltar we really do need a listing on the ASX down the road....this concerns PHUN as well as Paltar themselves....if Paltar will get started in the near future, to the best of my belief, PHUN will do also.....Paltar has become so far a kind of a cart horse of cannot expect message boards about Palter Petroleum in Australia at this very early stage of a Company starting from the bottom , but first stirrings are actually appearing on the horizon....this post from Australia by Moneypenny...…contains a brilliant list, an overview, of what´s going on currently in Australia in terms of permits as of shale gas and stuff like that....…patience being required down the road as well.......have a good start into the weekend....regards....A
      schrieb am 17.11.12 18:26:46
      Beitrag Nr. 3.813 ()
      schrieb am 17.11.12 19:54:10
      Beitrag Nr. 3.814 ()
      schrieb am 17.11.12 21:03:20
      Beitrag Nr. 3.815 ()
      Eine schöne Computer-Trades-Folge ausgelöst durch einen größeren Startverkauf von CIBC.... in der Folge ein kurzfristiges up and down.....dann setzt sich eine Stop-Loss-Kaskade durch bis CAD 0.11.....das Ganze innerhalb von 2 Sekunden......12:47:17....12:47:18...dann innerhalb von 1: 35 Minuten eine Beruhigung des Handelssystems(Handelspause), 12 :48 :53 zurück auf CAD 0.20......ein kleiner Ausrutscher bei einer begünstigten bid und ask Stellung für die trading computers, der leicht wieder aufgefangen wird.
      schrieb am 17.11.12 21:26:21
      Beitrag Nr. 3.816 ()
      Da kann man erneut nachdenken über stop loss.....wer mit 43 500 Stücken (oder noch etwas mehr) bei CAD 0.115 ode 0.11 abgezogen wird (ITG), ist doch schon etwas unangenehm...umgekehrt, wer ein günstiges bid gesetzt hatte konnte profitieren( in diesem Fall die Gegenspieler Macquarie und Anne Mouse)....nicht immer haben solche Ausrutscher-Trades auch Bestand......kommt aber darauf D kann ich mich in solchen Zusammenhängen an nachträgliche Korrekturen erinnern.
      schrieb am 18.11.12 17:26:13
      Beitrag Nr. 3.817 ()
      Die SMA-Linie (50) sieht aktuell nicht schlecht aus finde ich....

      Danke an Soly für die FO trades.....bei diesem slide war es doch sehr angenehm gleich eine von seinen hübschen Listen zur Hand zur haben ;)

      sma[x,n] OPERATOR (INDICATOR or POSITIVE NUMBER) , where x is a positive integer >= 2 and n is optional and represents the number of days ago the result is computed (n=0 is the default value and represents the current end of day, n=1 is the previous end of day, etc.)

      Returns the x-day simple moving average closing price from n days ago.

      example: (sma[20] > sma[50])


      The 'sma' indicator is used in indicator formula construction to narrow the stock pre-screener results to include only those stocks that have a simple moving average stock price restricted to the parameters set for the sma indicator.


      Add up each of the last x-day closing stock prices then divide the sum by x.


      Below is a chart of Intel (INTC) highlighting days where the 20-day simple moving average stock price was greater than the 50-day simple moving average.…
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 18.11.12 19:47:48
      Beitrag Nr. 3.818 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.837.314 von auriga am 18.11.12 17:26:13Chartanalyse bei OTC Werten einsetzen - und das erst noch bei solchen Pennystocks ist etwas verwegen ;)

      Meisstens wohl nur um irgend eine Kursbewegumg zu "rechtfertigen" :D
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 18.11.12 21:00:06
      Beitrag Nr. 3.819 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.837.582 von Charly_2 am 18.11.12 19:47:48Hi Charly.....FO ist nur in zweiter Linie ein OTC-Wert, in erster Linie ein TMX-Wert in Canada.....die TMX ist auch in FFM bei der Listung im Quotation Board weniger ein Problem....Chart-Analyse wird in der Tat um so griffiger je höher wir im Index gehen...hier haben dann auch die Gesamtmarktschwankungen einen noch zwingenderen Einfluss.....gleichwohl ist Chartanalyse ein einziges Feld mit den Polen große companies und kleine companies und immer nur ein »wenn es denn nicht zu diesen oder jenen überraschenden realen operativen oder so Ereignissen zusätzlich kommt«....nein, die vor einiger Zeit von sushi und mir wirklich auch einmal explicierte Abwärtstendenz von Falcon wurde etwa in der SMA-50 genausoschön abgebildet wie die zur Zeit unverkennbare Aufwärtstentenz, die z B auch in der Aufwärtsbiegung der SMA 50 schön erkennbar wird, viel schöner als nur an den OHLC etwa....aber ich muss gestehen, ich habe dieselbe Kritik wie du vor einiger Zeit in einem anderen pennystock thread selbst eingebracht...genta war es...OK...zur Zeit mit Falcon kaum zu vergleichen(Genta ist aktuell in der Insolvenz)......Chartanalyse ist immer nur ein wohlzuverstehendes Hilfsmittel...bei Falcon durchaus anwendbar IMHO ;) .....falls du die Einschätzung von dolmenstockbrokers schon verinnerlicht hast :cool:, schau die doch mal Soly’s jüngste Einschätzung an ;)… :D :D .....komm gut in die neue Woche.....Grüße....A.
      schrieb am 19.11.12 22:37:56
      Beitrag Nr. 3.820 ()
      Schlusskurs: 0.0249 ▲ 0.0139 (126.36%)

      schrieb am 19.11.12 23:04:58
      Beitrag Nr. 3.821 ()
      Ja, ist schon ganz lustig mit PHUN....aber die Aktivitäten im Beetaloo Basin von Paltar, Falcon Australia und Hess rechtfertigen an sich ein weiteres Abwarten bezüglich PHUN hängen so einige noch hart schon ganz spannend mit diesem Schuldenrekordhalter ....aber auch weiterhin zeitintensiv.....das Abgleiten im SP bei Falcon vom 2012 11 15 hat das weitere trading von Falcon etwas verunsichert....das sah man rein intuitiv.......O’Quigley schloss heute negative news weitgehend aus.... "there is absolutely NO negative news out there...certainly nothing that I am aware of, and I would know if there was... there is no bad news on Australia and our partner Hess, no bad news on Hungary and their tax ruling, and no bad news on South Africa and their (previous) positive ruling on drilling"....moneytrader hat mit O’Quigley telefoniert.....…
      ....und dieses im Forum durchgegeben....THX!
      schrieb am 20.11.12 00:22:56
      Beitrag Nr. 3.822 ()
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. Comments on Recent Trading Activity

      TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Nov. 19, 2012) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO), ("Falcon" or the "Company"), the international oil and gas exploration and production company focused on unconventional and conventional oil and gas exploration and producing assets in Hungary, Australia and South Africa, notes some irregular trading activity of its common shares that took place on November 15, 2012.

      The trades in question ranged in price between $0.11 and $0.115, as compared to the closing price of $0.215 on November 14, 2012. The Company has brought the trades in question to the attention of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada ("IIROC"), and has been advised by IIROC that normal procedures will be followed in response to the Company's concerns.

      Falcon wishes to confirm that management of the Company is unaware of any specific reason, other than general market conditions, for the recent significant decrease in the Company's share price. In particular, there have been no corporate developments or events to support this unusual activity.

      About Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. is an international oil and gas exploration and production company, listed on the TSX Venture Exchange in Toronto under the symbol FO.V. It is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, and has an office in Budapest, Hungary.

      The Company is focused on unconventional and conventional oil and gas exploration and production, and holds producing assets in three major underexplored basins in Australia, Hungary, and South Africa.

      For further information about Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd., please visit

      Certain information in this press release may constitute forward-looking information. This information is based on current expectations that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statement. Falcon assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements unless and until required by securities laws applicable to Falcon. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties is contained in Falcon's filings with the Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available at

      Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
      Contact Information:
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.
      Philip O'Quigley
      Chief Executive Officer
      +353 (1) 417 1900 or +353(87) 814 7042

      FTI Consulting, London and Toronto
      Billy Clegg/Edward Westropp
      +44 207 837 3113…
      schrieb am 22.11.12 23:26:36
      Beitrag Nr. 3.823 ()
      vom 31. Oktober

      Paltar Petroleum (‘Paltar’) today announced plans to undertake a strategic core drilling programme on two of its exploration licence areas in the Beetaloo Basin, Northern Territory. The Company is currently finalising all necessary permits to undertake the drilling programme.

      The results of Paltar’s drilling programme are expected to underpin an equity raising and IPO for the company in 2013.

      The coring programme is expected to commence in early 2013 and will involve up to 12 holes being drilled across EP 143 and EP 136. Two rigs will be utilised to carry out the programme, with each well to take up to 45 days to core.
      schrieb am 22.11.12 23:38:25
      Beitrag Nr. 3.824 ()
      On August 28, 2012, PetroHunter Energy Corporation and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Sweetpea Petroleum Pty Ltd (collectively, the “Company”), received confirmation that Exploration Permits 136 and 143 (EPs 136 and 143) had been granted by and formally lodged with the Northern Territory of Australia. EPs 136 and 143 cover approximately 1.5 million acres in the Beetaloo Basin.

      The Company has entered into a joint venture and operating agreement with Paltar Petroleum Limited (“Paltar”), pursuant to which Paltar agreed to provide all of the necessary funding for the permits and the initial work program expenses required under EPs136 and 143 in exchange for a 50% ownership interest in the EPs. Paltar is controlled by Marc Bruner, a significant shareholder of the Company.
      schrieb am 22.11.12 23:53:21
      Beitrag Nr. 3.825 ()
      vom 29. August

      Paltar’s Board also made the decision to actively seek interest from major Australian, Asian and American oil and gas E&P companies regarding potential farm-in joint venture agreements. The trade-off in obtaining suitable farm-in partners lies in gaining immediate support to undertake a seismic, coring, vertical and horizontal drilling program, to move faster to a production phase. Whilst strict confidentiality agreements prohibit Paltar from disclosing potential partners, we can advise, substantial interest is already evident in our farm-in data room. We hope to provide an update on this aspect in due course.
      schrieb am 24.11.12 23:24:24
      Beitrag Nr. 3.826 ()
      The Company has entered into a joint venture and operating agreement with Paltar Petroleum Limited (“Paltar”), pursuant to which Paltar agreed to provide all of the necessary funding for the permits and the initial work program expenses required under EPs136 and 143 in exchange for a 50% ownership interest in the EPs. Paltar is controlled by Marc Bruner, a significant shareholder of the Company. (28 08 2012 )(11 09 2012)(Petrohunter).…

      Paltar Petroleum (‘Paltar’) today announced plans to undertake a strategic core drilling programme on two of its exploration licence areas in the Beetaloo Basin, Northern Territory. The Company is currently finalising all necessary permits to undertake the drilling programme.

      The results of Paltar’s drilling programme are expected to underpin an equity raising and IPO for the company in 2013.

      >The coring programme is expected to commence in early 2013 and will involve up to 12 holes being drilled across EP 143 and EP 136. Two rigs will be utilised to carry out the programme, with each well to take up to 45 days to core. (31 10 2012) (Paltar).…

      >The coring programme is expected to commence in early 2013 and will involve up to 12 holes being drilled across EP 143 and EP 136. Two rigs will be utilised to carry out the programme, with each well to take up to 45 days to core.

      Nicht mehr lange hin....wie finanziert Bruner?.....was ist mit dem Regen in early 2013, Downunder? Ich denke für Bruner kommt nur eine Fremdfinanzierung in Frage, völlig klar! hat eine Million Dollars eingesackt von muss Morgan Stanley finanzieren, die permits und vor allen Dingen das $1million kommt er da nicht weit...das sind erfahrungsgemäß auch nicht die Finanzierungsgrößen, mit denen Bruner arbeitet: es sei denn er kauft assets ein: das gesamte Beetaloo Basin hat er für 1 Million Dollars erworben, ursprünglich....also das finde ich echt spannend.....wo ist River?
      schrieb am 24.11.12 23:42:45
      Beitrag Nr. 3.827 ()
      Video Break
      Video Break

      news coming soon? :cool: Schönen Sonntag
      schrieb am 25.11.12 10:56:59
      Beitrag Nr. 3.828 ()
      Natürlich da - Deine interessanten Beiträge lesend ;)
      Ich hab jetzt mal alle homepages durchforstet - auch die von Paltar - aber einen Hinweis auf die Finanzierung habe ich nicht gefunden.

      Immerhin sollen diese 12 Bohrungen!! schon Anfang 2013 begonnen werden - da ist nicht mehr viel Zeit, deshalb denke ich auch, dass die Finanzierung zumindest für diese Arbeiten sichergestellt ist bzw. gerade wird.

      Wenn hier die Ergebnisse gut ausfallen, dann geht Bruners Traum mit dem Beetaloo Basin hoffentlich erst richtig los (und nicht ganz uneigennützig, würde ich ihm einen Volltreffer vergönnen ;)).

      Ich nehme mal an eines der beiden wird das "drilling rig " und das andere das "completition rig" zur Fertigstellung sein. Oder bohren diehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh zuerst alle 12 und fangen dann mit der Auswertung an - weisst du, wie das im Normalfall abläuft??
      Aber ich denke die 45 Tage sind nicht nur fürs Bohren angesetzt.

      Die 1 Million damals, war sicher als echtes Schnäppchen zu bezeichnen - jetzt muss er nur mehr was draus machen.

      Endlich kommt ein bisschen Schwung in die ganze Sache ...... mehr als spannend!!!!
      schrieb am 25.11.12 12:45:45
      Beitrag Nr. 3.829 ()
      Da ich nicht genau weiss, was die Herstellung eines wells kostet, kann ich mit Durchschnittswerten nur Vermutungen anstellen:

      Es sollen 12 wells mit einer durchschnittlichen Tiefe von 1.500m (entspricht ca. 5.000 feet) gebohrt werden.
      Wenn man lt. verschiedensten Berichten hier durchschnittliche Kosten ansetzt, kommt man auf folgendes:

      Bohrung (drilling rig) - ca. $ 9.000.000,-
      ca. $ 150 per foot - enstpricht 150.000 per 1.000 feet
      12 wells mit je 5.000 feet - entspricht ca. 9.000.000 Dollar

      Fertigstellung (completion rig) - ca. $ 5.000.000,-
      dann kommen noch ca. 400.000 Dollar für das completion rig per well dazu -
      das wären dann nochmals ca. 4.800.000 Dollar

      Infrastruktur - ca. $ 1.500.00,-
      da wären ca. nochmals § 100.000 per well für Pumpen, Leitungen und generelle Infrastruktur

      Also wären wir ca. auf $ 15 Mio. Dollar Gesamtkosten!
      Das kann man natürlich nicht einfach umrechnen, aber als grober Richwert, denke ich, sollte man diese Summe schon heranziehen können.

      Da werden noch eine Menge zusätzliche Kosten und eine damit verbundene weitere Verminderung unseres Anteils am Beetaloo Basin auf uns zukommen.
      Bin gespannt was für uns übrig bleibt, wenns aufgeht......
      schrieb am 26.11.12 22:22:22
      Beitrag Nr. 3.830 ()
      Hi River.....interessante Kalkulation...wo käme soviel Geld her?....das kann man mal weiter auf sich wirken lassen denke ich.......the results of Paltar’s drilling programme are expected to underpin an equity raising and IPO for the company in 2013....daraus folgt finde ich, dass die Finanzierung des core hole drilling vorangehen muss? ja, wie auch der seismic fängt alles an in der Exploration....Paltar muss an sich schon seismic gemacht haben in den outskirts des Basins aus der ersten Sinovus-Million heraus...und Law hat mit Sicherheit auch die seismic des entire Basins herangzogen....die Verbindung zu Falcon und Hess ist eh intakt....Oring sitzt in den meetings von Falcon Australia.

      In den Vororten des Basins besteht ein thrust belt, eine Verschiebung der Erdkrusten, welche jetzt auch das coring bestimmt bis 1500 Meter Tiefe.

      Santos ist eine New-South- Wales- Company – not too far away from our Companies in the beetaloo Basin – die im Bereich Gunnedah vor Kurzem seismic und core hole drilling CSG-mäßig gemacht haben. Hierzu zwei pdfs, die man bei Gelegnheit einmal aufblättern kann. Great reads.……

      Das core hole drilling ist ein sehr exploratives frühes drilling....laut Santos werden solche wells nicht weiterverwendet für die Produktion sondern danach geschlossen und verlassen....dies stand in älteren factsheets von Santos(2010), welche inzwischen durch die von 2012 ersetzt wurden, wo diese Passage glaube ich fehlt.

      See you....A.
      schrieb am 27.11.12 23:38:43
      Beitrag Nr. 3.831 ()
      schrieb am 27.11.12 23:44:13
      Beitrag Nr. 3.832 ()
      schrieb am 30.11.12 23:38:43
      Beitrag Nr. 3.833 ()
      MD and A and Interim Financial Statements of FO for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2012, on SEDAR…
      schrieb am 05.12.12 01:53:55
      Beitrag Nr. 3.834 ()
      Falcon’s got a new HP...looks address as well....finances OK?....operations OK? we go! not be a an eagle....ducks quack and complain...eagles soar about falcons?.....guess I read Bodo Schäfer again in the last few days....
      schrieb am 08.12.12 02:44:21
      Beitrag Nr. 3.835 ()
      >if you get up in the morning expecting to have a bad day, you’ll rarely disappoint yourself....stop complaining!....differentiate yourself from your competition.....don’t be a an eagle.....ducks quack and complain.....eagles soar above the crowd........ursprünglich ein Zitat von Dyer.....>you’ll see it when you believe it......ich hatte dabei aber an Schäfer gedacht und sein Buch, die >Gesetze der Gewinner....dort hat Schäfer das übernommen und nennt ein Kapitel....>sei ein adler und keine ente.....alle 30 Kapitel waren ursprünglich 2001 in der FAZ abgedruckt, jeden Tag Eines...habe damals schon einige das erste mal gelesen.

      Hat jemand ne Idee woher das Bild von der site im Schnee stammt? Ist das Ungarn? Oder Colorado? – Das Bild stammt aus einem alten SEC-Filing von Petrohunter aus 2006....genauer gesagt aus einer >slideshow für eine Präsentation in New York...hatten wer schon paar Mal drin hier bei PetroHunter, so in 2007....hat das Bild am Ende Marc oder Lotito geschossen? :laugh:…

      The registrant is furnishing an Executive Summary and >slides containing the information included in Exhibits 99.1 and 99.2 to this report, that have been prepared for presentations made in New York, New York beginning October 25, 2006.

      schrieb am 08.12.12 03:41:44
      Beitrag Nr. 3.836 ()

      :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: have a great weekend everyone!
      schrieb am 08.12.12 16:40:10
      Beitrag Nr. 3.837 ()
      Dezember-Präsentation von Falcon....sind paar neue Sachen drin.....ansonsten von den Terminen her noch in Q 4 2012 möglich....(a) Hess completes acquisition of seismic(57.5 Mio USD)....(b)Potential Farm-Out on EP99 and Shenandoah (25 Mio USD).…
      schrieb am 11.12.12 01:07:03
      Beitrag Nr. 3.838 ()
      Northern Territory, Australia

      •Investing >A$1Bn p.a. in infrastructure to support strategic industries

      >89% of NT land granted or under application for petroleum exploration

      •Major LNG infrastructure with 1 LNG Train in 2006 and 2 more under construction at a cost of >$34bn

      •Fiscal regime►NT Government royalty of 10% ►Native titleholders royalty to be negotiated ►Commonwealth Government corporation tax of > 30%
      schrieb am 12.12.12 16:55:36
      Beitrag Nr. 3.839 ()
      Falcon and Chevron to jointly Explore Karoo Basin in South Africa

      TORONTO, Dec. 12, 2012 /CNW/ - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSXV: FO) (Falcon), a Toronto listed and Dublin headquartered company focused on unconventional oil and gas exploration and producing assets in Australia, Hungary, and South Africa, announced today that it has entered into an Agreement (the Agreement) with Chevron Business Development South Africa Limited (Chevron) which allows both parties to jointly co- operate together in order to seek unconventional exploration opportunities in the Karoo Basin, South Africa.

      Falcon currently has a Technical Cooperation Permit (TCP), which gives Falcon exclusive rights to obtain an Exploration Permit covering approximately 7.5 MM acres in the southern part of the Karoo basin.

      The Agreement today provides for Falcon to work exclusively with Chevron for a period of five years in jointly obtaining Exploration Permits in the Karoo Basin subject to the parties mutually agreeing participation terms applicable to each permit and as such, there will be future announcements by Falcon when an Exploration Permit is awarded.

      Chevron will make immediate cash payment of up to $1 million to Falcon as a contribution to past costs and from today will work with Falcon to secure Exploration Permits.

      Philip O'Quigley, CEO of Falcon commented: "Today's Agreement with Chevron is a major step forward towards realising the full potential of our already significant acreage position in the Karoo Basin currently held under a TCP. Chevron has over 100 years of experience of working in South Africa but even more importantly has extensive experience in commercially and sensitively developing unconventional oil and gas resources. This Agreement is an encouraging endorsement of the management's confidence in the potential of the Karoo and we look forward to making future announcements when an Exploration Permit is awarded."

      About the Karoo Basin
      The Karoo Basin is large (236,000 mi2), extending across nearly two-thirds of the country, with the southern portion (70,800 mi2) of the basin potentially favourable for shale gas. A significant portion of Falcon's TCP (11,719 mi2) is located within the prospective area, along the southern boundary.

      The Permian-age Ecca Group has three potential gas shales in the Ecca Formation. The most promising of these is the highly organic-rich, thermally mature shale of the Whitehall Formation. This unit is regionally persistent in composition and thickness and can be traced across most of the Karoo Basin.

      An estimate of the undiscovered petroleum-initially-in-place, and the prospective (or undiscovered) resources attributable to these shales was carried out by Advanced Resources International ("ARI") on behalf of the US Energy Information Administration ("EIA"). The EIA's April 2011 report titled "World Shale Gas Resources: An Initial Assessment", estimated that the Lower Ecca Group shales in this basin contain approximately 1,834 trillion cubic feet of risked gas in-place, with risked recoverable shale gas prospective resources of 485 trillion cubic feet.

      Please note that there is no certainty that any portion of the above quoted resource volumes will be discovered. If discovered, there is no certainty that it will be economically viable or technically feasible to produce any portion of the resources.

      About Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. is an international oil and gas exploration and production company, Toronto listed under the symbol "FO." It is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, with offices in Budapest, Hungary.

      The company is focussed on unconventional and conventional oil and gas exploration and production, and holds assets in three major underexplored basins in Australia, Hungary, and South Africa.

      For further information on Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. please visit

      About Chevron Business Development South Africa Limited
      Chevron Business Development South Africa Limited is a subsidiary of Chevron Global Energy Inc. Chevron is one of the world's leading integrated energy companies, with subsidiaries that conduct business worldwide. The company is involved in virtually every facet of the energy industry. Chevron explores for, produces and transports crude oil and natural gas; refines, markets and distributes transportation fuels and lubricants; manufactures and sells petrochemical products; generates power and produces geothermal energy; provides energy efficiency solutions; and develops the energy resources of the future, including biofuels. Chevron is based in San Ramon, California. More information about Chevron is available at

      Neither the TSX Venture Exchange not its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      Forward-looking Statements
      Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to: the focus of capital expenditures; the sale, farming in, farming out or development of certain exploration properties using third party resources; the impact of changes in petroleum and natural gas prices on cash flow; drilling plans; processing capacity; operating and other costs; the existence, operation and strategy of the commodity price risk management program; the approximate and maximum amount of forward sales; Falcon's acquisition strategy, the criteria to be considered in connection therewith and the benefits to be derived therefrom; Falcon's goal to sustain or grow production and reserves through prudent management and acquisitions; the emergence of accretive growth opportunities; Falcon's ability to benefit from the combination of growth opportunities and the ability to grow through the capital markets; development costs and the source of funding thereof; the quantity of petroleum and natural gas resources or reserves; treatment under governmental regulatory regimes and tax laws; liquidity and financial capital; the impact of potential acquisitions and the timing for achieving such impact; expectations regarding the ability to raise capital and continually add to reserves through acquisition and development; the performance characteristics of Falcon's petroleum and natural gas properties; and realization of the anticipated benefits of acquisitions and dispositions.

      Some of the risks and other factors, which could cause results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: general economic conditions in Canada, the Republic of Hungary, the Commonwealth of Australia, the Republic of South Africa and globally; supply and demand for petroleum and natural gas; industry conditions, including fluctuations in the price of petroleum and natural gas; governmental regulation of the petroleum and natural gas industry, including income tax, environmental and regulatory matters; fluctuation in foreign exchange or interest rates; risks and liabilities inherent in petroleum and natural gas operations, including exploration, development, exploitation, marketing and transportation risks; geological, technical, drilling and processing problems; unanticipated operating events which can reduce production or cause production to be shut-in or delayed; the ability of our industry partners to pay their proportionate share of joint interest billings; failure to obtain industry partner and other third party consents and approvals, when required; stock market volatility and market valuations; competition for, among other things, capital, acquisition of reserves, processing and transportation capacity, undeveloped land and skilled personnel; the need to obtain required approvals from regulatory authorities; and the other factors considered under "Risk Factors" in Falcon's annual information form ( AI") dated December 31, 2011. Risks and uncertainties that could cause Falcon's actual results to materially differ from current expectations have not changed from those disclosed in Falcon's Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD&A)as at December 31, 2011. The AIF and MD&A have been filed with Canadian securities regulatory authorities and are available at The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement. Falcon disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required under applicable securities regulation.

      In addition, other factors not currently viewed as material could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements.

      SOURCE: Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.

      Contact details:
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd +353 (1) 417 1900 or
      Philip O'Quigley, Chief Executive Officer +353(87) 814 7042

      FTI Consulting, London and Toronto
      Billy Clegg/Edward Westropp +44 207 837 3113…
      schrieb am 12.12.12 17:00:41
      Beitrag Nr. 3.840 ()…

      IIROC Trade Halt - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.

      Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - December 12, 2012) - The following issues have been halted by IIROC:


      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.

      TSX-Venture Symbol:



      At the Request of the Company Pending News

      Halt Time (ET)


      IIROC can make a decision to impose a temporary suspension of trading in a security of a publicly listed company, usually in anticipation of a material news announcement by the company. Trading halts are issued based on the principle that all investors should have the same timely access to important company information. IIROC is the national self-regulatory organization which oversees all investment dealers and trading activity on debt and equity marketplaces in Canada.

      - 30 -

      For further information: IIROC Inquiries 1-877-442-4322 (Option 3) - Please note that IIROC is not able to provide any additional information regarding a specific trading halt. Information is limited to general enquiries only.
      schrieb am 12.12.12 17:07:51
      Beitrag Nr. 3.841 ()…

      IIROC Trading Resumption - FO

      VANCOUVER, Dec. 12, 2012 /CNW/ - Trading resumes in:

      Company: Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.

      TSX-Venture Symbol: FO

      Resumption: 11:15 AM ET

      The Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) can make a decision to impose a temporary suspension of trading in a security of a publicly listed company, usually in anticipation of a material news announcement by the company. Trading halts are issued based on the principle that all investors should have the same timely access to important company information. IIROC is the national self-regulatory organization which oversees all investment dealers and trading activity on debt and equity marketplaces in Canada.

      SOURCE: Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC)

      IIROC Inquiries 1-877-442-4322 (Option 3) - Please note that IIROC is not able to provide any additional information regarding a specific trading halt. Information is limited to general enquiries only. For more information on IIROC's halts and resumptions policy click here.
      schrieb am 12.12.12 17:11:05
      Beitrag Nr. 3.842 ()
      schrieb am 12.12.12 18:07:57
      Beitrag Nr. 3.843 ()

      Chevron South Africa is a leading refiner and marketer of petroleum products in South Africa.

      Our network of Caltex® service stations helps make us one of the country's top five petroleum brands.

      We operate a refinery in Cape Town and have interests in a lubricants plant in Durban.

      Chevron South Africa is also a responsible corporate citizen, promoting health, education and economic development.…

      South Africa is home to nearly a quarter of Chevron's 800 Caltex® service stations worldwide. These retail outlets sell products such as transportation fuels and axle grease.

      Our Cape Town refinery has a capacity of 110,000 barrels per day and produces gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, liquefied petroleum gas, fuel oil, asphalt and other products. Chevron South Africa also has interests in a lubricants manufacturing plant in Durban and maintains a laboratory and blending plant there.

      Cape Town is home to a sizable supply and trading team. The unit manages Chevron's supply, maximizing our crude oil revenues while reducing the cost of raw materials and transportation in South Africa.

      A consortium of Black Economic Empowerment shareholders and employees hold 25 percent of Chevron South Africa (Pty) Limited.…

      Chevron South Africa has played an important role in helping to meet the country's fuel needs since 1911.

      In 1936, a partnership between Chevron and Texaco created Caltex. In 1966, Caltex bolstered our standing as a key South Africa investor with the construction of a refinery in Cape Town.

      Chevron South Africa has a long track record of contributing to the South African economy while operating safely and protecting the environment.

      Health, Environment and Safety

      Chevron South Africa is committed to the highest health, environment and safety standards.

      Employees benefit from Chevron South Africa's HIV/AIDS awareness program, which teaches them how to keep themselves and their families healthy. The program encourages voluntary HIV testing and then educates those who test negative on how to stay that way. Those who test positive are shown how they can prolong their lives and remain productive.

      A water recycling plant at the Cape Town refinery produces all of the water needed in the refining process, reducing the facility's consumption of drinkable water. Every month, the water conserved by the refinery is the equivalent of that used by 6,000 homes. The recycling plant also reduces the refinery's burden on the city's sewage infrastructure.


      Employment created at Chevron South Africa's manufacturing, marketing, distribution and support services sites has a multiplier effect on wages, salaries and business investments and makes Chevron South Africa an important contributor to South Africa's economy.

      In addition, our operations transfer knowledge and experience to South Africans and bring the latest technologies to the country.…
      schrieb am 12.12.12 18:35:44
      Beitrag Nr. 3.844 ()
      South Africa is home to nearly a quarter of Chevron's 800 Caltex® service stations worldwide. These retail outlets sell products such as >transportation fuels and >axle grease.

      Our Cape Town refinery has a capacity of 110,000 barrels per day and produces gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, liquefied petroleum gas, fuel oil, asphalt and other products. >Chevron South Africa also has interests in a lubricants manufacturing plant in Durban and maintains a laboratory and blending plant there.

      A water recycling plant at the Cape Town refinery produces all of the water needed in the refining process, reducing the facility's consumption of drinkable water. Every month, the water conserved by the refinery is the equivalent of that used by 6,000 homes. The recycling plant also reduces the refinery's burden on the city's sewage infrastructure.

      Na, geht doch ;).
      schrieb am 12.12.12 19:30:34
      Beitrag Nr. 3.845 ()
      Producing Energy (by Chevron) >2011 The Year in Review…
      schrieb am 13.12.12 20:44:22
      Beitrag Nr. 3.846 ()
      Davy Stockbrokers comments on Falcon’s Karoo deal with Chevron

      Falcon Oil and Gas (FO CN) does deal with Chevron

      13 December 2012
      Job Langbroek

      Closing Price: 19

      FACTS: Falcon, an Irish-managed unconventional E&P stock focussing on Australia, South Africa and Hungary, has announced a co-operation agreement with Chevron covering its South African acreage position. The deal will cost Chevron $1m.

      ANALYSIS: Falcon currently holds a technical co-operation permit covering some 7.5m acres in the Karoo Basin in South Africa. The Chevron deal means that Falcon and it will work together to make an application for an exploration licence, the next level in the permitting process. The deal lasts five years and will look to maximise the unconventional exploration opportunities available in South Africa.

      DAVY VIEW: This is good news for Falcon. Bringing a major new name onto the permit adds credibility all round. Subject to agreeing terms, Falcon and Chevron look to be likely partners in the future on this permit. Even before this stage is reached, the presence of Chevron makes an important statement on the quality of the prospective acreage.

      Thanks, Gonoles.
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 13.12.12 21:02:22
      Beitrag Nr. 3.847 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.925.845 von auriga am 13.12.12 20:44:22<The deal will cost Chevron $1m. :D

      ...da fehlen wohl einige Nullen ;)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 14.12.12 01:53:55
      Beitrag Nr. 3.848 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.925.902 von Charly_2 am 13.12.12 21:02:22remains to be seen, but we hope so ;)

      Dolmenstockbrokers wurde doch allen Ernstes übernommen von Cantor Fitzgerald(CFA) ....unglaublich eigentlich....gleichwohl hat DSB gerade einen neuen report aufgelegt(bei CFA) – gestern – den dlasalle auf agora gefunden hat.....great read.

      Cooperation Agreement with Chevron in South Africa

      Falcon Oil & Gas announced today that it has entered into a cooperation agreement with oil major Chevron (market cap $211bn), to jointly explore unconventional gas opportunities in the Karoo Basin in South Africa. Falcon currently holds a Technical Cooperation (TC) Permit covering 7.5 million acres (30,000 km2) in the Southern Karoo Basin – see map below. The company has applied to the South African authorities to convert its TC Permit into an Exploration Permit, which we expect to occur in Q1 of next year.

      Covers Five-year period, $1m upfront to Falcon

      Under the agreement, Falcon will work exclusively with Chevron for a period of 5 years in the Karoo Basin. Chevron will make an up-front cash payment of $1 million to Falcon toward back costs, and will support Falcon in its application for Exploration Permits. Participation terms will be announced when exploration permits are awarded, however we believe that Falcon’s vast acreage in the Karoo leaves it in an enviable negotiating position.

      3 Major Oil & Gas Partners, 3 High-Potential Unconventional Plays

      We see the announcement of this partnership with an oil major as a strong positive for the Falcon story in South Africa. The company is simultaneously involved in a seismic acquisition programme with Hess in Australia’s Beetaloo Basin. We expect newsflow on a potential fully-carried drilling programme to come by Q213, when Hess will make a drill-or-drop decision for five wells. In Hungary, where Falcon is partnered with Gazprom subsidiary NIJ, we expect drilling of 3 wells in the Mako trough to begin in Q113. We value Falcon Oil & Gas at CAD 0.35 on a NAV basis, supported by comparable-transaction acreage analysis. This provides 105% upside from current levels. We note the significant upside potential in the event of success at even one of its unconventional assets.……
      schrieb am 14.12.12 02:54:22
      Beitrag Nr. 3.849 ()
      CFA.HClearFrame Solutions Corp.TSXV

      Chartered Financial Analyst

      Cantor Fitzgerald to Buy Irish Brokerage Firm…

      CAntor F ist nicht an der Börse und hat keinen Kürzel....das war eine irrtümliche Annahme auf die Schnelle, als wäre das der Kürzel von Cantor FG...sorry!
      schrieb am 21.12.12 03:17:15
      Beitrag Nr. 3.850 ()
      Man kann sich doch schon einmal mit einem Vergleich klar machen, wie groß die angängige JV-Area(30.000 km²) von Falcon und Chevron in Südafrika tatsächlich ist: ja, größer als Hessen(21.114,94 km²). Das ist doch schon eine beachtliche Fläche. – Darum herum die Shell-Area gehört an sich auch zum Explorations-Kerngebiet im Karoo und ist noch wesentlich größer(185 000 km2)(das ist halb so groß wie Deutschland> nach dem Kriege). – Das tatsächliche Kerngebiet explorationsmäßig im Karoo Basin ist allerdings in der Tat die JV-Area von Falcon und Hess.

      Chevron unterstützt Falcon bei der Umsetzung des Explorationsantrags...Chevron ist recht etabliert in Südafrika und support von diesem major kann sich kaum anders als positiv auf die südafrikanischen Behörden auswirken....und nebenan Shell...das strahlt ohne Frage Autorität aus für das Kerngebiet im Karoo.

      Shell plant darum herum 6 – 20 Explorationswells in acht Jahren. Wieviel trauen wir Chevron und Falcon zu in fünf Jahren? – Explorationsantrag durchbekommen nächster Schritt!

      Market cap unserer drei Explorationspartner von Falcon circa 337 Milliarden USD. Drillen ein Problem?

      Schönen iv advent.

      schrieb am 21.12.12 03:23:27
      Beitrag Nr. 3.851 ()
      Das tatsächliche Kerngebiet explorationsmäßig im Karoo Basin ist allerdings in der Tat die JV-Area von Falcon und >Chevron...ja ja schon klar.
      schrieb am 21.12.12 04:54:39
      Beitrag Nr. 3.852 ()
      Interessante Kommentare auf agora zuletzt.....sehr gut zu lesen....für den Kernbeitrag halte ich diesen auf WSJ, eingestellt erneut von >d las< alle (for purchase only) ;) .....auch die Soly-Einschätzung ist recht newtofo!

      JOHANNESBURG—U.S. oil giant Chevron Corp. CVX -0.08%has joined the hunt for natural gas in South Africa, whose untapped shale prospects have already attracted attention from Royal Dutch Shell RDSB.LN -0.11%PLC, but also raised the ire of environmental groups.

      Estimated to hold the world's fifth-largest shale gas reserves, South Africa hopes investment in its energy sector will create much-needed jobs and help maintain cheap power for its mining heartland. But some locals are concerned about the impact of hydraulic fracturing in the Karoo, an isolated and region that is rich in nature.

      Chevron, whose African portfolio is among the most diverse and long-established among major U.S. oil companies, said it would partner Toronto-listed minnow Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. FO.V -2.33%one of only three firms with permission to conduct seismic studies of the local geology.

      The five-year partnership will also allow Chevron to team up with Falcon should it exercise an exclusive right to convert the permit into a drilling license.

      The move comes only three months after South Africa lifted a temporary ban on shale gas exploration, imposed early last year in response to concerns the controversial hydraulic fracturing technique, widely known as fracking. Environmental groups and some locals fear fracking risks permanently damaging the Karoo, a region know for its arid beauty but also its poverty.

      Proponents counter that fracking the Karoo could provide both jobs and development, two of South Africa's most urgent and politically charged needs.

      A study by local think-tank Econometrix, which was paid for by Shell, said that even if only a 10th of the 485 trillion cubic feet of gas that the U.S. Energy Information Administration believes the region contains was extracted, it would still lead to the creation of thousands of jobs and provide 400 years of power in a country that still imports 60% of its energy needs.

      Shale gas and oil in the U.S. has transformed the North American energy market and beyond, raising alarm bells among some members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries who say the group may eventually need to rein in output to avoid glutting the market as U.S. oil production surges.

      Still, companies say production elsewhere could be years away. Shell has said it would need to spend around $200 million to drill six wells for the first stage of exploration and that moving the Karoo to production would take about 10 years.

      Chevron declined to comment beyond its earlier statement about the partnership with Falcon, to which it will pay $1 million to cover upfront costs.

      The fracking issue is divisive in a country still wrestling with the economic and political legacy of apartheid. Some have noted that the environmental groups that oppose local fracking tend to attract more white members, including local landowners, who tend to be better off than black workers, or some who live in urban areas unlikely to be affected by the exploration.

      "The main bodies that oppose fracking represent themselves as environmentalists, but their membership is overwhelmingly white, moneyed landowners," said Noor Kapdi, a Cape Town lawyer and a director at the South African Oil and Gas Alliance, an industry lobby group.

      By contrast, a body representing the region's mostly poor black community have given a tentative welcome to fracking.

      The Karoo Shale Gas Community Forum, a coalition of small farmers, unions and church groups in the region, has said it would like to know more about the planned project and what they could do to help bring jobs to the region.

      Some environmental groups say they plan further action to block exploration attempts.

      One such group, Treasure the Karoo, has said it would lodge an appeal with the Department of Mineral Resources if fracking is permitted or if exploration licenses are awarded.

      Another complication arose in May—South Africa will site a radio telescope in the same area where Shell wants to undertake fracking operations. The project requires that industrial activity be located miles away for the telescope to work.…
      schrieb am 24.12.12 01:17:05
      Beitrag Nr. 3.853 ()
      Wie sieht das eigentlich bei Shell aus? Shell arbeitet zusammen mit Golder Associates. Eine hervorragende pdf von zuletzt von Golder ist weitgehend gültig – abgesehen von leichten zeitlichen Verschiebungen durch das dann zwischengeschaltete und inzwischen wieder aufgehobene Moratorium. Auszüge aus dieser pdf (Figure 4 – Steel casing inside the well protects shallow fresh-water aquifers, eine von fünf feinen eingeschalteten Abbildungen, gefällt mir besonders gut, als auch die sechste nachgeschobene Abbildung, ein Karoo-Bild, recht eindrucksvoll!):


      Proposed Exploration Project in the Karoo

      Similar to many other countries in the world, South Africa is faced with the challenge of being able to meet future energy demands of an expanding economy coupled with continuously improving standards of living. Developing a natural gas energy supply to help
      meet this growing demand would be of considerable value to South Africa, especially as natural gas is the cleanest of the fossil fuels. It can be used to generate electricity to power homes and businesses. It is also used for cooking, heating and transport fuels.

      Previous hydrocarbon exploration activities in the Karoo have identified gas-bearing geological formations at depths down to nearly five kilometres. But at that time, the 1960s, it was not technically feasible to extract this “shale gas” (also referred to as unconventional gas), so exploration activities stopped in the late 1970s.

      Since then, technological advances have made it possible to get gas to flow from these “‘tight” rocks. Tens of thousands of wells have been drilled around the world using modern, standardised drilling and fracturing techniques. If sufficient amounts of shale gas are found in the Karoo, Shell believes that it will be possible to extract this safely, efficiently and responsibly.

      Shell was awarded a 12 month Technical Co-operation Permit (TCP) in December 2009 for the South Western Karoo Basin. During the period of Shell’s TCP, extensive geological desktop studies suggested that gas is present across the South Western Karoo Basin. However, it is not yet possible to determine the precise volume and quality, nor the possible rate of flow of gas in any one particular area.

      This requires significant exploration to address the key sub-surface uncertainties and risks. Shell has therefore applied to PASA for an exploration licence, which if granted will be valid for three years, with the possibility that Shell can seek up to three renewals for a total of up to nine years.

      What is shale gas?

      Shale gas is natural gas that occurs deep underground in shale, a rock that is similar to clay but has been baked hard by heat and pressure over millions of years. Some of the gas is held in natural fractures, some in tiny (pore) spaces, and some is absorbed in the organic material from which the shale was formed. The gas in the fractures flows freely and can be produced immediately, but gas trapped in the pore spaces and organic material does not flow freely. Hydraulic fracturing, pumping water and sand into the shale at high pressure, releases this gas.

      Proposed Exploration Project

      Shell has submitted an exploration licence application referred to as the Central Precinct, intersecting the Eastern, Western & Northern Capes, PASA Reference No. 12/3/220.

      The application covers a total area of ±30,000 km2 in the magisterial districts of: Aberdeen, Beaufort-West, Carnarvon, Graaff-Reinet, Middelburg, Murraysburg, Noupoort, Richmond
      and Victoria-West.

      Shell has also made two other applications for consideration by PASA with reference No.’s 12/3/219; and 12/3/221 respectively.

      Landowners: A complete list of properties within the proposed gas exploration area is available from: mir geändert...der pdf link hängt...kann dort neu getestet werden...eventuell expired?)
      • The list of public places on the reverse side of the enclosed Rregistration and Comment Sheet, and
      • The Public Participation Office at Golder.


      Proposed Exploration Activities

      There are several steps involved in the proposed exploration activities, which are summarised in this document.

      Acquisition of Geophysical Data

      In order to better understand the geological characteristics of the Karoo, Shell plans to use a geophysical technique commonly used in modern petroleum,mining and geothermal resource exploration termed “Magneto-Tellurics” (MT).

      Naturally varying magnetic fields, caused by sunspot and even distant thunderstorm activity induce electrical fields in the earth. The MT technique measures these very small magnetic fields from which information is recovered and interpreted to map the subsurface geology, down to depths of 10 km in some instances. This technique has already been used successfully by academic institutions to study the geological history of the Karoo area.

      The MT equipment easily fits into a small suitcase and can be carried by one person. A number of small receiving sensors are positioned on the ground, orientated in different directions to allow measurement of the magnetic field. The equipment is set-up during the day, records data overnight and then is moved to a new location the following day. The distance between measuring locations is typically 3 km -10 km.

      Shell will engage with land owners to seek permission to access their land to allow these measurements to be taken.

      Exploration Drilling

      To search for gas trapped in the shale, Shell may drill down to depths of as much as 4000 m to 5000 m. The drilling rig would drill a hole approximately 20- 30” (inches) in diameter at the surface.

      As indicated in Figure 3, the “site” where temporary drilling operations take place may require up to 100 m x 100 m (1 ha) of land for temporary use. The drilling equipment used to drill the well is transported on trucks for the duration of operations. When operating, the drilling rig itself may be up to 30 m high. Depending on regulatory approvals, drilling may take place 24 hours a day. After the well is drilled the equipment is taken away.

      Evaluation of Gas Flow

      Once a well has been drilled, geological samples of the rock cuttings from the bore hole are collected and analysed to determine whether gas is present in the rock formations deep underground.

      When wells were drilled in the 1960s some gas was found in a few wells but did not flow easily to the surface. For this reason Shell does not expect to find large quantities of gas when the well is drilled. The gas is trapped very tightly in the rocks, deep underground.

      If analysis of the rock samples indicates that gas is present the next step is to evaluate whether the gas can be stimulated to flow. A technique called hydraulic fracturing (fraccing) would then be used, which has been used on tens of thousands of similar wells around the world.

      To fracture the rock deep underground, a fluid is pumped under high pressure into the rock formation to try to create fractures in the rock. The fluid mixture comprises 99% water and sand, and, together with a small amount of special purpose chemicals, improves the efficiency of the fracturing process.

      If the fracturing operation is successful and a small amount of gas starts to flow up the well to the surface the next step is to measure the flow rate. This will allow an early indication of the volumes of gas possible from that well. At this stage it may be an option to capture and convert a small volume of the gas into energy, thus minimising flaring and allowing the gas properties to be better characterised.

      Supporting Infrastructure

      The proposed exploration activities will require additional infrastructure, including :

      • Well site
      Establishing a well site for drilling operations, including a suitable access road to the site, which may need to be prepared and compacted for heavy load. Other on-site infrastructure may include portable offices, generators, lighting equipment and fuel storage.

      • Water supply
      Water is required during exploration to cool and lubricate the drill bit, carry rock cuttings to the surface during drilling for analysis and for hydraulic fracturing the rock if gas flow rate evaluation is undertaken. Shell’s approach is to avoid using shallow water aquifers and is investigating a number of potential water sources to support these requirements, including
      sea water, surface water and deep saline aquifers.

      • Waste management
      Shell will capture any water that returns to the surface during drilling operations (known as produced water). Once feasibility studies have been completed, investigating different options for responsible disposal or recycling of the waste products, Shell will develop a waste management implementation plan applicable to each well site location. These plans will comply with all relevant national and local legislation.

      • Rehabilitation of land
      If a location is deemed unsuitable for development, the wells will be sealed and Shell will implement a land rehabilitation programme appropriate to the local habitat. This will be further assessed as part of the impact assessment and specialist studies.

      Next Steps

      The Short Term

      A number of technical studies will be undertaken as part of the Environmental Management Programme (EMP) process. Desktop studies will cover the larger application area and some fieldwork will be undertaken in selected areas to support the findings of the desktop studies.

      Once the EMP has provided a broad level of data, other approval processes must be followed before exploration activities can commence.

      PASA is expected to make a decision during 2011 on whether to award the initial three year exploration rights. Before PASA makes this decision, environmental and regulatory advice must be obtained from the respective legislative authorities of South Africa. Consultation with stakeholders and landowners will be essential at each stage. If PASA awards the Exploration
      Right then Shell anticipates starting drilling a number of wells towards the end 2012 (again subject to regulatory approvals).

      If the presence of gas is indicated during the initial three year exploration period, Shell can make a formal application to PASA to renew its exploration rights and to undertake additional exploration activities. This request for renewal of an exploration right can be made three times, which if granted each time, could allow Shell to explore for up to nine years. If the results are disappointing, then Shell could cease exploration activities at any stage and would implement a site specific rehabilitation programme before leaving the site.

      The Longer Term

      After a well is drilled successfully and gas flows to the surface, the next step typically would be to drill additional wells 5 km – 25 km away from the original well to establish whether similar geological characteristics exist.

      If the indications are positive, the most likely engineering concept would be to drill several wells from a single, existing site. In this situation, additional infrastructure would be required to”connect” the sites so that the gas can be distributed or used to generate energy locally, feeding into existing national electricity infrastructure.

      Permission for access to land

      Landowners are currently being requested permission for access to their land by Golder’s environmental specialists. The team will work under a strict code of conduct which requires, for example, prior permission for access, and not disturbing farm activities. Specialists will inform landowners when they arrive and when they are leaving a particular property.

      Individuals will carry identification and a letter of appointment from Golder.


      Shell will comply with all legal requirements relevant to the exploration activities and will obtain necessary approvals and permits. In addition, Shell will follow its own internal guidelines on environment and social performance. These guidelines require an integrated environmental, social and health impact assessment to be carried out prior to the start of drilling operations. Throughout the process, Shell will work closely with regulators, stakeholders and landowners.

      A brief summary of the environmental regulatory framework follows.
      . . .

      schrieb am 24.12.12 01:47:21
      Beitrag Nr. 3.854 ()
      schrieb am 24.12.12 02:51:21
      Beitrag Nr. 3.855 ()
      Natural gas is an efficient energy source and the cleanest-burning fossil fuel. Natural gas extracted from dense shale rock formations has become the fastest-growing source of gas in the United States and could become a significant new global energy source. Although the energy industry has long known about huge gas resources trapped in shale rock formations in the United States, it is over the past decade that energy companies have combined two established technologies—hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling—to successfully unlock this resource.
      schrieb am 27.12.12 00:15:34
      Beitrag Nr. 3.856 ()
      Seitdem youtube auf htpps hochgeschaltet ist, scheinen bestimmte verfeinerte Eingaben url-mäßig – wenn überhaupt – nur temporär zu funktionieren oder so. Eine ähnliche Google-Insuffizienz wie bei der Forderung nun den eigenen Namen einzugeben bei youtube. Drückt man die Vorgabe, >nein, >so weiter, erscheint eine gefakte Fehlermeldung und man kommt nur durch Ablöschung des Fensters aus dieser Anmache wieder raus. – Google ist eh ein Thema für sich. – So sperren sie sich mit ihrer Toolbar für Mozilla Firefox. Auch hier muss man Google – die gerne userdaten speichern – am besten für immer – mit einem lockeren Programmiertrick überlisten, um die Google-Toolbar – die allerdings zugegeben genauso gut ist wie die Google-Suche – in den MFF zu bekommen. – Das Begleitprogramm für MFF > »delicious« (ehemals (um links zu speichern und zu organisieren) wurde von Yahoo übernommen und funktioniert mit der alles entscheidenden sidebar auch nicht mehr im Mozilla Firefox, wird nicht upgedatet....auch hier muss man leicht in der Tiefe IT-mäßig umprogrammieren, damit es funktioniert........>so macht man sich beliebt....die großen Anbieter grenzen sich gegenseitig aus...wirklich toll....macht Spaß...zusammenarbeiten wär auch ne Möglichkeit....dann hätte ich z b eher Lust die google bookmarksammlung auf chrome mal auszuprobieren! kann sich also nur wundern dass diese Riesenfirmen in der PR und der Interaktion derart passen. ▼
      schrieb am 27.12.12 00:17:45
      Beitrag Nr. 3.857 ()
      schrieb am 27.12.12 00:22:13
      Beitrag Nr. 3.858 ()
      Natural gas is an efficient energy source and the cleanest-burning fossil fuel. Natural gas extracted from dense shale rock formations has become the fastest-growing source of gas in the United States and could become a significant new global energy source. Although the energy industry has long known about huge gas resources trapped in shale rock formations in the United States, it is over the past decade that energy companies have combined two established technologies—hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling—to successfully unlock this resource.
      schrieb am 27.12.12 00:52:47
      Beitrag Nr. 3.859 ()
      >Das Begleitprogramm für MFF > »delicious« (ehemals ► (um links zu speichern und zu organisieren)....

      Na ja, die Zeit zwischen den Jahren steht an, schöne Zeitphase, genug gemeckert erst mal...auf ins nächste lange Wochenende....mal sehen ob Petrohunter den Jahresbericht noch vor Silvester bringt.
      schrieb am 28.12.12 23:24:51
      Beitrag Nr. 3.860 ()
      Late filing zur Abwechslung. Erinnert an alte Zeiten. Insofern vielleicht gar kein schlechtes Zeichen, würde ich mal sagen....the Registrant’s recent activities have delayed the preparation and review of the Report....klingt noch ziemlich vertraut.

      Zeit also erst mal bis Mitte Januar. Danach droht das E > PHUNE. Mit einer weiteren Zwischenfrist von 5 Tagen.

      Form 10-K deadline for PHUN > 90 days…
      schrieb am 30.12.12 22:16:43
      Beitrag Nr. 3.861 ()
      schrieb am 30.12.12 22:24:56
      Beitrag Nr. 3.862 ()
      Also da schlummern immer noch >70 Mio USD Schulden in PHUN....weitgehend ausgesetzt bis 2014....also noch zwei weitere Jahre...eine solche Aussetzung ist eher selten....wir haben darüber hinaus 187 holders of record, darunter so einige Gläubiger, die Petrohunter-Shares übernommen haben as of shares for debt...u a auch Bronco Drilling Company :cool:.

      Bruner arbeitet weiter weitgehend in der Stille, ohne viel Aufhebens. Gefällt mir gut.

      ●Prospectus for IPO was prepared and ready to go in November 2011
      ●Licence applications executed for two core tenements – EP 143 & EP 136 in the Beetaloo Basin
      ●Seismic data reprocessing highlights prospectivity of the Beetaloo Basin
      ●Roper Group formations sets Paltar apart in terms of large conventional and unconventional oil structures
      ●The Beetaloo’s unique Roper Group formations continues to attract drilling investment from international E&P companies
      ●Independent Geologist Report completed 4th quarter 2011
      ●Equity raising to instigate core drilling program to significantly enhance EP’s value
      ●Discussions with major JV farm-in potential partners

      Paltar’s primary operational focus remains the Beetaloo Basin in the Northern Territory, where Paltar has interests in 2,000,000 acres (EP 136, EP 143 and EPA 197). Paltar has identified unconventional oil and gas plays along the western and the eastern margins of the Beetaloo Basin as well as several conventional oil and gas play opportunities along both margins. As explained further below it is the nature of the oil potential in these blocks that has led the Board to fast-track a core drilling program.

      We are pleased to report that the applications 143 and 136 have been fully executed and we anticipate these will be issued by NT Department of Resources. Paltar has done extensive reprocessing of all seismic data on EP 143 and 136. Our new strata graphic interpretations are based on vertical synthetic seismic data from all of the wells drilled in the basin, and these will be the basis of our future coring program.

      Paltar’s Board also made the decision to actively seek interest from major Australian, Asian and American oil and gas E&P companies regarding potential farm-in joint venture agreements. The trade-off in obtaining suitable farm-in partners lies in gaining immediate support to undertake a seismic, coring, vertical and horizontal drilling program, to move faster to a production phase. Whilst strict confidentiality agreements prohibit Paltar from disclosing potential partners, we can advise, substantial interest is already evident in our farm-in data room. We hope to provide an update on this aspect in due course.…

      The coring programme is expected to commence in early 2013 and will involve up to 12 holes being drilled across EP 143 and EP 136. Two rigs will be utilised to carry out the programme, with each well to take up to 45 days to core.…

      River und ich hatten dieses core hole drilling das ansteht ja kurz andiskutiert. Offen blieb bisher die Frage der Finanzierung für die River in einer ersten Annäherung einmal USD 15 Mio veranschlagt hat. Wo wird dieses Geld hopefully herkommen?

      ●Equity raising to instigate core drilling program to significantly enhance EP’s value
      ●Discussions with major JV farm-in potential partners

      Whilst strict confidentiality agreements prohibit Paltar from disclosing potential partners, we can advise, substantial interest is already evident in our farm-in data room. We hope to provide an update on this aspect in due course.

      Was hieße das eigentlich für Petrohunter?
      schrieb am 01.01.13 00:13:14
      Beitrag Nr. 3.863 ()
      Happy New Year!
      schrieb am 06.01.13 00:13:13
      Beitrag Nr. 3.864 ()
      Item 8.01 Other Events

      On August 28, 2012, PetroHunter Energy Corporation and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Sweetpea Petroleum Pty Ltd (collectively, the “Company”), received confirmation that Exploration Permits 136 and 143 (EPs 136 and 143) had been granted by and formally lodged with the Northern Territory of Australia. EPs 136 and 143 cover approximately 1.5 million acres in the Beetaloo Basin.

      The Company has entered into a joint venture and operating agreement with Paltar Petroleum Limited (“Paltar”), pursuant to which Paltar agreed to provide all of the necessary funding for the permits and the initial work program expenses required under EPs136 and 143 in exchange for a 50% ownership interest in the EPs. Paltar is controlled by Marc Bruner, a significant shareholder of the Company.

      EPs 136 and 143 are adjacent to EPs 76, 99, and 117, which are currently owned by Falcon Oil & Gas Australia Limited (“Falcon Australia”). The Company owns an approximate 24% ownership interest in Falcon Australia and Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (“Falcon”) owns approximately 73% of Falcon Australia. As announced earlier by Falcon, Hess Australia (Beetaloo) Pty Limited (“Hess”), which entered into a Beetaloo Basin Evaluation and Participation Agreement with Falcon Australia in April 2011 with respect to EPs 76, 98 and 117, commenced the 2D seismic program on the properties, thus far completing approximately 1,200km of the targeted 3,600km, and increased its capital expenditure on the 2D seismic program from $40 million to an anticipated $57 million. The seismic program is expected to be completed by the end of 2012. Falcon Australia is fully carried on the seismic program.

      Subject to Falcon Australia obtaining a 12-month extension of EPs 76, 98 and 117 until December 31, 2013, Hess has until June 20, 2013 to commit to the drilling of five exploration wells on EPs 76, 98 and 117 to earn 62.5% in the exploration permits. If Hess commits, Falcon Australia will be fully carried through the drilling of all five wells. Falcon Australia would also be carried on the first development well, up to a gross cost of $10 million, if Hess should elect to proceed to the development phase.…

      >The Company has entered into a joint venture and operating agreement with Paltar Petroleum Limited (“Paltar”), pursuant to which Paltar agreed to provide all of the necessary funding for the permits and the initial work program expenses required under EPs136 and 143 in exchange for a 50% ownership interest in the EPs. Paltar is controlled by Marc Bruner, a significant shareholder of the Company.

      50 % sind bei Petrohunter. Funding der permits und initial work programme trägt Paltar. Dabei bleibt Petrohunter zu 50 % owner. – Wenn Paltar ein equity raising macht – aber das wäre doch insbesondere ein IPO an der ASX – bleibt das dort eventuell von Paltar zu beziehende Geld bei Paltar. Denn Paltar trägt ja das initial work programme in den permits. Sinovus wiederum hält 10 % an Paltar. – Tritt Bruner aber zusätzlich in ein JV ein mit einer größeren Company, wie sieht es dann aus? – Ein solches JV würde sich sinnvollerweise beziehen auf die gesamten aktuellen permits von Paltar und Petrohunter im Beetaloo Basin. An einem solchen JV wäre also Petrohunter zu beteiligen, wie ich das jetzt auf den ersten Blick sehe. – Angenommen der möglich JV-Partner bekommt 33.3 % interest blieben für Paltar und Petrohunter je 33.3 %. Die Vergütung – so ein eventuelles cash payment wären dann zu gleichen Anteilen auf Paltar und Petrohunter zu verteilen. Dieses wäre also eine erste neue Einnahmequelle für Petrohunter. Sehe ich das richtig? – Dieses wiederum sollte aber den Wert von Petrohunter deutlich anheben. Denn Petrohunter wäre beteiligt an einem potentiellen ÖL- und Gasfluss im Beetaloo Basin mit 33.3 %, für den es erst selbst money einbringen müsste nach Treffern und einer mit den Partnern vereinbarten Produktionsphase.

      Was machte Petrohunter mit einer ersten JV-Einnahme? Die Zeit nutzen für einen neuen Ansatz etwa im Piceance Basin....oder einsteigen in weitere Australien Permits von Paltar. Denn Schulden zurückzahlen für Petrohunter kann an sich nur gelingen als Produzent. Das alte Ziel wie eh und je. Oder laufende assets dann hoch verkaufen, wenn die Produktionskosten nicht mehr zu stemmen wären, wenn etwa ein major davonzieht. Oder es gibt Kredite.

      Equity raising könnte für Bruner allerdings auch zusätzlich ein PP sein. ASX listing und IPO halte ich gleichwohl für die entscheidenden Paltar Ziele...und natürlich Produktion :D.

      Ein erster Gedankenflug (brainstorm-mäßig) zur aktuellen Situation.
      schrieb am 07.01.13 18:07:08
      Beitrag Nr. 3.865 ()
      Gute Überlegungen ....
      Ich hoffe mal bzw. gehe davon aus, dass Paltar die permits und das initial work program durchziehen kann, ohne weitere Finanzierungen.
      Erst dann, vorausgesetzt erwartungsgemäße Ergebnisse liegen vor, kann nach weiteren kräftigeren Partner Ausschau gehalten werden.

      Da dann die Zahlungszusage von Palter, zumindest so weit ich das verstanden habe, erfüllt ist, wäre ein JV sinnvoll, denn dann wird schon etwas mehr Geld benötigt (Schätzung ca. 15 Mio.).
      Diese Summe zu diesem frühen Zeitpunkt über ein IPO reinzubekommen, halte ich für unrealistisch. Nach diesen Bohrungen mit dem ev. Partner an Bord und bei entsprechenden Ergebnissen wäre ein IPO sinnvoll.

      Ich befürchte nur, dass uns als phun-Aktionären kein Anteil von 33% übrig bleiben wird. Aber ich lass mich gerne eines besseren belehren von unserem Hr. Bruner ;)

      Wenn wir wirklich so weit kommen, was ich hoffe bzw. auch fast glaube, dann wird es wirklich spannend. Wenn das Gebiet ausgedehnt wird, weitere Bohrungen erfolgen,..... und die Einnahmen von ohun langsam steigen.

      Jetz einmal das wichtigste die ersten Bohrungen mit entsprechenden Ergebnissen abschliessen, damit die Maschinerie überhaupt einmal ins Laufen gebracht werden kann. Und dann wird es angenehm, wenn die gegenseitigen Hochrechnungen einen immeren höheren sp ergeben ;)
      schrieb am 09.01.13 07:46:00
      Beitrag Nr. 3.866 ()
      Zum Zeitpunkt der Erstellung dieses Threads betrug der Kurs ca 0,24.
      Jetzt 0,018.

      Er müsste also um ca 1300% Steigen.

      Noch Fragen?
      schrieb am 09.01.13 20:13:29
      Beitrag Nr. 3.867 ()
      Wenn man die story mitverfolgt hat, gibt es aktuell keine Fragen!
      Alles wartet auf die nächstes Ergebnisse.....
      schrieb am 10.01.13 07:07:21
      Beitrag Nr. 3.868 ()
      Das entspricht ungefähr der Anzahl von Metern aus der ÖL im Basin aus einer bestimmten Schichte nach oben muss. Frage: Können core holes auch in production wells umgewandelt werden, mr kaktus7?
      schrieb am 10.01.13 07:13:55
      Beitrag Nr. 3.869 ()
      Wir waren am 30 April 08 auf USD 0.29 mit einem Volumen von 9,906,365. Warum also >einstweilen soweit zurückgehen in diesem thread? Der thread Start hier ist eh ohne Belang. Wesentlich interessanter ist dann wiederum der Start des Digi-Threads, eben >dann doch noch weiter vorne.
      schrieb am 10.01.13 07:17:41
      Beitrag Nr. 3.870 ()

      Tauchen dann doch immer wieder neue Fragen auf....funny...Grüße.
      schrieb am 10.01.13 18:11:07
      Beitrag Nr. 3.871 ()
      schrieb am 11.01.13 18:13:47
      Beitrag Nr. 3.872 ()
      schrieb am 11.01.13 18:17:23
      Beitrag Nr. 3.873 ()
      schrieb am 12.01.13 12:00:01
      Beitrag Nr. 3.874 ()
      Hallo auriga,

      Du hältst ja immer noch die Stange, finde ich gut.
      Hatte gerade etwas Herzklopfen, als ich dies hier entdeckte:

      Handelsplatz (?)....... Letzter ......Veränderung......Vortag....letzte Stk.

      Nasdaq OTC Other.......0,165 $.......+900,00%.......0,0165 $....30.000

      Tag-Stk....... Kursspanne......Zeit

      75.000 ....... 0,14 - 0,20....11.01.13

      Aber das wäre ja zu schön, um wahr zu sein!

      Es kann doch keiner ernsthaft mehr an PHUN glauben, oder?

      Andererseits: Totgeglaubte leben länger :laugh:

      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 14.01.13 21:19:20
      Beitrag Nr. 3.875 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.013.877 von Achilliona am 12.01.13 12:00:01Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. Announces Final Approval of A Multi-Well Drilling Exploration Program with Naftna Industrija Srbije Jsc ("NIS")

      TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 14, 2013) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO), (Falcon or the "Company") the Toronto listed and Dublin headquartered company focused on unconventional oil and gas exploration and production in Hungary, Australia and South Africa, announces that further to its press release dated July 31, 2012, its Hungarian subsidiary TXM Oil and Gas Exploration LLC has executed the agreement in relation to a significant exploration program with NIS, a Serbian oil and gas company in which JSC Gazprom Neft has a 56% stake (the "Transaction").

      Transaction Summary

      • NIS to drill three exploration wells targeting the shallow "Algyo Play" reservoir
      • Falcon to be fully carried on the drilling and testing estimated to cost a minimum of $20m
      • NIS to make an immediate cash payment of $1.5m to Falcon
      • Drilling preparations are already underway
      • Falcon and NIS expect to commence drilling the first well by the end of March 2013
      • Second and third wells likely to be completed by the end of Q3 2013
      • NIS to earn 50% of any net production revenues from the 3 wells
      • Falcon to retain 100% in the "Deep Mako Trough" potential below the Algyo

      The Algyo is a relatively shallow play between 2,300m and 3,500m. A number of Falcon wells have been drilled through the Algyo in recent years, some of which encountered gas shows, but to date no well has ever tested the play concept at an optimal location as previous wells targeted deeper intervals of up to 6,000m.

      Multiple Algyo prospects have subsequently been identified by Falcon through extensive AVO analysis and the upcoming exploration drilling program with NIS will be targeting three separate high-graded prospects.

      Under the terms of the Transaction, NIS shall drill three exploration wells targeting the "Algyo Play" within the Company's Mako Trough production licence in the Pannonian Basin, Hungary. NIS will earn, after undertaking the 3 well drilling obligation, 50% of the net production revenues from the 3 wells drilled. In addition, NIS will have an option to acquire a right of first negotiation for future drilling operations in the "Algyo Play", sharing any potential future costs and revenue 50:50 with Falcon. Falcon will still retain 100% interest in the "Deep Mako Trough".

      Preparation for drilling operations is already underway and the Falcon and NIS are planning to drill the first of the three wells before the end of March 2013, subject to normal regulatory approvals.

      Philip O'Quigley, CEO of Falcon commented:

      "We are delighted to have successfully executed our Agreement with NIS and we can now look forward to the start of a multi-well exploration drilling program in Hungary. We are pleased to have NIS as a partner and look forward to our cooperation with them which has the potential to expand further in the region. Hopefully, this is part of a series of deals that will see multi-well carried drilling programs being carried out across our portfolio in the near future."

      About Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. is an international oil and gas exploration and production company, Toronto listed under the symbol "FO". It is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, with offices in Budapest, Hungary.
      The Company is focussed on unconventional and conventional oil and gas exploration and production, and holds producing assets in three major underexplored basins in Australia, Hungary, and South Africa.
      For further information on Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. please visit


      NIS is one of the largest, vertically integrated oil and gas companies in Southeast Europe, focusing on exploration and production of hydrocarbons, refining of crude oil and sales of a broad range of petroleum products.
      The company's headquarters and main production assets are located in Serbia, with part of the oil production coming from offshore Angola, where NIS has been present since 1980. The company has two refineries and a network of more than 450 filling stations which comprise the backbone of its downstream operations.
      Since 2010 the NIS has increased its international activities by acquiring a number of exploration and production as well as retail assets in the region. At present the company operates in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria with offices in Banja Luka, Budapest, Bucharest, Timisoara, Sofia, Ashkhabad, Brussels, Zagreb and Moscow.
      For further information on NIS please visit
      Certain information in this press release may constitute forward-looking information. This information is based on current expectations that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statement. Falcon assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements unless and until required by securities laws applicable to Falcon. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties is contained in Falcon's filings with the Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available at

      Forward-looking Statements

      Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to: the focus of capital expenditures; the sale, farming in, farming out or development of certain exploration properties using third party resources; the impact of changes in petroleum and natural gas prices on cash flow; drilling plans; processing capacity; operating and other costs; the existence, operation and strategy of the commodity price risk management program; the approximate and maximum amount of forward sales; Falcon's acquisition strategy, the criteria to be considered in connection therewith and the benefits to be derived therefrom; Falcon's goal to sustain or grow production and reserves through prudent management and acquisitions; the emergence of accretive growth opportunities; Falcon's ability to benefit from the combination of growth opportunities and the ability to grow through the capital markets; development costs and the source of funding thereof; the quantity of petroleum and natural gas resources or reserves; treatment under governmental regulatory regimes and tax laws; liquidity and financial capital; the impact of potential acquisitions and the timing for achieving such impact; expectations regarding the ability to raise capital and continually add to reserves through acquisition and development; the performance characteristics of Falcon's petroleum and natural gas properties; and realization of the anticipated benefits of acquisitions and dispositions.

      Some of the risks and other factors, which could cause results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: general economic conditions in Canada, the Republic of Hungary, the Commonwealth of Australia, the Republic of South Africa and globally; supply and demand for petroleum and natural gas; industry conditions, including fluctuations in the price of petroleum and natural gas; governmental regulation of the petroleum and natural gas industry, including income tax, environmental and regulatory matters; fluctuation in foreign exchange or interest rates; risks and liabilities inherent in petroleum and natural gas operations, including exploration, development, exploitation, marketing and transportation risks; geological, technical, drilling and processing problems; unanticipated operating events which can reduce production or cause production to be shut-in or delayed; the ability of our industry partners to pay their proportionate share of joint interest billings; failure to obtain industry partner and other third party consents and approvals, when required; stock market volatility and market valuations; competition for, among other things, capital, acquisition of reserves, processing and transportation capacity, undeveloped land and skilled personnel; the need to obtain required approvals from regulatory authorities; and the other factors considered under "Risk Factors" in Falcon's annual information form ( AIF") dated December 31, 2011. Risks and uncertainties that could cause Falcon's actual results to materially differ from current expectations have not changed from those disclosed in Falcon's Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD&A)as at September 30, 2012. The AIF and MD&A have been filed with Canadian securities regulatory authorities and are available at The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement. Falcon disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required under applicable securities regulation.

      In addition, other factors not currently viewed as material could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements.

      Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      Contact Information:
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.
      Philip O'Quigley
      Chief Executive Officer
      +353 (1) 417 1900 or +353(87) 814 7042

      FTI Consulting, London and Toronto
      Billy Clegg/Edward Westropp
      +44 207 837 3113
      schrieb am 14.01.13 23:40:18
      Beitrag Nr. 3.876 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.013.877 von Achilliona am 12.01.13 12:00:01Hi Achi,

      nice message by the Falcon. Drilling operations are already underway....wäre schön wenn wir das demnächst einmal bei FO AUS vorfinden würden....PHUN mit 24 % dabei....könnte auch bisschen Kohle abfallen für PHUN....und drilling news sagen wir mal aus dem westlichen Beetaloo Basin mit Paltar und ev dann einem neuen Partner....Petrohunter mit 50 % dabei...bei zusätzlichem weiteren JV mit einem größeren Partner könnte auch etwas money reinkommen bei Petrohunter...das wär ja mal wieder was....bis dann

      schrieb am 15.01.13 23:34:32
      Beitrag Nr. 3.877 ()
      Dieses Video ist in Deutschland nicht verfügbar, weil es möglicherweise Musik enthält, für die die erforderlichen Musikrechte von der GEMA nicht eingeräumt wurden.
      schrieb am 16.01.13 17:25:41
      Beitrag Nr. 3.878 ()
      Funktioniert ganz gut bei der OTC MM G: PHUN kurz in die pinks abgerutscht, weil das filing gestern fällig war....phunny once again.
      schrieb am 18.01.13 13:07:08
      Beitrag Nr. 3.879 ()
      So langsam wird es Zeit für das PHUN filing.....heute läuft nach den ersten 14 Tagen und den zweiten fünf Tagen die zweite Frist aus...danach erscheint das >E....mal sehen ob Oring heute was bringt.
      schrieb am 19.01.13 01:17:41
      Beitrag Nr. 3.880 ()
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. Announces Issuance of Shares to Former Officer and Announces Engagement of FTI Consulting

      TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 18, 2013) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO), ("Falcon" or the "Company") the international oil and gas exploration and production company focused on unconventional and conventional oil and gas exploration and producing assets in Hungary, Australia and South Africa, announces that it has issued 300,000 common shares in the capital of the Company ("Common Shares") to Robert Macaulay, the former Chief Executive Officer of the Company. The Common Shares have been issued in consideration of services rendered to the Company pursuant to an employment agreement between the Company and Mr. Macaulay effective as of November 10, 2010, as amended. The Common Shares are subject to a one four month hold period that expires on May 2, 2013, in accordance with applicable securities legislation.

      Engagement of FTI Consulting

      The Company also announces that it has engaged FTI Consulting LLP ("FTI") effective May 21, 2012 to provide business communications services (the "Services"). The Services include bringing attention and exposure to the Company to help enhance and increase the Company's image and public awareness.

      FTI is a global business advisory firm that provides multidisciplinary solutions to complex challenges and opportunities, and is headquartered in Florida, U.S.A.

      FTI will provide Falcon with the Services until the agreement between the parties is terminated by either party on three months' written notice (except upon a change of control). Pursuant to the agreement between the parties, FTI will be paid a monthly fee commensurate with the market standard, with additional payments owing in relation to special projects.

      About Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. is an international oil and gas exploration and production company, listed on the TSX Venture Exchange in Toronto under the symbol FO.V. It is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, and has an office in Budapest, Hungary.

      The Company is focused on unconventional and conventional oil and gas exploration and production, and holds producing assets in three major underexplored basins in Australia, Hungary, and South Africa.

      For further information about Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd., please visit

      Certain information in this press release may constitute forward-looking information. This information is based on current expectations that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statement. Falcon assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements unless and until required by securities laws applicable to Falcon. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties is contained in Falcon's filings with the Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available at

      Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
      Contact Information:
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.
      Philip O'Quigley
      Chief Executive Officer
      +353 (1) 417 1900 or +353(87) 814 7042

      FTI Consulting, London and Toronto
      Billy Clegg/Edward Westropp
      +44 207 837 3113…
      schrieb am 19.01.13 14:11:11
      Beitrag Nr. 3.881 ()
      Dafür escrow shares zu verwenden wäre ne ganz elegante Lösung für beide Parteien. Man spart ein – Kleinvieh macht auch Mist – und 300 000 shares aus escrow tun kaum weh. Nach vier Monaten kann Macaulay sie verkaufen. Er sollte ja noch paar Falcon shares mehr haben. War eine gute Zeitphase für Falcon mit Rob, finde ich.

      Die Bestätigung des engagements von FTI consulting halte ich für absolut korrekt, wenn das auch wohl en bisschen was kostet. Der Macaulay-Betrag ist nun frei dafür(lach).....nein, aber die Außendarstellung einer Firma ist von einer immensen positiven Bedeutung....wenns denn auch im operativen Geschäftsbereich und bei den Finanzen stimmt.

      FTI Consulting, Inc. (FTI Consulting) is a global business advisory firm. FTI Consulting operates in five business segments: Corporate Finance/Restructuring; Forensic and Litigation Consulting; Economic Consulting; Technology; and Strategic Communications. It assists clients in addressing a range of business challenges, such as restructuring (including bankruptcy), financing and credit issues and indebtedness, interim business management, forensic accounting and litigation matters, international arbitrations, mergers and acquisitions, antitrust and competition matters, electronic discovery (e-discovery) management and retrieval of electronically stored information, reputation management and strategic communications. It also provides services to help the clients take advantage of economic, regulatory, financial and other business opportunities. In October 2012, it acquired the assets of KordaMentha (Qld) (KMQ).
      Contact Information
      Suite 1500, 777 South Flagler Drive
      WEST PALM BEACH, FL 21202
      Phone: (561) 515-1900
      Fax: (561) 515-1990 Investor Relations

      Source: NYSE
      schrieb am 20.01.13 20:38:50
      Beitrag Nr. 3.882 ()
      Zitat von auriga: >The Company has entered into a joint venture and operating agreement with Paltar Petroleum Limited (“Paltar”), pursuant to which Paltar agreed to provide all of the necessary funding for the permits and the initial work program expenses required under EPs136 and 143 in exchange for a 50% ownership interest in the EPs. Paltar is controlled by Marc Bruner, a significant shareholder of the Company.

      50 % sind bei Petrohunter. Funding der permits und initial work programme trägt Paltar. Dabei bleibt Petrohunter zu 50 % owner. – Wenn Paltar ein equity raising macht – aber das wäre doch insbesondere ein IPO an der ASX – bleibt das dort eventuell von Paltar zu beziehende Geld bei Paltar. Denn Paltar trägt ja das initial work programme in den permits. Sinovus wiederum hält 10 % an Paltar. – Tritt Bruner aber zusätzlich in ein JV ein mit einer größeren Company, wie sieht es dann aus? – Ein solches JV würde sich sinnvollerweise beziehen auf die gesamten aktuellen permits von Paltar und Petrohunter im Beetaloo Basin. An einem solchen JV wäre also Petrohunter zu beteiligen, wie ich das jetzt auf den ersten Blick sehe. – Angenommen der möglich JV-Partner bekommt 33.3 % interest blieben für Paltar und Petrohunter je 33.3 %. Die Vergütung – so ein eventuelles cash payment wären dann zu gleichen Anteilen auf Paltar und Petrohunter zu verteilen. Dieses wäre also eine erste neue Einnahmequelle für Petrohunter. Sehe ich das richtig? – Dieses wiederum sollte aber den Wert von Petrohunter deutlich anheben. Denn Petrohunter wäre beteiligt an einem potentiellen ÖL- und Gasfluss im Beetaloo Basin mit 33.3 %, für den es erst selbst money einbringen müsste nach Treffern und einer mit den Partnern vereinbarten Produktionsphase.

      Was machte Petrohunter mit einer ersten JV-Einnahme? Die Zeit nutzen für einen neuen Ansatz etwa im Piceance Basin....oder einsteigen in weitere Australien Permits von Paltar. Denn Schulden zurückzahlen für Petrohunter kann an sich nur gelingen als Produzent. Das alte Ziel wie eh und je. Oder laufende assets dann hoch verkaufen, wenn die Produktionskosten nicht mehr zu stemmen wären, wenn etwa ein major davonzieht. Oder es gibt Kredite.

      Equity raising könnte für Bruner allerdings auch zusätzlich ein PP sein. ASX listing und IPO halte ich gleichwohl für die entscheidenden Paltar Ziele...und natürlich Produktion :D.

      Ein erster Gedankenflug (brainstorm-mäßig) zur aktuellen Situation.

      Zitat von riverstone: Da dann die Zahlungszusage von Palter, zumindest so weit ich das verstanden habe, erfüllt ist, wäre ein JV sinnvoll, denn dann wird schon etwas mehr Geld benötigt (Schätzung ca. 15 Mio.).
      Diese Summe zu diesem frühen Zeitpunkt über ein IPO reinzubekommen, halte ich für unrealistisch. Nach diesen Bohrungen mit dem ev. Partner an Bord und bei entsprechenden Ergebnissen wäre ein IPO sinnvoll.

      Ich befürchte nur, dass uns als phun-Aktionären kein Anteil von 33% übrig bleiben wird. Aber ich lass mich gerne eines besseren belehren von unserem Hr. Bruner ;)

      Wenn wir wirklich so weit kommen, was ich hoffe bzw. auch fast glaube, dann wird es wirklich spannend. Wenn das Gebiet ausgedehnt wird, weitere Bohrungen erfolgen,..... und die Einnahmen von ohun langsam steigen.

      Jetz einmal das wichtigste die ersten Bohrungen mit entsprechenden Ergebnissen abschliessen, damit die Maschinerie überhaupt einmal ins Laufen gebracht werden kann. Und dann wird es angenehm, wenn die gegenseitigen Hochrechnungen einen immeren höheren sp ergeben ;)

      Was mir gerade zu Phun einfällt ist Folgendes.....angenommen FO AUS geht einmal an die Börse in Australien (ev mit einem IPO)(sagen wir mal AUD 1), bekommt Phun sozusagen eine Gutschrift von 50 000 000 AUD in seine balance sheet, wenn nur einmal im equity accounting nach diesem leidigen Minimalverlust in AUS neu accountet wird, weil zusätzlich bei PHUN auch was reinkommt in Beetaloo(etwa über Shenandoah und Umgebung) und was nun money ist (AUD 50 Mio) was langsam realer und verfügbarer wird....geht auf der anderen Seite Paltar an die Börse in Australien, sagen wir mit einem IPO ebenfalls a AUD 1, würden dann nicht PHUN doch auch noch en paar Paltar-Aktien zustehen als asset Lieferant? Ich denke schon...weitergedacht zu unseren Vorgängerpostings...sagen wir mal 100 000 000 Paltar shares beim IPO von Paltar(resp beim listing an der ASX)....die IPO-Kohle kassiert Paltar alleine......dann erscheinen im balance sheet von PHUN $ 150 000 000 plus.....dazu können Zahlungen kommen von potentiellen JV Partnern sowohl im Bereich Shenandoah und Umgebung, als auch im Bereich potentielles JV Paltar Petroleum....auf die Art und Weise wäre PHUN schon ohne Treffer im Basin einmal im steht nirgends geschrieben, dass nicht auch PHUN auf der Erfolgsspur seine assets wieder erweitern könnte...Gedankenspiele einstweilen ;)....Fortsetzung folgt.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 21.01.13 14:34:34
      Beitrag Nr. 3.883 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.042.886 von auriga am 20.01.13 20:38:50…

      >According to the Australian Financial Review on 8 August 2011, Morgan Stanley has signed up as broker and underwriter for the initial public offering of Paltar, which is all set to tap into the growing excitement around shale gas in Australia. The IPO is expected to raise $25 million for an indicative market capitalisation of about $130 million.

      >Morgan Stanley will also help to secure an oil and gas major as a farm-in partner on Paltar tenements in the Beetaloo Basin, Northern Territory. It is worth noting Hess Corporation is in the Beetaloo and has committed to spending up to $200 million on a drilling program over the next five years.

      Bezüglich IPO von Paltar und ASX listing: Morgan Stanley hat unterschrieben als broker und >underwriter. AUD 25 million to be raised....6,666,667 Paltar shares hat Sinovus....bei ner MK von AUD 130 000 000 bleiben also circa 100 000 000 shares zu verteilen.....ich würde also für AUD 1 im IPO korrigieren auf 50 000 000 Paltar shares Wotan und 50 000 000 Paltar shares Petrohunter(Sweetpea)...wir hatten das vor einiger zeit in der Tat schon mal ähnlich diskutiert (beim halben Preis hätten wir die doppelte Menge an shares, aber ich hatte damals auch eher AUD 1 dann vermutet).
      schrieb am 21.01.13 15:17:31
      Beitrag Nr. 3.884 ()
      Beetaloo Basin Seismic Acquisition Completed on Exploration Permits 76, 98 and 117

      TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 21, 2013) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO) ("Falcon" or the "Company"), a Toronto listed and Dublin headquartered company focused on unconventional oil and gas exploration and production assets in Australia, South Africa and Hungary, is pleased to announce the completion of the acquisition of seismic data by Hess Australia (Beetaloo) Pty Ltd ("Hess") on Exploration Permits 76, 98 and 117 held by Falcon's 73% subsidiary, Falcon Oil & Gas Australia Limited ("Falcon Australia") in the Beetaloo Basin of the Northern Territory, Australia.

      Over the two field seasons of 2011 and 2012 Hess acquired 3,490 km of 2D seismic data at an estimated cost of $55 million. The regulator, the Northern Territory Department of Mines and Energy, has determined that the acquired seismic satisfies the work commitments for the three permits owned by Falcon Australia. Details of the work completed over the last two field seasons are as follows:

      ● EP76 - 327 km line kilometres of 2D seismic data
      ● EP98 - 1,852 km line kilometres of 2D seismic data
      ● EP117 - 1,311 km line kilometres of 2D seismic data

      The information collected is now being processed by Hess.

      Following completion of the seismic programme, Hess may elect to drill and evaluate five wells to earn a 62.5% equity stake in the licence area covered by the three permits but excluding the 100,000 acres around the Shenandoah well (Falcon fully carried). Hess has until the 30th June 2013 to make this election.

      Philip O'Quigley, CEO of Falcon commented:

      "The completion of the fieldwork associated with the seismic data collection marks a significant milestone for Falcon's Beetaloo project. Falcon is pleased Hess has been able to complete its ambitious program. The estimated $55m expenditure ensured that the extensive fieldwork of the last 18 months delivered very high quality data, necessary to build on Falcon's earlier work and move the evaluation of the resource potential of the Beetaloo Basin to the next level. Falcon now looks forward to the announcement of Hess' decision on the exercise of its option to drill five wells in exchange for a significant stake in the assets."

      About Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO) is an international oil and gas company focused on exploration and production in Australia, South Africa and Hungary. Falcon's strategy is to acquire, explore and develop large acreage positions of unconventional and conventional oil and gas resources in major underexplored basins located in politically and economically stable countries, with a high regional demand for energy and existing infrastructure. The Company's distinctive approach is to seek endorsement of its acreage and support for its exploration efforts in partnerships with established international oil & gas companies. Falcon's assets are represented by interests in almost 15 million acres in areas allowing rapid delivery of oil and gas to market.

      In Australia, Falcon holds 100% interest in four exploration permits covering 7 million acres in the Beetaloo Basin, Northern Territory. Falcon's JV agreement with Hess covers significant seismic costs and an option to drill five wells. In South Africa, Falcon holds 100% interest in a Technical Cooperation Permit covering 7.4 million acres in the Karoo Basin. Falcon has signed a Cooperation agreement with Chevron to seek unconventional exploration opportunities in the Karoo Basin, onshore South Africa. The Karoo Basin is large (236,000 mi2), extending across nearly two-thirds of the country, with the southern portion (70,800 mi2) of the basin potentially favourable for shale gas. A significant portion of Falcon's TCP is located within the prospective area, along the southern boundary. Falcon's acreage in Hungary is adjacent to the giant Algyö Field and is transected by existing gas pipelines offering near-term access to local markets.

      For further information on Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. please visit

      Forward-looking Statements

      Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to: the focus of capital expenditures; the sale, farming in, farming out or development of certain exploration properties using third party resources; the impact of changes in petroleum and natural gas prices on cash flow; drilling plans; processing capacity; operating and other costs; the existence, operation and strategy of the commodity price risk management program; the approximate and maximum amount of forward sales; Falcon's acquisition strategy, the criteria to be considered in connection therewith and the benefits to be derived therefrom; Falcon's goal to sustain or grow production and reserves through prudent management and acquisitions; the emergence of accretive growth opportunities; Falcon's ability to benefit from the combination of growth opportunities and the ability to grow through the capital markets; development costs and the source of funding thereof; the quantity of petroleum and natural gas resources or reserves; treatment under governmental regulatory regimes and tax laws; liquidity and financial capital; the impact of potential acquisitions and the timing for achieving such impact; expectations regarding the ability to raise capital and continually add to reserves through acquisition and development; the performance characteristics of Falcon's petroleum and natural gas properties; and realization of the anticipated benefits of acquisitions and dispositions.

      Some of the risks and other factors, which could cause results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: general economic conditions in Canada, the Republic of Hungary, the Commonwealth of Australia, the Republic of South Africa and globally; supply and demand for petroleum and natural gas; industry conditions, including fluctuations in the price of petroleum and natural gas; governmental regulation of the petroleum and natural gas industry, including income tax, environmental and regulatory matters; fluctuation in foreign exchange or interest rates; risks and liabilities inherent in petroleum and natural gas operations, including exploration, development, exploitation, marketing and transportation risks; geological, technical, drilling and processing problems; unanticipated operating events which can reduce production or cause production to be shut-in or delayed; the ability of our industry partners to pay their proportionate share of joint interest billings; failure to obtain industry partner and other third party consents and approvals, when required; stock market volatility and market valuations; competition for, among other things, capital, acquisition of reserves, processing and transportation capacity, undeveloped land and skilled personnel; the need to obtain required approvals from regulatory authorities; and the other factors considered under "Risk Factors" in Falcon's annual information form ( "AI") dated December 31, 2011. Risks and uncertainties that could cause Falcon's actual results to materially differ from current expectations have not changed from those disclosed in Falcon's Management's Discussion and Analysis ("MD&A") as at September 30, 2012. The AIF and MD&A have been filed with Canadian securities regulatory authorities and are available at The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement. Falcon disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required under applicable securities regulation.

      In addition, other factors not currently viewed as material could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements.

      Certain information in this press release may constitute forward-looking information. This information is based on current expectations that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statement. Falcon assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements unless and until required by securities laws applicable to Falcon. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties is contained in Falcon's filings with the Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available at

      Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
      Contact Information:
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.
      Philip O'Quigley
      Chief Executive Officer
      +353 (1) 417 1900 or +353(87) 814 7042

      FTI Consulting, London and Toronto
      Billy Clegg/Edward Westropp
      +44 207 837 3113
      schrieb am 21.01.13 17:32:20
      Beitrag Nr. 3.885 ()
      55 Millionen USD für seismic im Basin über 18 Monate. Sensationell. Jetzt gehts an die weitere Auswertung der Daten für Hess. Alleine die Erstellung der Daten in diesem relativ kurzen Zeitraum in schwierigem Terrain ist enorm. Extrem spannend was da rauskommt, für das gesamte Beetaloo Basin.

      Oring et al nutzen wohl das lange Wochenende in USA. Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., heute am 21. Januar in USA. Ich denke doch dass diese Woche das PHUN filing kommt. Wir hatten in früheren Jahren schon mal einen Jahresabschluss am 26.01 2007 (von FY 2006) mit einem PHUN >> PHUN > E am 19.01. 2006 -- welches zurückkorrigiert wurde am 30.01. 2007 von PHUNE zu PHUN.

      @River > was meinst du zu meiner Veranschlagung bezüglich Paltar shares für PHUN? Die Beetaloo assets sind doch wohl mehr wert als nur ein 50 % working interest? Ich denke Paltar wir wohl kaum ein listing und IPO machen ohne PHUN anteilsmäßig an Paltar zu beteiligen?

      -- In deinem Gedankengang sollte im Übrigen zuerst ein JV mit einem weiteren Partner kommen und dann das listing und IPO von Paltar an der ASX. Mit Zahlungen meinst du wohl die $ 1 Mio von Sinovus. Ja, die hat Platar schon auf dem Konto. Und mit Morgan Stanley kann man wie gesagt auch später verrechnen, die Gebühren für brokerage und so dann vom IPO money abziehen. Das wird auch gerne oft so gemacht.

      Was das initial work programme betrifft, dieses kann man weit und eng fassen. Ich denke du hast es eher eng gefasst(erste seismic? und Auswertung von Basin seismic von Law). Weiter gedacht umfasst es auch gleich das core hole drilling mit, in dem PHUN auch gecarried sein sollteIMHO.

      Wenn das core drilling aber in early 2013 beginnen soll, was könnte das heißen????? You know what I mean I guess ;).

      Grüße, A.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 21.01.13 17:36:45
      Beitrag Nr. 3.886 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.045.731 von auriga am 21.01.13 17:32:20Wir hatten in früheren Jahren schon mal einen Jahresabschluss am 26.01 2007 (von FY 2006) mit einem PHUN >> PHUN > E am 19.01. 2007 -- welches zurückkorrigiert wurde am 30.01. 2007 von PHUNE zu PHUN.
      schrieb am 24.01.13 17:21:33
      Beitrag Nr. 3.887 ()
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. Announces Independent Technical Audit Indicating Significant Increase in Prospective Resources in Australian Assets

      TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 24, 2013) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO) ("Falcon" or the "Company"), a Toronto listed and Dublin headquartered company focused on unconventional oil and gas exploration and producing assets in Australia, South Africa and Hungary, is pleased to announce that an independent study by RPS Energy has substantially increased Play level Prospective Resources in the Beetaloo exploration permits in Northern Australia held by Falcon's 73% subsidiary, Falcon Oil & Gas Australia Limited ("Falcon Australia") as well as providing an update on the Contingent Resources in the Mako Trough, Hungary.

      The Company recently engaged RPS Energy to carry out an updated independent evaluation of and produce a Competent Person's Report ("CPR") on the potential hydrocarbon resources pertaining to Falcon Australia's acreage interests in the Beetaloo Basin, Australia and the Mako Trough in Hungary as at 1 January 2013.

      A summary of the resource updates are set out in the tables below with the most significant point to note being the substantial increase in the Play level Prospective Resource in the Beetaloo Basin.

      Previous work carried out by Ryder Scott on the Beetaloo Basin in July 2009 and May 2010 indicated Prospective Resource recoverable volumes of 64 TCF of gas and 18 billion barrels of oil. The work completed by RPS Energy, which considers the potential of the whole of the on-block basin indicates a considerable increase in the Play level Prospective Resource recoverable volumes of 162 TCF of gas and 21 billion barrels of oil. Falcon is pleased to see that its on-going efforts in the basin-scale re-evaluation of the Beetaloo basin and the new information obtained in the Shenandoah-1 well are fully reflected in the latest resource volumes.

      RPS Energy also updated their previous report on the Mako Trough, including for the first time Prospective Resource recoverable volumes attributable to the shallow "Algyo Play" which the Company and its partner NIS will be targeting this year. According to the RPS CPR report, eight of the ten prospects identified by Falcon contain 568 BCF of prospective recoverable gas resources. Falcon and NIS have high graded the top three prospects which will be targeted by the initial three well exploration drilling program announced on the 14th January 2013 and commencing in late Q1 2013.

      Table A: Australia - Prospective Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resources (Play Level) Summary

      RPS Report January 2013 1 Ryder Scott Report 2009/2010
      Gross Best Estimate (P50) Gross Best Estimate (P50)
      Gas (TCF) 162 ................63.91
      Oil (MMBO) 21,345 ................17,540

      Table B: Hungary - Contingent Resources Summary for "Deep Mako Trough"
      RPS Report January 2013 1 RPS Report March 2008
      Gross Volumes at 2C level Gross Volumes at 2C level
      Gas (TCF) 35.27 ................43.94
      Oil (MMBO) 76.71 ................97.80

      Table C: Hungary - Prospective Resources Summary for Mako Trough - Algyo Formation
      RPS Report January 2013 1 RPS Report March 2008
      Gross Best Estimate (P50)
      Gas (BCF) 568 ................N/A

      Philip O'Quigley, CEO of Falcon commented:

      "The recent work completed by RPS Energy resulting in a substantial increase in the potential recoverable volumes in our acreage in the Beetaloo Basin augurs well for the future prospectivity of the Beetaloo Basin as well as confirming the substantial un-risked potential resources of the Algyo Play, now the target of a drilling campaign due to start by the end of March 2013."

      About Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO) is an international oil and gas company focused on exploration and production in Australia, South Africa and Hungary. Falcon's strategy is to acquire, explore and develop large acreage positions of unconventional and conventional oil and gas resources in major underexplored basins located in politically and economically stable countries, with a high regional demand for energy and existing infrastructure. The Company's distinctive approach is to seek endorsement of its acreage and support for its exploration efforts in partnerships with established international oil & gas companies. Falcon's assets are represented by interests in almost 15 million acres in areas allowing rapid delivery of oil and gas to market.

      In Australia, Falcon Australia holds 100% interest in four exploration permits covering 7 million acres in the Beetaloo Basin, Northern Territory. Falcon's JV agreement with Hess covers significant seismic acquisition and an option to drill five wells. In South Africa, Falcon holds 100% interest in a Technical Cooperation Permit covering 7.4 million acres in the Karoo Basin. Falcon has signed a Cooperation agreement with Chevron to seek unconventional exploration opportunities in the Karoo Basin, onshore South Africa. The Karoo Basin is large (236,000 mi2), extending across nearly two-thirds of the country, with the southern portion (70,800 mi2) of the basin potentially favourable for shale gas. A significant portion of Falcon's TCP is located within the prospective area, along the southern boundary. Falcon's acreage in Hungary is adjacent to the giant Algyö Field and is transected by existing gas pipelines offering near-term access to local markets.

      For further information on Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. please visit

      (1) The RPS Energy CPR Report, dated January 1, 2013, entitled "Evaluation of the Hydrocarbon Resource Potential Pertaining to Certain Acreage Interests in the Beetaloo Basin, Onshore Australia and Mako Trough, Onshore Hungary" (the "Report") can be found at The Report on the hydrocarbon resource potential of the Beetaloo Basin and the Mako Trough describes a possible distribution of the un-risked prospective (recoverable) portion of un-risked "undiscovered original oil-in-place resources," as defined by the Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook ("COGEH") and does not represent an estimate of reserves or contingent resources. The Report has been prepared in accordance with the Canadian standards set out in the COGEH and is compliant with National Instrument 51-101 "Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities." Under Section 5.2 of COGEH: Undiscovered Petroleum Initially-In-Place (equivalent to undiscovered resources) is that quantity of petroleum that is estimated, on a given date, to be contained in accumulations yet to be discovered. Prospective Resources are those quantities of petroleum estimated, as of a given date, to be potentially recoverable from undiscovered accumulations by application of future development projects. Prospective resources have both an associated chance of discovery and a chance of development. There is no certainty that any portion of the undiscovered resources will be discovered and that, if discovered, it may not be economically viable or technically feasible to produce any of the resources.

      Glossary of Terms
      TCF Trillion Cubic Feet
      BCF Billion Cubic Feet
      MMBO Million barrels of oil

      Forward-looking Statements

      Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to: the focus of capital expenditures; the sale, farming in, farming out or development of certain exploration properties using third party resources; the impact of changes in petroleum and natural gas prices on cash flow; drilling plans; processing capacity; operating and other costs; the existence, operation and strategy of the commodity price risk management program; the approximate and maximum amount of forward sales; Falcon's acquisition strategy, the criteria to be considered in connection therewith and the benefits to be derived therefrom; Falcon's goal to sustain or grow production and reserves through prudent management and acquisitions; the emergence of accretive growth opportunities; Falcon's ability to benefit from the combination of growth opportunities and the ability to grow through the capital markets; development costs and the source of funding thereof; the quantity of petroleum and natural gas resources or reserves; treatment under governmental regulatory regimes and tax laws; liquidity and financial capital; the impact of potential acquisitions and the timing for achieving such impact; expectations regarding the ability to raise capital and continually add to reserves through acquisition and development; the performance characteristics of Falcon's petroleum and natural gas properties; and realization of the anticipated benefits of acquisitions and dispositions.

      Some of the risks and other factors, which could cause results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: general economic conditions in Canada, the Republic of Hungary, the Commonwealth of Australia, the Republic of South Africa and globally; supply and demand for petroleum and natural gas; industry conditions, including fluctuations in the price of petroleum and natural gas; governmental regulation of the petroleum and natural gas industry, including income tax, environmental and regulatory matters; fluctuation in foreign exchange or interest rates; risks and liabilities inherent in petroleum and natural gas operations, including exploration, development, exploitation, marketing and transportation risks; geological, technical, drilling and processing problems; unanticipated operating events which can reduce production or cause production to be shut-in or delayed; the ability of our industry partners to pay their proportionate share of joint interest billings; failure to obtain industry partner and other third party consents and approvals, when required; stock market volatility and market valuations; competition for, among other things, capital, acquisition of reserves, processing and transportation capacity, undeveloped land and skilled personnel; the need to obtain required approvals from regulatory authorities; and the other factors considered under "Risk Factors" in Falcon's annual information form ("AI") dated December 31, 2011. Risks and uncertainties that could cause Falcon's actual results to materially differ from current expectations have not changed from those disclosed in Falcon's Management's Discussion and Analysis ("MD&A") as at September 30, 2012. The AIF and MD&A have been filed with Canadian securities regulatory authorities and are available at The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement. Falcon disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required under applicable securities regulation.

      In addition, other factors not currently viewed as material could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements.

      Certain information in this press release may constitute forward-looking information. This information is based on current expectations that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statement. Falcon assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements unless and until required by securities laws applicable to Falcon. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties is contained in Falcon's filings with the Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available at

      Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
      Contact Information:
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd
      +353 (1) 417 1900

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd
      Philip O'Quigley
      Chief Executive Officer
      +353(87) 814 7042

      FTI Consulting, London and Toronto
      Billy Clegg/Edward Westropp
      +44 207 837 3113…
      schrieb am 25.01.13 17:16:20
      Beitrag Nr. 3.888 ()
      Super, danke fürs reinstellen.
      Jetzt müssen wir nur noch die 162 TCF Gas und die 21 Milliarden Öl nachweisen können und aus dem Boden holen!
      Dann wirds wenig phun Aktionäre geben, die aus dem Grinsen nicht mehr rauskommen werden.
      Danke für die tolle Arbeit hier im Thread.

      schönes Wochenende
      schrieb am 28.01.13 19:37:39
      Beitrag Nr. 3.889 ()
      Ja die alten Phunesen...

      Geht da noch was?
      Man hatte die Hoffnung ja schon lange aufgegeben!

      Großes Kompliment und dank an riverstone und vor allem auriga die die Fahne hoch halten!

      Jetzt kanns ja nicht mehr lange dauern bis die 1. "Phun-Riesenverarsche" Schreiberlinge wieder auftauchen

      VG evens
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 28.01.13 22:19:30
      Beitrag Nr. 3.890 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.074.144 von evens am 28.01.13 19:37:39Mei dass wir das noch erleben dürfen
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 01.02.13 23:38:17
      Beitrag Nr. 3.891 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.074.699 von DIGIECO am 28.01.13 22:19:30Ganz interessant in der aktuellen Situation sich den Vortrag von Ben Law aus 2010 über das Beetaloo Basin noch mal anzuschauen(anzuhören). Law war in 2010 consultant bei Falcon. – Ganz früh gearbeitet über das Basin hat Silverman(Petrohunter). Er bezeichnete das Basin als »crustal downwarp«. (Proterozoic and Cambrian age tight oil and gas basin and a separate depocenter within the greater McArthur Basin.)(Zitat RPS siehe unten).

      Bei Petrohunter haben Silverman, Law und Ahlbrandt(Petrohunter und Falcon) über das B. Basin gearbeitet. Das Beetaloo Basin gilt ganz besonders als Ahlbrandts baby, während das Entsprechende in Karoo wiederum Ben Law zugeschrieben wird(Falcon). Law ist zur Zeit Chefgeologe bei Paltar.
      Soly hatte den link gerade parat....THX Soly.

      Das war auf der AAPG im April 2010 in New Orleans.……

      RPS aktuell über Beetaloo und Mako.…
      schrieb am 02.02.13 09:15:15
      Beitrag Nr. 3.892 ()
      Hi Auriga!

      Aus dem aktuellen RPS über Beetaloo:
      This total takes into account all possible successful outcomes and the mean value for the resultant distribution (62,14 MMstb Net) constitues the true expectation of success.

      This total takes into account all possible successful outcomes and the mean value for the resultant distribution (504,31 Bcf Net) constitues the true expectation of success.

      Ist zwar nichts wirkliches Neues, aber die Mengen sind wirklich enorm.

      Auf jeden Fall sollten wir bald mal was hören von Paltar:
      "The coring programme is expected to commence in early 2013 and will involve up to 12 holes being drilled across EP 143 and EP 136. Two rigs will be utilised to carry out the programme, with each well to take up to 45 days to core."

      Bis jetzt hatten wir keine Nachricht über eine etwaige Finanzierung. Falls es keine Verzögerungen gibt, sollten die Arbeiten lt. news Anfang 2013 beginnen - das ist für mich spätestens März!
      Aber wie schon gesagt, ich denke nicht, dass man solche Ansagen macht, ohne irgendeine Ahnung zu haben wie man das Geld auftreibt - vor allem in diesen Zeiten.

      Aber wenn das core drilling nur für eine Einschätzung gemacht wird und die wells wieder geschlossen werden, dann reden wir sicher nur von einem einstelligen Millionenbetrag m. M. nach. Das sollte hoffentlich machbar sein. Aber meines Wissens können die natürlich auch ausgebaut werden. Wird aber in der derzeitgen Situation (fehlende Infrastruktur) wohl eher nicht gemacht werden. Das würde für den Anfang vielleicht doch zuviel kosten und natürlich auch das Risiko erhöhen.

      (erledigte Finanzierung?) core drilling - Nachweis der Resourcen - financing (wie auch immer, IPO,...) - und dann wird es spannend!

      Dein posting betreffend des IPO an der ASX von Platar, gehe ich auf jeden Fall davon aus, dass PHUN hier anteilsmäßig mitschneiden wird. Wenn dann wird es ja eine "eigene Gesellschaft", an der PHUN seine Anteile hält.

      Aber in den kommenden 3-4 Wochen sollten wir eigentlich was hören von Paltar.........

      Schönes Wochenende
      schrieb am 03.02.13 20:08:02
      Beitrag Nr. 3.893 ()
      Hi Auriga!

      Auf Agoracom wurde gerade die Frage aufgeworfen, was es mit dem 13%igen Honorar an Beetaloo, neben dem 10% Regierungsanteil, auf sich hat?

      Siehe Auszug aus dem von Dir reingestellten RPS:
      "The Permits are subject to a government royalty of 10% and non-government royalties of 13%-14%"
      Gehören die vielleicht Bruner? Weisst du was darüber?

      Der verbeleibende Kuchen ist zwar immer noch sehr groß (hoffentlich!), aber es wäre nett zu wissen, wie sich die ganze Verteilung zusammensetzt.....

      schönen Abenb
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 04.02.13 08:35:32
      Beitrag Nr. 3.894 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.098.143 von riverstone am 03.02.13 20:08:02Solyomtwo hat es klargestellt:
      - 10% Northern Territory
      - 1-2% royalty to traditional owners
      - 8% overriding royality ta Bayless
      - 5% overridung royality tc CR Innovations AG
      - 30% corporate income tax

      Somit wäre das geklärt - siehe Falcons Corporate Presentation 2009.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 04.02.13 10:54:57
      Beitrag Nr. 3.895 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.098.716 von riverstone am 04.02.13 08:35:32Hi River....von Bayless hat Bruner das Beetaloo Basin resp. Sweetpea übernommen für USD 1 million und die royalty an Bayless...ein Kollege in Colorado.... wir hatten das damals mit Corona durchdiskutiert, vielleicht suche ich die posts von damals noch mal raus bei Übrigen hatte Bruner bei Petrohunter mit MAB LLC auch eine royalty...diese muss er an Russenberger überschrieben haben in terms of credit line.

      Die corporate tax von 30 % wird Mitte 2014 auf 28 % reduziert......für smaller businesses in Australia (720 000 companies) schon ab Mitte 2013.

      Schwieriger ist die 40 percent tax on the profits of resource companies – mining companies, aber ursprünglich inclusice ÖL und Gas. Diese Steuer war im May 2010 in Australien geplant. Resource Super-Profits Tax (RSPT) of 40%. Umsetzungszeitpunkt Mitte 2012. Sie wurde aber nicht umgesetzt sondern abgeändert. Nennt sich nun MRRT. The MRRT imposed on July 1st (2012) is a watered-down compromise negotiated between Mr Rudd's successor, Julia Gillard, and Australia's three biggest mining firms. Bezieht sich nun nur noch auf Kohle und iron ore, nicht mehr auf Öl und Gas.……

      Ganz interessant hierzu auch ein Artikel, ebenfalls Mitte 2012 , aus dem Handelsblatt.

      Öl- und Gaskonzerne ächzen unter hohen Kosten

      Den australischen Rohstoffkonzernen geht es im Grunde blendend. Doch gerade der Boom der vergangenen Jahre sorgt nun für Probleme: Hohe Lohnkosten, Entwicklungsinvestitionen und eine allzu starke Währung.

      von Urs Wälterlin

      Gasbohranlage von Santos Moomba, Südaustralien.
      Quelle: Reuters

      Sydney. Eine starke Währung und steigende Entwicklungskosten machen den australischen Öl- und Erdgasförderern zu schaffen. Gemäß einer Studie der Consultingfirma Deloitte ist der Gesamtwert der an der australischen Börse gelisteten Öl- und Gasförderer im letzten Quartal des am 30. Juni abgelaufenen Geschäftsjahres um 14 Prozent gefallen. Laut dem Deloitte-Analysten Stephen Reid ist die Sorge über die „steigenden Geschäftskosten in Australien“ verantwortlich für die Situation. Erschwerend auf das Geschäft ausgewirkt habe sich auch ein Fall des Rohölpreises um 25 Prozent.

      Drei Unternehmen dominieren in Australien den Sektor: Woodside Petroleum, Santos und Origin Energy. Alle mussten jüngst bei verschiedenen Projekten deutlich höhere Entwicklungskosten bekanntgeben als erwartet. So sah sich Santos gezwungen, das Budget für das massive Gladstone-Flüssiggasprojekt im Bundesstaat Queensland um 2,5 Milliarden australische Dollar aufzustocken, das die Firma im Verbund mit der malaysischen Petronas, der französischen Total und koreanischen Kogas entwickelt.

      Die Papiere von Santos verloren nach der Ankündigung ein Viertel ihres Wertes. Nicht im Index der Öl- und Gasproduzenten an der australischen Börse aufgenommen sind diversifizierte Rohstoffunternehmen wie BHP Billiton, deren Aktivität in diesem Sektor nur einen Teil des Gesamtgeschäfts ausmacht.

      Die Kosten für die Erschließung und den Betrieb von Gasvorkommen in Australien beschäftigt seit geraumer Zeit Unternehmen, Analysten, Investoren und Politiker. Internationale Konzerne wie ExxonMobil, Royal Dutch Shell und Chevron – die drei sind Partner in der 43 Mrd. australische Dollar teuren Erschließung des Gorgon-Gasfeldes in Westaustralien – warnen regelmäßig vor zu hohen Kosten.

      In erster Linie beklagen die Unternehmen den als Folge des Rohstoffbooms hohen australischen Dollar, Probleme mit der Produktivität und vor allem eskalierende Lohnkosten. Die landesweit steigende Zahl von Bergbauprojekten und ein akuter Mangel an Beschäftigten hat vor allem im rohstoffreichen Bundesstaat Westaustralien zu einer Situation geführt, wo Jahresgehälter von 150.000 australische Dollar (127.961 Euro) selbst für ungelernte Mitarbeiter als normal gelten.

      Der Unternehmenschef von Shell warnte jüngst vor möglichen Verspätungen bei der Entwicklung der australischen Gasfelder. „Wir werden langsamer arbeiten, wenn wir langsamer arbeiten müssen“, so Peter Voser gegenüber der Australian Financial Revue. Das Unternehmen müsse sicher stellen, „die korrekte Balance zwischen Profitabilität und Kosten zu haben“. Auch Exxon Mobil klagt über die eskalierenden Gehaltskosten.

      Laut der Deloitte-Studie konnten sich die Aktien von kleineren Gas- und Ölproduzenten dem Trend entziehen. Sie sind in der Regel nicht in an den Milliardenprojekten beteiligt, die dereinst tausende, wenn nicht zehntausende von Mitarbeitern beschäftigen werden – Arbeiter, die allerdings erst noch gefunden werden müssen.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…

      Grüße, A.
      schrieb am 04.02.13 11:50:28
      Beitrag Nr. 3.896 ()
      Für ÖL und Gas-Companies Down Under gilt die Petroleum Resource Rent Tax (PRRT), in der neuen Regelung seit Juli 2012.

      About the tax

      The Petroleum Resource Rent Tax (PRRT) is a profit-based tax which is levied on a petroleum project.

      PRRT is currently applied to the recovery of all petroleum products from Australian Government waters (including crude oil, natural gas, liquid petroleum gas (LPG) condensate and ethane), except for petroleum products extracted from the North West Shelf project and the Joint Petroleum Development Area, and value added products such as liquefied natural gas (LNG).

      From 1 July 2012, the PRRT became a compulsory tax applied to all Australian onshore and offshore oil and gas projects, including the North West Shelf, oil shale and coal seam gas projects.

      The PRRT provides a fiscal regime that encourages the exploration and production of petroleum while ensuring an adequate return to the community.

      The enabling legislation for the Petroleum Resource Rent Tax (PRRT) is the Petroleum Resource Rent Tax Assessment Act 1987.

      . . .

      For information about the history of the tax from its commencement in 1988 through to the extension to onshore operations announced on 2 July 2010, see History of Petroleum Resource Rent Tax.

      . . .

      Key features

      PRRT is a profit-based tax, which is applied to a project. Each entity with an interest in a PRRT liable project will be liable for that PRRT. A 'project' consists of facilities in the project title area, and any facilities outside that area necessary for the production and initial storage of marketable petroleum commodities (MPCs), such as stabilised crude oil, condensate, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, and ethane. Value added products, such as LNG, are excluded.

      Two or more projects may be treated as a single project if the Minister for Resources, Energy and Tourism issues a combination certificate. The Minister will issue a combination certificate if the Minister considers the individual projects sufficiently related. Further information on project combination is provided below.

      PRRT is levied at a rate of 40 per cent of a project's taxable profit (that profit being calculated for PRRT purposes). Taxable profit is the project's income after all project and 'other' exploration expenditures, including a compounded amount for carried forward expenditures, have been deducted from all assessable receipts. PRRT payments are deductible for company income tax purposes.

      Eligible expenditures include exploration and all project development and operating expenditures. Closing-down expenditures, including offshore platform removal and environmental restoration, are also deductible in the year in which they are incurred. If receipts during the year the project is closed down are less than the closing down expenditures, a credit is available, depending on whether the project has previously paid PRRT, for offset against other liabilities owed to the Australian Government.

      Undeducted exploration expenditure incurred after 1 July 1990 is transferable to other projects with a taxable profit if, at the time the expenditure was incurred, the projects were held by the same entity. Similar rules apply in relation to the transfer of expenditure between projects held by companies in a company group.

      In years where eligible deductions are greater than revenue, the undeducted amounts are compounded annually at set rates. The compounded amount is then deducted against assessable receipts in the following year.

      The type of expenditure and the date of the project's production licence determine the expenditure uplift rate. All expenditures, except those incurred more than five years before the issue of a "Statement of receipt" for information pertaining to a successful production licence application, are eligible for uplift at the following rates:

      exploration expenditure—15 percentage points above the Australian Government long term bond rate (LTBR)
      other expenditures (such as capital and operating expenditures)—5 percentage points above the LTBR. Exploration expenditures incurred more than five years before the 'Statement of receipt' are compounded at a rate that compensates for inflation (represented by the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) factor).

      All exploration expenditure incurred in areas covered by the PRRT is deductible against all PRRT liable projects held by that entity subject to compliance with anti-avoidance provisions. In the case of a company in a company group, the expenditure will be deductible against all PRRT liable projects held by the group. This ensures that the pattern of exploration is not affected by taxation arrangements.

      Where exploration expenditure has been transferred between projects, compounding is set by reference to the date of the production licence of the receiving project. If there is more than one project to which exploration expenditure can be transferred, the expenditure must be transferred to the project with the most recent production licence.

      Exploration expenditure in areas designated as frontier between 2004 and 2008 are eligible for 150 per cent uplift under the PRRT.

      There are expenditures that are not deductible. These include financing costs, private override royalty payments, income tax, goods and services tax, cash bidding payments and certain indirect administrative costs.

      PRRT is paid in quarterly instalments. Assessment is made on the basis of an annual return. Generally, projects cannot transfer general (non-exploration) expenditure between projects. General project expenditure is compounded in a given tax year to be an expense incurred on the first day of the next financial year.

      There is an order of deduction for different categories of expenditure. General project expenditure is deducted first, then exploration expenditure incurred within the project, closing down expenditure, and finally exploration expenditure that is transferred from another project.

      A person producing petroleum in PRRT liable waters has to submit their PRRT return within 60 days after the end of the year of tax, from which the Commissioner of Taxation assesses their liability. A person with a PRRT liable project may be liable to pay three instalments during in the year, which are due on 21 October, 21 January and 21 April. The Commissioner of Taxation deducts the payments for these instalments from the final PRRT liability.

      schrieb am 04.02.13 12:12:22
      Beitrag Nr. 3.897 ()

      From 1 July 2012, the PRRT became a compulsory tax applied to all Australian onshore and offshore oil and gas projects, including the North West Shelf, oil shale and coal seam gas projects.

      The PRRT provides a fiscal regime that encourages the exploration and production of petroleum while ensuring an adequate return to the community.

      PRRT is a profit-based tax, which is applied to a project. Each entity with an interest in a PRRT liable project will be liable for that PRRT. A 'project' consists of facilities in the project title area, and any facilities outside that area necessary for the production and initial storage of marketable petroleum commodities (MPCs), such as stabilised crude oil, condensate, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, and ethane. Value added products, such as LNG, are excluded.

      Two or more projects may be treated as a single project if the Minister for Resources, Energy and Tourism issues a combination certificate. The Minister will issue a combination certificate if the Minister considers the individual projects sufficiently related. Further information on project combination is provided below.

      PRRT is levied at a rate of 40 per cent of a project's taxable profit (that profit being calculated for PRRT purposes). Taxable profit is the project's income after all project and 'other' exploration expenditures, including a compounded amount for carried forward expenditures, have been deducted from all assessable receipts. PRRT payments are deductible for company income tax purposes.

      There are expenditures that are not deductible. These include financing costs, private override royalty payments, income tax, goods and services tax, cash bidding payments and certain indirect administrative costs.
      schrieb am 04.02.13 19:23:44
      Beitrag Nr. 3.898 ()



      MRRT > mining(coal and iron ore) > 30 %
      PRRT > oil and gas > 40%

      MCMPR Fiscal Framework for Resources Final Report…
      was für wirkliche Freunde der Regulierung von Steuern und Abgaben.
      schrieb am 04.02.13 23:12:55
      Beitrag Nr. 3.899 ()
      Die Reduktion der corporate income tax, geplant gewesen für 2014, für kleinere companies schon für 2013, von 30 % auf 28 %, findet nicht statt. Die Regierung in Australien hat diesen Ansatz nicht durchs Parlament bekommen. Es bleibt also bei 30 %.

      Federal Budget 2012

      Company tax cut – no longer proceeding

      The previously proposed company tax cut will not proceed, with the Government stating in the Budget that it is “not able to progress a cut in the company tax rate through the Parliament”.

      The cuts were proposed to take effect in two tranches - small businesses were to receive a cut starting in the 2012-2013 year and the tax rate for all other companies was to drop in 2013-2014

      Background of the proposed cut

      In 2010 the Government announced the company tax reduction, starting in 2012-2013, as part of the proposed Resource Super Profits Tax (RSPT). The originally proposed reduction from the current 30 per cent rate to 29 per cent in 2013-2014 and a final 28 per cent in 2014-15, was designed to move Australia towards a more internationally competitive tax rate.

      Small businesses were to receive a head start on the reduction with a 28 per cent corporate tax rate starting in 2012-2013.

      With the RSPT replaced by the less tax lucrative Minerals Resources Rent Tax (MRRT), the Government sought ways to reduce and delay the original proposal. The most recent proposal saw small business (those with turnover of less than $2 million) receive a 1 per cent cut in their company tax rate starting from 2012-2013, with all companies to receive the 1 per cent cut from 2013-2014 onwards.

      The Government stated it would prefer to proceed with the proposed company tax cuts, but would not be able to secure the votes to progress the Bill through Parliament.

      BDO comment

      BDO has not seen any indication from the Government that it will pursue cutting the company tax rate in the near future. With savings over the forward estimates period of $4,756 million, and a contentious budget surplus for 2012-2013, the Government has many reasons not to. The biggest impact from not proceeding with the company tax cut may be Australia’s competitiveness in attracting foreign investors. With company tax acting as final tax where a shareholder is a non-resident, any reduction in the company tax rate will improve Australia’s attractiveness as an international investment option.

      The small business sector has also lost out. The originally proposed corporate tax rate of 28 per cent for small businesses would have seen an effective 6.67 per cent reduction in tax paid. This will now not be achieved.…
      schrieb am 07.02.13 23:08:28
      Beitrag Nr. 3.900 ()
      Buy volume weit über das Doppelte von sell volume....sieht man immer wieder besonders schön in den advfn trades....leider lassen die sich nicht einstellen...resp nur über Umwege...da sie über unseren account laufen..tja...diesmal hat man doch sehr viel Geduld mit Oring....ich fass mir dabei immer an die eigene Nase, ob ich denn mit meiner eigenen Arbeitsleistung im Neuen Jahr schon zufrieden bin....bin ich das? ja...recent activities have delayed the upcoming accounting....Oring noch im Skiurlaub??....go Oring.....go auriga.
      schrieb am 11.02.13 20:58:21
      Beitrag Nr. 3.901 ()
      Zum Vergleich bei uns in D aktuell.

      Bundesregierung will Gasförderung regeln

      Berlin – Die Gasförderung aus tiefen Gesteinsschichten ist sehr umstritten. Jetzt will die Bundesregierung für klare Regeln sorgen.

      Die Bundesregierung will nach neuen Vorschlägen der Fraktionen von Union und FDP die umstrittene Gasförderung aus tiefen Gesteinsschichten rasch bundesweit regeln. "Wir werden gemeinsam mit dem Bundeswirtschaftsministerium zügig Regelungsvorschläge vorlegen." Das sagte ein Sprecher von Bundesumweltminister Peter Altmaier (CDU) der Deutschen Presse-Agentur. Ob ein Gesetz noch vor der Bundestagswahl im September zu erwarten ist, ließ er offen.

      Das Umweltbundesamt hatte in einer Studie ermittelt, dass Deutschland mit den geschätzten Schiefergas-Vorkommen seinen gesamten Gasbedarf für 13 Jahre decken könnte - allerdings liegen viele Vorkommen in Wasserschutzgebieten.

      Eine Arbeitsgruppe von Union und FDP zu dem Thema hatte Anfang Februar klare Vorstellungen an Altmaier und Wirtschaftsminister Philipp Rösler (FDP) formuliert. Beim sogenannten Fracking wird ein Wasser-Sand-Chemikalien-Gemisch mit hohem Druck in den Untergrund gepumpt, damit das Gestein aufbrechen und das Gas entweichen kann.

      Für jeden neuen Bohrvorgang fordert die AG eine verpflichtende Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung und klare Regelungen, was mit den eingesetzten Stoffen anschließend passiert. Zudem wird ein Ausschluss für alle Wasserschutzgebiete verlangt, damit es nicht zu einer Verseuchung des Grundwassers kommt, was Kritiker befürchten.

      "Es ist klarzustellen, dass in Wasserschutzgebieten Erkundungs- und Gewinnungsmaßnahmen von Erdgas aus Schiefergas mittels Fracking ausgeschlossen sind. Der Schutz von Heil- und Mineralquellen ist sicherzustellen", heißt es in einem Schreiben an die Minister.

      Große Umweltrisiken

      Der Bundesrat hatte erst vor einer Woche gefordert, den Einsatz umweltgefährdender Substanzen beim Fracking solange komplett zu verbieten, bis die Risiken restlos geklärt sind.

      In den USA hat die Förderung die Energiepreise purzeln lassen. Allerdings gibt es große Umweltrisiken, weshalb in Deutschland der Widerstand groß ist. Befürworter sagen, dass so Energiepreise womöglich gesenkt und die Abhängigkeit von Ländern wie Russland verringert werden könnte. (dpa)…
      schrieb am 25.02.13 19:07:32
      Beitrag Nr. 3.902 ()
      ...Viele Vorkommen liegen in Wasserschutzgebieten... da lässt man besser die Hände davon...
      schrieb am 28.02.13 13:07:10
      Beitrag Nr. 3.903 ()
      Auweia....gibts hier immer noch investierte?

      Bin einer der "Basher", der damals von den investierten beschimpft und beleidigt wurde.

      Sieht man mal wer am Ende recht behalten hat.
      Viel SPASS noch mit eurem Top-Invest.

      Der Bruner wirds schon richten......hahahaha

      Wie war das damals? Bruner ist ein Top-Mann......hahahaha

      Der hat euch bestohlen und beschissen.
      schrieb am 28.02.13 21:17:20
      Beitrag Nr. 3.904 ()
      basherchen? gragor? Ist ja niedlich. Unter welchem nick hättest du denn gepostet du clown? Außer Kalli gab es hier keinen einzigen Kritiker von Niveau seit 2006. Aber ich kann mir nicht vorstellen dass Kalli auf dein seichtes Niveau abgerutscht wäre.

      Wenn du was zu sagen hast äußere dich bitte inhaltlich, nichts für ungut. In Petrohunter liegen nach wie vor > 100 Millionen US dollars basale Investitionsmasse. 187 owners of record.

      Unser core asset in Australien ist belegt in exploration permits an allen Ecken und Enden. Wir können die nächsten Bohrungen kaum erwarten. Also bitte argumentieren, gragor-hahaha.
      schrieb am 28.02.13 21:41:32
      Beitrag Nr. 3.905 ()
      Über deinen Verlust freue ich mich ausserordentlich ;)
      schrieb am 28.02.13 22:33:43
      Beitrag Nr. 3.906 ()
      Oh well, what a noble mind! But don’t you worry, no go gragor, once again. I always traded Petro with success in summa. Sorry. You always have to look for the right time to get in and get out. Note, please: Rule No. 1: never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget rule No 1. Yes, you got it, it’ s one of WB. Just standing by ready to invest once more. Just looking to time my entry right ;).

      And again. What has been your bloody nick name trying to bash? gragor?...:D
      schrieb am 01.03.13 04:25:51
      Beitrag Nr. 3.907 ()
      Nee, ist klar ;)
      Du bist natürlich der Gewinner dieses Betruges gewesen....... ;)
      schrieb am 01.03.13 08:41:11
      Beitrag Nr. 3.908 ()
      Was dachtest du denn gragor? I’m still on top ;). Mit Betrug hat das allerdings wenig zu tun. – Als alter insider wirst du uns doch sicher berichten können, was du mit Betrug meinst. Oder wirfst du nur lose Behauptungen ab ohne Belege? ...:D
      schrieb am 01.03.13 09:26:22
      Beitrag Nr. 3.909 ()
      Zitat von evens: Ja die alten Phunesen...

      Geht da noch was?
      Man hatte die Hoffnung ja schon lange aufgegeben!

      Großes Kompliment und dank an riverstone . . .

      Jetzt kanns ja nicht mehr lange dauern bis die 1. "Phun-Riesenverarsche" Schreiberlinge wieder auftauchen

      VG evens

      Gute Prognose Evens. Is a bisserl a Geduldssache im Moment. Aber ich habe gerade mal die neuste permits Liste aus Australien eingesehen und alles klar für PHUN, Sweetpea, Paltar und Falcon. Wir müssen die rainy season in Australien beachten und ich bin total gespannt wie Bruner finanziert in terms of core drilling. Die von River prognostizierten vier Wochen sind am laufen. Grüße.…
      schrieb am 01.03.13 11:49:09
      Beitrag Nr. 3.910 ()
      Ihr glaubt wirklich noch an den Dreck.
      Unverbesserlich.Viel spass noch beim Geldverbrennen.
      Hat schon was Spielsucht-artiges...... ;)
      schrieb am 01.03.13 12:12:32
      Beitrag Nr. 3.911 ()
      Nicht doch gragor....look at this.....previous work carried out by Ryder Scott on the Beetaloo Basin in July 2009 and May 2010 indicated Prospective Resource recoverable volumes of 64 TCF of gas and 18 billion barrels of oil. The work completed by RPS Energy, which considers the potential of the whole of the on-block basin indicates a considerable increase in the Play level Prospective Resource recoverable volumes of 162 TCF of gas and 21 billion barrels of oil....21 000 000 000 Fässer ÖL, recoverable.....Chevron ist gerade nebenan mit 350 Mio dollars im Cooper Basin in terms of shale gas bei Beach eingestiegen....weckt das nicht dein Interesse?...;)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 01.03.13 15:09:13
      Beitrag Nr. 3.912 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.202.460 von auriga am 01.03.13 12:12:32Hab grad mit einem schmunzeln die neuesten Beiträge gelesen!
      Ich nehme mal an, unser lieber Gragor wird sich nicht mehr melden.
      Stimmt außer Kalli, hab ich eigentlich auch keinen in Erinnerung.
      Die im letzten post angegebenen Resourcen beschreiben es perfekt - wenns was wird, dann haben wir hier keinen vor sich hin tümpelnden und nicht beachteten Wert mehr, sondern ein gigantisches Martkwertpotential!

      Bin schon gespannt, ob wir im März noch Neuigkeiten bekommen... ich hoffe es!
      schrieb am 01.03.13 18:13:03
      Beitrag Nr. 3.913 ()
      Jaja....wenn ;)
      schrieb am 01.03.13 18:14:32
      Beitrag Nr. 3.914 ()
      Werde in Zukunft wieder öfter hier schreiben, weil ich ja als Basher dafür bezahlt werde....hahaha
      schrieb am 01.03.13 18:46:55
      Beitrag Nr. 3.915 ()
      hi here in dublin, falcon apparently to raise 30mill and go on aim next week. should be excellent for the share price.

      hi, my broker rang me and i am trying to buy some of the placing before it goes on you know they relocated their hq to dublin and it was only a matter of time before this happened. did not think it would happen in such a short timeframe. john craven and p o'quigley have met with brokers this pm and informed them of this…
      schrieb am 01.03.13 21:53:33
      Beitrag Nr. 3.916 ()

      Sounds great. Craven should have some good connections to UK fund managers in respect of Cove, how Moneytrader reported. Just in time for the debt obligations of Falcon of about USD 10 million. Being a fine basis for farm-outs as to Shenandoah and the surrounding areas as well. Conclusion: Looking forward to an AIM listing at one of these days.
      schrieb am 01.03.13 22:15:13
      Beitrag Nr. 3.917 ()
      And yes! What will be the price? Newtofo got it and I forgot it for now. What do you think River?
      schrieb am 02.03.13 09:31:38
      Beitrag Nr. 3.918 ()
      Die posts bezüglich AIM listing in London FO-mäßig von 197300, Oilmaninvestor, Moneytrader und Newtofo wurden auf agora entfernt, das von 197300 haben wir noch sichergestellt. Ich frage, ist das sinnvoll in einem message board über FO? Feinere und aktuellere messages über Vorgänge in Dublin gestern kann es ja wohl kaum geben. Moneytrader berichtete über Cravens Tätigkeit im Zusammenhang mit Cove und dass er Cove in drei Jahren verzwölffacht hat und fragt nach Cravens und O’Quiglys Verbindungen zur Öl- und Gasindustrie.

      Solche posts zu entfernen halte ich für einen schlechten Witz. Aber was solls, wir haben ja die Info. Newtofo meinte dann noch USD 30 million führten eventuell zu einer dilution in einer range um 30 cents und ein raising im Bereich 50 cents!!!! wäre doch ne Sache.

      Have a great weekend.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 03.03.13 09:03:46
      Beitrag Nr. 3.919 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.206.181 von auriga am 02.03.13 09:31:38Hi Auriga!

      Danke fürs reinstellen - klingt wirklich interessant.
      Schade, hab die posts leider nicht lesen können.
      Normalerweise wird ein raising immer leicht unter dem aktuellen sharepreis durchgeführt - ich denke mal es wird im Bereich von 0,25 liegen, aber wer weiß, vielleicht kommt ja vorher noch was ,dass fo auch 0,30 erzielen kann. Dann würden wir von knapp über 100 Mio. Stücke sprechen, was ca. 15% aller ausstehenden Aktien entspricht - für mich OK.

      Das AIM listing wäre auf jeden Fall ein nächster und großer Schritt in die richtige Richtung.
      War aber nicht auch die Rede, dass FO für Australien eine eigene Projektgesellschaft fo australia an die Börse bringt?

      Haben sich die posts nur auf FO bezogen, oder war da auch die Rede von Paltar?
      schrieb am 03.03.13 09:40:28
      Beitrag Nr. 3.920 ()
      Ihr wisst nicht was ihr mit eurem Geschreibsel anrichtet!
      An alle die eventuell ihr Geld mittels Petrohunter aus dem Fenster rauswerfen wollen....FINGER WEG!!
      Bericht aus 2010!!…
      schrieb am 03.03.13 12:24:22
      Beitrag Nr. 3.921 ()
      Dieser NDR-Beitrag – der gut gemeint ist – wurde von uns seinerzeit gründlich durchgearbeitet – bitte dort nachzuschauen – und as to Petrohunter Energy Corporation ad absurdum geführt. – Besser ist dieser... ihn dir mal in Ruhe durch.

      Ansonsten geh noch weiter zurück in der Zeit und lies erst mal die Originalbeiträge von Tobias und Markus hier in unseren threads und mach dir selbst ein Bild von unserer Kommunikation in terms of Petrohunter and Falcon and Sweetpea and Paltar and Hess and Exxon and Chevron and Gasprom and Renova et Gustavson et Ryder Scott et Morgan Stanley et Macquarie Bank etc etc etc ingesamt. Dazu musst du auch auf den Digi thread zurückgreifen, eventuell auch auf den Falcon thread, denn Petro und Falcon bedingen sich gegenseitig und sind in Wirklichkeit innig miteinander verflochten.

      Tja mein Guter, du hast von Tuten und Blasen keine Ahnung und bist in deinem Informationsstand nicht nur drei sondern gar sieben bis acht Jahre hinterher. Guten Morgen!

      Als bitte vorher erst artig Hausaufgaben machen und dann was veröffentlichen. Ansonst produzierst du erneut allzuleicht applesauce.

      Was unsere Beiträge jüngeren Datums betrifft habe ich ebenfalls bis jetzt noch nicht das Gefühl, dass du sie schon ganz verstanden hättest. Also gib dir mehr Mühe! Im Zweifel einfach nachfragen. Kostet nichts ;).

      Conclusion: mach dich gefälligst vorher sachkundig und geh uns nicht mit retardierten Falschaussagen auf den Sack....oder stell Fragen.....oder beschäftige dich mit was anderem wovon du ev was verstehst...Geschreibsel will ich überhört haben du Weltmeister...pack dir an die eigene Nase. Have fun!
      schrieb am 03.03.13 16:00:25
      Beitrag Nr. 3.922 ()
      Es war damals ein Betrug und ich wurde damals "angegangen".

      Und ich sage es ist immer noch ein Betrug und ich werde angegangen.

      Der Kurs spricht für sich und dein dickes Minus ebenfalls.
      schrieb am 03.03.13 17:07:21
      Beitrag Nr. 3.923 ()
      (a) unter welchem Namen hast du gepostet? Bitte deine posts belegen (i)identitätsbezogen (ii)inhaltlich (iii)zeitlich.

      (b) mit einer öffentlichen Betrugsbehauptung belastest du dich selbst schwer. Nota bene ►Ignorantia iuris nocet: meine gutgemeinte Empfehlung: Belegen und begründen oder zurückziehen!

      (c) bevor ich mit dir eine Kursdiskussion startete versicherte ich mich vorab deiner inhaltlichen Mitarbeit: Infos zum Nulltarif abstauben ist hier nicht notwendig drin. Damit kommst du bei uns nicht durch.
      schrieb am 03.03.13 17:31:41
      Beitrag Nr. 3.924 ()
      Still being a lazy sunday afternoon.
      schrieb am 03.03.13 18:52:55
      Beitrag Nr. 3.925 ()
      Zitat von riverstone: Hi Auriga!

      Danke fürs reinstellen - klingt wirklich interessant.
      Schade, hab die posts leider nicht lesen können.
      Normalerweise wird ein raising immer leicht unter dem aktuellen sharepreis durchgeführt - ich denke mal es wird im Bereich von 0,25 liegen, aber wer weiß, vielleicht kommt ja vorher noch was ,dass fo auch 0,30 erzielen kann. Dann würden wir von knapp über 100 Mio. Stücke sprechen, was ca. 15% aller ausstehenden Aktien entspricht - für mich OK.

      Das AIM listing wäre auf jeden Fall ein nächster und großer Schritt in die richtige Richtung.
      War aber nicht auch die Rede, dass FO für Australien eine eigene Projektgesellschaft fo australia an die Börse bringt?

      Haben sich die posts nur auf FO bezogen, oder war da auch die Rede von Paltar?

      River, was ist das für eine Mentalität, ernsthaft gefragt, da kommen posts aus erster Hand aus Dublin, quasi von direkt vor Ort, hervorragende inhaltliche Nachkommentare, für Falcon- und Petrohunter-Aktionäre, und man löscht das ab auf agora! Gehts noch? Würde mich echt interessieren wie du das siehst.

      Habe mich gestern mal auf der London Stock Exchange registriert. Feine Seite. Sie haben auf SEDOL einen track record in Auskunft über companies worldwide und die Falcon-Infos kamen dann auch prompt. Das anstehende listing von Falcon auf dem Alternative Investment Market an der LSE wird naturgemäß -- möchte ich fast sagen -- noch nicht erwähnt, auch wenn man sich auf einer noch etwas tieferen Ebene freischaltet, was ich dann gemacht habe. UnaVista SEDOL securities master file lautet die erste Basalebene.

      Welcome to AIM. Where ideas takeoff. :cool:. Wünschen wir Falcon alles Gute für den Start nächste Woche.

      0,25....0,30...oder????..ja ist offen für uns...Craven does know it already :keks:.......und ja, auch FO AUS soll einmal an die ASX, dann in Australien selbst bleibt abzuwarten was für Zusammenhänge bei diesem AIM listing schon zu Australien bestehen!

      Man ist in the UK als auch of course in the USA auch an Petro und Palter dran...auffällig war ein Kauf von knapp einer Million Petrohunter shares zuletzt an der OTC MM G....die posts konnten sich jetzt erst einmal offiziell nur auf Falcon beziehen...aber letztendlich kann es auch für Petro nur gut sein!

      Gasco etwas in Turbulenzen an der AMEX. Rusty wies vor Weihnachten darauf hin. Man legt ein Restart-Programm bei der SEC vor. Was meinst du warum Oring das filing so lange verzögert? Können wir das am Ende positiv werten, wie auch immer?

      Schönen Sonntag Abend noch und komm gut in die nächste auch für Petro und Falcon wohl hopefully nicht gerade uninteressante Woche.

      Berlin grüßt an die Donau.

      6 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 03.03.13 19:24:15
      Beitrag Nr. 3.926 ()
      What’s up River?....DJ Auriga is back I guess....;).…
      schrieb am 04.03.13 07:08:59
      Beitrag Nr. 3.927 ()
      Damals wolltet ihr auch immer Belege für meine Behauptungen.Trotzdem habe ich Recht behalten und der Kurs ist abgeschmiert.
      Schade für diejenigen, die sich haben von euch "Pushern" blenden lassen.
      Denke das einige jetzt von denen es bereuen, nicht auf den der keine Belege gepostet hat, gehört haben.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 04.03.13 16:46:29
      Beitrag Nr. 3.928 ()

      Great to hear from someone on here who is in the UK also. I had heard that an AIM listing was likely at some point, but like you I didn't think it would be so soon.

      Who is your broker?... if you don't mind me asking. You can message me privately if you like. Do they have a strong link with the oil & gas industry?

      I bet Craven is using the same people that he used for Cove Energy. He turned Cove into a 12-bagger or better in just three years. UK fund managers did extremely well backing Cove and they have a lot of respect for Craven.…
      schrieb am 04.03.13 16:56:55
      Beitrag Nr. 3.929 ()
      Just came across this one on google ;).
      schrieb am 04.03.13 17:03:28
      Beitrag Nr. 3.930 ()
      Triple Play - Falcon Oil (FOV)
      30/8/2012 (119264)

      Triple Play

      Bear with me, please. This is not going to be easy to explain. It ought to be worthwhile, but takes us into new territory – a company listed, initially, on the Toronto Exchange (TSXV) – with assets spread over Hungary, Australia, and South Africa, and a balance sheet slim on cash. It is a speculative play, one which brings to mind the old cliché that inside every problem hides an opportunity.

      Why bother? The chairman is John Craven, the Irish exploration ace who made Cove Energy into a 12-bagger or better in just three years. He has put together a powerful new team which is set to use other people’s money to exploit massive assets. And from relative obscurity in Canada, it is likely to come to London with an AIM listing and a vigorous schedule of eye-catching announcements which ought to pull in the fund managers who did so well backing Cove.

      The company is Falcon Oil & Gas (FO.V on the TSXV). The shares trade at 14 cents Canadian (about 8.8p) and the market capitalisation is Canadian $97m (around £63m). There is a reasonable market in the shares, and any decent UK broker ought to be able to deal. It is important to appreciate, however, that the price is currently dictated by the whim of Canadian investors (the shares have been pretty steady in recent months, with a 52 week high of 18c and a low of 8c), and the Toronto market has a fairly scary reputation. I mentioned it briefly in a Cove comment on June 20 when the price was 12.5c, and promised to keep half an eye on it.

      Memories of past Australian resource bubbles, concern over politics in South Africa, and general ignorance about Hungary, plus the weak cash position all dampened my initial interest. Reducing demand from China still raises questions about a bubble in Oz and South African politics have hardly become more comforting in recent weeks, but closer examination of Falcon suggests there could still be fun to come for the shares.

      Hungary first. This is the smallest play by area. Falcon has a 35 year licence from 2007 over 245,775 acres in the Mako Trough in the southern part of the Greater Hungarian Plains. The area has yielded billions of barrels of oil and trillions of cubic feet of gas, and Mako sits between giant producing fields in the Algyo High and the Battonya High.

      So far, though, this piggy in the middle has proved pretty lean. Falcon – originally with Exxon Mobil as a partner - has spent about $250m drilling seven deep wells. Tests on six found hydrocarbons, but nothing too exciting, and there were problems with water. Only the deepest is actually producing. It adds up to a costly disappointment thus far, and this has blighted the Falcon share price.

      But now Exxon has gone and drawing lessons from the rich Algyo field nearby, the notion is that that they went too deep, and drilled through some good stuff. The hope is that I TCF of gas sits in multiple shallower targets, where quite modest finds ought to prove commercial. At the end of July, Naftna Industrija Srbije (NIS) of Serbia (56% owned by GazpromNeft) took the bait and agreed to drill three shallow wells costing about $7m each. It will pay Falcon $1.5m up front, with a final $2.75m to earn a 50% stake in this Algyo formation play. Subject to Hungarian tax approval, the first well is due to spud in November, but although there is a rig on stand-by, January looks more realistic. It will take about two months for each well.

      So Falcon is getting 50% of three wells for no cost, and will also be paid a total $4.35m for the privilege.

      And there could be more. Falcon still has 100% of the Deep Mako Trough where an independent report suggests there could be a recoverable resource potential of 44 Trillion cubic feet (TCF) gas and 100mmbarrels of oil. That is especially attractive, given that the area is crossed by existing gas pipelines offering access to local markets with a European gas price of between $8 to 12 million cubic foot.

      The plan is to re-enter two of the earlier wells, including the deepest, and to get fraccing. Once again, this will be financed by farming-out a stake to one of the interested parties, so giving Falcon a free ride.

      Australia tells a somewhat similar story, with Falcon seeking to exploit a strong licence position to bring in partners who will cover costs in return for a piece of the action. Falcon has licences in Northern Australia covering around 7m acres in the Beetaloo Basin, where there are geological parallels with the major shale gas structures in America. Most of the land in the Northern Territory is under licence now, and Falcon has a major strategic asset, with would-be partners knocking on the door. There is a ready market for the gas, and good links to Darwin and the export market.

      A subsidiary of Rio Tinto drilled eleven wells between 1988 and 1992, and found oil and gas bleeds and other data confirming that all of the necessary elements of a productive share oil and shale gas play were there in multiple independent systems. Ryder Scott estimates that there could be recoverable resources of 18billion barrels of oil and 64 TCF gas from three primary shales and two sandstones, with areas suitable for fraccing

      In July 2011, Hess, a US energy major, undertook a joint venture with Falcon to cover some 62m acres of Beetaloo. Hess paid $20m cash and has undertaken to spend up to $57.5m (originally $40m) to acquire a large area of seismic. It is moving fast to complete the survey before the rains come in November, and has recruited a second crew to push it along. By the end of this process, it will have spent about $80m in effect to acquire nothing but information. A few days ago, an update explained that subject to certain qualifications, Falcon would also be fully carried for the first $10m costs on the first development well. Nice work if you can get it.

      The crunch comes by June 30 next year when Hess must decide whether to drill and evaluate five wells – at no cost to Falcon – in order to earn a 62.5% stake in the licence. Obviously that will be a major event, with positive news likely to spark a sharp rise in the Falcon price.

      Once again, however, this is not the only cost-free game for investors. Falcon has carved two chunks out of the Beetaloo licence, keeping an interest of 100% in an area to the south, and a 100,000 acre chunk slap in the middle which contains the Shenandoah-1 test well already drilled by Falcon, and where Hess has chipped in $2m towards costs. Already potential partners are sniffing around, and there might be a farm-in by the end of the year.

      In energy-starved South Africa, there could be a decision in the next couple of weeks over whether the government will permit fraccing. The betting is that it will be allowed, with safeguards.

      That would be good news for Falcon, which has a technical cooperation permit and has applied for an exploration licence on 7.5m acres in the Karoo Basin, which is reckoned to be the fifth most important area in the world for shale gas potential. Falcon moved early, and expects to be granted the first exploration licence.

      There is keen international interest in the area, and Shell has indicated it will spend $200m in the Karoo in areas surrounding Falcon’s application. Should the licence be confirmed later this year, Falcon will waste no time in exploring the possibility of farming out a portion so that it can emerge with a free ride on a chunk of enormously promising potential.

      Altogether, Falcon has potential exposure to massive oil and gas plays on 15 million acres of highly prospective land in three major, under-explored basins in Hungary, Australia and South Africa. There is extensive seismic and programmes involving up to eight wells at a total cost of maybe $150m fully-funded by joint venture partnerships and cash. Falcon’s land is valued at about $8 an acre, way lower than comparable acreage in various transactions.

      The range of possibilities suggests that there ought to be a steady flow of news through to the end of this year and into the second half of next. And most of the UK market is unaware of this potential.

      Crucially that is about to change. Backed by the same top-ranked financial public relations team as Cove, Ophir, and other exciting oil plays, Falcon is about to become much better known, thanks to a new management team.

      Chairman John Craven needs no introduction after Cove. Alongside him on the board he now has Carol Law, who was East African Exploration Manager for Anadarko, and worked with Craven on the Rovuma Basin gas discovery which transformed Cove. Check her background at…

      Crucially, Falcon now has a new live-wire chief executive in Philip O’Quigley. He moved across from Tony O’Reilly’s Irish exploration play Providence Resources in April, and has worked at Glencar Mining and Petroceltic International. The management has options at 10c.

      There is some financial tidying-up to do. Recent cash resources amounted to just US$8.8m., but the company is relying on others for major spending, and O’Quigley reckons he has halved the cash burn already. There is Canadian $10.7m of convertible debenture maturing in June next year, but this is likely to be re-negotiated. And there is a deal to be done to bring in a minority stake in the Beetaloo held in an associate company.
      Clearly now that he is moving on from Cove (he still has some consultancy to do for the new owners) , Craven is set to spend more time developing Falcon, though he has an interest in Fastnet (FAST) as has been reported here, and could well pop up in another exploration play at some point.

      So far, the market has not recognised what is happening at Falcon, and those who stumble on it are understandably confused by the complexity and/or deterred by the Toronto share listing. The decision to bring in a new management team and to close offices in Denver, shifting to Dublin and Budapest, suggests that the share focus is changing. It would be no surprise to see a link with a UK broker strong in the oil and gas game, and then a move towards a joint listing on AIM.

      When Craven started Cove, he did it from the unprepossessing shell of Lapp Plats. No guarantees, but Falcon looks a much better starting place. There are risks, and for some in Canada the story is not new – but for those ready to gamble, this looks a goodie.

      Any decent broker will be able to by Falcon shares, which are listed on TSXV as FOV. Tell any baffled brokers that they can either deal direct in Canada, but would need Canadian dollars, or should go through the American department of Winterflood in London.

      Good luck.
      You can find much of this in an investor presentation put together earlier this month. It is at…

      schrieb am 04.03.13 19:28:03
      Beitrag Nr. 3.931 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.208.711 von auriga am 03.03.13 18:52:55Wie gesagt, ich habe die posts leider nicht lesen können. Finde es aber schon komisch, dass solche Informationen gelöscht werden.
      Kann nur sein, dass hier Insiderwissen enthalten war, was für die Öffentlichkeit nicht bestimmt war... keine Ahnung.

      Ja das listing an der ASX wird natürlich noch viel interessanter für uns (zumindest für mich als reiner phun Aktionär)!!. Wenn das listing jetzt bald an der AIM durchgeführt werden soll, aber viel über 0,25 kann ich mir nicht wirklich vorstellen.

      Für die Verspätung des filings kann ich derzeit keinen wirklichen Grund erkennen. Selbst wenn jetzt bald was Neues kommen sollte, hätte es doch noch keinen Einfluss. Das könnte doch dann auch nachher in einem current report oder eine press release herausgegeben werden. Das es rückwirkend einen Einfluss auf phun hätte?

      Ja die Mille habe ich auch gesehen - hohes Volumen für keine Kursbewegung. Vielleicht ein paar Stücke hin und hergeschoben.

      Danke ich wünsch Dir auch eine schöne Woche (vor allem zum ersten Mal wieder halbwegs annehmbares Wetter :-))

      Wachau grüßt Berlin
      5 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 04.03.13 19:36:03
      Beitrag Nr. 3.932 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.209.365 von Gragor am 04.03.13 07:08:59Was heisst hier pusher???
      Vor allem Auriga der hier stets bemüht ist, sämtliche aktuellen Entwicklungen zusammenzutragen, zu analysieren und Zusammenhänge zu erkennen, als pusher zu bezeichnen, find ich stark (oder keine Chance hat sich anders zu wehren).

      Wenn jetzt etwa eine negative Nachricht kommen würde, würde sie von mir und sicher auch von Auriga reingestellt werden. Aber einen uralten Betrugsfall wieder reinzustellen, obwohl anscheinend überhaupt keine Ahnung davon zu haben, find ich keinen konstruktiven Beitrag.

      So gesehen würde ich Auriga als informativen Wohlstand für diesen Thread und Dich eher als basher bezeichnen, aber pusher sehe ich hier weit und breit keinen!

      Trotzdem schönen Abend (kritische informative Beiträge sind auch immer gerne gesehen).
      schrieb am 04.03.13 20:22:22
      Beitrag Nr. 3.933 ()
      Stürzt euch doch alle in euer Verderben.....wer nicht hören will, muss fühlen.
      schrieb am 04.03.13 20:43:36
      Beitrag Nr. 3.934 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.212.583 von riverstone am 04.03.13 19:28:03Ja, lasse ich erst mal auf mich wirken. – Der Artikel ist ziemlich gut. Habe mir das Teil gerade mal beim Kochen(Essen) gänzlich zu Gemüte geführt und es fasst sehr gut zusammen und eröffnet einige neue Blickwinkel inbesondere auf Craven und die Verbindungen zu UK fund managers, wie schon gesagt. Eine erste Stelle, die ich jetzt gleich herausheben wollte ist diese:

      >There is some financial tidying-up to do. Recent cash resources amounted to just US$8.8m., but the company is relying on others for major spending, and O’Quigley reckons he has halved the cash burn already. There is Canadian $10.7m of convertible debenture maturing in June next year, but this is likely to be re-negotiated. And there is a deal to be done to bring in a minority stake in the Beetaloo held in an associate company.
      Clearly now that he is moving on from Cove (he still has some consultancy to do for the new owners) , Craven is set to spend more time developing Falcon, though he has an interest in Fastnet (FAST) as has been reported here, and could well pop up in another exploration play at some point.

      And there is a deal to be done to bring in a minority stake in the Beetaloo held in an associate company.

      Etwas eigenartig ausgedrückt und auch zweideutig, so oder so verstehbar. – Wie aber auch immer es gemeint ist, ist es doch wohl noch offen. Selbst wenn es dabei um ein Abtreten der Beetaloo-Anteile von Petrohunter mit Falcon gehen sollte haben wir unser 50% steak mit Paltar in Beetaloo. Bruner lässt sich auch nicht so leicht über den Tisch ziehen, so Oring. Man wird da schon eine gute einvernehmliche Lösung finden, es geht ja auch um related parties, wenn man so will.

      kind regards.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 04.03.13 21:03:24
      Beitrag Nr. 3.935 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.212.968 von auriga am 04.03.13 20:43:3650% steak :laugh: hatte wohl mit dem Essen zu tun...aber warum es nicht auch mal so ausdrücken.

      Schönen Abend.
      schrieb am 05.03.13 13:12:23
      Beitrag Nr. 3.936 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.212.583 von riverstone am 04.03.13 19:28:03Garbage in garbage out? Maybe we have to send Soly back to Jonathan’s Coffee-House, at least temporarily, but just being a little joke ;).

      >And from relative obscurity in Canada, it (Falcon) is likely to come to London with an AIM listing and a vigorous schedule of eye-catching announcements which ought to pull in the fund managers who did so well backing Cove.

      Klar war das ne brisante message, aber doch um so besser. Aktionäre sollten immer möglichst früh informiert seinIMO, denn sie tragen ja die Company. Verstehe natürlich was du insider-mäßig meinst!

      ASX listing wollte ja Bruner schon machen, aber es war premature. Wenn Hess weitermacht und Falcon den ersten eigenen well drillen soll ( carried über USD 10 million), ist es Zeit dafür denke ich. Frisches money muss rechtzeitig auf den Weg gebracht werden. Die Frage ob wir mit Petro dann noch dabei sind. Schaun wir.

      Noch anstehender ist jetzt der Bereich Shenandoah in EP98 und das südliche EP99 im B Basin.. Hochinteressant auch für Petrohunter. AIM-Zusammenhänge?

      Ja, das filing. Grundlos ist es nicht verzögert. Du hast natürlich recht. Vielleicht sollten wir uns dann auf die Frage konzentrieren, warum! Etwas auf uns wirken lassen, eventuell.

      Die Million shares bei Petrohunter war auffällig in zeitlichem Zusammenhang mit der AIM message, auch bei Falcon ein Kauf. Werte ich eher positiv.

      Das Management von Falcon hat options über 10c. Falcon auf der Erfolgsspur führte hier unweigerlich zur Ausübung IMO. Wären das dann escrow shares?

      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 05.03.13 21:45:54
      Beitrag Nr. 3.937 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.215.591 von auriga am 05.03.13 13:12:23Hier mal das Rätsel um die verschwundenen postings auf agoracom:

      Von Soly:
      Concerning last Friday’s deleted messages…

      Garbage in garbage out.

      The last time I’ve looked, Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. was a Toronto listed Company and incorporated in Canada. Therefore Canadian Security Laws applying to them. One of them is that the Company is required to report any material change pertaining to their business.

      Raising 30 million would be subject to all necessary corporate and regulatory approvals and subject to TSX Venture Exchange acceptance for filing.

      None of this happened.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 06.03.13 16:01:58
      Beitrag Nr. 3.938 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.218.000 von riverstone am 05.03.13 21:45:54197300

      well time will tell, by end of next week all will be revealed.…
      schrieb am 06.03.13 16:08:11
      Beitrag Nr. 3.939 ()
      goodies out? goodies IN!
      schrieb am 06.03.13 16:10:30
      Beitrag Nr. 3.940 ()
      interesting message > like it▲
      schrieb am 06.03.13 16:13:47
      Beitrag Nr. 3.941 ()
      @River > to be continued. ;)
      schrieb am 06.03.13 17:37:53
      Beitrag Nr. 3.942 ()

      schrieb am 06.03.13 21:42:02
      Beitrag Nr. 3.943 ()
      Halbzeit in Paris

      Beim Fußball gerade mal auf die ADVFN trades geschaut

      der 11er ist ein sell von tausend stücken = 11 dollars.

      die 500 000 stücke liegen in der mitte zwischen 14 und 16

      dann haben wir ein buy volume von 323 429

      und ein sell volume von 61 000

      dann jetzt noch ein kauf von 5000 auf 0.016
      schrieb am 06.03.13 21:44:24
      Beitrag Nr. 3.944 ()
      Next one....Cheers.


      I advise you to examine Falcon's balance sheet. My personal opinion - based solely on the financial statements - is that this company may need capital, and soon. I will not speculate in a public forum regarding the nature of a posible capital raise.

      And regarding the poster who provided the pie graph showing shares outstanding and the list of holders... This is a VERY poignant pie graph. It lists 697,000,000 shares outstanding. What does that indicate about the company's past? It indicates a history of repeated dilution at consistently decreasing share prices.

      And the names listed on the pie graphs? Google searches suggest that some of these holders no longer exist!! Do your homework.

      I advise the poster to carefully examine this company's balance sheet. And I AM a backroom boy!! And I do want your shares: at 12c. ;)

      schrieb am 07.03.13 15:04:21
      Beitrag Nr. 3.945 ()
      Ich würde denken die Ruby Blue shares laufen unter den 7.9% für Direktoren von Falcon. Davon sind 38 Mio Falcon shares bei Igor Akhmerov. Die weiteren 10 Mio shares die Igor hält sind eingerechnet bei Soliter, nämlich mit 12%, und nicht bei directors. Bei directors wird für Igor ein indirect ownership angerechnet, denn die 38 Mio shares laufen auch unter Ruby blue, welches ihm alleine gehört.

      Siehe hierzu das management information circular auf Seite 6 et 7 (respektive Seite 10 et 11).…

      Persistency wiederum steht meiner Meinung nach auf einem anderen Blatt.

      Major Shareholders Per Cent

      Burlingame 18.0%
      Soliter 12.3%
      Management and directors7.9%
      Other institutions2.4%
      Retail shareholders 52.3%

      Siehe hierzu die Diskussion von LL und Soly auf agora bezüglich Persistency.…
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.03.13 18:13:28
      Beitrag Nr. 3.946 ()
      Persistency taucht etwa auf bei Falcon in >annual information form april 30 2012 unter >Andrew J. Morris. >He was founder of Persistency Capital, a private investment company with presence in London and New York where he has acted as both investor in, and adviser to, companies across a broad range of sectors and geographies. > Seite 27 resp 35…

      Ansonsten ist die HP von Persistency nicht erreichbar zur Zeit.!search/profile/company?companyId=1…

      Des weiteren ist die >Estimated Renewal Deadline: December 12, 2012.

      Mr. Andrew James Morris Founded Persistency Capital LLC and serves as its Managing Director. Mr. Morris focuses on value investing and deal structuring across a broad geographical and sectoral spectrum. Prior to establishing Persistency Capital, he spent 15 years in the financial services industry, including as a Director of the Financial Services Risk Management practice of Ernst & Young, advising a broad range of organizations on Enterprise Risk Management including advice on corporate governance, management reporting, financial control, operational risk and process improvement. He serves as the Chairman of Blake Oil and Gas Limited. He has been Non-Executive Chairman of Madagascar Oil Limited since December 18, 2012 and has been its Non-Executive Director since October 28, 2008. Mr. Morris serves as Director of Direct Petroleum Exploration, Inc.; SouthWest Energy Ltd.; and Kriisa Research, Incorporated. He serves as Director of Persistency Advisor affiliates, which Includes Camomille International Ltd., Persistency Capital Ltd., Persistency Private Equity Limited, CLMS Management LLC, and Persistency Capital LLC. He served as a Director of Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. since November 2011 until September 25, 2012. Mr. Morris holds a BSc (Hons) degree in Mathematics from Bristol University and is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.…
      schrieb am 07.03.13 18:37:22
      Beitrag Nr. 3.947 ()
      Persistency taucht etwa auf bei Falcon in >annual information form april 30 2012 unter >Andrew J. Morris. >He was founder of Persistency Capital, a private investment company with presence in London and New York where he has acted as both investor in, and adviser to, companies across a broad range of sectors and geographies. > Seite 27 resp >30.
      schrieb am 07.03.13 18:59:16
      Beitrag Nr. 3.948 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.225.754 von auriga am 07.03.13 15:04:21....die 38 Mio shares wurden wohl zum Nulltarif zugeteilt ;) macht's nix wenns den Bach runter geht :D
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.03.13 20:15:01
      Beitrag Nr. 3.949 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.227.101 von Charly_2 am 07.03.13 18:59:16Hey Charly....könnte man meinen...aber Igor hat CAD 0.15 für eine unit abgedrückt, je bestehend aus einer Falcon-Aktie und ner dreiviertel purchase option je. Das ganze 38 000 000 mal im PP vom 24 Nov 2010. Er hat also CAD 5.7 Mio auf den Tresen abgecasht. Zur Zeit ist er damit aber schon wieder auf 9.31 Mio CAD, also 3.61 Mio CAD im Plus....die Frage ist der Preis beim eventuellen AIM listing in London bezüglich USD 30 Mio income für Falcon....River meint USD 0.25....damit bliebe Igor auf diesem Stand in etwa erst einmal...aber das ist eh long term für Igor...zu sehen ist also die Entwicklung von Falcon....wir hoffen es tut sich in diesem AIM Zusammenhang auch was bei Petrohunter....Shenandoah- und EP99-mäßig....sowie Paltar ante portas ....Grüße, A.

      ROAD TOWN, Tortola, British Virgin Islands, April 12 /CNW/ - Ruby Blue Ltd. ("Ruby Blue") announces that it has acquired 38,000,000 common shares (the "Common Shares") of Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. ("Falcon") and 28,500,000 Common Share purchase warrants (the "Warrants") in the private placement offering announced by Falcon on November 24, 2010. Units were acquired for CDN$0.15 per unit, each unit consisting of one Common Share and three quarters of one Common Share purchase Warrant. Following such transaction, Ruby Blue beneficially owns 48,268,673 Common Shares, and 28,500,000 Warrants. Assuming exercise of the Warrants owned by Ruby Blue, Ruby Blue would own 12.15% of the issues and outstanding Common Shares.

      The Warrants and Common Shares referred to above are held for investment purposes and Ruby Blue and/or one or more of its affiliates may, depending on market and other conditions, increase or decrease its beneficial ownership of common shares or other securities of Falcon whether in the open market, by privately negotiated agreement or otherwise. Ruby Blue is located at Trident Chambers, P.O. Box 146, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands.…
      schrieb am 08.03.13 18:34:03
      Beitrag Nr. 3.950 ()
      Fast könnte man meinen, dass es Leute gibt, die hier eingestellte Videos an die Gema weiterleiten um sie in Germany zur Sperrung zu bringen. Die Gema ist ja sowieso ein echter Sympathieträger würde ich sagen. Passt also!

      >Stürzt euch doch alle in euer Verderben.....wer nicht hören will, muss fühlen.

      Selbstgespräche mit deinen aliases bitte an anderem Ort führen, gragor ;).
      schrieb am 09.03.13 13:41:39
      Beitrag Nr. 3.951 ()
      Ich gönne dir wirklich dein dickes Minus.Alle anderen tun mir nur leid.
      schrieb am 09.03.13 15:34:35
      Beitrag Nr. 3.952 ()
      Don’t you judge others by your own standards. Told you once before. Learn from winners, instead! Interested? ;).
      schrieb am 10.03.13 14:33:48
      Beitrag Nr. 3.953 ()
      Mit deinem Pseudo-coolem englisch kannst du auch nicht über deinem Verlust hinwegtäuschen.
      Bitte antworte wieder auf englisch.......Kind!
      schrieb am 10.03.13 14:52:32
      Beitrag Nr. 3.954 ()
      Hey loser....unter welchen aliases hast du hier früher abgemüllt?.....du wolltest doch nicht etwa behaupten dass du gragor-technisch versucht hast >pumper zu don’t understand English? Oh, sorry, I should have known better! ....da du Englisch nicht richtig verstehst noch mal auf Deutsch....du musst nicht von dir auf andere schließen, Kleiner!
      schrieb am 10.03.13 16:15:04
      Beitrag Nr. 3.955 ()
      Beach Energy Farms Out Exploration Acreage to Chevron
      February 25, 2013

      Beach Energy will transfer up to 60% of its interests in PEL 218 (Beach 100%) and ATP 855 (Beach 60%) to Chevron. It is envisaged that Beach will potentially receive US$349 million over two stages for both permits over several years.

      Beach Energy and Beach group subsidiaries, have signed documents with Chevron Australia Exploration 1 Pty Ltd and Chevron Australia Holdings Pty Ltd to farm-out a portion of their interests in the PEL 218 (South Australia) and ATP 855 (Queensland) joint ventures. Completion of the transaction is conditional upon:

      all relevant government approvals, including FIRB approval;

      approval and registration of the farm-in agreement in relation to PEL 218 by government authorities in South Australia;

      indicative approval of the transfers of interests in ATP 855 to Chevron by government authorities in Queensland; and

      approval and registration of the transfers of the interests by relevant authorities for each stage.

      Icon Energy, Beach's joint venture partner in ATP 855, has consented to and waived its pre-emptive rights in relation to each stage of the transaction. Subject to joint venture approvals, the key work program elements envisaged across the two permits involve an intial exploration program to be followed by pilot production programs.

      If after Stage 1, Chevron elects not to proceed to acquire Stage 2, the interest held by Chevron will be re-assigned to Beach for no consideration. If after Stage 2, Chevron elects not to proceed, Beach may elect to receive a re-assignment of the interests held by Chevron.

      As a result of this farm-out to Chevron, Beach is well positioned for long-term appraisal and development of the Nappamerri Trough gas resources. Post Stage 2, Beach will support Chevron should it nominate for operatorship.

      Beach has led the way in unconventional exploration of the Nappamerri Trough in both South Australia and Queensland. Beach's identification of this shale and basin centred gas opportunity in the Cooper Basin resulted in Beach taking an early landholding position in both PEL 218 and ATP 855, with six vertical wells in PEL 218 and one in ATP 855 drilled to date.

      Beach's Managing Director, Reg Nelson, said: 'This transaction vindicates in many ways the vision that the company has in relation to the potential of unconventional gas in the Cooper Basin. We look forward to working closely with Chevron and Icon Energy in the continued rejuvenation of the Cooper Basin.'

      Icon put option

      A put option has been granted by Beach to Icon, exercisable by Icon up to 30 June 2013, for Beach to acquire 4.9% of ATP 855 from Icon on payment by Beach of US$18 million.…
      schrieb am 10.03.13 17:02:22
      Beitrag Nr. 3.956 ()
      Wenn Beach in ATP855 >60% von seinen 60% im JV mit Icon zusammen abgäbe an Chevron, hätte es noch 24% in ATP855. Chevron 36%. Icon 40%.

      Nun wird mir einer option versucht für USD18 Mio von Icon 4.9% zu ergattern. Icon hat Überlegungszeit bis Ende Juni. Dann hätte Chevron 36%, Icon 35,1% und Beach 28,9% in Queensland ATP855, käme denn der deal mit Chevron dann auch zustande.

      Ganz interessant. Ähnliche Rechnungen kommen wohl demnächst auf uns zu im B Basin..ich meine damit in EP98 Shenandoah and surrounding area und in EP99 im Süden des B Basins..

      Dafür wird es auch Zeit, denn die EPs sind schon in 2012 ausgelaufen..
      schrieb am 10.03.13 18:08:39
      Beitrag Nr. 3.957 ()
      Chevron joins Australian shale gas industry
      February 27, 2013

      By PennEnergy Editorial Staff

      Chevron Corp. agreed to a deal with Beach Energy Ltd. for shale gas exploration in Australia. Chevron, the second-largest energy company in the United States, will pay as much as $349 million for the company's investment, according to Bloomberg.

      The company said they will receive nearly 60 percent of a permit in South Australia and 36 percent of a block in Queensland from Beach Energy. Both areas account for about 810,000 acres in the Cooper Basin, Bloomberg reported. The Australian government estimates the Cooper Basin contains nearly 400 trillion cubic feet of shale gas.

      Chevron is just one of the energy companies showing a growing interest in oil and gas exploration in Australia's shale formations.

      "The resource in the Cooper is being progressively de-risked and we'll over time see a commercial development from this," said John Young, an analyst at an Australian investment group.

      Reuters said Australia's best prospects for commercial shale production are believed to be located in the Cooper Basin.

      For more information on the shale gas market, visit PennEnergy's research area.…
      schrieb am 10.03.13 19:46:43
      Beitrag Nr. 3.958 ()
      Hat ma jemand ne Idee unter welchen aliases der Kleine hier versucht hat sich an einer Erwachsenen-Kommunikation zu beteiligen?
      schrieb am 10.03.13 19:55:27
      Beitrag Nr. 3.959 ()
      Habe kaum Erinnerung an die ganzen Nullnummern die hier in Lauf der Zeit aufgetaucht und abgefertigt wurden: gewogen und zu leicht befunden > kann sich nicht alles merken. ;).
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 10.03.13 20:16:13
      Beitrag Nr. 3.960 ()
      Hey du loser.... unter welchen aliases hast du hier früher abgemüllt?.....vergessen? ...LOL....:cool:.
      schrieb am 11.03.13 16:38:35
      Beitrag Nr. 3.961 ()
      schrieb am 11.03.13 16:56:54
      Beitrag Nr. 3.962 ()
      Also Geduld braucht man hier schon. Ist so wie manchmal beim Schach, wenn eine Partie etwas hängt...bis zum nächsten Filing-Termin warten(so Mitte Mai) erscheint mir zu lange....bis Ostern respektive bis Mitte April denke ich sollten hier news kommen, andernfalls ist die Sache hier für mich zumindest pausiert oder so...wir können hier nicht ewig im Nebel with limited information ist bei mir nicht drin....was meinst du River?...oder übertreibe ich jetzt?

      Der Kurs liegt an sich weiter ganz ruhig, aber das austtehende filing macht sich absolut bemerkbar. Ich meine was soll das? Nach diesen positiven Aussichten mit Falcon Australia und Paltar nicht filen, was soll das? Warum bitte?

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 11.03.13 17:08:24
      Beitrag Nr. 3.963 ()
      Diese Kladde reicht einfach nicht aus LOL…
      schrieb am 11.03.13 21:35:28
      Beitrag Nr. 3.964 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.238.296 von auriga am 11.03.13 16:56:54Ich finde du übertreibst überhaupt nicht.
      Wenn ich ehrlich sein soll, bin ich echt überrachst, dass wir solange ausgehalten haben, ohne wirkliche operativen Fortschritte.
      Natürlich haben sich die Beteiligungen und Chancen sehr gut weiterentwickelt (sehr positiv für mich), aber was da wirklich im Boden ist bzw. zu welchem Preis und wieviel da rausgeholt werden kann (und nur darauf kommt es an), wurde bis dato noch nicht bestätigt.

      Wenn das hier wieder nichts wird, haben wir meiner Meinung nach nicht mehr viel Chancen. Nicht, dass es dann sofort aus wäre, aber dann sehe ich nicht mehr wirkliche Chancen um mit einem halbwegs vernüftigen Anteil aus der Sache rauszukommen, um die doch nicht so niedrigen Schulden wegzubekommen.

      Aber ich bin nach wie vor positiv gestimmt für den weiteren Ausgang!
      schrieb am 12.03.13 04:21:35
      Beitrag Nr. 3.965 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.235.489 von auriga am 10.03.13 19:55:27Ja, die ganzen Nullnummern, die mit ihren Warnungen richtig lagen.Die den Kurs richtig vorher gesagt haben.Ja, was für Nullnummern ;)

      Kleiner kannst du zu deinem Willi sagen ;)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 12.03.13 13:18:45
      Beitrag Nr. 3.966 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.239.931 von Gragor am 12.03.13 04:21:35Nein, kann ich nicht, das mag der Chef nicht, passt auch gar nicht für ihn. Du ziehst auch hier den Kürzeren, Kleiner. Ich sagte doch schon: Don’t you judge others by your own standards. ;).

      Was hast du denn für Kurse vorausgesagt, Kleiner? Du bist ein unbeschriebenes Blatt. Unter welchem Namen hättest du dich denn hier beworben? Klein-Willi am Ende? Degoutant. :D.
      schrieb am 12.03.13 19:11:59
      Beitrag Nr. 3.967 ()
      Mach weiter so..... ;)
      Bitte stell deiner Eimerchen auf und kaufe zu diesen Kursen...... ;)
      schrieb am 12.03.13 19:51:16
      Beitrag Nr. 3.968 ()
      Tja das sind jetzt erst mal 5 Verkäufe ins tiefe bid und dann zwei Käufe ins sacht höhere ask. Noch immer ist das im Rahmen, denn der Anstieg seit Oktober letzten Jahres erfolgte ja zurecht auf gute Vorgaben....diese Vorgaben haben sich nicht geändert...aber es wurde nicht gefiled von PHUN....nichts ist also verständlicher als dass Einige jetzt verkaufen....ich muss ganz deutlich sagen, ich habe kein Verständnis dafür, dass das filing immer noch aussteht...einen so langen Verzug gab es bei PHUN bisher noch nicht...auch erscheint das E für late filer nicht wohl an die OTCBB gebunden und an der OTC MM G nicht mehr nötig, da der gar so spät Filende direkt in die tiefere Liga abrutscht, was bei PUN schon passiert ist.....OTC MM G ist ja an die FINRA angebunden...Fazit: wenn PHUN nicht filed ein normaler Vorgang...:cool:

      Eimerchen??.....Quatsch!....sag mir lieber wie du Kurse vorhersagen willst....woran machst du das fest?...:cool:

      die letzten Kursbewegungen sind einstweilen noch nicht berücksichtigt....kommt bei adfvn nur kostenpflichtig realtime(früher mal)...während die Balkenanzeigen weiter realtime sind bei adfvn.
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 12.03.13 20:01:18
      Beitrag Nr. 3.969 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.243.503 von auriga am 12.03.13 19:51:16Gut, ich weiss auch nicht woher ein Kursanstieg hier kommen soll bei 80 Mio Schulden, wer sieht da durch fürs Bohren ist da auch keine Kohle vorhanden und die Beteiligungen scheinen auch nix zu bringen, typischer OTC Wert am Abgrund ... Oder was kommt da noch?
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 12.03.13 20:15:06
      Beitrag Nr. 3.970 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.243.541 von Charly_2 am 12.03.13 20:01:18Sehe jetzt gerade es sind drei größere Käufe dass sell und buy jetzt nahezu ausgeglichen ist: 257 659 buy und 286 400 sell.

      warum ist das filing verzögert? das kann doch nur verunsichern?....wie River sagte, news kann man an das normale filen anhängen, ein paar Wochen später etwa.

      wo also liegt der Grund? Ideen?
      schrieb am 12.03.13 20:29:29
      Beitrag Nr. 3.971 ()
      Bei den guten Vorgaben für PHUN ist die einzige Turbulenz nicht gefiled zu haben. Das ist alles. Dieses und nichts sonst führt dazu dass der Kurs verunsichert wird. Nichts ist normaler.
      Also: warum wird nicht gefiled bis jetzt?
      Es ist genau das was ich bis jetzt nicht verstehe.
      Inzwischen ein weiterer buy 83.000.
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 12.03.13 20:43:26
      Beitrag Nr. 3.972 ()
      Uhhh....nervös? ;)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 12.03.13 20:54:58
      Beitrag Nr. 3.973 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.243.757 von Gragor am 12.03.13 20:43:26Ich könnte mir gut vorstellen dich respektlos zu behandeln, gragor. Was hieltest du davon wenn ich dich monkeyboy nennte?
      schrieb am 12.03.13 21:22:44
      Beitrag Nr. 3.974 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.243.702 von auriga am 12.03.13 20:29:29Wieso fragst du?

      Der Fall liegt doch klar auf der Hand.

      OTC Wert in Händen der MMs, unreguliert - das sind richtige Wegelagerer die Aktionäre abzocken .. dann kommen noch Insider dazu die wissen was läuft ... nächste Hüpfer folgt bestimmt
      schrieb am 12.03.13 22:12:52
      Beitrag Nr. 3.975 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.243.702 von auriga am 12.03.13 20:29:29musste kurz telefonieren, also:
      buy volume 340 659
      sell volume 286 400
      (i)die fragen stelle ich für uns alle die im Thema sind, also auch für mich selbst: so erinnere ich mich selbst daran, hierauf antworten zu finden: a b c d ist doch ganz einladend, oder?
      (ii)erinnert mich an mc OK
      (iii) noch ist Phun nicht unreguliert Charly. das ist ja gerade der punkt. phun ist latefiler.
      schrieb am 12.03.13 22:32:17
      Beitrag Nr. 3.976 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.243.702 von auriga am 12.03.13 20:29:29Nimm doch zum Beispiel mal einen gragor zur Hand. Dies ist ein sehr typischer schlüpfriger Vertreter. O Ahnung, O,OOO. Seltener Fall gleichwohl. Dieser triste zeitgenosse liefert O Belege. Und sagt der Kurs geht runter. Is das ne Kunst? Die Antwort lautet es ist keine Kunst. Ich mach schon ne ganze Weile Börse. Aber so ein Höchstmaß an Ignoranz wie bei der Flitzpiepe gragor????: Never seen before. Like it!!!! Hochinteressanter casus!!!!!

      Ein solcher nonstarter like gragor hält uns andere aber nicht davon ab inhaltlich weiterzuarbeiten. Genau das werden wir tun. Die assets hier sind Weltklasse geblieben. Was sonst!
      schrieb am 13.03.13 08:10:26
      Beitrag Nr. 3.977 ()
      Aber "rischtisch" nervös ;)
      schrieb am 13.03.13 12:01:07
      Beitrag Nr. 3.978 ()
      Wieviel hat denn Hess im Beetaloo Basin bis jetzt ausgegeben, gragor? Seit >Midsummer 2011? Einstweilen nur um Informationen über das Basin zu sammeln?...;)
      schrieb am 13.03.13 13:08:38
      Beitrag Nr. 3.979 ()
      Schau auf den Kurs, wenn du nach Fakten suchst ;)
      schrieb am 13.03.13 13:20:52
      Beitrag Nr. 3.980 ()
      Wer suchte hier nach Fakten außer dir, gragor?......:cool:

      Die Antwort lautet folgendermaßen:

      > moving fast to complete the survey before the rains come in November, and has recruited a second crew to push it along. By the end of this process, it will have spent about $80m in effect to acquire nothing but information. A few days ago, an update explained that subject to certain qualifications, Falcon would also be fully carried for the first $10m costs on the first development well. >Nice work if you can get it.
      schrieb am 13.03.13 15:04:37
      Beitrag Nr. 3.981 ()
      bla bla bla

      0,0111$ -14,62% :D

      Wahnsinn, das sowas noch gehandelt wird...... :laugh:
      schrieb am 13.03.13 15:06:43
      Beitrag Nr. 3.982 ()
      Der Kurs geht mir am Arsch vorbei, gragor....lass den Kurs sich austoben, wen stört das schon?......wir kennen die Faktenlage, so operativ, und das genügt...warum genügt das?....die Fakten sind positiv, all the way......and that is the point!!!!.....;) ;) ;) ;) :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: .
      schrieb am 13.03.13 16:17:56
      Beitrag Nr. 3.983 ()
      Nee, iss klar ;)
      schrieb am 13.03.13 16:24:34
      Beitrag Nr. 3.984 ()
      And now look at this, gragor

      On August 28, 2012, PetroHunter Energy Corporation and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Sweetpea Petroleum Pty Ltd (collectively, the “Company”), received confirmation that Exploration Permits 136 and 143 (EPs 136 and 143) had been granted by and formally lodged with the Northern Territory of Australia. EPs 136 and 143 cover approximately 1.5 million acres in the Beetaloo Basin.

      ;) :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
      schrieb am 13.03.13 17:08:52
      Beitrag Nr. 3.985 ()
      Das ist ja ein WEtterchen hier in B, wenn man aus dem Fenster schaut, blauer Himmel, Sonne und alles weiß Mä! :cool:
      schrieb am 13.03.13 17:43:14
      Beitrag Nr. 3.986 ()
      Du kannst so lang du willst auf "this" looken....der kurs looked garnicht gut aus ;)
      schrieb am 13.03.13 18:01:07
      Beitrag Nr. 3.987 ()
      Hey gragor, take this! ! ! ! ! !

      The Company has entered into a joint venture and operating agreement with Paltar Petroleum Limited (“Paltar”), pursuant to which Paltar agreed to provide all of the necessary funding for the permits and the initial work program expenses required under EPs136 and 143 in exchange for a 50% ownership interest in the EPs. Paltar is controlled by Marc Bruner, a significant shareholder of the Company.

      ;) ;) :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
      schrieb am 14.03.13 14:38:48
      Beitrag Nr. 3.988 ()
      Falcon Oil applies to AIM, ESM, arranges financing

      2013-03-14 06:34 ET - News Release

      Mr. John Craven reports


      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. has applied for admission to trading on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange (under ticker symbol FOG) and the Enterprise Securities Market of the Irish Stock Exchange (under ticker symbol FAC) of the company's existing share capital and the additional 120,381,973 new common shares in the capital of the company to be issued pursuant to the concurrent conditional brokered private placement of new common shares at a price of 14 pence (21.5 cents) per share to raise gross proceeds of $25-million (U.S.) (16.9 million pounds). It is expected that dealings will commence on AIM and ESM on March 28, 2013.

      The following directors and significant shareholders, as defined in the AIM and ESM Rules, have participated in the Placing

      % of
      Existing        Placing      Enlarged     Share
      Shareholding Participation Shareholding Capital

      John Craven 500,000 2,357,143 2,857,143 0.35%
      Philip O'Quigley 1,000,000 513,696 1,513,696 0.19%
      Gregory Smith 420,000 50,000 470,000 0.06%
      David Harris - 150,000 150,000 0.02%

      Soliter Holdings Corp 85,572,277 27,237,857 112,810,134 13.80%
      Persistency 49,269,484 10,035,000 59,304,484 7.26%

      The Board of Falcon believes that a listing on AIM and ESM will give the Company access to additional sources of finance not currently available to it, providing the Company with further opportunities to fund growth in the future, including work in Australia and South Africa, potential strategic acquisitions. In addition a listing on AIM and ESM is also closer to the new corporate headquarters in Dublin, Ireland and is intended to establish a broad institutional shareholder base in London and increase liquidity of the stock.

      The Board intends to use the proceeds of the Placing to repay the Company's outstanding debentures, to finance the Group's work commitments in Australia and South Africa, to enable the Company to make strategic acquisitions and for general corporate purposes.

      Davy is acting as Falcon's nominated adviser, ESM adviser and joint broker in connection with the Placing and the Admission, and GMP Securities Europe LLP ("GMP") is acting as joint broker in connection with the Placing. Pursuant to a placing agreement, the Company has agreed to pay each of GMP and Davy one per cent on the aggregate value of Common Shares placed with certain existing shareholders prior to the Admission who are also Placees in the Placing, and five per cent on the aggregate value of the Common Shares placed pursuant to the Placing by each of Davy and GMP with Placees other than such existing shareholders. Such amounts will be withheld by Davy and GMP from the proceeds of the Placing with the balance to be paid to the Company by Davy and GMP, as applicable, on the closing of the Placing, which is currently expected to occur within three business days of Admission.

      The Placing is conditional on approval from the TSXV. The new common shares whilst freely tradable on the AIM and ESM market immediately after Admission cannot trade over the TSXV for a period of 4 months and one day.

      Key Highlights:

      Falcon has an internationally diverse portfolio

      -- The Group has existing interests covering approximately 14.75 million acres. -- Australia - four exploration permits covering approximately 7 million acres in the Beetaloo Basin. -- South Africa - Technical Cooperation Permit covering approximately 7.5 million acres onshore Karoo Basin -- Hungary - Mako Production Licence adjacent to Algyo field. -- The Board currently believes that these are some of the most prospective unconventional oil and gas basins in the world. Balanced portfolio with significant upside potential

      -- Estimated gross unrisked recoverable prospective resources (play level) of 162 Tcf of gas and 21,345 Mmbo of oil (P50) in the Group's Beetaloo Exploration Permits in Australia. -- Gross un-risked recoverable prospective gas resources of 568 Bcf (P50) (the Algyo Play). -- Gross recoverable contingent resources of 35.3 Tcf of gas and 76.7 Mmbo of oil (P50) (the Deep Mako Trough) in the Mako Production Licence in Hungary. Falcon has established partners in place in each country

      -- Partnered with significant, well-established multinational energy companies. -- Hess and Naftna Industrija Srbije Jsc ("NIS") carrying the Company through the initial respective work programmes and providing technical skills and financial resources in Australia and Hungary. -- Joint Cooperation Agreement with Chevron in South Africa, Operating in countries that support the exploitation of unconventional oil and gas

      -- Regions characterised by high regional demand for energy -- Jurisdictions with governments that the Board believes are favourable towards unconventional oil and gas exploration. Falcon has an experienced board and management team

      -- Individuals with established track records in acquiring and developing oil and gas assets. -- Non-Executive Chairman John Craven, Petroleum Geologist with 35 years of E&P experience. Current CEO of Discover Exploration, formerly Cove Energy, Petroceltic and Dana Petroleum. -- Chief Executive Officer Philip O'Quigley with 20 years E&P experience. Previously Finance Director of Providence Resources. Philip O'Quigley, CEO of Falcon commented:

      "I am delighted to announce our application for admission to trading on AIM and the ESM and the placing of US$25 million; we feel that this is the right time to bring the Company to AIM and ESM in order to further support the next stage of Falcon's development.

      "With our established portfolio in Australia, South Africa and Hungary, we are differentiated from our peers in the unconventional sector and we believe that the Admission will be an important step in the Group's continued growth, allowing the Company access to additional sources of finance, as we and our partners strive to realise the value proposition from the large resource potential contained within our asset portfolio."

      We seek Safe Harbor.…
      schrieb am 14.03.13 15:05:14
      Beitrag Nr. 3.989 ()
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 14.03.13 22:27:58
      Beitrag Nr. 3.990 ()
      Hallo Gragor,
      es scheint, dass du von phun und dem was da eigentlich dahinter steckt vermutlich keinerlei Ahnung hast. Das an sich ist ja nicht weiter schlimm, denn zu unserem Glück gibt es Leute die es auriga ist, der in der genau von dem Thema phun und Fo wirklich viel versteht.
      Auch wenn es für einen Quereinsteiger, nicht leicht zu fassen ist warum ein phun Kurs jetzt gerade mal wieder absackt. Meist ist es der Fall das es manchen investierten an der nötigen Fantasie mangelt oder aber weil sie einfach nicht lange genug diese Materie verfolgt haben um ihr überhaupt folgen zu können.
      Phun verfolge ich seit vielen Jahren und bin sein sehr langer Zeit investiert. Es ist nicht jedoch in den vielen Jahren des Investments der Zeitpunkt selten günstiger gewesen ein richtig gutes Geschäft zu machen und richtig viel Geld zu verdienen.
      Aber auch trotz der gigantischen chanchen gibt ist auch jetzt genau so goroße Risiken.
      Meine Empfehlung ist: frage wenn Du etwas nicht verstehst, dann erhälst Du sicher eine Antwort aber schreibe nicht so einen Unsinn.
      Die Beiträge die du hier erhälst haben Substanz und Niveau aber sie sind nicht immer leicht - denn die Komplexität der Verflächtungen und das Thema sind nicht ganz einfach.
      Danke an auriga und ich hoffe auriga lässt sich nicht durch solche Beiträge in seiner Recherche abschrecken.
      schrieb am 15.03.13 08:02:04
      Beitrag Nr. 3.991 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.252.339 von auriga am 14.03.13 15:05:14Na hoffentlich hat soly recht:

      Hess spent $55 million on seismic in the Beetaloo, $15 million more than the original agreement called for. I think there is a good reason for this extra expenditure; Hess liked what they saw and wanted to see more.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 15.03.13 15:49:22
      Beitrag Nr. 3.992 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.255.336 von riverstone am 15.03.13 08:02:04John Hess, Chairman and CEO of Hess, said, “Our Board and management team have been pursuing a multi-year strategy to transform Hess into a focused E&P company. The initiatives announced today represent the culmination of this process. By 2014, Hess will be a pure play E&P company with a tremendous portfolio comprised of higher growth, lower risk assets. We believe we will have the financial flexibility to pursue this growth at the same time that we increase current returns to shareholders and generate significant future value.”…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">……
      schrieb am 15.03.13 22:26:27
      Beitrag Nr. 3.993 ()
      Hi Shore...Gragor trifft etwas den aktuellen wunden Punkt, das ausstehende filing...wir wissen letzendlich nicht genau, wie wir das interpretieren sollen...aber es muss gesagt werden!...auch wenn Gragor davon natürlich nichts wusste.....das ist aber auch alles? wurde nicht gefiled bis jetzt!....why???? das was Positives (dass man abwartet um gleich eine neue gute Entwicklung mit einzubeziehen) oder ist das was Negatives(was aber bald ausgeräumt werden kann mit einer neuen Entwicklung, also das Bild aktuell verfälscht?) oder hat Oring den Skiurlaub verlängert????....who knows???......ansonsten alles klar....genau wie du es beschrieben hast, es sah lange lange lange nicht mehr so gut aus wie jetzt.....ein Wermutstropfen drin!.....looking forward to good news, maybe in April..;)...being at the cote d’azur once again?...regards...A.:cool:.
      schrieb am 15.03.13 23:16:50
      Beitrag Nr. 3.994 ()
      Gragors »Plus « ist, er ist von keinerlei Fachwissen »belastet«. Das macht ihn frei für bunte Kursspekulationen, so nach dem Motto, >und im Himmel ist Jahrmarkt..;)...hey River!..... »bla bla bla«...sagt Gragor zum bisher besten Beitrag des Jahres aus London über Falcon und Falcon Australia(Sweetpea).... gehts noch?....Schönes Wochendende und Cheers, A....:eek:
      schrieb am 16.03.13 11:16:14
      Beitrag Nr. 3.995 ()
      Man kommt mir das bekannt vor.....wie vor einigen Jahren.
      Egal, hauptsache ich hatte damals recht.Mal sehen wer dieses mal recht behält ;)
      schrieb am 16.03.13 11:31:02
      Beitrag Nr. 3.996 ()
      Hast du den Ausgang der Bohrungen im Piceance Basin vorausgesehen, seinerzeit? Dann warst du wohl derEinzige. – Es handelt sich im Übrigen bei dir leider um ein Phantom, denn unter deinem jetzigen Namen sind Petrohunter posts nur weniger in Erinnerung....:cool:
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 16.03.13 13:38:57
      Beitrag Nr. 3.997 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.260.663 von auriga am 16.03.13 11:31:02...don't feed the trolls ... dann verschwindet er von selbst ;)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 16.03.13 13:42:32
      Beitrag Nr. 3.998 ()
      schrieb am 17.03.13 11:58:56
      Beitrag Nr. 3.999 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.260.921 von Charly_2 am 16.03.13 13:38:57Ja, das schrieb man damals auch über die "Basher" ;)
      Komisch nur, das die "Basher" recht hatten... ;)

      Klar verschwinde ich ab und zu.....normal, war ich ja auch ne Zeitlang.
      Wenn der Kurs mal noch tiefer steht und sich alle Meldungen wieder als Luftblasen erweisen, dann komme ich wieder und alles beginnt von vorn ;)
      schrieb am 17.03.13 14:58:36
      Beitrag Nr. 4.000 ()
      Ausstehende Fillings haben wir ja schon häufiger gehabt, früher bin ich da immer sehr nervös geworden und dachte o Gott was ist denn nun schon wieder los und dann kamen Sie doch alle.
      Aber es ist schon richtig - wenn die Fehlen muß soetwas auf den Tisch und darauf hingewiesen werden
      Wenn ich damals gewußt hätte wie lange es dauert, bis die im Betaloo Basin mit den Borungen beginnen und wieviel Nerven es bis jetzt kosten würde, dann wäre ich und viele andere sicher nicht eingestiegen noch hätte ich immer weiter dazugekauft.
      Aber irgendwann ist es halt zu spät soetwas zu erkennen und es gibt kein Zurück mehr und nur noch eines und das ist abwarten. Aus der Sicht sind auch alle Vorsichtsermahnungen immer berechtigt.
      Aber derzeit tut sich halt derart viel dass die Chancen sehr stark gestiegen sind
      Ich wünsche uns allen den frühen und den Späteinsteigern dass wir hier möglichs bald good news höhren werden.

      Yes hopfully when I am back at the Cote- it is alway a looking forward to the summer. Next week we will go sailing for two weeks and be sure I am following all news.
      a biento :cool:
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      Petrohunter nach dem Turnaround! Restart eines Tenbaggers?